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 #   Notes   Linked to 
2551 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:
Siboto Pfinzing - in Nuremberg
Father: Siboto Pfincinch

(* about? 1255)

1278, 1282, 1288 mentioned. 1317, 1319 Named.

∞1) (about? 1282) with ... Esler N604

(* about? 1260), † 1310

Sister of the mayor Conrad Esler .

her father: Konrad Esler N600 , (* 1215)
documented in 1253 in Bamberg. 1276 with his son Konrad citizen to Bamberg. See Eslr-21 / a

∞2) (about? 1311) with ... .... N605

(* about? 1280)

unknown second wife of Siboto

from 1st marriage:
1. Konrad, (* about? 1283) - In Nuremberg, mayor, see Pfin-23 / s

2. Hans, (* about? 1285) - in Nuremberg, at Heumarkt, see Pfin-23 / t

3. Michael, (* about? 1288) - in Nuremberg, see Pfin-23 / u

4. Margarete Pfinzing Nk29 , (* about? 1290)

∞ 1310 with Friedrich Behaim N399

* 1285, † 1365

Losunger in Nuremberg. See Beh-23 / a

his parents: Albrecht Behaim N731 , * 6.2.1250, † 6.10.1342 in Nuremberg, 92 years old
merchant in Nuremberg, the spices from Venice moved. Since 1288 in the council, mayor of several times. See Beh-22 / a ; ∞ 1.10.1280 with Ursula Kingfisher N732 , (* about? 1262), † 25.5.1328 in Nuremberg St. Cath ..

5. Agnes Pfinzing N606 , (* about? 1300/1305), † 26.2.1357

∞ (about? 1325) with Konrad Waldstromeyr N607

(* about? 1305), † 5.11.1360

1343-1360 mentioned. See Wstr-24 / a

his parents: Konrad Waldstromer N609 , (* about? 1275), † 28.12.1357
He is first called Stromer . After being loaned to the Nuremberg Forestry Office, he is alternately called Stromer and Waldstromer . "Konrad III". See Wstr-23 / a ; ∞ with Catharina Groß N771 , (* about? 1282), † after 1343
(sister of the mayor Conrad Groß) .

from 2nd marriage:
6. Kunigunde Pfinzing Nn62 , (* about? 1310)

∞ with Jacob Weigel N644

(* about? 1305), † before 1379

1340-1376. See Weig-24 / v

his parents: Stefan Weigel N807 , (* about? 1275), † before 1321
1308, 1311 mentioned. Imperial administrator of the Hofmark Berngau. Reichsgut Eschenau. See Weig-23 / w ; ∞ with Offnay v.Heimburg N808 , (* about? 1285), † after 1352
1321-1352 as a widow ..

7. Berchtold, (* about? 1315) - at the Milchmarkt in Nuremberg, see Pfin-23 / w

• Sibot Pfinzing , 1278 and 1288 (until 1319)

• Son of Sibot

• ∞1) with the sister of the mayor Conrad Esler

• ∞2) with....
[A.Scharr: The ans. Citizen of Nuremberg, in: Gen.Jb. Vol.3 1963 p.14]

• 1278 witnesses: Conrad Schultheiß of Nuremberg, Sifrid Ebner , Cunrad and Sibot Pfinzing , Heinrich Holzschuher .
[Nuremberg Yearbooks Vol. 1-2, 1834, p.55]

• Siboto Phinzing , brother of Konrad, 1278-1288 in the Nuremberg Charterbook .

• Ulman Stromer : A sister of the "good judge" Konrad Esler was married to "Sebot Pfinzing , who was Hansen's father and Michel Pfinzing's father".

• Probably identical to: Siboto Pfinzing , 1317 and 1319 among the named of the Nuremberg Council.

• To Sibotos sons. A sibling (after 1396): Cunrat Pfinczig at the stok, Sulteiss, Hans Pfinczig his brother at the hewmarkt, Michel Pfinczig his brother at the preachers.,

• 16.2.1343: The mayor Konrad Groß calls Cunrad, Hans and Michel Pfinzing (ie Sibotos sons) his Oheime.

• Sebot Pfinzing and the Eslerin have the four siblings as grandchildren: 1) Cunrat, Hans Hainrich, Jakob Waltstromer and brother of the Apt zu Helsbrunn and her sister Franz Forstmeisterin ; 2) Cunrat Pfintzig and his brother Perholt; 3) Markart and Fritz Pfintzig and their brother (Heinrich) zu Babenberg; 4) Sebolt Pfintzig , who has the Vorchtels daughter. These are the around 1385/1387 living relatives of Ulman Stromer .
[Miracle, MVGN 49, pp. 37-39]

→ This Siboto is missing from Biedermann. There in Plate 393 there is a Siboto, which is recorded from 1253, and as its alleged son a Siboto, who died in 1379. The younger one is not a son but the great-grandson of the older one. (HDL)

Regesten zu ... Esler:
[Miracle, MVGN 49 p.38]
Her death 1310 [AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964]

Regesten too ... ....:
• unknown second wife of Siboto [Wunder S.41]

Regesten to Agnes Pfinzing:
→ The parents of this Agnes Pfinzing are wrongly stated at Biedermann:

• Conrad Waldstromer , 1356 founder of the Pilgrim's Hospital, † 5.11.1360, ∞ Agnes Pfinzing , † 26.2.1357, Tv Berthold Pfinzing , knight and imperial council, ∞ Agnes Irrer .
[Biedermann panel 546 Waldstromer]

→ In the Pfinzing table 496 Biedermann indicates that the Agnes Pfinzing daughter of Berthold died in 1357, which is hardly possible in time (HDL).

• Agnes Waldstromer born. Pfinzing is the dam of a children's series, which, according to Ulman Stromer, must be the grandson of Sebot Pfinzing from his first marriage with the esler .
[Miracle: Pfinzing p.39]

→ The Eslerin dies in 1310. She must have been around 35/40 when she got the daughter Agnes around 1300/1305, who then married Konrad Waldstromer . Their children may then have been born approximately in the period 1325/1340. (HDL)

→ Ulman Stromer reports that the children of Agnesoo Waldstromer are grandsons of the Eslerin . Wunder [S.41] says that Agnes must come from the second marriage of Siboto, so that their children, contrary to Ulman Stromer's opinion, can be stepchildren and not grandchildren of the Eslerin . I would like to follow this, because it is quite possible in time, that Agnes is a late daughter of the donkey (HDL).

Regesten to Kunigunde Pfinzing:
• Jakob Weigel s wife Kunigunde is the daughter of Siboto Pfinzing from his first marriage to the sister of the mayor Conrad Esler . Her daughter Clara Weigel ∞ with Georg Ammann .
[Scharr: Waldstromer 52.MVGN 1962/63 p.30]

→ She may have been born about 1305 (HDL).

→ See also Kunigunde Pfinzing (Tv Pfin-24 / e Bertold) ∞ Seifrid Weigel , Weig-25 / g . 
Pfinzing, Siboto (I30363)
2552 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel"

5 Elisabeth Weigel, (* 1280), † 2.10.1365, buried in Ebrach
⁃ ∞ (about? 1300/1305) with Seifried Holzschuher
⁃ (* about? 1275/1280) in Nuremberg, † 25.3.1354 in Nuremberg
⁃ In Nuremberg, he lives at the Long Bridge. Documented from 1315. 1342-1353 in the council.
⁃ His parents: Friedrich Holzschuher H012 , (* about? 1250), † 20.3.1339 buried in the Katharinenkapelle of the monastery Ebrach
⁃ Mentioned from 1277. 1303.1314 Schöffe in Nuremberg. His daughter is probably Irmel, who lives from 1335 as a widowed Lemlein in Nuremberg. He ∞2 (about? 1290/1300) with Jutta Graf, (*? 1260? 1308 and 1318 mentioned as wife of Friedrich Holzschuher. Sister of Conrad Graf (documented 1287-1308); her father probably the alderman Hermann Comes (documentary 1255, 1258). ) ; ∞ (about? 1275) with Jutta Stromer, (* about? 1255/1260) 
Weigel, Elizabeth (I30822)
2553 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel"

Ludovicus Imhof n210 -
◆ Parents: Imh-26 / h Hanns Im Hof ​​/ Imhof n207 , B-27 / j Ursula Lemlein n174
◆ * 12.2.1466 in Nuremberg
◆ † 1533
◆ The offspring form the Italian Imhof line, which died out in 1719
◆ ∞ 25.1.1491 with Elsbeth Holzschuher H058

(* about? 1470), † 1539

She and her brother Seifried own a house in Egidienstrasse in 1492 opposite Conrad Imhof (formerly Hans Lemlein)

her parents: Anton Holzschuher H068 , (* about? 1426), † 1484
since 1468 in the Council. House in Egidiengasse opposite Hans Lemlein . See wood-27 / pe ; ∞ 1456 with Barbara Koler H142 , (* about? 1435).

1 Ursula Imhof H516 , * 1492
∞ 1512 with Wolfgang Stromer v.Reichenbach.

2 Catharina Imhof H517 , * 1493
∞ 1513 with Ulrich Starck .

2 Georg Imhof H518 , * 1498, † 1548 in Bari, Puglia

• descendants in Puglia.
[Biedermann Plate 219] Here also more.
[Imhoff MVGN 62 p.31]

Regesten zu Elsbeth Holzschuher:
• Elisabeth Holtzschuherin, Tv Anton ∞ Koler

• died in 1539 as a widow.

• ∞ Ludwig in the courtyard , * 12.2.1466, ∞ 25.1.1491, † 1533
[Biedermann panel 179]

[Egidienstr: Regest of 1461 with Hans Lemlein] 
Imhof, Ludewig (I30211)
2554 From Hans-Dietrich Lempel

Hans Rieter
◆ Parents unknown
◆ (* about? 1390), † 1437
◆ from Kornburg to Kalbensteinberg
◆ ∞1) 1418 with Kunigunde Harsdörfer; she was (* about? 1392), † 8.9.1431 and she was ∞1) Peter of Heidenabb , he † 1417. Her parents: Heinrich Harsdörfer, († 1355), † 1407 He was ∞2) with Margarethe von Siegersdorf, (* about? 1365), † 1441 in Nuremberg ); ∞ with Margarethe Meichsner, (* about? 1360).
◆ ∞2) 1436 with Anna Schlüsselfelder who was (* about? 1415); She died without children. Her parents: Conrad Schlüsselfelder, (* about? 1380); ∞ with Catharina Seybold, (* about? 1385).

◆ Mr. Hanss Rieter of Kornburg to Kalbensteinberg, † 1437, ∞ 1418 with Cunegunda Harßdörfferin , she † 8.9.1431, previously ∞ with Peter von Heidenabb , who died in 1417. [Biedermann panel 146 Harsdörfer]
◆ Mr. Hanß Rieter of Kornburg to Kalbensteinberg, † Sept.1437, ∞ 1436 with Anna Schlüsselfelder , who died without children. [Biedermann panel 618b key fields]

Regesto to Margarethe Meichsner:
◆ Heinrich Harßdörfer ∞1) Margaretha Meichsnerin , daughter of Heinrich Meichsner and a Unknown von Pettau . [Biedermann panel 146]
◆ → Is she called "von Pettau" or is she from Pettau? (HDL) 
Riter, Hans (I30263)
2555 From Hans-Dietrich Lempel

Ulrich Loneysen - Mayor in Sulzbach and Amberg
◆ Father: Eberhard Löneis
◆ (* about? 1370)
◆ † around 1437
◆ In Sulzbach, 1400 Senator, 1419 mayor. Mr. Hammer. 1428 Mayor Amberg
◆ ∞ with Katharina Grünhofer
⁃ Katharina (*? 1375)

1 Hans Loneys, (* about? 1395) - in Keibitz and Amberg
2 Fritz Loneys (* about? 1400), † before 1493
⁃ 1444 to Kaibitz. Citizen to Sulzbach
3 Heinrich Loneys, (* about? 1405) - Mayor of Sulzbach
4 Barbara Loneys, c. 1405, † 1470
⁃ ∞ 1428 with Leonhard Kastner
⁃ Leonhard was (* about? 1400), † 1468
⁃ Hammerherr in Unterschnaittenbach, 1446 possession in Trautmannshofen
5 Adelaide? Loneys (* about? 1410)
⁃ ∞ 1436 with N.N. Grünhofer
⁃ He was (* about? 1405)
⁃ from Nuremberg
6 N.N. Loneys, (* about? 1412)
⁃ ∞ with N.N. Stücks

◆ progenitor of the family. 2 brothers: Erhart and Fritz.
◆ 1404 citizens in Sulzbach. He had bought a piece of field "the Twirch".
◆ 1405 owned by Hammer Kaibitz (Plaß Donauwörth, Schifer 4/345).
◆ 1407 Ulrich Löneiß in a Holzrechnung instead of the crossed-out Eberl Londeiß (= his brother?)
◆ In 1407 he set up the Mahlmühle in Sassenreuth or Zintlhammer.
◆ 1408 gives Landgraf John the Ulrich L . a farm to Feilersdorf, 2 Tgw. Meadows at Hammer Diesfurt and 1/2 to Zehent Zeissau. On the 7th Nov. he bought another 1 eternal interest from Anne Schinweysin from her house and farm to Sulzbach.
◆ In 1410, Ulrich von der Hammer pays for huts.
◆ 1411 authorized representative in a dispute.
◆ 1415 guardian of the Women's Mass
◆ before 1418 ∞ with Katharina Grünhofer , to Kaibitz and Zeissaw.
◆ 4.2.1419 he presents as mayor with the council of the city Sulzbach a priest for the Kaplanstelle in Siebeneichen.
◆ 1419 under the Landsassen.
◆ 1.2.1421: Fritz Löneisen pledges his hammer to Gehai including hammer letter against 500 fl gold to Ulrich Löneisen .
◆ 1422 Lehensträger for the church and hospital in Sulzbach.
◆ 29.1.1423 he buys for 1 fl ewigen interest from Hans Sneider to Sulzbach on his house on the market.
◆ In 1425/1426/1433 he receives various land titles and 1/8 tenths as Bamberg fiefs
◆ After 1420 he had the hammer Rosenberg with Heimeram Alhart von Amberg; he gives his half to Erasmus Sauerzapf on 29.6.1434 .
◆ His Heckenhof near Trautmannshofen inherits his Eidam Linhard / Leonhard Castner in 1446 .
◆ 1428 mayor of Amberg.
◆ † c. 1437, died 1444. [Frhr v.Löhneysen, material in the GFF-Archiv Nuremberg, Mtlg A. Fabian 2003]
◆ 1400 Ulrich Loneysen , Senator in Sulzbach.
◆ 1480 Sigmund Loneys / Londen , Consul, † 26.7.1521.
◆ 1497 Georg Loneysen, Consul
⁃ [Nordgauchronik]

