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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1201 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Pauline Diane Brockman - 31 Jan 1991 Kempf, Louis John Jr (I452)
1202 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Pauline Diane Brockman - 31 Jan 1991 Brueckner, Victor August (I3273)
1203 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Brueckner, Lola Mae (I216)
1204 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Gerke, Deborah Ann (I17238)
1205 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Robert Lee Allen - 30 May 1989 Martin, Agnes Marie Duvall (I21807)
1206 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Robert Lee Allen - 30 May 1989 Webb, Margaret Elizabeth (I9171)
1207 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Robert Lee Allen - 30 May 1989 Allen, Thomas Franklin (I1973)
1208 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Roy Born Gerhardt - 03 Dec 1990 Bryan, Myrtle Virginia (I12581)
1209 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Gerhardt, Bonnie Jane (I2362)
1210 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Roy Born Gerhardt - 03 Dec 1990 Gerhardt, Charles Joseph (I2653)
1211 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Roy Born Gerhardt - 03 Dec 1990 Gerhardt, Dr Donald C (I9558)
1212 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Roy Born Gerhardt - 03 Dec 1990 Gerhardt, Harold Frederic (I19790)
1213 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Roy Born Gerhardt - 03 Dec 1990 Gerhardt, Roy Born (I5373)
1214 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Roy Lee Hayes, Sr. - 23 Jun 1989 Price, Anna Margaret (I3860)
1215 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Roy Thoma Bradfield - 28 Jul 1995 Roberts, Sylvia (I5638)
1216 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Ruby L. Gander - 08 Jan 1997 Gander, John Franklin (I17150)
1217 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Virgil V. Hill
Newspapers: Boonville Daily News: Obituary, Obituary of Virgil V. Hill. 
Trimble, Beulah Lee (I13272)
1218 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Walter Gerhardt Thomas, Haywood (I22994)
1219 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Walter Gerhardt Gerhardt, Wanda (I18922)
1220 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Walter Gerhardt Hagemeier, Thelma Beatrice "Becky" (I4506)
1221 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Walter Gerhardt Gerhardt, Wayne (I11718)
1222 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Walter Gerhardt Haley, N.N. (I7612)
1223 Boonville Daily News: Obituary of William J. Bader - 06 Feb 1997
Boonville Daily News: Obituary of Mary Catherine Bader - 08 Dec 1989 
Scheidt, Mary Catherine (I4173)
1224 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Bader, Robert Eugene Sr (I10389)
1225 Boonville Daily News: Wedding Anniversary of Charles Christian Cook - 18 Dec 1992 Gaulter, N.N. (I5553)
1226 Boonville Daily News: Wedding Anniversary of Charles Christian Cook - 18 Dec 1992 Cook, Charles Wayne (I4299)
1227 Boonville Daily News: Wedding Anniversary of Charles Christian Cook - 18 Dec 1992 Cook, Beverly Joyce (I11505)
1228 Boonville Weekly Advertiser

Mrs. Henry Stretz died on Feb. 23, 1898 at her home in East Boonville, buried in the Catholic cemetery. She left eight children, youngest few weeks old, eldest 11 years.

(Mittie Armilda Edwards Stretz, b 1864 MO, d/o Joseph Arthur Edwards & Abbie Evaline Potts.) 
Edwards, Matilida Armilda (I15509)
1229 Boonville Weekly Advertiser, 11 November 1881

George Stillwell Shot Accidentally by Joe Back and Dies From the Wounds the day Following. The Accident the Result of the Careless Handling of Fire Arms.

