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- (n.d.). SAXONY DUKES. [online] Available at:
Please read re Liudolf:
The basis of this conjecture is the record mentioned above in which a Liudolf is called a brother of a Cobbo ["Tradidit Bardo comes pro remedio anime Liudulfi familias XVIII in pago Bardengo. ... quidquid ipse Ludolfus habuit in pago Bardengo, ... exceptis seorsum denominatis familiis, quas ipse suo germano Cobboni atque suo propinquo Fresgario ad redimendum reliquerat. Omnia Bardo comes tradidit ... hac ei potestate contradita ab uxore Ludolfi atque a suis propinquis. ... ut predicti Ludolfi uxor ea possedeat usque ad obitum suum, ..." Trad. Corb., 76, B §350 (A §126)]. Some have identified this Liudolf with Liudolf of Saxony, and the brother Cobbo with either the son or grandson of Egbert, resulting in Liudolf being placed as a son or grandson of Egbert. The two variations are discussed in more detail on the page of Liudolf. The principle objection to the identification of this Liudolf (who was deceased at the time of the entry) as Liudolf of Saxony is that the date of the entry has been estimated in the 840's, whereas Liudolf of Saxony died in 866. Thus, it is probable that the Liudolf of the Corvey tradition was a different man from duke Liudolf of Saxony. (n.d.). Egbert, Saxon count. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Jun. 2021].
Liudolf's ancestry cannot be determined with certainty. In the biography of the first abbess Hathumod from Gandersheim, a daughter of Liudolf, written around 877, the monk Agius claims that Liudolf comes from the most respected family in Saxony. In her poem Primordia, written in the middle of the 10th century, Hrotsvit von Gandersheim also reports that Liudolf came from “extremely noble” parents, whose names she could not or did not want to mention.
In the biography of the Franconian noblewoman Ida von Herzfeld from around 980, the vita s. Idae of the Werden monk Uffing, Uffing alleges that Liudolf and his son Otto the illustrious did not take care of Ida's grave without saying that they did so would only have been obliged as descendants. [5] In addition, Liudolf buried his son, who died in childhood, there. This burial place was on the Herzfeld farm, which first belonged to Ida's husband Ekbert, then Liudolf and finally Otto the illustrious, until he exchanged it for properties in Beek near Duisburg. Albert K. Hömberg therefore came to the conclusion that Liudolf was the grandson of Ida and Ekbert. [6] In fact, Ida's son Cobbo, like Liudolf a close confidante of Ludwig the German, had a son named Liudolf from his marriage to Eila
Liudolfs Abstammung ist nicht sicher zu bestimmen.[1] In der um 877 verfassten Lebensbeschreibung der ersten Gandersheimer Äbtissin Hathumod, einer Tochter Liudolfs, behauptet der Mönch Agius, Liudolf entstamme dem angesehensten Geschlecht in Sachsen.[2] Auch Hrotsvit von Gandersheim berichtet in ihrem Mitte des 10. Jahrhunderts entstandenen Gedicht Primordia,[3] Liudolf stamme von „überaus adligen“ Eltern ab, deren Namen sie jedoch nicht erwähnen konnte oder wollte.[4]
In der um 980 entstandenen Lebensbeschreibung der fränkischen Adligen Ida von Herzfeld, der Vita s. Idae des Werdener Mönches Uffing, erhebt dieser den Vorwurf, Liudolf und sein Sohn Otto der Erlauchte hätten sich nicht um das Grab Idas gekümmert, ohne auszusprechen, dass sie dazu nur als Abkömmlinge verpflichtet gewesen wären.[5] Zudem habe Liudolf seinen im Kindesalter verstorbenen Sohn dort beigesetzt. Diese Grablege befand sich auf dem Hof Herzfeld, der zunächst Idas Mann Ekbert, dann Liudolf und schließlich Otto dem Erlauchten gehörte, bis dieser ihn gegen Besitzungen in Beek bei Duisburg eintauschte. Albert K. Hömberg gelangte deshalb zu dem Ergebnis, Liudolf sei der Enkel Idas und Ekberts.[6] Tatsächlich hatte Idas Sohn Cobbo, wie Liudolf ein enger Vertrauter Ludwig des Deutschen, aus seiner Ehe mit Eila einen Sohn namens Liudolf. (n.d.). Liudolf (Saxony) - [online] Available at: Less
However, as Hlawitschka has noted, the assumption that Liudolf was an heir of Egbert probably reads too much into the statements of the Life of St. Ida [Hlawitschka (1974), 156-9]. This source does not actually state that Liudolf held Herzfeld, only that he buried a son there. When it states that duke Otto was awarded Herzfeld by law, this was presumably after 880 (when Otto became duke), and therefore many years after the hereditary succession of unknown individuals to Egbert and Ida mentioned earlier. The Liudolfinger were from eastern Saxony, while Herzfeld is in Westfalen. Also, the fact that Otto II sold Herzfeld does not suggest that it was land long in hereditary possession of his family. (n.d.). Egbert, Saxon count. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Jun. 2021].