Regesta to Katharina Grünhofer:
◆ [Frhr v.Löhneysen, material in the GFF-Archiv Nuremberg, Mtlg A. Fabian 2003]

Regesta to Fritz Loneys:
◆ 1444 brothers Hans, Friedrich and Heinrich Loneys . [Frhr v.Löhneysen, material in the GFF-Archiv Nuremberg, Mtlg A. Fabian 2003]

Regest to Adelheid? Loneys:
◆ Ulrich Loneys has a daughter ∞ Grünhofer from Nürnberg. Perhaps she is identical to Adelheid Löneisen , who founded a benefice in St.Sebald in 1456 as a citizen of Nuremberg. [Frhr v.Löhneysen, material in the GFF-Archiv Nuremberg, Mtlg A. Fabian 2003] 
Loneys, Adelaide (I30641)
2556 From Hans-Dietrich Lempel

Ulrich Loneysen - Mayor in Sulzbach and Amberg
◆ Father: Eberhard Löneis
◆ (* about? 1370)
◆ † around 1437
◆ In Sulzbach, 1400 Senator, 1419 mayor. Mr. Hammer. 1428 Mayor Amberg
◆ ∞ with Katharina Grünhofer
⁃ Katharina (*? 1375)

1 Hans Loneys, (* about? 1395) - in Keibitz and Amberg
2 Fritz Loneys (* about? 1400), † before 1493
⁃ 1444 to Kaibitz. Citizen to Sulzbach
3 Heinrich Loneys, (* about? 1405) - Mayor of Sulzbach
4 Barbara Loneys, c. 1405, † 1470
⁃ ∞ 1428 with Leonhard Kastner
⁃ Leonhard was (* about? 1400), † 1468
⁃ Hammerherr in Unterschnaittenbach, 1446 possession in Trautmannshofen
5 Adelaide? Loneys (* about? 1410)
⁃ ∞ 1436 with N.N. Grünhofer
⁃ He was (* about? 1405)
⁃ from Nuremberg
6 N.N. Loneys, (* about? 1412)
⁃ ∞ with N.N. Stücks

◆ progenitor of the family. 2 brothers: Erhart and Fritz.
◆ 1404 citizens in Sulzbach. He had bought a piece of field "the Twirch".
◆ 1405 owned by Hammer Kaibitz (Plaß Donauwörth, Schifer 4/345).
◆ 1407 Ulrich Löneiß in a Holzrechnung instead of the crossed-out Eberl Londeiß (= his brother?)
◆ In 1407 he set up the Mahlmühle in Sassenreuth or Zintlhammer.
◆ 1408 gives Landgraf John the Ulrich L . a farm to Feilersdorf, 2 Tgw. Meadows at Hammer Diesfurt and 1/2 to Zehent Zeissau. On the 7th Nov. he bought another 1 eternal interest from Anne Schinweysin from her house and farm to Sulzbach.
◆ In 1410, Ulrich von der Hammer pays for huts.
◆ 1411 authorized representative in a dispute.
◆ 1415 guardian of the Women's Mass
◆ before 1418 ∞ with Katharina Grünhofer , to Kaibitz and Zeissaw.
◆ 4.2.1419 he presents as mayor with the council of the city Sulzbach a priest for the Kaplanstelle in Siebeneichen.
◆ 1419 under the Landsassen.
◆ 1.2.1421: Fritz Löneisen pledges his hammer to Gehai including hammer letter against 500 fl gold to Ulrich Löneisen .
◆ 1422 Lehensträger for the church and hospital in Sulzbach.
◆ 29.1.1423 he buys for 1 fl ewigen interest from Hans Sneider to Sulzbach on his house on the market.
◆ In 1425/1426/1433 he receives various land titles and 1/8 tenths as Bamberg fiefs
◆ After 1420 he had the hammer Rosenberg with Heimeram Alhart von Amberg; he gives his half to Erasmus Sauerzapf on 29.6.1434 .
◆ His Heckenhof near Trautmannshofen inherits his Eidam Linhard / Leonhard Castner in 1446 .
◆ 1428 mayor of Amberg.
◆ † c. 1437, died 1444. [Frhr v.Löhneysen, material in the GFF-Archiv Nuremberg, Mtlg A. Fabian 2003]
◆ 1400 Ulrich Loneysen , Senator in Sulzbach.
◆ 1480 Sigmund Loneys / Londen , Consul, † 26.7.1521.
◆ 1497 Georg Loneysen, Consul
⁃ [Nordgauchronik]

Regesta to Katharina Grünhofer:
◆ [Frhr v.Löhneysen, material in the GFF-Archiv Nuremberg, Mtlg A. Fabian 2003]

Regesta to Fritz Loneys:
◆ 1444 brothers Hans, Friedrich and Heinrich Loneys . [Frhr v.Löhneysen, material in the GFF-Archiv Nuremberg, Mtlg A. Fabian 2003]

Regest to Adelheid? Loneys:
◆ Ulrich Loneys has a daughter ∞ Grünhofer from Nürnberg. Perhaps she is identical to Adelheid Löneisen , who founded a benefice in St.Sebald in 1456 as a citizen of Nuremberg. [Frhr v.Löhneysen, material in the GFF-Archiv Nuremberg, Mtlg A. Fabian 2003] 
Loneysen, Urich (I30636)
2557 From Hans-Dietrich Lempel:

Friedrich Geyer - Mayor Bamberg
◆ Parents: Friedrich Geyer and Agnes Zollner
◆ (* about? 1270), † 7.9.1325
◆ 1307-1324 mayor in Bamberg
◆ ∞1) (about 1290) with Agnes N.N. who was born (* about? 1265)
◆ ∞2) (about 1303) with Elsbeth N.N. who was born (* about? 1275)

from 1st marriage:
1 Agnes Zollner, (* about? 1295), † 13.8.1342 from Bamberg
⁃ ∞ (about? 1310) with Konrad Groß who was * c. 1280, † 10.5.1356 in Bamberg, 76 years old, buried in Nuremberg and was1338-1356 mayor. Hospital founder.
⁃ Konrad's parents: Heinz Groß, (* about? 1250), † zw 1314/1317 In Nuremberg, documented 1276-1306. Death between 1314-1317. He was ∞2) (about? 1287) with Gisela Esler , (* about? 1260), † after 1339 sister of the mayor Conrad Esler . ) ; ∞ (about? 1273) with Sofie v. Vestenberg, (* about? 1250), † about? 1286.

from 2nd marriage:
3 Friedrich Zollner, (* about? 1310) ∞ Christina.... The offspring: Zollner called Geyer .
4 Agnes Zollner, (* about? 1305) and ∞ (about? 1323) with Heinrich Sampach who was (* about? 1280) Urkdl. 1311 ff to 1331.
⁃ His father: Walter, (* about? 1250), † 11.6.1306 in Bamberg urkdl. 1276-1306 in Bamberg. 1285, 1294 Aldermen in Bamberg: Waltherus et Cunradus filii quondam Brunwardi.

◆ 1323 Witnesses to the Testament of Abbot Eberhard: Fridericus scultetus civitatis bambergensis dictus geyer ; fridericus dictus zolner consanguineus noster (Eberhardi).
◆ [CASchweitzer: The Housemates to Bamberg, p.17]
◆ Friedrich Zollner , 1307-1324 mayor in Bamberg, ∞ Agnes..., daughter: Agnes ∞ Konrad Groß , mayor Nuremberg. [Bullemer: Groß. - Ue]
◆ 31.8.1320: Henry of fear called sold ... Witnesses: Mr. Friedrich Zolner Schultheiß, Heinrich Meyr , Sifrid Volland , Joh. V. Schamelstorf , Fritz Swarz donkey , Cunrad Tokker , Fritz Zolner ..., citizens and Schöppen to Babenberg, [Regesta Boica ... Bd.6, Munich 1937, p.17. - GL 1974]
◆ 322 Friedrich Zollner , mayor, chief nurse of the Katharinenspital in Bamberg. (Successor: 1326 Albrecht v.Aufseß , 1340 Heinrich v.Libsperger). [WFReddig: citizen hospital and episcopal city, Bamberg 1998, p.394]
◆ Friedrich Zollner , 1325 scultetus, ∞1) Agnes, ∞2) Elsbeth. From first marriage: Agnes ∞ Konrad Groß of Nuremberg; from 2nd marriage: Alheid ∞ Otto v.Aufseß ; Margreth ∞ Cunrat v.Aufseß ; Elsbeth ∞ Philip v.Aufseß ; Agnes ∞ Heinrich Sampach ; Friedrich ∞ Christina. [Arneth]
◆ 3./5.9.1325, shortly before his death, the mayor of Bamberg Friedrich Zollner transferred a tithe to Gremsdorf to two nephews, both of whom are also called Friedrich:
◆ 21.8.1325 Friedrich Zollner , a tithe to Gremsdorf
◆ 3.9.1325: Friedrich and Friedrich Zollner ask Count Ludwig von Rieneck and Rothenfels, as before, the brother of their father, the Bamberger Mayor Friedrich Zollner , the monastery Ebrach tithing in Gremsdorf, which they together with the mayor of Count Ludwig Have fiefs to confer.
◆ 5.9.1325: At the request of the Bamberg mayor Friedrich Zollner and the sons of his brother ... [Internet 2012,, Ebrach]
◆ 7.9.1325 † Friedrich Geyer , citizen of Bamberg, scultetus. Buried Apostle Altar. Before buried here: 15.4.1294 Friedrich Geyer. [Paschke, Franciscan Monastery, 110.BHVB 1974]
◆ In 1380 Mathias Lemil sold a house in Kolin. [Okresni Archiv v Koline, Koliner Stadtbuch no.1, from 1376, p.17 '. Photocopy by Mr. Zdenek Bisinger.]
◆ The same city book mentions Nicolaus Czolner gener ant czolneri (p.50 ') in 1382 and Hans Stromayr (p.53') in 1386 .
◆ → Who is the "antiquus Zollner"? ═ Friedrich?

Regests to Agnes Zollner:
◆ Agnes, wife of Konrad Groß , documented in 1322, 1340, 1343.
◆ According to Arneth, she is a daughter of the Bamberg mayor Friedrich Zollner and his first wife Agnes. [Miracle MVGN volume 49 p.65] [Scharr: Waldstromer, MVGN 52 p.22,23] - [Bullemer: Groß]
◆ Konrad Groß ∞ with Agnes († 1342), daughter of Friedrich Zolner gen.Geyer , mayor in Bamberg. [Internet, Dt.Biography]

Regesta to Friedrich Zollner:
Geyer, Friedrich (I30793)
2558 From Hans-Dietrich Lempel:

Friedrich Geyer - Mayor Bamberg
◆ Parents: Friedrich Geyer and Agnes Zollner
◆ (* about? 1270), † 7.9.1325
◆ 1307-1324 mayor in Bamberg
◆ ∞1) (about 1290) with Agnes N.N. who was born (* about? 1265)
◆ ∞2) (about 1303) with Elsbeth N.N. who was born (* about? 1275)

from 1st marriage:
1 Agnes Zollner, (* about? 1295), † 13.8.1342 from Bamberg
⁃ ∞ (about? 1310) with Konrad Groß who was * c. 1280, † 10.5.1356 in Bamberg, 76 years old, buried in Nuremberg and was1338-1356 mayor. Hospital founder.
⁃ Konrad's parents: Heinz Groß, (* about? 1250), † zw 1314/1317 In Nuremberg, documented 1276-1306. Death between 1314-1317. He was ∞2) (about? 1287) with Gisela Esler , (* about? 1260), † after 1339 sister of the mayor Conrad Esler . ) ; ∞ (about? 1273) with Sofie v. Vestenberg, (* about? 1250), † about? 1286.

from 2nd marriage:
3 Friedrich Zollner, (* about? 1310) ∞ Christina.... The offspring: Zollner called Geyer .
4 Agnes Zollner, (* about? 1305) and ∞ (about? 1323) with Heinrich Sampach who was (* about? 1280) Urkdl. 1311 ff to 1331.
⁃ His father: Walter, (* about? 1250), † 11.6.1306 in Bamberg urkdl. 1276-1306 in Bamberg. 1285, 1294 Aldermen in Bamberg: Waltherus et Cunradus filii quondam Brunwardi.

◆ 1323 Witnesses to the Testament of Abbot Eberhard: Fridericus scultetus civitatis bambergensis dictus geyer ; fridericus dictus zolner consanguineus noster (Eberhardi).
◆ [CASchweitzer: The Housemates to Bamberg, p.17]
◆ Friedrich Zollner , 1307-1324 mayor in Bamberg, ∞ Agnes..., daughter: Agnes ∞ Konrad Groß , mayor Nuremberg. [Bullemer: Groß. - Ue]
◆ 31.8.1320: Henry of fear called sold ... Witnesses: Mr. Friedrich Zolner Schultheiß, Heinrich Meyr , Sifrid Volland , Joh. V. Schamelstorf , Fritz Swarz donkey , Cunrad Tokker , Fritz Zolner ..., citizens and Schöppen to Babenberg, [Regesta Boica ... Bd.6, Munich 1937, p.17. - GL 1974]
◆ 322 Friedrich Zollner , mayor, chief nurse of the Katharinenspital in Bamberg. (Successor: 1326 Albrecht v.Aufseß , 1340 Heinrich v.Libsperger). [WFReddig: citizen hospital and episcopal city, Bamberg 1998, p.394]
◆ Friedrich Zollner , 1325 scultetus, ∞1) Agnes, ∞2) Elsbeth. From first marriage: Agnes ∞ Konrad Groß of Nuremberg; from 2nd marriage: Alheid ∞ Otto v.Aufseß ; Margreth ∞ Cunrat v.Aufseß ; Elsbeth ∞ Philip v.Aufseß ; Agnes ∞ Heinrich Sampach ; Friedrich ∞ Christina. [Arneth]
◆ 3./5.9.1325, shortly before his death, the mayor of Bamberg Friedrich Zollner transferred a tithe to Gremsdorf to two nephews, both of whom are also called Friedrich:
◆ 21.8.1325 Friedrich Zollner , a tithe to Gremsdorf
◆ 3.9.1325: Friedrich and Friedrich Zollner ask Count Ludwig von Rieneck and Rothenfels, as before, the brother of their father, the Bamberger Mayor Friedrich Zollner , the monastery Ebrach tithing in Gremsdorf, which they together with the mayor of Count Ludwig Have fiefs to confer.
◆ 5.9.1325: At the request of the Bamberg mayor Friedrich Zollner and the sons of his brother ... [Internet 2012,, Ebrach]
◆ 7.9.1325 † Friedrich Geyer , citizen of Bamberg, scultetus. Buried Apostle Altar. Before buried here: 15.4.1294 Friedrich Geyer. [Paschke, Franciscan Monastery, 110.BHVB 1974]
◆ In 1380 Mathias Lemil sold a house in Kolin. [Okresni Archiv v Koline, Koliner Stadtbuch no.1, from 1376, p.17 '. Photocopy by Mr. Zdenek Bisinger.]
◆ The same city book mentions Nicolaus Czolner gener ant czolneri (p.50 ') in 1382 and Hans Stromayr (p.53') in 1386 .
◆ → Who is the "antiquus Zollner"? ═ Friedrich?

