Notes |
- 1495 mint master in Meran, records 1496 with Hans Kraus, goldsmith
In 1477 the mint in Tyrol was moved to Hall, Austria. Eventually, I suspect he moved to Nuremberg and became involved in the minting of money.
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The Tiruler Geldwesen under Archduke Sigmond.
II. Carrying out the personal details of the new coin of Hall, they consist at first of a mintmaster, as supreme head of the whole, a board member of the department for the gold coinage and a mint writer. These persons are listed on the invoice as salaried and thus hold the position of civil servants. In contrast, the iron engraver, the tempter, the mover, the silver burner, the potkeeper, and Weissbrenner, as well as the journeymen, receive a reward from the journeymen of silver and gold coins. However, in the lifetime of the first coin-master Hermann Grünhofer, there was a transitional relationship ending with his death.
Grünhofer is called from the beginning of the Haller coin as their mint master. Since he had been appointed as coinmaster of the Merano coin after Luke Kuchenmann's copy of Duke Sigmund's deed of 1473, it is probable that he was transferred from there directly to Hall. His connection with Merano also recalls that, according to several book entries, he still received silver from Meran in 1478, which he had still bought there himself. It is noteworthy, however, that the paragraph "Münzmeister seine Sold" remains open during Grünhofer's lifetime. It is clear from this that Grünhofer did not in fact receive any salary in Hall; rather, his income from this position consisted in the profits of the business of the coin. The clearance of the accounts states in each case that the surplus forms a demand of the archduke to the master of the mint or vice versa.
_____________________________________________________________________________ Certificate, the Schwazer fire in the six and cruisers with 15 Lot, in the Fieren but with 14 ½ Lot is set. Also in the year 1513 notes the F. M.: Silver Schwazer brand holds the mark fine 14 1/3 Lot. Ladurner 307. My guess is that everywhere in the manuscripts the Schwazer Brand with ?iiii? (14 ½) Lot was given fine, which then spilter erroneously for ?iiii? (15) has been read. In this way the Schwazer fire is described in a document of King Maximilian of 1496. For us the matter is of no great importance, since all redeemed silver was burned before the coinage again, because it brittleness because of the delivered condition for currency unsuitable would.
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Also, the board of the gold coinage, Bernhard Beheim, does not receive a pay in this time. He receives the necessary gold and silver and the other material from the hands of the Master of the Mint. At the same time, he also provides the place of the tempter of the silver coin, for which, however, he draws his wages bar 51). He is also referred to in the calculations as Bernhard (the) goldsmith or simply as Master Berhard.52)
Grünhofer resigns in the summer of 1482 and is succeeded by Bernhard Beheim in office with a Münzmeistersold of 200 marks, which he refers to Monday after Nativitatis Mariae this year.53) Grünhofers inheritance is for his "Remincnz", this is his demand on the Archduke from the holdings of 1481 and 1482 in the amount of 714 fl. Rh. 1 Pf. 6 Kr. 3 P. recognized. (Entry 1482 in "Aintzige Kostung".) The current ingestion of the coin until its death is calculated at 43,076 fl. Rh. 4 Pf. 10 K. 1 F. 1 P. the excavation, in addition to above reminiscence, on 42.322 fl. Rh. 3 Pf. 6 Kr. 3 P. Bestat the inheritance (as debtor) 754 fl. Rh. 1 Pf. 3 K. 1 F. 2P. of which is still brought to an end for taking over the Grünhofer coins and other utensils
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from 45 fl. Rh. 2 Pf. 6 Kr. 2 F. 2-1 / 2 P. The position of Grünhofer on the Haller coin was thus still a middle ground between an official and a coin tenant, which also finds a significant expression in this that Grünhofer appears as a silver supplier for his own account in Hall not insignificant involved. A certain quantity of the silver which he has brought into the coin is called "granted to him" in the Haller bills, that is free of deduction of the sweetheart and this allowance was thought to have paid in particular for his services as mintmaster. He delivers other silver to the coin without this freeing.54)
51) His last reward for this, before he himself advances to minting, takes place in 1482 for the period from St. Dorothea (6 February) to Monday after St. Jacob's Day, 29 July, with 4 Fierern of 3 Marks Vienna weight from 3261 M 3 L. 1 Q. and from the same quantity the codec Sigmund Yseregker obtains the Augzieherlohn with 1 Fierer of the Mark.
52) After a note in the Sch. A. Rep. (Ladurner 292) he was in 1474 still goldsmith to Innsbruck. See also below page 134 for 1479.