Last Saturday a painful accident occurred to Mr. George Stillwell of this place which resulted in his death the day following. Mr. Stillwell will probably be better known to many as the proprietor of the Southern Hotel, opposite the Mo. P. Depot at this place. The facts are briefly as follows: On Saturday morning, before day, George Stillwell and Joe Back, his brother-in-law, went down to the mouth of the Bonne Femme River hunting ducks. At the Bonne Femme they were slipping up on some ducks, Stillwell being at the oars and Back with his loaded gun was sitting right behind him. The careless part of the affair is in the fact that Back was carrying his gun with both locks cocked. While carrying his gun in this dangerous condition the cap dropped off of one tube; he stopped and got the cap and replaced it, and the supposing he was pulling the trigger of the hammer he held with his thumb, pulled the other, discharging the contents, a load of duck shot, in the left shoulder of his brother-in-law, Stillwell, just in the deltoid muscle, tearing away the point of the shoulder and lodging the load in the upper part of the left breast and lung. This happened about four miles below this city and on the Howard county side. Back then left Stillwell and went for Mr. Long, on Charley Canoles place, in Howard, and Mr. Long and himself brought him to town in a wagon. As soon as they reached town medical aid was procured and amputation decided upon, but Drs. Holman, Cooper, Howard and Hurt on visiting him for that purpose, discovered that reaction had not taken place and found it unnecessary. He lingered through Saturday and Saturday night and died Sunday morning at 5 o'clock. No Coroners inquest was held, the victim repeating time and again that it was an accident and his brother-in-law was not to blame for it, and the family and friends were also perfectly satisfied of the truth of it. Joe Back, of course, is very distressed and has been sadly taught the lesson of being careful with fire arms and we hope the other hunters who read this sad result of carrying a gun with both locks cocked, will take warning and profit by his experience. Mr. Stillwell was buried Monday afternoon.

Bill Scroggin
Reply to: 
Stillwell, George Burney (I22580)
1230 Boonville Weekly Advertiser, 5 July 1957

Mrs. Woolery, 80, Dies Saturday

Bunceton-- Mrs. Lilly Doyle Woolery, 80, formerly of Bunceton, died Saturday at the General hospital in Kansas City after having been in ill health for sometime.

Mrs. Woolery made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Schmidt, Kansas City, after leaving Bunceton several years ago.

She is survivied by two daughters Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. F. A. Case, Independence, Mo., one son, Thomas Woolery, Kansas City, one sister, Mrs. Lou Barton, Vandalia, Mo., eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Funeral services will be conducted at 1:30 pm Tuesday at the Bunceton Baptist church, of which Mrs. Woolery was a member. The Rev. M. A. Salser, Bunceton, will officiate.

Burial will be at the Bunceton Masonic cemetery. Pallbearers will be Snode Morris, Clyde Nelson, Ed Langkop, Truman Nelson, Will Shirley, and Riley Edwards. 
Doyle, Lilly Mae (I3487)
1231 Boonville Weekly Advertiser, Friday September 23, 1887

Died Monday, the infant daughter, Edna, of Mr. and Mr. Frank Stretz, 19 Sep 1887. 
Stretz, Edna (I15923)
Jan. 10, 1696.
A dispatch from Rocheport to Wednesday's Republic says:
Just across the river in Cooper county the people are very much wrought up over the sensational finale of a love affair. The central figures are John Brokmeyer, son of a prominent business man of Boonville, and Miss Kate Franken.. heir to farm lands and real estate in Cooper county. The young couple were to have been married this week, and the girl's guardian and uncle, Andy Smith, hearing of it,, looked her up in a room and took her clothes away, He drove young Brookmeyer from the premises at the point of a gun, when he called to demand the girl, who is considerably over age.
After this, Smith called in Dr. Hurt, to confirm his allegations of the girl's insanity, but the doctor failed to coincide in this view, and, instead conveyed a message from the girl to her lover to rescue her by any means, Inspired by this, young Brokemeyer again went to the house, and the girl hung out of the window and threatened to leap to the ground scantily clad. Wise heads in the crowd that had gathered prevailed, and Brokmeyer went off and applied for a writ of habeas corpus. In the meantime, the girl was spirited away, taken to St Louis, and placed in a convent, where she is now. Brokmeyer is determined to have the girl at all hazards, and will no effort untried to secure to 'himself the presence of his loved one."
With the exception of two or three statements, the above version of the affair is substantially correct. A writ of habeas corpus was not issued, and, although the girl has been spirited away to St Louis, it is not positively known that she is in a convent there.