Regests to Agnes Zollner:
◆ Agnes, wife of Konrad Groß , documented in 1322, 1340, 1343.
◆ According to Arneth, she is a daughter of the Bamberg mayor Friedrich Zollner and his first wife Agnes. [Miracle MVGN volume 49 p.65] [Scharr: Waldstromer, MVGN 52 p.22,23] - [Bullemer: Groß]
◆ Konrad Groß ∞ with Agnes († 1342), daughter of Friedrich Zolner gen.Geyer , mayor in Bamberg. [Internet, Dt.Biography]

Regesta to Friedrich Zollner:
Geyer, Friedrich (I30790)
2559 From Hans-Dietrich Lempel:

Leonhard Kastner
◆ Parents unknown
◆ (* about? 1400), † 1468
◆ Hammerherr in Unterschnaittenbach, 1446 possession in Trautmannshofen.
◆ ∞ 1428 with Barbara Loney's
⁃ Barbara was born around 1405, † 1470
⁃ her parents: Ulrich Loneysen, (* about? 1370), † 1437
⁃ In Sulzbach, 1400 Senator, 1419 mayor. Mr. Hammer. 1428 Mayor Amberg; ∞ with Katharina Grünhofer, (* about? 1375).

1 Hanns, (* about? 1440) - Mayor Amberg

◆ Leonhard Kastner , † 1468, son of Friedrich Castner
◆ Hammer mill owner in Unterschnaittenbach, 1446 possession to Trautmannshofen.
◆ 1426 with Barbara Loneys , † 1470.
◆ Son: Hanns (the black) Castner to Schnaittenbach. [ 2011]

Regesta to Katharina Grünhofer:
◆ [Frhr v.Löhneysen, material in the GFF-Archiv Nuremberg, Mtlg A. Fabian 2003] 
Kastner, Leonard (I30643)
2560 From Hans-Dietrich Lempel:

Matthäus Ebner - in Nuremberg
◆ Parents: Matthew Ebner and Anna Oesterreicher
◆ (* about? 1443), † 1491
◆ from 1474 in the council
◆ 1475 young mayor
◆ ∞ 1473 with Margaretha Schürstab who was (* about? 1455), † 1498

her parents: Leupold Schürstab Nj95 , (* about? 1420)
See Schb-27 / lp ; ∞ with Margarete Löffelholz Nj94 , (* about? 1438), † 1481 ( she ∞2) with Fabian Haller H530 , * 1451, † 4.10.1532
1516 bailiff of the Lorenz Forest. ) .

1. Margarete Ebner H595 , (* about? 1474)

∞ 1493 with Stefan Volckamer H591

(* about? 1450), † 1507

See Vo-26 / i

his father: Stefan Volckamer H590 , (* about? 1410), † 1461
See Vo-25 / i ∞ 1439 with Walburga Kress H596 * 1422

2. Matthew, (* about? 1475) -, see Ebnr-29 / g

3. Hieronimus, * 5.1.1477 -, see Ebnr-29 / h

4. Barbara Ebner H764 , (* about? 1480)

∞ 1500 with Nicolaus Groland H763

(* about? 1465), † 1551

In 1502 he becomes Senator See Grol-25 / e

his parents: Peter Groland Nj08 , (* about? 1410), † 1481
See Grol-24 / e ; ∞ 1475 with Dorothea Imhof H531 , (* about? 1439), † 1505.

5. Hans, * 16.3.1482 -, see Ebnr-29 / j

• ∞ Marg. Schürstab , t, v, Leupold S ∞ Marg. Löffelholz .

• Children: Jerome, Matthew, Anton, Marg., Barbara, Hanss.

• Parents: Matthew ∞2) Anna Oesterreicher.
[Biedermann Tafel 26] Here also further.

Regesta to Margaretha Schürstab:
[Biedermann panel 26 Ebner]

Regesten zu Margarete Löffelholz:
[Biedermann panel 300] [Biedermann panel 26 Ebner]

Regesta to Fabian Haller:
[Biedermann Plate 106] 
Ebner, Matthäus von Eschenbach (I30592)
2561 From Hans-Dietrichl Lemmel:
Fritz Ebner - in Nuremberg
◆ Parents unknown
◆ Born about 1150
◆ 1200 in Nuremberg
◆ Progenitor of Ebner.

1. Seifrid, (* about 1180) - in Nuremberg, see Ebnr-20 / a

• Fritz Ebner , progenitor, lived in 1200.
• Older Ebner in Nuremberg:
• Hermann Ebner † New Year's Eve 1070.
• Hermann Ebner , lived in 1140.
• Hanß Ebner , 1197.
• Dehmuth Ebnerin , Klosterfrau zu Engeltal.
Margareta Ebnerin , a very beautiful lady, nun in Medingen in Swabia, † 1352nd
[Biedermann Tafel 22] 
Ebner, Fritz (I30344)
2562 From his will, names all of his children, including Thomas who had predeceased him. The inventory of his estate totaled nearly 424 Pounds, of which 279 Pounds was Real Estate

Richard (2), third son of Richard (1) Bartlett, was born October 31, 1621, probably in England, and died in Newbury, Massachusetts, 1698, his will, dated April 19, 1695, being proved July 18, 1698. He was a shoemaker, cordwainer and yeoman, and lived at first at Oldtown in Newbury, removing to Bartlett's Corner near Deer Island, at the Merrimac River. He is said to have been "a facetious and intelligent man"; he subscribed to the oath of allegiance at Newbury in 1678 and was for several years a deputy to the general court. He married Abigail, who died March 8, 1686. His children, born in Newbury, were: 1. Samuel, born February 20, 1645, died May 15, 1732; married, May 23, 1671, Elizabeth Titcomb. 2. Richard, born February 21. 1648, died April 17, 1724; married, November 18, 1673, Hannah Emery. 3. Thomas, born September 7, 1650, died April 6, 1689; married, November 21, 1685, Tirza Titcomb. 4. Abigail, born March 14, 1653, died in 1723: married, May 27, 1700, John Emery, of Newbury. 5. John, born June 22, 1655, see forward. 6. Hannah, born December 18. 1657, died unmarried between 1698 and 1723. 7. Rebecca, born May 23. 1661, died in 1723: married, September 5, 1700, Isaac Bayley, of Newbury.
(Genealogical and Family History of the State of Maine, Volume 1, by Henry Sweetser Burrage, Albert Roscoe Stubbs)

Forefathers and descendants of Willard & Genevieve Wilson Bartlett p. 8 #iii
Richard, b. October 21, 1621; d. 1698; of whom further.
Estate of Richard (1) Bartlett of Newbury:
The Testimony of William Titcombe & Anthony Somersby concerning the last will and testament of Richard Bartlett, Sr. of New bury deceased the 20th of Mary 1647. About a Newbury deceased) three acres of upland adjoining to this house, & but if she died & then to my three daughters Abigail, Hannah and Rebecca Bartlett.
Item I give to my three daughters (above named) I give my dwelling house and barn and orchard and land adjoining about 12 acres; also one freehold in the commons of New bury, purchysed of Mr. Henry Sewell of Newbury & also several lots of land specified.
Item My will is & I do hereby apoint my three daughters namely Abigael Bartlett, Hannah Bartlett, & Rebecca Bartlett to be executors of this mye last will and testament, giving and bequeathing the beside what I have formerly given them, all the rest of my estate not mentioned in this My will, whither debts due to me bye bill fond booke, or otherwise or whatever may heer after appear to be mine my debts & funnerall charges being by them discharged.
Lastly I do appoint Tristram Coffin Esq. & my Cosen [a brother's child] John Bartlett and my three sons afore named as overseers to advise my Exectr in the Management of the trust committed to them in this my last will & testament. Heerby renouncing all former wils of mine.
Dated 19 April 1695. Proved Jul 18, 1698. (New England register, Vol. 40, pp. 200-201.)
Richard Bartlett married Abigail, who died March 8, 1687, He died, 1698, aged seventy-seven years.

Additional source: 
Bartlett, Richard II (I35840)
2563 From Hobby Horse Rider, edited by Warren Taylor Kingsbury:

D. Kintner of Columbia is enjoying an interesting phase of bottle collecting. I was surprised to learn it is possible to find bottles filled with medicines with original labels which interested people three score years and ten ago. He says that in six months he has been able to collect about 400 of them. Many of them contained in the light cardboard boxes in which they were packed with a brochure of testimonials around the bottle.

One of them of local interest was "Grandmother Schermer's Health Restorer" manufactured by the Eureka Medicine County, of Bunceton, Mo. Testimonials about its great benefits were dated 1901, 1902, and 1903.

Grandma Schermer, a native of Germany, came to Speed Mo., to live in 1867. She broughtwith her a home remedy which she used for family ailments. Finally there were so many requests for it, she and her son, C. J. Walje, decided to form a company to manufacture it commerically in Bunceton.

It was purely herbal, made wholly from leaves, bark, roots, flowers, and seeds. It was claimed to "prepare the body for resistance to disease, purify the blood, promote digestion, regulate the bowels, act upon the kidneys, induce healthy respiration, quiet the nerve and induce sound restful sleep.

In Bunceton Rev. B. Marson, Pastor of the C.P. church used it and praised it for "doing what it claimed to do." Harvey B. Moore was completely cured of indigestion by take it. W. E. Coleman claimed it did more good than anything he had ever taken for "indigestion and that tired feeling." Mrs. W. F. Howard had tried many remedies but five bottles of the Health Restorer "almost completely cured her." Mrs. Wm. Lusk took it for two months and it did more good than all other medicines combined which she had ever tried.

Mrs. Margaret E. Stegner of Speed had been afflicted with catarrh of the stomach for over 15 years, the doctors had declared it chronic. She had tried five or six doctors and patent medicines which had cost her several hundred dollars resulting in little relief. Five bottles of Grandma Schermer's Health Restorer had done her more good than everthing else put together. And John J. Blank was sick of indigestion and had a tired feeling until he feared he would take down with fever but after taking one bottle he was entirely relieved.

P. H. Kirby of Bunceton wanted it known that he had chronic malaria, a liver trouble and impure blood about 15 years, even a trip to Eldorado Springs did not keep him from feeling weak and worn out all the time. After using two bottles, he felt as though he had never been sick.

Wm. D. Woods of Tipton after suffering 18 years with malaria and impure blood and "trying several noted doctors," was persuaded to try GSHR and claimed he would not take $500 for the benfit he derived from it.

Miss Jessie Rudolph of Boonville found it very benefical for stomach trouble which had bothered her for three years.

Herman Kramer of Boonville had suffered indigestion for 10 years, more or less severe, had employed the best medical aid in the city but obtained only temporary relief through dieting. As soon as he begain eating again he would bloat up and have cramping pains. He reduced in flesh to 128 pounds. After taking four bottles of Grandma Schermer's medicine, the bloating and cramping disappeared and he weighed 166 pounds.

J. H. Haller wanted the world to know that for 7 or 8 years he got no relief from doctors, but four bottles of this wonder medicine had cured him entirely.

Mrs. M. J. Goode of Syracuse suffered for three months with a disease the doctors diagnosed differently. One said she was in the last stage of consumption, another that she had catarrh of the stomach and enlargement of the liver. Many remedies were tried without relief. Sh was almost dead when Grandma's Health Restorer saved her from an early grave. She took only four bottles before she began to feel like a new woman and her friends told her she did not look like the same person. 
Sexauer, Katharine (I23239)
2564 From Hobby Horse Rider, edited by Warren Taylor Kingsbury:

D. Kintner of Columbia is enjoying an interesting phase of bottle collecting. I was surprised to learn it is possible to find bottles filled with medicines with original labels which interested people three score years and ten ago. He says that in six months he has been able to collect about 400 of them. Many of them contained in the light cardboard boxes in which they were packed with a brochure of testimonials around the bottle.

One of them of local interest was "Grandmother Schermer's Health Restorer" manufactured by the Eureka Medicine County, of Bunceton, Mo. Testimonials about its great benefits were dated 1901, 1902, and 1903.

Grandma Schermer, a native of Germany, came to Speed Mo., to live in 1867. She brought with her a home remedy which she used for family ailments. Finally there were so many requests for it, she and her son, C. J. Walje, decided to form a company to manufacture it commerically in Bunceton.

It was purely herbal, made wholly from leaves, bark, roots, flowers, and seeds. It was claimed to "prepare the body for resistance to disease, purify the blood, promote digestion, regulate the bowels, act upon the kidneys, induce healthy respiration, quiet the nerve and induce sound restful sleep.

In Bunceton Rev. B. Marson, Pastor of the C.P. church used it and praised it for "doing what it claimed to do." Harvey B. Moore was completely cured of indigestion by take it. W. E. Coleman claimed it did more good than anything he had ever taken for "indigestion and that tired feeling." Mrs. W. F. Howard had tried many remedies but five bottles of the Health Restorer "almost completely cured her." Mrs. Wm. Lusk took it for two months and it did more good than all other medicines combined which she had ever tried.

Mrs. Margaret E. Stegner of Speed had been afflicted with catarrh of the stomach for over 15 years, the doctors had declared it chronic. She had tried five or six doctors and patent medicines which had cost her several hundred dollars resulting in little relief. Five bottles of Grandma Schermer's Health Restorer had done her more good than everthing else put together. And John J. Blank was sick of indigestion and had a tired feeling until he feared he would take down with fever but after taking one bottle he was entirely relieved.

P. H. Kirby of Bunceton wanted it known that he had chronic malaria, a liver trouble and impure blood about 15 years, even a trip to Eldorado Springs did not keep him from feeling weak and worn out all the time. After using two bottles, he felt as though he had never been sick.

Wm. D. Woods of Tipton after suffering 18 years with malaria and impure blood and "trying several noted doctors," was persuaded to try GSHR and claimed he would not take $500 for the benfit he derived from it.

