Notes |
- From Lemmel:
Hans Groland N912 -
Parents: Grol-22 / e Ulrich Groland N896 , Elisabeth Zollner Nh81
(* about? 1370), † 1452
in Nuremberg, 1398 Senator.
∞1) (about? 1400) with Agnes Pfinzing Nj10
(* about? 1380)
her parents: Berthold Pfinzing N764 , (* about? 1352), † 1405
Senator in Nuremberg. See Pfin-24 / w ; ∞ (about? 1371) with Klara Ortlieb N901 , (* about? 1350).
∞2) with Ursula Pfinzing Nj16
(* about? 1383)
her parents: Seitz Pfinzing N678 , (* about? 1345/1350), † 1414
councilman in Nuremberg. (This line will die out after 3 generations.) See Pfin-25 / n ; ∞ with Clara Schürstab N450 , (* about? 1355), † 1421 in Nuremberg.
from 1st marriage:
1. Cunegunda Groland Nj09 , (* about? 1405)
∞ 1422 with Berthold Holzschuher H350
(* about? 1394), † 1449
Berthold V. Since 1432 in the Council. See wood-26 / q
his parents: Karl Holzschuher H038 , * 1332, † 2.6.1422 in Nuremberg, buried in the Sebalduskirche
1383-1422 Senator in Nuremberg. 1415 Vice Chancellor. Survived the plague, married at a great age u.bekam 5 sons See Wood-25 / o ( Er ∞1) (about? 1375) with Felicitas v.Ammernthal N549 , (* about? 1350) ) ; ∞ 1.7.1391 in Nuremberg with Cristein Pfinzing N581 , (* about? 1370).
2. Peter, (* about? 1410) -, see Grol-24 / e
from 2nd marriage:
3. Veronika Groland Hb16 , (* about? 1415), † 1486
∞ 1432 with Sebald Paumgärtner Hb15
(* about? 1405), † 1449
See Paum-25 / s
4. Hanß Groland Nj17 , (* about? 1420)
∞1) 1443 with Barbara Haller H528
(* about? 1415)
her parents: Andreas Haller H282 , (* about? 1380), † before 1447
four times married rich merchant in Nuremberg. See Hall-24 / q ; ∞2) (about? 1410) with Catharina v.Seckendorf H526 , * 1385.
5. Nicolaus, (* about? 1435) - Senator in Nuremberg, see Grol-24 / g
• Hans Groland in Nuremberg in the Bindergasse. 1398 Senator, † 1449, buried St. Seebald.
• ∞1) 1412 with Agnes Pfinzing , Tv Berthold Pfinzing , Senator, ∞ Clara Ortlieb . - children: Peter; Cunigunda.
• ∞2) with Ursula Pfinzing , TV Seiz Pfinzing , Senator, ∞ Clara Schürstab . - Children: Hanß ∞ Haller ; Hanß ∞ with a Nüzlin ; Nicolaus; Margarete ∞ with Senator Wilhelm Ebner , he † 1430; Veronica, † 1486, ∞ 1432 with Sebald Paumgärtner , he † 1449; Clara, † 1463, ∞ with Fritz Simlein to Herspruck, ∞2) Cunz v.Erlbach welcoming to Herspruck; and young children who died: Sebastian, Bartholomew, Anna, Ursula, Barbara, Anna, Clara, Ursula, Barbara, Agnes.
[Biedermann panel 615 Groland]
→ The year 1412 of the first marriage can not be correct. (HDL)
• Hans Groland ∞ Clara Pfinzing . Daughter:
• Clara Groland ∞1) with Berthold Holzschuher , he † before 1422, she ∞2) 1422 with Wilhelm Haller .
[Biedermann panel 105 Haller]
→ Error note: Something's wrong here. A Clara Pfinzing is not to be found in the Pfinzing panels near Biedermann.
• In 1384, a consortium of 8 Nuremberg merchants, namely Berthold and Seitz Pfinzing , Jobst Tetzel , Ulrich Stromer to the rose, Heinrich Eisvogel , Karl Holzschuher , Hans Groland and Konrad Pirkheimer of the Bamberg bishop, buy a bodywork of 1000 fl for 6000 fl Amount to the Nürnbergerg Meyer Jews in order to settle a debt of a Bamberg monastery on behalf of the bishop. By forming this opportunity society, the risk of this loan should be spread among many persons.
• 1387 Owners of the hammers of Thalheim and Haunritz near Hersbruck. He signs the Hammerwerksvereinigung between Amberger and Sulzbacher Montanindustriellen.
[W.Schultheiß: Money and Finance Nuremberg Citizens S.86,87]
• 1398: Ulman Stromeyer and his followers : Fritz Amman and Hans Grolant . (Amman could be a son-in-law, Grolant is his wife's family.) - HDL)
[L.Sporhan, WvStromer, Handelshaus Stromer, VSWG 47 (1960)]
• Hans Groland dJ († 1452) was a son of Ulrich Groland († 1452).
[Schaper: Hirschvogel p.23]
→ Attention: some may be confused with the half-brother of the same name! (HDL)
Regesta to Cunegunda Groland:
• Cunegunda Grolandin , Tv Hanß Groland ∞1) Agnes Pfinzing .
• ∞ 1424 With Berthold Holzschuher , he † 1449.
[Biedermann panel 615 Groland]
Regesten zu Hanss Groland:
• Hanss Groland , 1450 senator in Nuremberg, † 1452. Sv Hanß Groland ∞2) Ursula Pfinzing .
• ∞1) 1443 with Barbara Haller , Andreas Haller ∞ Catharina v.Seckendorf .
• ∞2) Agnes Gruber † 1488, Tv Hanß Gruber .
[Biedermann panel 615 Groland]
• 29.10.1453: A farm handover (out of necessity) by Anna Reinsperger , Sigmund Pfinzing's widow. The following agree: Conrad Paumgärtner , Hans Lemlein , Berchtold and Benedikt Pfinzing , Peter Mendel and Hans Grolant . Witnesses: Nicolaus Muffel and Hans Volkmeir . Notarized by Werner von Parsberg , mayor of Nuremberg. (One of this farm goes to the Tucher funeral .)
[StsA Nuremberg, churches in Nuremberg, documents, No.87. - Mtlg Dr.Machilek, and online 2017]
→ The "consenting" citizens do not seem to have a kinship interest in handing over the farm, but may appear here on their own initiative. At any rate, the Berchtold Pfinzing is not closely related to Sigmund Pfinzing . Benedict Pfinzing is otherwise unknown. (HDL)