Jan. 17, 1896.
To the Editor of the Advertiser.
Boonville, Mo. Jan 15,, 1896.
As you published in your issue of January 10th as article from the St Louis Republic, we ask you to allow us space for the following corrections:
First--Mr. Smith is not now and never has been Miss Franken's guardian. See records at courthouse,
Second--Miss Franken was not looked up or restrained. Judge Parsons and others can testify to this. Mr. Brokmeyer was not driven away at the point of a gun. We objected to Mr. Brokmeyer seeing Miss Franken, after we were convinced that he mind was affected and not until then.
Third--Mr. Smith did send for Miss Franken. Mr. Brokmeyer brought her to Mr. Smith's house, and was the first to discover that there was something wrong, mentally, with Miss Franken, and advised that Miss Franken be sent off for treatment. Dr. Hurt was sent for, and the fact that Dr. Hurt brought Prof. Ross and Mr. Joe Kinney to mesmerize Miss Franken and remove her delusions, prove that the Doctor was also of the opinion that there was something wrong with Miss Franken's mind.
Fourth--Miss Franken was not taken to St Louis, on Saturday, against her will; but, on the contrary, she was not taken until Sunday morning, and then at her request. She is not at a convent; she is in St Vincent's Institute, under the care of specialists.
Fifth--We did what we did because we considered her not responsible for her actions. All reports not in accord with the facts as here stated are false. We are sorry that we, at this time, are compelled to make a statement of the facts. We would much rather, for the sake of Miss Franken, have remained silent; but, in justice to all, we thought it best to state the facts.


Boonville Weekly Advertiser
Tuesday May 2, 1922

To Help in Search for Miss Kate Franken Who
Disappeared Saturday Morning.

Miss Kate Franken who has lived In Boonville all her life and who is well known here disappeared from the home of Anthony Smith where she resided. She had been in ill health for some time and left the home Saturday morning to go downtown, where she was to have her eyes treated, and when she did not return for dinner, Mrs. Smith called many of her friends to see if she was there. On finding that she was not at any of these places a general search began. Many reports of where she was last seen, was that she had been around the Catholic cemetery and the country for miles a around were searched but no trace of her has been found.
The bloodhounds were 'brought from Moberly today and were taken to the home of A. Smith where they were unable to get any track of her and were taken to the cemetery where she was last seen and is now working around that part of the city. The dogs have made several trips from the cemetery to the bank of the river which it is feared that she may have drowned herself.
Miss Franken was slender built, had brown eyes, dark hair and was 50 years old. When last seen she was wearing a tan suit, black turban hat and tan oxfords.

May 9, 1922.

Funeral of Lady Missing Week Was held Monday
Afternoon and Buried Catholic Cemetery.