Miss Jessie Rudolph of Boonville found it very benefical for stomach trouble which had bothered her for three years.

Herman Kramer of Boonville had suffered indigestion for 10 years, more or less severe, had employed the best medical aid in the city but obtained only temporary relief through dieting. As soon as he begain eating again he would bloat up and have cramping pains. He reduced in flesh to 128 pounds. After taking four bottles of Grandma Schermer's medicine, the bloating and cramping disappeared and he weighed 166 pounds.

J. H. Haller wanted the world to know that for 7 or 8 years he got no relief from doctors, but four bottles of this wonder medicine had cured him entirely.

Mrs. M. J. Goode of Syracuse suffered for three months with a disease the doctors diagnosed differently. One said she was in the last stage of consumption, another that she had catarrh of the stomach and enlargement of the liver. Many remedies were tried without relief. Sh was almost dead when Grandma's Health Restorer saved her from an early grave. She took only four bottles before she began to feel like a new woman and her friends told her she did not look like the same person. 
Plegge, Maria CHRISTINE Elsabein (I13598)
2565 From Home Town Sketches by Emile Palliou
Adam Eckhard

"Mistah Eckhard, I wants me a two poun' potah-house steak, and I pays you Sattidy shore!" A swift, appraising glance, then quick decision. "No, you don't, Jim, what you want is ten cents worth of liver. Here it is and you are a lucky nigger to get it."

Adam Eckhard was the original advocate of the "cheaper cuts" for the impecunious, and therewith went advice based upon such sound philosophy that should have proven of high value to the recipients, but was merely the casting of pearls before swine in most cases.

And yet, who can say the pearls were utterly lost? A rough talker was Adam Eckhard -even a ferocious man with his tongue where hypocrites and shams in general were at issue, but under the hard exterior was a heart as soft as that of a woman.

He was our next door neighbor. I fought and played with his children. When I got the worst of it, I took it out on his windows, and when his boys got licked, then our window panes suffered. The glazier was a frequent caller in our neighborhood.

Never did I see such open-handed hospitality extended to children. It seemed to me he had a thousand bushels of apples in his cellar, and great stone jars of cookies stood constantly within reach of small hands.

Fate certainly gave him a scurvy deal in return for his uprightness. His wife, an invalid for years and whom he tenderly cherished, died. His children one by one, were cut off in the flower of youth; only one daughter remains.

I saw Mr. Eckhard the year before his death and I found him a very old, lonely, brokenhearted man. It was some time before he recognized me. Then he took me out to the stable where he kept a superannuated mare in luxury. She came right up and nuzzled him. He put his old arms about her neck and the tears streamed down his cheeks. "Dixie," he said chokingly, "we are the only ones left, but it won't be for long-it won't be for long."

Lived on High Street in Boonville. Was a butcher with his shop on Water Street at the end of Seventh Street. 
Eckhardt, Adam (I19078)
2566 From Alyne, Thomas (I31319)
2567 From Francis, Robert (I31356)
2568 From
Christian Mowbray (b c. 1305? - d. 30 Dec 1363).[1][2]

Note on parentage: The Visitation of the North dated c 1480 - 1490 identifies Christian, second wife of Sir William de Plumpton, as "filia Mowbray" that is "daughter of Mowbray," but does not record the given name of her father.

Supporting contemporary evidence of Christian's family name is is provided by an entry in the Close Rolls dated 12 Dec. 1333 which indicates that Christian, then widow of Richard de Emeldon, appointed john de Moubray "her brother" and Henry Haydock, clerk, to set her dower[see C.C.R. 133-137(1898):185; citation courtesy of Paul M. Gifford].

Regardless, in the absence of additional evidence, it has been impossible to to place Christian with any certainty among the various branches of the Mowbray family then in England and Scotland."

See also this complete discussion, Hickling, Douglas (n.d.). "Which John de Mowbray was the brother of Christiana de Plumpton?" part 1 part 2 part 3

John de Mowbray.[1][3]

m.1 John Scot (living 1320). No issue.

m. 2 (by 1324 or 1320/19 Jul 1333) Richard de Emildon, Mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Issue: 1 known.
1. Jacoba (bp. 23 Mar 1324/5 Newcastle).

m. 3 (ante 04 Feb 1334) Sir William de Plumpton, Sheriff & Escheator of Yorkshire, son of Sir Robert de Plumpton, Lord Plumpton and Lucia de Roos. Issue: 1 son and 1 daughter:
1. Sir Robert.
2. Alice.
m. Sir Richard de Sherburne.[1]
m. Sir John le Boteler.[1]


Lewis, M. (2014, February 4). "Christian Mowbray #16391, d. 30 Decr 1363," (citing: Weis, n.d.; Richardson, 2011; Richardson, 2013; Sherborn, 1901). ORTNCA. Web.[1][5]
Hickling, D. (n.d.). "Which John de Mowbray was the brother of Christiana de Plumpton?" Web.[2][3] [4](citing Cokayne, G.E. (n.d.). The Complete Peerage, 9, pp. 377-380)].
Citations and Notes

↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Lewis, 2014
↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Hickling, n.d.
↑ Hickling (n.d.), states that Christiana de Plumpton's father is probably John I, Lord Mowbray and therefore John II, Lord Mowbray, is her brother. Richardson (2013), however, does not name Christiana as a child of John I, Lord Mowbray.
Hickling (n.d.) adds that the, "conclusion that Christiana ... was a member of baronial Mowbrays coincides with published beliefs of ... antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne extending back one hundred years. [See Dendy (1904), p. 63; NCH (1930) 13: 313-314; Blair, "Members of Parliament etc.," (1936) p. 70; and Blair, "The Mayors and Lord Mayors, etc." (1940), p. 3.] ... most recent ... view: Constance M. Fraser, PhD., former Pres. of Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne and author of "Embleton, Richard," in 2004 OXFORD DNB 18: 387-388."
↑ godparents: Lawrence de Dunelm, Margaret de Castro Bernardi, and Joan Moubray.
"Emeldon was in London ... told of Jacoba's birth by a letter from Christiana he received 30 Mar 1325 [CIPM 8: 207]," (Hickling n.d.)
↑ Richardson's works: Magna Carta Ancestry, 2011, III, pp. 365-366; Royal Ancestry, 2013, IV, pp. 385-388 and I, pp. 443. 
de Mowbray, Lady Christina (I33420)
2569 From Jan Studstill 2/1993 George, William H (I1589)
2570 From Lee Reber

Long, Charles Schuylkill Haven
Bromer, Johanna Schuylkill Haven
May 18, 1850 Rev. Bast.

Fritz, Benjamin Schuylkill Haven
Brummer, Anna Manheim Twp.
Oct. 26, 1846 John Haldeman Esq.

Achy, Samuel Wayne Twp.
Brummer, Johanna Friederika Wayne Twp. Feb. 9, 1839 Rev. Minnich.

Zimmerman, John Wayne Twp.
Brummer, Christiana Wayne Twp.
Jan. 5, 1839 Rev. Mennig 
Family: Zimmerman, John / Brommer, Christiana Wilhelmina (F993)
2571 From Lee Reber

Long, Charles Schuylkill Haven
Bromer, Johanna Schuylkill Haven
May 18, 1850 Rev. Bast.

Fritz, Benjamin Schuylkill Haven
Brummer, Anna Manheim Twp.
Oct. 26, 1846 John Haldeman Esq.

Achy, Samuel Wayne Twp.
Brummer, Johanna Friederika Wayne Twp. Feb. 9, 1839 Rev. Minnich.

Zimmerman, John Wayne Twp.
Brummer, Christiana Wayne Twp.
Jan. 5, 1839 Rev. Mennig 
Family: Achey, Samuel / Brommer, Friedericka Johanna (F116)
2572 From Lemmel
Franz Stromer N548 - in Nuremberg
Parents: Stro-23 / e Heinrich Stromer N613 , Margarete Geusmid N663

(* about? 1327), † 1362

∞1) (about? 1350) with ... .... Nn09

(* about? 1330), † about? 1355

∞2) after 1357 with Gerhaus / Gertrud Pömer N546

(* about? 1310), † 1362 in Nuremberg

her parents: Heinrich Pömer N508 , (* about? 1270), † on the day of Galli 1331 in Nuremberg
councilman in Nuremberg. He donated a benefice in St.Sebald, where his shield and window were also visible. See Pmr-22 / a ( Er ∞1) ?? with Ursula Pfinzing N519 , (* about? 1280) ) ; ∞ with Mechtild Zenner N509 , (* about? 1285), † 1337 or 1357.

she ∞1) with Friedrich Holzschuher H026

(* about? 1308), † 22.9.1357 in Nuremberg, buried in the Sebaldkirche

1332-1357 Consul in Nuremberg. He lives at the Long Bridge. See wood 24 / b

from 1st marriage:
1. Margarete Stromer Nn10 , (* about? 1350)

∞ (about? 1370) with Martin Groland Nj15

(* about? 1315)

1348 Senator in Nuremberg See Grol-21 / g

his parents: Heinrich Groland Ni14 , (* about? 1280), † 1350
1346 councilman in Nuremberg. See Grol-20 / e ; ∞ with Anna Sachs Ni15 , (* about? 1290).

from 2nd marriage:
2. Martin, (* about? 1360) -, see Stro-25 / cd

3. Franz, (* about? 1362) - alderman in Nuremberg, see Stro-25 / cf

• Franz Stromer † 1362, buried Nuremberg St.Sebald.

• ∞ Gerhauß Pömer † 1362, buried St. Seebald. She was previously married to Fritz Holzschuher , who died in 1357.

• children: Franz; Margareta; Martin.
[further see Biedermann panel 465A]

• Gerhaus, Erkenbrecht Kolers daughter, has Heinrich Stromer . In 1374 she buys Leibding to Franz, Franz Stromer's son, and to Uhlein, Erkenbrecht Koler's son.
[Miracle: Col. p.148]

→ Error note:

• Franz Stromer and his wife Gerhauß Pömer have a daughter, Margarete, who married Martin Groland , who became a senator in 1348 and died in 1358.
[Biedermann panel 613 Groland]

→ Since Franz Stromer married Gerhauß Pömer only after 1357, the daughter Margarete, who may have been born around 1350, must have come from a previous marriage (HDL).

Regesten zu Gerhaus / Gertrud Pömer:
• Gerhauss Poemmer † 1362

• ∞1) Mr. Friz Holzschuher , † 1357

• ∞2) Mr. Franz Stromer , † 1362
[Biedermann panel 571 Pömer]

Regest to Mechtild Zenner:
• Albrecht Ebner † 1368, ∞ Agnes Pömer , Tv Heinrich Pömer ∞ Mechtild Zenner .
[Biedermann panel 24 Ebner]

• The name is also given with Zeuner , Zeumer , Zenner or Zollner .
[Date of death 1337 according to ancestor lists from all German districts. - 1357 according to Biedermann plaque 571]

• In 1349, Hermann Weigel sells a manor near St. Johannis in Nuremberg to Mechtild Pömer .
[Hirschmann, "Muffle", p.274]

• In 1379 Friedrich Behaim dies and leaves the widow Kunigunde geb. Weigel . Behaim was first married to a Pfinzing . In 1380 Michel Behaim (son of Friedrich?) And Seitz Pfinzing (nephew of Friedrich Behaim's first wife -HDL) sell the left house to the brothers Seitz Weigel ∞ Agnes and Hermann Weigel ∞ Elsbeth. In 1381, Conrad Hirschvogel bought the one half of the house from Hermann Weigel , Hermann's son, and his wife Elsbeth, born. Wooden shoe . In 1402 Ulrich Hirschvogel buys, Son of Conrad, the other half of Agnes's house, the widowed Seitz Weiglin , who is already remarried with Konrad Keusch , and their children Konrad and Gerhaus Weigel .
[Christa Schaper: "Hirschvogel", Nbger F'gen Bd.18 (1973) p.13, 20, 290] 
Pömer, Gerhaus (I30272)
2573 From Lemmel
Gerhart v.Reichenbach N769 - Knight on Burg Kammerstein
Parents unknown

(* about? 1170)

Ritter, 1205 at the Reichsburg Kammerstein in the district of Schwabach.

1. Conrad von Reichenbach gen. Stromer, (* about? 1205) - in Nuremberg and Schwabach, see Stro-21 / aoo

[Scharr: Waldstromer, MVGN 52 p.32] 
Stromer, Gerhart von Reichenbach (I30325)
2574 From Lemmel:

Conrad Schlüsselfelder
◆ Father: Schlüsselfeldefields
◆ (* about? 1370)
◆ ∞ with Catharina Seybold who was (*? 1375)
⁃ her parents: Heinrich Seybold, (* about? 1340); ∞ with Catharina Weigel, (* about? 1345)

1 Conrad Schlüsselfelder, (* about? 1395); ∞ 1418 with Magdalena v.Hezelsdorf
2 Heinrich, (* about? 1400)
3 Anna Schlüsselfelder No15 , (* about? 1415)
⁃ She died without children
⁃ ∞ 1436 with Hans Rieter who was (* about? 1390), † 1437; from Kornburg to Kalbensteinberg; he ∞1) 1418 with Kunigunde Harsdörfer who was (* about? 1392), † 8.9.1431; Kunigunde ∞1) Peter of Heidenabb , he † 1417.

◆ [Biedermann Table 618 B Key Fields] 
Schlüsselfelder, Conrad (I26905)
2575 From Lemmel:
... Vorchtel N256 - in Nuremberg
Parents unknown

(* about? 1155)

Suspected father of Anna and Berthold.

1. Berthold, (* about? 1185) - in Nuremberg, see Vorc-21 / a

2. Anna, (* about? 1190) - ∞ Ebner, see Vorc-21 / e 
Vorchtel, Anna (I30342)
2576 From Lemmel:
(Daughter) Stromer N580 - ∞ v. Reichenbach
Father: Stro-20 / a Heinrich Stromer N576

(* about? 1210)

∞ (about? 1230) with Conrad von Reichenbach gen. Stromer N579

(* about? 1205)

Conrad von Reichenbach calls himself after his wedding " Stromer" (urk for the first time around 1242). 1267 in Schwabach. Citizen Nuremberg. 33 children from 3 marriages. See Stro-21 / aoo

his father: Gerhart v.Reichenbach N769 , (* about? 1170)
Ritter, 1205 on the Reichsburg Kammerstein in the district of Schwabach. See Stro-20 / aoo

he ∞2) (about? 1250) with (daughter) Tockler N849

(* about? 1225)

3 children from the marriage Stromer-Tockler. See Tokl-21 / m

he ∞3) (about? 1260) with Elisabeth (?) Hellbag N850

(* about? 1240)

15 children from the marriage Stromer-Hellbag.

