Appleby, Elizabeth

( = Descendancy chart to this point,
= Expand,
= Collapse)
- 1 Appleby, Elizabeth [1] b. 1350 d. 1384
Winter, William b. 1350 d. Jan 1398
- 2 Winter, Elizabeth [1.1]
b. 1384 d. 1409
Reade, Richarde b. 1362 d. Bef 29 Apr 1408
- 3 Reade, John [1.1.1]
b. 1408 d. 1433
Carrant, Johanne b. 1415 d. 1434
- 4 Reed, Marjorie Nell []
b. UNKNOWN d. 1469
Meriot, Robert b. 1389 d. 1418
- 5 Meriot, Jane []
b. Jun 1415 d. 11 Oct 1444
Cole, Sir John IV b. 1411 d. 1489
- 6 Cole, Sir William of Colehanger []
b. 1439 d. 1489
Weston, Lady Elizabeth b. 1445 d. 1489
- 7 Cole, Esquire John []
b. Abt 1470 d. 21 Nov 1543
Archdeacon, Mary Beatrice b. 1476 d. 1564
- 8 Cole, Thomas Collis []
b. 1494 d. Apr 1571
Hargraves, Elizabeth b. 1498 d. 1574
- 9 Cole, Sir William James []
b. 1522 d. 16 Feb 1601
Colles, Lady Hannah Eliza Anne b. 1524 d. 1603
- 10 Cole, Sir William James II []
b. 1546 d. 4 Nov 1623
- + Cole, Mrs Ann b. 1524 d. 1598
Deards, Lady Elizabeth b. 1560 d. 1622
- 11 Cole, Humphrey []
b. 1572 d. 27 Mar 1624
- + Cole, Mrs Hester b. 1580 d. 1624
Mott, Mary b. 1578 d. 1600
- 12 Coale, William I []
b. 1598 d. 15 Sep 1669 [ =>]
- 12 Coale, William I []
- + Cole, Mrs Hester b. 1580 d. 1624
- 11 Cole, Humphrey []
- + Cooke, Elizabeth b. 1584 d. 1609
- + Cole, Mrs Ann b. 1524 d. 1598
- 10 Cole, Sir William James II []
- 9 Cole, Sir William James []
- 8 Cole, Thomas Collis []
- 7 Cole, Esquire John []
- 6 Cole, Sir William of Colehanger []
- 5 Meriot, Jane []
- 4 Reed, Marjorie Nell []
- 3 Reade, John [1.1.1]
- 2 Winter, Elizabeth [1.1]