The body of Miss Kate Franken, who disappeared from her home in Boonville over a week ago, was found in the shallow water of the Missouri river about three miles of this city about three o'clock Sunday afternoon by Godfrey Vivian and a negro named Miller. The two men were walking toward Boonville when they noticed an object about one hundred yards out and after considerable effort on the part of the men and others who gathered at the river bank the body was recovered and brought to Boonville by the undertaker late Sunday evening.
The body was viewed by Justice W. B. Gibson Monday morning who made out a certificate vouching for the identity of the body and the cause of death. Owing to the absence of the county coroner no inquest was held.
Miss Franken, who had lived in Boonville practically all of her life, left the Anthony Smith residence on Spring street where she made her home, about 6 o'clock Saturday morning, April 29th. She had been in ill health for some time and, it was said, left with the intention of having her eyes examined.
The funeral services were held at 1:30 o'clock Monday
afternoon in the chapel of the Schwitzky undertaking parlors conducted by the Rev. FG Jennings, and burial was in the
Catholic cemetery,,
Joe., John, Herman and Frank Felten, Urban Smith and Leo Meistrell, six cousins of the deceased, were the pallbearers.
Miss Franken, who was about 50 years of age, is survived by one brother, Robert Franken, of east of Boonville and an aunt, Mrs. Anthony Smith, with whom she made her home, 
Franken, Helen Catherine (I22374)
1233 Boonville, Death Notice of Kate Franken (May 9,1922). Franken, Edmund Nickolas (I17905)
1234 Born 13 Oct 1850, the illegitimate daughter of Elisabeth Walther, [the third daughter of the late Viet Walther]. She was the third child and first daughter of Elisabeth. The family immigrated to America. Bauer, Margaretha Pauline (I8822)
1235 Born 1359 in Feldkirch and died in Feldkirch, Voralberg, Austria
Information on the Family Surname:
Compiled and Translated by Wilbur Hanson Kalb

Feldkirch was once a part of Rhaetia, probably with the Latin name of Clunia. And you might have read that Rhaetia, afterwards the Grisons ( Graubünden in German ), is thought to be originally a colony of the Etrurians, Pope St. Linus’s people, because the Etrurian and Romansch languages look and sound alike but, when the Roman centurions arrived, the Etrurians had already been so thoroughly absorbed by the local Celtic tribes that the Romans couldn’t tell them apart.

Pedigree Graph, Etrurian Origin of the Family Maurus, many of whom in this Chronology appear.
Year of the Christ 73
The success of Christianity has been so happily advanced in some parts of Germany that several have come aboard as magistrates of the Christians, and this year, out of Rhaetia, Aruns Maurus, a relative of Pope St. Linus [ who succeeded St. Peter as the second Bishop of Rome ] became so prominent [ that he ] was appointed by the Roman authorities to govern this area with the title of Sub-Procurator of Rhaetia. [ St. Linus died three years later. His article in the English Wikipedia does not mention Aruns Maurus 
Mörlin, Hugo (I22079)
1236 Born 1402 in Feldkirch and died in Feldkirch, Voralberg, Austria

Miscellaneous: Jodocus Morlin and seine Nachkommen (Karina Kulbach-Fricke), Birth place and year. 
Mörlin, Johann (I14865)
1237 Born 1446 in Feldkirch, Voralberg, Austria and died in 1518. Hugo is mentioned in he 1479 writings in the Turmknopf of the church of St Nikolaus in Feldkirch, Voralberg, Austria. Herr von Feldkirch "bey Alga in Schwaben, aus dem uralten Geschlecht derer Mörlinen von Adlichen Eltern beyder Linien gezeuget".
Married around 1475/90 to Lucia Ellenbog. Lucia was born around 1459 and died on 15 Jul 1513 in Feldkirch.

Miscellaneous: Jodocus Morlin and seine Nachkommen (Karina Kulbach-Fricke), Birth place and year. 
Mörlin, Hugo (I7670)
1238 Born 1446 in Feldkirch, Voralberg, Austria and died in 1518. Hugo is mentioned in he 1479 writings in the Turmknopf of the church of St Nikolaus in Feldkirch, Voralberg, Austria. Herr von Feldkirch "bey Alga in Schwaben, aus dem uralten Geschlecht derer Mörlinen von Adlichen Eltern beyder Linien gezeuget".
Married around 1475/90 to Lucia Ellenbog. Lucia was born around 1459 and died on 15 Jul 1513 in Feldkirch. 
Ebenko, Lucia (I20918)
1239 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Thoma, Haley Camille (I1835)
1240 Born at Naval Station Marianas Hospital, Agana, Guam Family: / (F3551)
1241 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Unger, Abigail Elaine (I17900)
1242 Born in about 1479 in Cranbrook Kent
Died between 1528 & 1538 in Northiam Place Northiam Sussex