1. Conrad, (* about? 1230) - alderman in Nuremberg, see Stro-22 / a

2. Heinrich Stromeir N852 , (* about? 1240)
1287-1312 Schöffe at the Schultheißengericht in Nuremberg. At the wine market. Marriage and children unknown.

3. H. Stromair N819 , (* about? 1240)
1305 vouch for H.Stromair and Chunr.Lembelin for the newcomer Fritz de Golnhofen . (Unclear if Heinrich or Hermann Stromair is meant.)

4. Otto Stromeir N853 , (* about? 1240/1245)
Only given by Ulman Stromer. No certificate known.

5. Haynolt Stromeir N854 , (* approximately? 1245) Specified
only by Ulman Stromer. No certificate known.

6. Hermann Stromeir N855 , (* 1245/1250) in
1311 together with his brother Conrad.

• Sister of the mayor Conrad Stromer. Her first name is unknown.
[Scharr: Waldstromer, MVGN 52 p.14]

• daughter of the mayor Conrad Stromer ∞ Beatrix v . Perg : Beatrix, ∞ Conrad v.Reichenbach to Cammerstein, the descendants are named Stromer of the maternal grandfather.
[Biedermann, Tafel 545 Waldstromer]

→ Error note: The mayor Conrad Stromer is not her father but her brother. Your first name is not documented.

Regesta to Heinrich Stromeir:
[Scharr: Forest Streamers p.35]

• 19./25.11.1290: Durinhart v.Beerbach sells his goods to Wetzendorf, Heinzendorf, Kezenhof etc. to Conrad and Adelhaid from the Neuer Markt ,

• and entrusts Chunrad Stromeyr and Gramlieb Esler with two estates to Rückersdorf.

• Witnesses: Chunrad the Eseler , Wolfel the Saxon , Chunrat the Stromeyr , Henry the Young Rose , Berchtold Pfinzing , Wolfel the Hennangel , Heinrich Stromeyr and others.
[StA Nbg Rst.Nbg. St. Catherine Monastery Urk.1. - Online 2017]

• Heinrich Stromer , 1296 in the Nuremberg Council, died unharmed.
[Biedermann panel 545 Waldstromer] Here, however, given as the son of Conrad Stromer ∞ v . Perg . 
Stromer, N.N. (I30323)
2577 From Lemmel:
Albert the Elder Ebner N538 - in Nuremberg
Parents: Ebnr-20 / a Seifrid Ebner N207 , Vorc-21 / e Anna Vorchtel N208

(* about? 1218)

Documented in Nuremberg in 1251/1263.

∞ probably with (daughter) Bigenot N721

(* about? 1220)

her father: Konrad Bigenot N722 , (* about? 1175)
1226/1251 in the Nuremberg document book [Wunder S.63] 1219-1228 mayor in Nuremberg. See Ebnr-20 / Bi

1. Maria Ebner N537 , (* about? 1242)

∞ with Heinrich Eisvogel Nm08

(* about? 1235)

Senator in Nuremberg. See ice-21 / h

2. Eberhard, (* about? 1245) - alderman in Nuremberg, see Ebnr-22 / j

3. Sifrid, (* about? 1250) - alderman in Nuremberg, see Ebnr-22 / s

• G.Wunder [MVGN 49 S.63,64] suspects that Albert Ebner was married to a daughter of Hermann Bigenot, son of the mayor Konrad Bigenot. For a Bigenot Ebner (born 1308) has fields in front of the goal, which he inherited from his ancestor the knight Bigenot. - Father and son Bigenot are mentioned together in 1234; Accordingly, Albert Ebner's wife can possibly be Hermann's sister, not his daughter (HDL).

• Albert Ebner , documented 1251-1263, maybe ∞ with daughter of Hermann Bigenot (according to miracle).
[A.Scharr: The ans. Citizen of Nuremberg, in: Gen.Jb. Vol.3 1963 p.14]
• 1256 in Nuremberg Witnesses include: Albert Ebner , Cunrad Forchtlin , Heinrich Toggeler and Walter his son.

• 1258: Berthold, the mayor of Nuremberg, carries a meadow near Neuhof to the fief of Heinrich von Stein , Butigler in Nuremberg, and gives the meadow. Among the witnesses: Heinrich von Stein , Seibot Pfinzing , Albrecht Ebner , Conrad Stromeier , Conrad Forchtlin , Hermann Graf .
[Nuremberg Yearbooks vol. 1-2 p.32,34]

• For [AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964] a Seifrid Ebner, 1234 in Nuremberg, is indicated. He could be the father of Albert Ebner (HDL).

→ This Albert is unknown at Biedermann in Ebner-Tafel 22, instead there is a Seifried. 
Ebner, Albert (I30338)
2578 From Lemmel:
Berchtold Pfinzing N641 - in Nuremberg at the milk market
Parents: Pfin-22 / s Siboto Pfinzing N603 , ... .... N605

(* about? 1315), † 11.11.1361 in Nuremberg

Councilman and mayor in Nuremberg At the Milchmarkt in Nuremberg, first documented mention in 1356-1361.

∞1) 1348 in Nuremberg with Anna Irrer N441

(* about? 1325), † 1351 in Nuremberg

∞2) 1352 in Nuremberg with Anna Tucher N643

* around 1330, † 11.11.1410 in Nuremberg

1361 Widow of Berchtold Pfinzing.

her parents: Bertold Tucher N645 , * 1310 in Nuremberg, † 17.4.1379 in Nuremberg
1340-1379 Member of the Small Council. In 1340 he was the first of the family to join the Inner Council, as a junior mayor. See Tuc-25 / a ( Er ∞2) 1365 with Anna Pfinzing N646 , (* about? 1345), † 12.12.1381 in Nuremberg ) ; ∞ 1330 with Elisabeth v.Maiental N758 , (* about? 1310), † 1364 in Nuremberg
Daughter of the imperial land judge of the Burggrafentum Nuremberg. [Schwemmer p.19] 2 daughters ..

from 1st marriage:
1. Anna Pfinzing N654 , (* about? 1349)

∞ (about? 1370) with Konrad Groß N045

(* about? 1315), † after 1397

1363-1365 Reichsschultheiß. 1370/80 Hammerherr. Makes 1397 testament. See Gros-24 / e

his parents: Konrad Groß N632 , * around 1280, † 10.5.1356 in Bamberg, 76 years old, buried in Nuremberg
1338-1356 mayor. Hospital founder. See Gros-23 / e ; ∞ (about? 1310) with Agnes Zollner N772 , (* about? 1295), † 13.8.1342
from Bamberg.

he ∞1) (about? 1345) with Anna Haller H244

(* about? 1325), † before 1368

2. Elisabeth Pfinzing N655 , (* about? 1351)

∞ (about? 1382) with Ulrich Stromer N899

(* about? 1340), † 1418

"zur güldenen Rose", councilor in Nuremberg 1380 Senator in Sulzbach (same?) See Stro-24 / b

his parents: Ulrich Stromer / Stromeyr N818 , (* about? 1295), † before 5.1.1380
1340-1380 councilman in Nuremberg. 1358 in Vienna. Ulrich the Elder, filius Wolframi, the golden rose. 1341, 1359 chief of the Stromer Society. See Stro-23 / b ; ∞ with Margarete Prantner N898 , (* about? 1310).

he ∞1) (about? 1368) with Margaretha Reichswirth Na13

(*? 1345)

from 2nd marriage:
3. Berthold, (* about? 1352) - alderman in Nuremberg, see Pfin-24 / w

4. Franz, (* about? 1350) - bailiff and judge in Nuremberg, see Pfin-26 / e

5. Konrad Pfinzing N761 , (* about? 1352), † 1402

∞ with Juliana Grundherr Nh43

(* about? 1353), † 1405

her parents: Michael landlord Na14 , (* about? 1325), † 1388 in Nuremberg
supreme captain Nuremberg See Gru-24 / a ( Er ∞2) with Catharina Schopper Ni50 , (* about? 1348) ) ; ∞ with Juliane Lauffenholz Na15 , (* about? 1330).

6. Mechtild Pfinzing H861 , (* about? 1353)

∞ (about? 1370) in Nuremberg with Paul Mendel N382

(* about? 1335), † 1387 in Nuremberg

in Nuremberg, 1362-1376 and 1382-1387 councilman. See Mend-24 / a

his father: Friedrich Mendel N439 , (* about? 1305), † 29.9.1351 in Nuremberg
∞ with (Katharina?) Langmann . See Mend-23 / a

7. Küngund Pfinzing N651 , (* about? 1355)
It was not called Elisabeth, as stated by Biedermann. [Miracle MVGN 49 p.40]

∞ with Peter Stromer N652

(* about? 1355), † 1402

In Nuremberg. See Stro-25 / ab

his parents: Peter Stromer N653 , * 1292, † 4.12.1388
inventor of the softwood seed. In 1375, Lewpolt Schurstab and Fritz Lemlein testify for him. See Stro-24 / a ( Er ∞1) with Siglint Ebner N776 , (* about? 1310), † 1350 ) ; ∞ (1351) with Margarete Forstmeister N777 , (* about? 1330), † after 1401.

> Summary :

• "Berthold VIII" according to Biedermann, ∞ with Anna Tucher , so confirmed by Wunder. His father is not "Berthold V" (according to Biedermann) but Siboto (according to Wunder). According to Wunder, Anna Tucher is his second wife. The first wife, who is not named at Biedermann, is according to AL Pusch Anna Irrer .

> In detail :

• In Nuremberg on Milchmarkt, first documented mention 1356-1361.

• Berthold Pfinzing († 1361), Tucher's Eidam, has sold his paternal inheritance, namely the courtyard in front of the Frauentor, to his sisters "von beeden gangs" (ie right sister and half-sister), Kunigunde Jakob Weiglin and Agnes Konrad Waldstromerin .

• Before his death in 1361, he named as guardian of his children and as executors of his business (his will):
Mr. Berthold Tucher his Schweher (= father in law, who survived him);
Conrad Waldstromer the boy, his sister (Agnes) son;
Gerhaußen Stromerin his Muhmen (who is that? It lives at this time Franz Stromer ∞2) with Gerhaus Pömer, she † 1362);
Künigundt Weiglin his sister.

• His widow (who died 11.11.1410).
[Wonders p.40]

• A document from 1405 shows that Anna, widow of Bertold Pfinzing , divided her estates into (the sons) Franz and Cuntz Pfinzing and (the grandsons) Steffan Stromer and siblings.

[see at the bottom of the page Pfin.html]

• According to miracle it is in the above certificate Bertold Pfinzing at the milk market ∞ Anna Tucher . The father of Steffan Stromer is Peter Stromer, Ulman's nephew. Peter's wife was called Küngund and not Elisabeth, as stated by Biedermann.

• Bertold Pfinzing at Milchmarkt, his daughters from his first marriage: Anna (∞ Konrad Groß) ; Elisabeth (∞ Ulrich Stromer to g.Rose). - Anna can not have been married to the founder Konrad Groß nor to his son of the same name, because she is younger. At best, she is a late second wife of the younger Konrad.
[Wonders p.41 footnote 49]

→ Anna may really be the second wife of the younger Konrad, whose first wife Anna Haller died before 1368. (HDL)

• Wonder does not specify who Bertold's first wife is. According to AL Pusch, it is Anna Irrer .

• Berthold Pfinzing , councilor and mayor in Nuremberg, † 11.11.1361, ∞1) 1348 in Nuremberg with Anna Irrer , † 1351 in Nuremberg; ∞2) 1352 in Nuremberg with Anna Tucher , † 11.11.1410 in Nuremberg. A daughter from a second marriage: Mechtild ∞ with Paul Mendel.
[AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964]

→ Confusion at Biedermann:

• Berthold VIII Pfinzing , 1345 Senator Nuremberg, † 1361, ∞ Anna Tucher , Tv Berthold Tucher ∞ v.Mayenthal . Children: Elisabeth ∞ Peter Stromer ; Berthold X ∞ Ortlieb .
[Biedermann panel 398]

• A madman (Agnes, not Anna) is stated as the first wife of Berthold V at Biedermann:

• Berthold V Pfinzing , † 1357, ∞1) Agnes Irrer ; ∞2) Cath. v.Lauffenholz, she † 1379.

• Children (not specified from which marriage): Kunegunda ∞ Weigel ; Agnes ∞ forest streamers ; Anna ∞ Tucher ; Albrecht, † young; Seiz ∞ Schürstab , childless; Ulrich † 1399; Berthold VII ∞ Groß / Stromer ; Anna Klosterfrau; Clara nunnery; Berthold VIII ∞ Tucher .
[Biedermann panel 396]

→ Should he really have had two sons named Berthold? (HDL)

→ Comparison with miracles (see above): Year of death is not right, second marriage is wrong, daughters Kunigunde and Agnes right.

• son of Berthold V: Berthold VIII Pfinzing , 1345 Senator Nuremberg, † 1361, ∞ Anna Tucher , children: Elisabeth ∞ Peter Stromer ; Berthold X ∞ Ortlieb. (There is no question of her first marriage to Anna Irrer .)
[Biedermann Tafel 398]

→ The daughter, married to Peter Stromer , is not Elisabeth but Kungund. [Wonder]

Regesta to Anna Irrer:
• Berthold Irrer , 1294 Nuremberg
[A.Scharr: Die anges. Citizen of Nuremberg, in: Gen.Jb. Vol.3 1963 p.17]

→ Probably grandfather of Anna (HDL)

Regesto to Anna Tucher:
• Berthold Pfinzing married in a second marriage in 1352 Anna Tucher , whose father Bertold Tucher married in a second marriage Anna Pfinzing .

• Widow of Berthold Pfinzing (he † 1361), she † 11.11.1410 "at 80 years old".

• 1405: Berthold's Wittib communicates with her mother Anna Pfinzingin with her petits Steffan Stromern and his two siblings and with her brothers Franz Pfinzig the Elder, Elbetbeten Prant's grand daughter his wife, Cunzen Pfinzigen , his wife; Teiligung testifies in 1405 by Seitz and Sebald the Pfinzing and Jakob Grolandt .
[Wonders p.40]

• Berthold Tucher ∞1) Elisabeth v.Mayental , daughter Anna * 1330, † 11.11.1410 as 81-year-old widow, ∞ Berthold Pfinzing , he † 1361.
[Biedermann panel 493]

Regesta to Anna Pfinzing:
• Anna Pfinzing , 2nd wife of Bertold Tucher .

• Your brothers Franz d.Ä. and Conz Pfinzing .

• 1361 Stepmother of the widow Anna Pfinzing born. Tucher .