53) This day, the 9th of September, 1482, is repeatedly cited in the computation book for 1482, in which it is clear that on this very day Berhard Beheim took office as Hall's mintmaster. The passing away of Hermann Grünhofer at that time is announced in the following manner by Haller account book for 1482 (conclusion Maria Lichtmeß 1484). 1. After the totaling of the expenses is noted: "And the Restat as Grünhofer abgeschaiden is (2) After the clearance is noted:" In the restatget from the Munntzzewg (coin), the front of Herman Grünhofers has been and the same stuff. TIGL. Anpas. Reitterpek. Hammers. Zanngen. And not excepted otherwise, Herman Grünhofer has everything to my genious master.
54) The juridical and business circumstances of the coin will be discussed later in the bookkeeping chapter.
Directory of the inhabitants of Merano
B 325 – Hermann Grünhofer (1462–1473)
Bürger Münzmeister
Quellen insg. 8 (Urk. 7, VfB 1)
Gluderer 38, 39, 49
Güter/Gülten -
Hausbesitz -
Priv. Rechtsg. Qu 1414, 1429, 1446
Varia Qu 1440, 1450, 1484, 1504, 1593
At the end of January 1485, his son Hans appeared as the sole heir of the
Schwazer Company. Since 1500, however, he disappeared from the list of traders. Around 1503 he was in possession
of the Rubein Castle [ now Castel Rubein, still existing today in the Maia Alta neighborhood of Merano, just south of
the downtown. You can see it online at its own website, ] near Meran, but he was unable to
keep his possessions as a result of the terrible financial difficulties in which he had in the meantime fallen. By 1520
he was already dead. Hermann Grünhofer's widow, Katharina, was still detected for several years after his death in
Meran, where she lived in her house in the hollow [ on Passeiergasse, now Vicolo Passiria, the alley named after the
Passeiertal, now Val Passiria, the valley north of Merano ] below [ the ] Ortenstein [ now the Pulverturm, German for
“Powder Tower”, the only surviving part of the castle, built in 1313 by the Counts of G.rz-Tyrol ] in the Steinach [
neighborhood, the original Meran ] but sold it around 1487. Hermann’s brother Pranz also worked as a coinmaker in
Hall in 1486. In 1488 he returned to Meran, where he was the husband of Margareta, the heiress of the rich Heinrich
Greu.haber, wealthy, and remained there until his death in 1498.
From the some information about the great trades and smelters of the first century of the farms of the lower Inn valley it is evident that the foreign enterprise had intervened only late, only at a time when the Tänntzl, Ftiger u. s. w. For a long time, and with the greatest success, they had been working to transform the treasures of the native earth by thousands of hands into those commodities which the "builders" sought for their monopolistic trade and which they finally endeavored to produce themselves. The importance of local entrepreneurship is even better illustrated by tracking the amount of total production. As early as 1486, the second highest production figure was achieved on the Falkenstein, with all the yields ever achieved: 52,663 marks of burning silver were produced. At that time neither Baumgartner nor Fugger "the Hochstetter or Pümel built; cs are mainly Tänntzl, Füger, v. Ross, Jaufner, Perl, Hofer and Grünhofer the producers, and only Peter Ruml of Nuremberg can compete with the latter or with Jaufner. The highest Falkensteiner production ever falls in the year 1523: 55 855 Mark. Of these, however, more than 14,000 marks belong solely to Hans Baumgartner,
I really do not know where to place this tidbit of information about Peter Grünhofer of Regensburg.
1518 Juni 24 Steffan Furter, Verweser der Frühmesse in der Stiftskirche, reversiert, daß Maister Peter Grünhofer, Chorherr, den Zehent in der Stadt und im Burgfeld zu Regensburg samt dem dazu gehörigen Haus mit Stadel in der Schefftnerstraße, den dieser nach dem Ableben des Chorherrn Hanns Fürsich zu Leibrecht erhalten hatte, mit Genehmigung des Stiftskapitels auf seinen Leib übertragen habe. — Bürgen: Hanns Habmuet, Frawnambter, und Leonhard Widman, Frühmesser an der alten Kapelle. S.: Doctor Görg Prenner, Domherr und Generalvikar in Regensburg, und Hanns Habmuet.
1518 June 24 Steffan Furter, rector of the early Mass in the collegiate church, reverses that Mayor Peter Grünhofer, canon, the Zehent in the city and in the castle field to Regensburg, including the associated house with Stadel in the Schefftnerstraße, the latter after the death of the choirmaster Hanns Fürsich had received to body right, with permission of the chapter chapter on his body transferred. - Guarantors: Hanns Habmuet, Frawnambter, and Leonhard Widman, early bird at the old chapel. S .: Doctor Görg Prenner, Canon and Vicar General in Regensburg, and Hanns Habmuet.