It is not know for certain if Lady Margaret is buried in St. Mary's "however as her husband Sir Nicholas is buried in the church is would seem very likely that she is buried in in the church"

Nicholas & Margaret Tufton were the great great grandparents of John Tufton 2nd Earl of Thannet, he married Lady Margaret Sackville who's ancestors were the earls of Dorset & the Tudor & Plantagenet line of the throne of England this line is through John Tufton Aug 1519 – 16 Oct 1567 whom I have marked in blue, see end of family tree for an extensive genealogy which shows our connection to the Sackville's & the Noble & Royal genealogy of Margate Sackville wife of our common ancestor John Tufton 2nd Earl of Thanet.

Also Nicholas & Margaret's Great Grandson Nicholas Tufton 1557 – 30th June 1632 married Francis Cecil who was the Daughter of Sir Thomas Cecil Earl of Exeter & the Granddaughter of William Cecil Lord Burghley Treasurer of England to Queen Elizabeth Tudor 1st.

Margaret the daughter & heir of John Hever of Cranbrook Kent, John Hever was a descendant of the Hever's of Kent & the founders of Hever castle which later became the home of Sir Thomas Bullen the father of Ann Boleyn wife of Henry the 8th. The Hever's line of descent before John Hever is unknown but an early ancestor from who John Hever would have descended is Walter de HEVER, first owner of Hever Castle, whose 1211 contemporary Hughe de HEVER bore arms "Gerv., A playn Crosse Arg., a Labell of 5 Azur." William de HEVER, Sheriff in the reign of Edward I, became owner of Hever Castle in 1270, the year the Gatehouse was constructed. Ownership then passed to Thomas de HEVER in 1300, William de HEVER in 1340, and in 1360 to Joan de HEVER, who married Sir Reginald de COBHAM. Passing through eight more proprietors, in 1505 Hever Castle became the home of Sir Thomas BULLEN, and of daughter Anne BOLEYN - the second wife of Henry VIII. Upon the death of Sir Thomas BULLEN, Hever Castle reverted to the Crown, and Henry granted ownership to his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves, as part of the divorce settlement in 1540. Magnificantly restored by William Waldorf ASTOR, 1st Viscount Astor of Hever, a double moat, gardens and a Tudor Village surround 
Hever, Lady Margaret (I32008)
1243 Born in Breckenridge she married Claude Truett Hasley Nov.10, 1940.Worked for Fifth Army Corp of Engineers Received the 2nd highest award for civilians Dept. of Army.Active in 1st Baptist Church of Granbury And North Side Baptist Church Weatherford.Children Sandra Jo Tanner, Michael Truett Hasley. 9 grand children. Thoma, Virginia (I14186)
1244 Born in Iowa, Otto lived first in Oregon and then came to Seattle in 1888 with his parents Henry and Minnie (Martins) Rosburg. He was an electrician and a foreman for the Puget Sound Traction, Light & Power Company. He retired in 1941. He was a member of Woodmen of the World. Predeceased by his wife of 59 years Myra Blanche Rosburg in 1960 and son Russell O. Rosberg in 1941. Survived by three daughters, Mrs. Charles Shukis and Mrs. Charles Shultz, both of Seattle and Mrs. Morton Ryel, Porland; eight grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren.
Sources: Seattle Times Jan 13, 1964, Washington Marriage/Death Records, Federal Census Records 
Rosburg, Otto George (I19905)
1245 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Gruender, Ana Christina Mary (I4118)
1246 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. THOMA, George Edward (I5806)
1247 Born in the general area Leutheuser, Margaretha (I31531)
1248 Born in the general area Marr, Valetin (I31530)
1249 Born in the Purple Emperor Constantine VII (I34426)
1250 Born on a farm 1 1/2 mile north of Luzerne. He was married to Ella in the William Rosburg home in Luzerne. Buried in the Lutheran Cemetery. Info per JF Thoma. Studt, George Friedrich Jacob (I24254)

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