• 4 sons and 4 daughters.
[Wunder S.40,49] - [Scharr: Waldstromer p.27]

→ If Franz and Conz are their brothers, then their father is Bertold Pfinzing on the wine market.

• Wrong parents at Biedermann:

• Berthold Tucher , † 1379, ∞2) 1365 with Anna Pfinzing , † 1381, Tv Knights Berthold Pfinzing , Bamberger, Palatine and Nuremberg-burggräflicher Council and senator to Nuremberg, ∞ Agnes.

• After Biedermann Anna got 8 children in the Tucher marriage. She must have been so young at the marriage in 1365, so * about 1340/1347. (HDL)

• Anna Pfinzing became the happy tribe mother of all subsequent Tucher .
[Biedermann panel 396]

Regesta to Elisabeth v.Maiental:
• Daughter of the imperial judge of the Burggrafentums Nbg.
[Schwemmer p.19]

→ right sister instead of daughter? see Biedermann

• Sister of Mr. Hilpolt von Mayenthal , Ritter and kaiserl. Land judge of the Burggrafentum Nuremberg.
[Biedermann panel 493]

Regesta to Anna Pfinzing:
• Daughters of Berthold Pfinzing's first marriage on the dairy market: Anna (∞ Konrad Groß) and Elisabeth (∞ Ulrich Stromer zgRose). This Anna can not have been married to the founder Konrad Groß nor his son of the same name, because she is younger. Unless she was a late wife of the younger Konrad.
[Miracle: Pfinzing, p. 41 footnote 49]

→ She may indeed be the second wife of the younger Konrad! (HDL)

Regesta to Anna Haller:
from the first marriage of the father [Bullemer]

Regesten zu Konrad Pfinzing:
• Around 1364: The brothers Konrad and Berthold Pfinzing sell a farm in Altendettelsau to the monastery Heilsbronn.
[M.Keßler, Rittersitz Dettelsau, Diss.2009 S.69ff. - Internet 2014]

• Conrad Pfinzing (Sv Berthold ∞ Great) † 1402. ∞ Juliana Tv Michael Grundherr , Senator and chief captain of Nuremberg, ∞ Juliana v.Laufenholz .

• 4 daughters who lived in 1414: Gerhauß, Elisabeth, Christina, Elß.
[Biedermann panel 397]

Regesten to Juliane Lauffenholz:
• Juliane v.Lauffenholz (Tv Ulrich vL) ∞ Michael Grundherr , daughter Juliane ∞ Conrad Pfinzing .
[Biedermann panel 63 landlord, 397 Pfinzing] 
Pfinzing, Berchtold (I30360)
2579 From Lemmel:
Berthold Pfinzing N764 - councilman in Nuremberg
Parents: Pfin-23 / w Berchtold Pfinzing N641 , Anna Tucher N643

(* about? 1352), † 1405

Senator in Nuremberg.

∞ (about? 1371) with Klara Ortlieb N901

(* about? 1350)

her parents: Heinrich Ortlieb N902 , (* about? 1310)
See Ortl-23 / h ; ∞ with Klara Schürstab N938 , (* about? 1320)
See Schb-24 / k .

1. Clara Pfinzing Nm74 , (* about? 1372)

∞ 1392 with Erhard Schürstab N419

(* about? 1364), † 1439

1391 See Schb-25 / i

his father: Leupold Schürstab N416 , (* about? 1325), † after 1378
merchant in Nuremberg with Hungary privileges. 1370/1374 "the older one". See Schb-24 / i ∞1) (about? 1355) with Kunigunde Nützel Nk84 (* about? 1330)
∞2) (about? 1360) with Gerhaus v. Streitberg N939 (* about? 1340), † 8.9.1428

2. Margarete Pfinzing Nm76 , (* about? 1375)

∞ with Lorentz Groland Nn08

(* about? 1370), † 1425

See Grol-22 / s

his parents: Martin Groland Nj15 , (* about? 1315)
1348 Senator in Nuremberg See Grol-21 / g ; ∞2)? (about? 1370) with Margarete Stromer Nn10 , (*? 1350).

3. Agnes Pfinzing Nj10 , (* about? 1380)

∞ (about? 1400) with Hans Groland N912

(* about? 1370), † 1452

in Nuremberg, 1398 Senator. See Grol-23 / e

his parents: Ulrich Groland N896 , (* about? 1330), † 1407
father in law and shareholder of Ulman Stromeir. Councilor Nuremberg, erw. 1361 See Grol-22 / e ( Er ∞2) (about? 1365) with Elisabeth Schopper Na18 , (* about? 1345)
See Sopr-4 / p ) ; ∞ (about? 1350) with Elisabeth Zollner Nh81 , (* about? 1327).

he ∞2) with Ursula Pfinzing Nj16

(* about? 1383)

• Berthold X Pfinzing , Senator Nuremberg, earned a living around the city, ∞ Clara Ortlieb, TvHerrn Heinrich Ortlieb , Senator Nuremberg, ∞ Clara Schürstab . No dates indicated.

• Children: Clara ∞ Schürstab; Margarete ∞ Groland ; Agnes ∞ Groland ; Sebald I ∞ Mendel / Haller / Stromer .

• His parents: Berthold VIII ∞ Anna Tucher .
[Biedermann panel 398]

→ Error note: According to Schaper , the son Sebald I Pfinzing mentioned here can not be classified here; He is a son of Berthold Pfinzing ∞ Agnes Stromer . [Schaper: Hirschvogel, p.37 footnote 208, Mtlg WvStromer]

→ For this Berthold X Pfinzing Biedermann does not specify a year. The three daughters were born about their marriage dates around 1370-1380, so that this Berthold X could have been born about 1345. According to Biedermann, his parents got married in 1352, so that Berthold X must have been born in 1352/53 and married quite young. (HDL)

• Barthold X Pfintzing (Sv. Barthold VIII P. ∞ 1352 Anna Tucher) , alderman in Nuremberg, ∞ Klara Ortlieb , daughter of the Nuremberg alderman Heinrich Ortlieb ∞ Klara Schürstab ; both buried at St.Sebald in Nuremberg. Son: Sebald. [AL Pusch]

• In 1386, Berthold Pfinzing has feasts and Amt Schellenberg of the Bamberg Bishop in pawn ownership.

• In 1398 Berthold Pfinzing receives the Nuremberg Jewish tax.
[W. Schultheiß: Money and Financial Transactions ... p.76,86]

→ Is this this or another Berthold? (HDL)

Regesto to Gerhaus v. Streitberg:
• Tv Friedrich v. Strreitberg ∞ Cunigunde Truchsess of Henneberg and sister of Regensburg Bishop Johann v . Strreitberg .
[Biedermann panel 547A]

Regesta to Margarete Pfinzing:
[Biedermann panel 398] 
Pfinzing, Agnes (I30268)
2580 From Lemmel:
Berthold Pfinzing N764 - councilman in Nuremberg
Parents: Pfin-23 / w Berchtold Pfinzing N641 , Anna Tucher N643

(* about? 1352), † 1405

Senator in Nuremberg.

∞ (about? 1371) with Klara Ortlieb N901

(* about? 1350)

her parents: Heinrich Ortlieb N902 , (* about? 1310)
See Ortl-23 / h ; ∞ with Klara Schürstab N938 , (* about? 1320)
See Schb-24 / k .

1. Clara Pfinzing Nm74 , (* about? 1372)

∞ 1392 with Erhard Schürstab N419

(* about? 1364), † 1439

1391 See Schb-25 / i

his father: Leupold Schürstab N416 , (* about? 1325), † after 1378
merchant in Nuremberg with Hungary privileges. 1370/1374 "the older one". See Schb-24 / i ∞1) (about? 1355) with Kunigunde Nützel Nk84 (* about? 1330)
∞2) (about? 1360) with Gerhaus v. Streitberg N939 (* about? 1340), † 8.9.1428

2. Margarete Pfinzing Nm76 , (* about? 1375)

∞ with Lorentz Groland Nn08

(* about? 1370), † 1425

See Grol-22 / s

his parents: Martin Groland Nj15 , (* about? 1315)
1348 Senator in Nuremberg See Grol-21 / g ; ∞2)? (about? 1370) with Margarete Stromer Nn10 , (*? 1350).

3. Agnes Pfinzing Nj10 , (* about? 1380)

∞ (about? 1400) with Hans Groland N912

(* about? 1370), † 1452

in Nuremberg, 1398 Senator. See Grol-23 / e

his parents: Ulrich Groland N896 , (* about? 1330), † 1407
father in law and shareholder of Ulman Stromeir. Councilor Nuremberg, erw. 1361 See Grol-22 / e ( Er ∞2) (about? 1365) with Elisabeth Schopper Na18 , (* about? 1345)
See Sopr-4 / p ) ; ∞ (about? 1350) with Elisabeth Zollner Nh81 , (* about? 1327).

he ∞2) with Ursula Pfinzing Nj16

(* about? 1383)

• Berthold X Pfinzing , Senator Nuremberg, earned a living around the city, ∞ Clara Ortlieb, TvHerrn Heinrich Ortlieb , Senator Nuremberg, ∞ Clara Schürstab . No dates indicated.

• Children: Clara ∞ Schürstab; Margarete ∞ Groland ; Agnes ∞ Groland ; Sebald I ∞ Mendel / Haller / Stromer .

• His parents: Berthold VIII ∞ Anna Tucher .
[Biedermann panel 398]

→ Error note: According to Schaper , the son Sebald I Pfinzing mentioned here can not be classified here; He is a son of Berthold Pfinzing ∞ Agnes Stromer . [Schaper: Hirschvogel, p.37 footnote 208, Mtlg WvStromer]

→ For this Berthold X Pfinzing Biedermann does not specify a year. The three daughters were born about their marriage dates around 1370-1380, so that this Berthold X could have been born about 1345. According to Biedermann, his parents got married in 1352, so that Berthold X must have been born in 1352/53 and married quite young. (HDL)

• Barthold X Pfintzing (Sv. Barthold VIII P. ∞ 1352 Anna Tucher) , alderman in Nuremberg, ∞ Klara Ortlieb , daughter of the Nuremberg alderman Heinrich Ortlieb ∞ Klara Schürstab ; both buried at St.Sebald in Nuremberg. Son: Sebald. [AL Pusch]

• In 1386, Berthold Pfinzing has feasts and Amt Schellenberg of the Bamberg Bishop in pawn ownership.

• In 1398 Berthold Pfinzing receives the Nuremberg Jewish tax.
[W. Schultheiß: Money and Financial Transactions ... p.76,86]

→ Is this this or another Berthold? (HDL)

Regesto to Gerhaus v. Streitberg:
• Tv Friedrich v. Strreitberg ∞ Cunigunde Truchsess of Henneberg and sister of Regensburg Bishop Johann v . Strreitberg .
[Biedermann panel 547A]

Regesta to Margarete Pfinzing:
[Biedermann panel 398] 
Pfinzing, Berthold (I30281)
2581 From Lemmel:
Berthold Pfinzing N764 - councilman in Nuremberg
Parents: Pfin-23 / w Berchtold Pfinzing N641 , Anna Tucher N643

(* about? 1352), † 1405

Senator in Nuremberg.

∞ (about? 1371) with Klara Ortlieb N901

(* about? 1350)

her parents: Heinrich Ortlieb N902 , (* about? 1310)
See Ortl-23 / h ; ∞ with Klara Schürstab N938 , (* about? 1320)
See Schb-24 / k .

1. Clara Pfinzing Nm74 , (* about? 1372)

∞ 1392 with Erhard Schürstab N419

(* about? 1364), † 1439

1391 See Schb-25 / i

his father: Leupold Schürstab N416 , (* about? 1325), † after 1378
merchant in Nuremberg with Hungary privileges. 1370/1374 "the older one". See Schb-24 / i ∞1) (about? 1355) with Kunigunde Nützel Nk84 (* about? 1330)
∞2) (about? 1360) with Gerhaus v. Streitberg N939 (* about? 1340), † 8.9.1428

2. Margarete Pfinzing Nm76 , (* about? 1375)

∞ with Lorentz Groland Nn08

(* about? 1370), † 1425

See Grol-22 / s

his parents: Martin Groland Nj15 , (* about? 1315)
1348 Senator in Nuremberg See Grol-21 / g ; ∞2)? (about? 1370) with Margarete Stromer Nn10 , (*? 1350).

3. Agnes Pfinzing Nj10 , (* about? 1380)

∞ (about? 1400) with Hans Groland N912

(* about? 1370), † 1452

in Nuremberg, 1398 Senator. See Grol-23 / e

his parents: Ulrich Groland N896 , (* about? 1330), † 1407
father in law and shareholder of Ulman Stromeir. Councilor Nuremberg, erw. 1361 See Grol-22 / e ( Er ∞2) (about? 1365) with Elisabeth Schopper Na18 , (* about? 1345)
See Sopr-4 / p ) ; ∞ (about? 1350) with Elisabeth Zollner Nh81 , (* about? 1327).

he ∞2) with Ursula Pfinzing Nj16

(* about? 1383)

• Berthold X Pfinzing , Senator Nuremberg, earned a living around the city, ∞ Clara Ortlieb, TvHerrn Heinrich Ortlieb , Senator Nuremberg, ∞ Clara Schürstab . No dates indicated.

• Children: Clara ∞ Schürstab; Margarete ∞ Groland ; Agnes ∞ Groland ; Sebald I ∞ Mendel / Haller / Stromer .

• His parents: Berthold VIII ∞ Anna Tucher .
[Biedermann panel 398]

→ Error note: According to Schaper , the son Sebald I Pfinzing mentioned here can not be classified here; He is a son of Berthold Pfinzing ∞ Agnes Stromer . [Schaper: Hirschvogel, p.37 footnote 208, Mtlg WvStromer]

→ For this Berthold X Pfinzing Biedermann does not specify a year. The three daughters were born about their marriage dates around 1370-1380, so that this Berthold X could have been born about 1345. According to Biedermann, his parents got married in 1352, so that Berthold X must have been born in 1352/53 and married quite young. (HDL)

• Barthold X Pfintzing (Sv. Barthold VIII P. ∞ 1352 Anna Tucher) , alderman in Nuremberg, ∞ Klara Ortlieb , daughter of the Nuremberg alderman Heinrich Ortlieb ∞ Klara Schürstab ; both buried at St.Sebald in Nuremberg. Son: Sebald. [AL Pusch]

• In 1386, Berthold Pfinzing has feasts and Amt Schellenberg of the Bamberg Bishop in pawn ownership.

• In 1398 Berthold Pfinzing receives the Nuremberg Jewish tax.
[W. Schultheiß: Money and Financial Transactions ... p.76,86]

→ Is this this or another Berthold? (HDL)

Regesto to Gerhaus v. Streitberg:
• Tv Friedrich v. Strreitberg ∞ Cunigunde Truchsess of Henneberg and sister of Regensburg Bishop Johann v . Strreitberg .
[Biedermann panel 547A]

Regesta to Margarete Pfinzing:
[Biedermann panel 398]

2015 1 13 
Pfinzing, Clara (I30284)
2582 From Lemmel:
Hans Groland N912 -
Parents: Grol-22 / e Ulrich Groland N896 , Elisabeth Zollner Nh81

(* about? 1370), † 1452

in Nuremberg, 1398 Senator.

∞1) (about? 1400) with Agnes Pfinzing Nj10

(* about? 1380)

her parents: Berthold Pfinzing N764 , (* about? 1352), † 1405
Senator in Nuremberg. See Pfin-24 / w ; ∞ (about? 1371) with Klara Ortlieb N901 , (* about? 1350).

∞2) with Ursula Pfinzing Nj16

(* about? 1383)

her parents: Seitz Pfinzing N678 , (* about? 1345/1350), † 1414
councilman in Nuremberg. (This line will die out after 3 generations.) See Pfin-25 / n ; ∞ with Clara Schürstab N450 , (* about? 1355), † 1421 in Nuremberg.

from 1st marriage:
1. Cunegunda Groland Nj09 , (* about? 1405)

∞ 1422 with Berthold Holzschuher H350

(* about? 1394), † 1449

Berthold V. Since 1432 in the Council. See wood-26 / q

his parents: Karl Holzschuher H038 , * 1332, † 2.6.1422 in Nuremberg, buried in the Sebalduskirche
1383-1422 Senator in Nuremberg. 1415 Vice Chancellor. Survived the plague, married at a great age u.bekam 5 sons See Wood-25 / o ( Er ∞1) (about? 1375) with Felicitas v.Ammernthal N549 , (* about? 1350) ) ; ∞ 1.7.1391 in Nuremberg with Cristein Pfinzing N581 , (* about? 1370).

2. Peter, (* about? 1410) -, see Grol-24 / e

from 2nd marriage:
3. Veronika Groland Hb16 , (* about? 1415), † 1486

∞ 1432 with Sebald Paumgärtner Hb15

(* about? 1405), † 1449

See Paum-25 / s

4. Hanß Groland Nj17 , (* about? 1420)

∞1) 1443 with Barbara Haller H528

(* about? 1415)

her parents: Andreas Haller H282 , (* about? 1380), † before 1447
four times married rich merchant in Nuremberg. See Hall-24 / q ; ∞2) (about? 1410) with Catharina v.Seckendorf H526 , * 1385.

5. Nicolaus, (* about? 1435) - Senator in Nuremberg, see Grol-24 / g

• Hans Groland in Nuremberg in the Bindergasse. 1398 Senator, † 1449, buried St. Seebald.

• ∞1) 1412 with Agnes Pfinzing , Tv Berthold Pfinzing , Senator, ∞ Clara Ortlieb . - children: Peter; Cunigunda.

• ∞2) with Ursula Pfinzing , TV Seiz Pfinzing , Senator, ∞ Clara Schürstab . - Children: Hanß ∞ Haller ; Hanß ∞ with a Nüzlin ; Nicolaus; Margarete ∞ with Senator Wilhelm Ebner , he † 1430; Veronica, † 1486, ∞ 1432 with Sebald Paumgärtner , he † 1449; Clara, † 1463, ∞ with Fritz Simlein to Herspruck, ∞2) Cunz v.Erlbach welcoming to Herspruck; and young children who died: Sebastian, Bartholomew, Anna, Ursula, Barbara, Anna, Clara, Ursula, Barbara, Agnes.
[Biedermann panel 615 Groland]

→ The year 1412 of the first marriage can not be correct. (HDL)

• Hans Groland ∞ Clara Pfinzing . Daughter:

• Clara Groland ∞1) with Berthold Holzschuher , he † before 1422, she ∞2) 1422 with Wilhelm Haller .
[Biedermann panel 105 Haller]

→ Error note: Something's wrong here. A Clara Pfinzing is not to be found in the Pfinzing panels near Biedermann.

• In 1384, a consortium of 8 Nuremberg merchants, namely Berthold and Seitz Pfinzing , Jobst Tetzel , Ulrich Stromer to the rose, Heinrich Eisvogel , Karl Holzschuher , Hans Groland and Konrad Pirkheimer of the Bamberg bishop, buy a bodywork of 1000 fl for 6000 fl Amount to the Nürnbergerg Meyer Jews in order to settle a debt of a Bamberg monastery on behalf of the bishop. By forming this opportunity society, the risk of this loan should be spread among many persons.

• 1387 Owners of the hammers of Thalheim and Haunritz near Hersbruck. He signs the Hammerwerksvereinigung between Amberger and Sulzbacher Montanindustriellen.
[W.Schultheiß: Money and Finance Nuremberg Citizens S.86,87]

• 1398: Ulman Stromeyer and his followers : Fritz Amman and Hans Grolant . (Amman could be a son-in-law, Grolant is his wife's family.) - HDL)
[L.Sporhan, WvStromer, Handelshaus Stromer, VSWG 47 (1960)]

• Hans Groland dJ († 1452) was a son of Ulrich Groland († 1452).
[Schaper: Hirschvogel p.23]

→ Attention: some may be confused with the half-brother of the same name! (HDL)

Regesta to Cunegunda Groland:
• Cunegunda Grolandin , Tv Hanß Groland ∞1) Agnes Pfinzing .

• ∞ 1424 With Berthold Holzschuher , he † 1449.
[Biedermann panel 615 Groland]

Regesten zu Hanss Groland:
• Hanss Groland , 1450 senator in Nuremberg, † 1452. Sv Hanß Groland ∞2) Ursula Pfinzing .

• ∞1) 1443 with Barbara Haller , Andreas Haller ∞ Catharina v.Seckendorf .

• ∞2) Agnes Gruber † 1488, Tv Hanß Gruber .
[Biedermann panel 615 Groland]

• 29.10.1453: A farm handover (out of necessity) by Anna Reinsperger , Sigmund Pfinzing's widow. The following agree: Conrad Paumgärtner , Hans Lemlein , Berchtold and Benedikt Pfinzing , Peter Mendel and Hans Grolant . Witnesses: Nicolaus Muffel and Hans Volkmeir . Notarized by Werner von Parsberg , mayor of Nuremberg. (One of this farm goes to the Tucher funeral .)
[StsA Nuremberg, churches in Nuremberg, documents, No.87. - Mtlg Dr.Machilek, and online 2017]

→ The "consenting" citizens do not seem to have a kinship interest in handing over the farm, but may appear here on their own initiative. At any rate, the Berchtold Pfinzing is not closely related to Sigmund Pfinzing . Benedict Pfinzing is otherwise unknown. (HDL)
Groland, Veronika (I30266)
2583 From Lemmel:
Hans Groland N912 -
Parents: Grol-22 / e Ulrich Groland N896 , Elisabeth Zollner Nh81

(* about? 1370), † 1452

in Nuremberg, 1398 Senator.

∞1) (about? 1400) with Agnes Pfinzing Nj10

(* about? 1380)

her parents: Berthold Pfinzing N764 , (* about? 1352), † 1405
Senator in Nuremberg. See Pfin-24 / w ; ∞ (about? 1371) with Klara Ortlieb N901 , (* about? 1350).

∞2) with Ursula Pfinzing Nj16

(* about? 1383)

her parents: Seitz Pfinzing N678 , (* about? 1345/1350), † 1414
councilman in Nuremberg. (This line will die out after 3 generations.) See Pfin-25 / n ; ∞ with Clara Schürstab N450 , (* about? 1355), † 1421 in Nuremberg.

from 1st marriage:
1. Cunegunda Groland Nj09 , (* about? 1405)

∞ 1422 with Berthold Holzschuher H350

(* about? 1394), † 1449

Berthold V. Since 1432 in the Council. See wood-26 / q

his parents: Karl Holzschuher H038 , * 1332, † 2.6.1422 in Nuremberg, buried in the Sebalduskirche
1383-1422 Senator in Nuremberg. 1415 Vice Chancellor. Survived the plague, married at a great age u.bekam 5 sons See Wood-25 / o ( Er ∞1) (about? 1375) with Felicitas v.Ammernthal N549 , (* about? 1350) ) ; ∞ 1.7.1391 in Nuremberg with Cristein Pfinzing N581 , (* about? 1370).

2. Peter, (* about? 1410) -, see Grol-24 / e

from 2nd marriage:
3. Veronika Groland Hb16 , (* about? 1415), † 1486

∞ 1432 with Sebald Paumgärtner Hb15

(* about? 1405), † 1449

See Paum-25 / s

4. Hanß Groland Nj17 , (* about? 1420)

∞1) 1443 with Barbara Haller H528

(* about? 1415)

her parents: Andreas Haller H282 , (* about? 1380), † before 1447
four times married rich merchant in Nuremberg. See Hall-24 / q ; ∞2) (about? 1410) with Catharina v.Seckendorf H526 , * 1385.

5. Nicolaus, (* about? 1435) - Senator in Nuremberg, see Grol-24 / g

• Hans Groland in Nuremberg in the Bindergasse. 1398 Senator, † 1449, buried St. Seebald.

• ∞1) 1412 with Agnes Pfinzing , Tv Berthold Pfinzing , Senator, ∞ Clara Ortlieb . - children: Peter; Cunigunda.

• ∞2) with Ursula Pfinzing , TV Seiz Pfinzing , Senator, ∞ Clara Schürstab . - Children: Hanß ∞ Haller ; Hanß ∞ with a Nüzlin ; Nicolaus; Margarete ∞ with Senator Wilhelm Ebner , he † 1430; Veronica, † 1486, ∞ 1432 with Sebald Paumgärtner , he † 1449; Clara, † 1463, ∞ with Fritz Simlein to Herspruck, ∞2) Cunz v.Erlbach welcoming to Herspruck; and young children who died: Sebastian, Bartholomew, Anna, Ursula, Barbara, Anna, Clara, Ursula, Barbara, Agnes.
[Biedermann panel 615 Groland]

→ The year 1412 of the first marriage can not be correct. (HDL)

• Hans Groland ∞ Clara Pfinzing . Daughter:

• Clara Groland ∞1) with Berthold Holzschuher , he † before 1422, she ∞2) 1422 with Wilhelm Haller .
[Biedermann panel 105 Haller]

→ Error note: Something's wrong here. A Clara Pfinzing is not to be found in the Pfinzing panels near Biedermann.

• In 1384, a consortium of 8 Nuremberg merchants, namely Berthold and Seitz Pfinzing , Jobst Tetzel , Ulrich Stromer to the rose, Heinrich Eisvogel , Karl Holzschuher , Hans Groland and Konrad Pirkheimer of the Bamberg bishop, buy a bodywork of 1000 fl for 6000 fl Amount to the Nürnbergerg Meyer Jews in order to settle a debt of a Bamberg monastery on behalf of the bishop. By forming this opportunity society, the risk of this loan should be spread among many persons.

• 1387 Owners of the hammers of Thalheim and Haunritz near Hersbruck. He signs the Hammerwerksvereinigung between Amberger and Sulzbacher Montanindustriellen.
[W.Schultheiß: Money and Finance Nuremberg Citizens S.86,87]

• 1398: Ulman Stromeyer and his followers : Fritz Amman and Hans Grolant . (Amman could be a son-in-law, Grolant is his wife's family.) - HDL)
[L.Sporhan, WvStromer, Handelshaus Stromer, VSWG 47 (1960)]

• Hans Groland dJ († 1452) was a son of Ulrich Groland († 1452).
[Schaper: Hirschvogel p.23]

→ Attention: some may be confused with the half-brother of the same name! (HDL)

Regesta to Cunegunda Groland:
• Cunegunda Grolandin , Tv Hanß Groland ∞1) Agnes Pfinzing .

• ∞ 1424 With Berthold Holzschuher , he † 1449.
[Biedermann panel 615 Groland]

Regesten zu Hanss Groland:
• Hanss Groland , 1450 senator in Nuremberg, † 1452. Sv Hanß Groland ∞2) Ursula Pfinzing .

• ∞1) 1443 with Barbara Haller , Andreas Haller ∞ Catharina v.Seckendorf .

• ∞2) Agnes Gruber † 1488, Tv Hanß Gruber .
[Biedermann panel 615 Groland]

• 29.10.1453: A farm handover (out of necessity) by Anna Reinsperger , Sigmund Pfinzing's widow. The following agree: Conrad Paumgärtner , Hans Lemlein , Berchtold and Benedikt Pfinzing , Peter Mendel and Hans Grolant . Witnesses: Nicolaus Muffel and Hans Volkmeir . Notarized by Werner von Parsberg , mayor of Nuremberg. (One of this farm goes to the Tucher funeral .)
[StsA Nuremberg, churches in Nuremberg, documents, No.87. - Mtlg Dr.Machilek, and online 2017]

→ The "consenting" citizens do not seem to have a kinship interest in handing over the farm, but may appear here on their own initiative. At any rate, the Berchtold Pfinzing is not closely related to Sigmund Pfinzing . Benedict Pfinzing is otherwise unknown. (HDL)
Groland, Hans (I30267)
2584 From Lemmel:
Heinrich Eisvogel Nm08 - Senator in Nuremberg
Parents unknown

(* about? 1235)

Senator in Nuremberg.

∞ with Maria Ebner N537

(* about? 1242)

her parents: Albert the Elder Ebner N538 , (* about? 1218)
1251/1263 mentioned in Nuremberg in a document. See Ebnr-21 / j ; ∞ probably with (daughter) Bigenot N721 , (* about? 1220).

1. Ursula kingfisher N732 , (* about? 1262), † 25.5.1328 in Nuremberg St. Cath.

∞ 1.10.1280 with Albrecht Behaim N731

* 6.2.1250, † 6.10.1342 in Nuremberg, 92 years old

Merchant in Nuremberg, who bought spices from Venice. Since 1288 in the council, mayor of several times. See Beh-22 / a

his father: Friedrich Behaim N733 , (* about? 1225), † 5.8.1295 in Nuremberg St.Cath.
Citizen in Nuremberg. See Beh-21 / a with (daughter) Pilgram v.Eyb No74 features (* about? 1225) with (daughter) Vorchtel No75 (* about? 1230)

2. Heinrich, (* about? 1265) - in Nuremberg, see ice-22 / h

3. Elisabeth Kingfisher N535 , (* about? 1270)

∞ (about? 1300) with Heinrich Holzschuher H021

(* about? 1275), † 1321

In Nuremberg, from 1303 documentary. He belonged to the benefactors of the monastery Ebrach. See wood-23 / a

his parents: Friedrich Holzschuher H012 , (* about? 1250), † 20.3.1339 buried in the Katharinenkapelle of the monastery Ebrach
Mentioned from 1270. 1303.1314 Schöffe in Nuremberg. His daughter is probably Irmel, who lives from 1335 as a widowed Lemlein in Nuremberg. See Holz-22 / b ( Er ∞2) (about? 1290/1300) with Jutta Graf N523 , (*? 1260?
1308 and 1318 mentioned as wife of Friedrich Holzschuher. Sister of Conrad Graf (documented 1287-1308); her father probably the alderman Hermann Comes (documentary 1255, 1258). ) ; ∞ (about? 1275) with Jutta Stromer H023 , (* about? 1255/1260)
See Stro-23 / a .

• Heinrich Holzschuher , † 1321. His wife: Elisabeth Eißvogelin , Mr Heinrich Eißvogel , Senatoris zu Nürnberg, daughter.
[Biedermann Tafel 167 Holzschuher]

• Albrecht Behaim , † 1342. His wife: Ursula Eißvogelin , Mr. Heinrich Eißvogel's daughter, married in 1280, died in 1328 and is now living in St.Catharina Abbey Church.
[Biedermann panel 2 Behaim]

• Heinrich Eißvogel, the father of the two daughters, may have been born about 1235. The Heinrich Eisvogel, who becomes Schöffe in 1303, is likely to be his son (HDL).

• Two other sons: Hermann Eisvogel ; Ulrich Kingfisher . (Without details.)
[Internet, Martinszeller]

Regesta to Ursula Eisvogel:
• Ursula Eißvogelin ∞ Albrecht Behaim . Her daughter Agnes ∞ Michael Pfinzing .
[Biedermann panel 394 Pfinzing]

[Date of death according to AL Frotscher]

Regesta to Elisabeth Eisvogel:
→ Differently with [AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964], where Hermann Eisvogel , 1331/1332 Schöffe in Nuremberg, and his wife ... Esler are given as parents of the Elisabeth kingfisher. - That can hardly be true in time (HDL). 
Eisvogel, Ursula (I30335)
2585 From Lemmel:
Heinrich Groland Ni14 - Councilman in Nuremberg
Parents unknown

(* about? 1280), † 1350

1346 councilman in Nuremberg.

∞ with Anna Sachs Ni15

(* about? 1290)

1. Ulrich, (* about? 1305) - alderman in Nuremberg, see Grol-21 / e

2. Agnes Groland Hc14 , (* about? 1310)

∞ with Conrad Geuschmid Hc13

(* about? 1305)

See Gsm-23 / k

3. Martin, (* about? 1315) - Senator in Nuremberg, see Grol-21 / g

4. Bartholomew, (* about? 1320) - in Nuremberg, see Grol-21 / i

• Heinrich Groland , supposedly from Transylvania came to Nuremberg, was here in 1346 Senator, † 1350th ∞ with Anna Sachsin .

• Children: Ulrich; Agnes ∞ Conrad Geuschmid ; Bartholomew; Anna ∞ Conrad Hayd Junior, died 1392; Heinrich (without further information); Walter, lived in 1367; Martin.
[Biedermann panel 613 Groland] 
Groland, Heinrich (I30358)
2586 From Lemmel:
Heinrich Ortlieb N902 -
Parents: Ortl-22 / h Heinrich Ortlieb N250 , Agnes Stromer N895

(* about? 1310)

∞ with Klara Schürstab N938

(* about? 1320)

See Schb-24 / k

1. Klara Ortlieb N901 , (* about? 1350)

∞ (about? 1371) with Berthold Pfinzing N764

(* about? 1352), † 1405

Senator in Nuremberg. See Pfin-24 / w

his parents: Berchtold Pfinzing N641 , (* about? 1320), † 11.11.1361 in Nuremberg
councilman and mayor in Nuremberg in Nuremberg on Milchmarkt, first documented in 1356-1361. See Pfin-23 / w ( Er ∞1) 1348 in Nuremberg with Anna Irrer N441 , (* about? 1325), † 1351 in Nuremberg ) ; ∞ 1352 in Nuremberg with Anna Tucher N643 , * around 1330, † 11.11.1410 in Nuremberg
1361 widow of Berchtold Pfinzing ..

• Heinrich Ortlieb ∞ Klara Schürstab , daughter Klara ∞ Berthold Pfintzing .
[AL Pusch]

→ Maybe son of the older Heinrich (= assumption HDL) 
Ortlieb, Klara (I30282)
2587 From Lemmel:
Heinrich Schlüsselfelder Hb04 -
Father: Slf-26 / e Conrad key fields No20

(* about? 1400)

from first marriage no children.

∞2) with Barbara Stromer Hb03

(* about? 1408)

her parents: Martin Stromer H558 , (* about? 1360), † 1406
See Stro-25 / cd ; ∞ with Catharina Behaim H559 , * 1376.

1. Heinrich, (* about? 1425) -, see Slf-28 / e

2. Caspar, (* about? 1430) -, see Slf-28 / g

3. Hans Schlüsselfelder Hb07 , (* about? 1432)

∞1) with Clara Geyer Hb13

(* about? 1435)

from Bamberg

∞2) with Dorothea Paumgärtner Hb14

(* about? 1435)

her parents: Sebald Paumgärtner Hb15 , (* about? 1405), † 1449
See Paum-25 / s ; ∞ 1432 with Veronika Groland Hb16 , (* about? 1415), † 1486.

4. Heinrich key fields H449 , (* about? 1440), † 1490

∞ 1469 with Anna Ebner H448

(* about? 1448), † 1475

her parents: Matthäus Ebner H410 , (* about? 1395), † 1449 in Nuremberg St. Seebald
1434 Councilor Nuremberg. Chamberlain in Kremnitz; Goldkronach; See Ebnr-27 / j ( Er ∞1) with Cunegunda Tentzel H426 , (* 1395), † 1429
from Hungary, had been "great fortune" ) ; ∞ after 1429 with Anna Oesterreicher H427 , (* about? 1405)
8 children, of which one daughter was still born 1446 ..

[Biedermann panel 618B]

→ Biedermann indicates two sons living at the same time named Heinrich.

Regesten zu Heinrich Schlüsselfelder:
• Heinrich Schlüsselfelder , † 1490, ∞ 1469 with Anna, she † 1475, Tv Senator Matthew Ebner ∞ Anna Oesterreicher . Children: Gregory † 1495 unmarried: Ursula, nun.
[Biedermann panel 619A, panel 26 Ebner]

Regesta to Anna Oesterreicher:
• Daughter of Mr. Seifried Oesterreicher ∞ Anna Schuler .
[Biedermann panel 26 Ebner]
Schlüsselfelder, Hans (I26901)
2588 From Lemmel:
Heinrich Schlüsselfelder Hb04 -
Father: Slf-26 / e Conrad key fields No20

(* about? 1400)

from first marriage no children.

∞2) with Barbara Stromer Hb03

(* about? 1408)

her parents: Martin Stromer H558 , (* about? 1360), † 1406
See Stro-25 / cd ; ∞ with Catharina Behaim H559 , * 1376.

1. Heinrich, (* about? 1425) -, see Slf-28 / e

2. Caspar, (* about? 1430) -, see Slf-28 / g

3. Hans Schlüsselfelder Hb07 , (* about? 1432)

∞1) with Clara Geyer Hb13

(* about? 1435)

from Bamberg

∞2) with Dorothea Paumgärtner Hb14

(* about? 1435)

her parents: Sebald Paumgärtner Hb15 , (* about? 1405), † 1449
See Paum-25 / s ; ∞ 1432 with Veronika Groland Hb16 , (* about? 1415), † 1486.

4. Heinrich key fields H449 , (* about? 1440), † 1490

∞ 1469 with Anna Ebner H448

(* about? 1448), † 1475

her parents: Matthäus Ebner H410 , (* about? 1395), † 1449 in Nuremberg St. Seebald
1434 Councilor Nuremberg. Chamberlain in Kremnitz; Goldkronach; See Ebnr-27 / j ( Er ∞1) with Cunegunda Tentzel H426 , (* 1395), † 1429
from Hungary, had been "great fortune" ) ; ∞ after 1429 with Anna Oesterreicher H427 , (* about? 1405)
8 children, of which one daughter was still born 1446 ..

[Biedermann panel 618B]

→ Biedermann indicates two sons living at the same time named Heinrich.

Regesten zu Heinrich Schlüsselfelder:
• Heinrich Schlüsselfelder , † 1490, ∞ 1469 with Anna, she † 1475, Tv Senator Matthew Ebner ∞ Anna Oesterreicher . Children: Gregory † 1495 unmarried: Ursula, nun.
[Biedermann panel 619A, panel 26 Ebner]

Regesta to Anna Oesterreicher:
• Daughter of Mr. Seifried Oesterreicher ∞ Anna Schuler .
[Biedermann panel 26 Ebner]
Schlüsselfelder, Hans III (I30237)
2589 From Lemmel:
Heinrich Schlüsselfelder Hb04 -
Father: Slf-26 / e Conrad key fields No20

(* about? 1400)

from first marriage no children.

∞2) with Barbara Stromer Hb03

(* about? 1408)

her parents: Martin Stromer H558 , (* about? 1360), † 1406
See Stro-25 / cd ; ∞ with Catharina Behaim H559 , * 1376.

1. Heinrich, (* about? 1425) -, see Slf-28 / e

2. Caspar, (* about? 1430) -, see Slf-28 / g

3. Hans Schlüsselfelder Hb07 , (* about? 1432)

∞1) with Clara Geyer Hb13

(* about? 1435)

from Bamberg

∞2) with Dorothea Paumgärtner Hb14

(* about? 1435)

her parents: Sebald Paumgärtner Hb15 , (* about? 1405), † 1449
See Paum-25 / s ; ∞ 1432 with Veronika Groland Hb16 , (* about? 1415), † 1486.

4. Heinrich key fields H449 , (* about? 1440), † 1490

∞ 1469 with Anna Ebner H448

(* about? 1448), † 1475

her parents: Matthäus Ebner H410 , (* about? 1395), † 1449 in Nuremberg St. Seebald
1434 Councilor Nuremberg. Chamberlain in Kremnitz; Goldkronach; See Ebnr-27 / j ( Er ∞1) with Cunegunda Tentzel H426 , (* 1395), † 1429
from Hungary, had been "great fortune" ) ; ∞ after 1429 with Anna Oesterreicher H427 , (* about? 1405)
8 children, of which one daughter was still born 1446 ..

[Biedermann panel 618B]

→ Biedermann indicates two sons living at the same time named Heinrich.

Regesten zu Heinrich Schlüsselfelder:
• Heinrich Schlüsselfelder , † 1490, ∞ 1469 with Anna, she † 1475, Tv Senator Matthew Ebner ∞ Anna Oesterreicher . Children: Gregory † 1495 unmarried: Ursula, nun.
[Biedermann panel 619A, panel 26 Ebner]

Regesta to Anna Oesterreicher:
• Daughter of Mr. Seifried Oesterreicher ∞ Anna Schuler .
[Biedermann panel 26 Ebner]
Schlüsselfelder, Sixtus (I30238)
2590 From Lemmel:
Heinrich Seybold No22 -
Parents unknown

(* about? 1340)

∞ with Catharina Weigel No23

(*? 1345)

See Weig-26 / k

1. Catharina Seybold No21 , (* about? 1375)

∞ with Conrad Schlüsselfelder No20

(* about? 1370)

See Slf-26 / e

his father: ... Schlüsselfelder Hb10 , (* about? 1340)
father of Konrad and Ulrich. See Slf-25 / e

[Biedermann Table 618 B Key Fields] 
Seybold, Katharina (I26906)
2591 From Lemmel:
Heinrich Zollner n218 - in Bamberg and Kirchschletten
Father: Zoln-22 / e Eberhard Zollner Nc35

(* about? 1300), † 1369 in Bamberg

1357 on the Zollnerhof in Bamberg. "Heinrich Zolner gen. Von Schletten" † before 1376.

∞1) (about? 1325) with Gertraud Haller H108

(* about? 1306)

her parents: Ulrich Haller H103 , (* about? 1260), † 16.7.1324, (Totenschild)
Since 1293 mentioned in Nuremberg. 1297, 1314 councilman. In 1307 he buys the village Lauff. Financier and confidant of Emperor Ludwig of Bavaria and other princes. See Hall-21 / a ( Er ∞1) (about? 1285) with Anna Tockler N706 , (* about? 1265)
ext. 1305 ) ; ∞ after 1305 with Els Vorchtel N718 , (* about? 1280).

∞2) (about? 1335) with Catharina Tockler n049

(* about? 1315)

See Tokl-23 / e

∞3) (about? 1355) with Elisabeth Haller H869

(* about? 1330), † 1407

her parents: Ulrich Haller H105 , (* about? 1290), † late Oct.1358 in Nuremberg
citizens in Nuremberg. 1332-1343 witness. 1333 brother-in-law of Bertold Pfinzing ("on the floor"). See Hall-22 / o ( Er ∞2) (about? 1335) with Katharina v.Dachsbach N596 , (* about? 1315) ) ; ∞ (about? 1325) with Els / Adelheid Pfinzing N595 , (* about? 1290), † 26.9.1344.

she ∞2) in 1386 with Peter Grundherr H867

(* about? 1315), † 1386

from 1st marriage:
1. Catharina Zollner n222 , (* about? 1325)

∞ with Martin Löffelholz N406

(* about? 1320), † 1393 in Bamberg

He was already running the Löffelholzsche lamb coat of arms! See Loef-24 / b

his parents: Friedrich Löffelholz N401 , * ca 1295, † ca 1404
In Bamberg. He died at the age of 109 years. Author of a Gospel book. See Loef-23 / a ; ∞ with ... Melber N405 , (* about? 1300).

2. Elisabeth Zollner Nh81 , (* about? 1327)

∞ (about? 1350) with Ulrich Groland N896

(* about? 1330), † 1407

Father-in-law and partner of Ulman Stromeir. Councilor Nuremberg, erw. 1361 See Grol-22 / e

his parents: Ulrich Groland Ni12 , (* about? 1305), † 1373
1363 councilman in Nuremberg. See Grol-21 / e ; ∞ with Clara Ortlieb Ni13 , (* about? 1310).

he ∞2) (about? 1365) with Elisabeth Schopper Na18

(*? 1345)

See Sopr-4 / p

from 2nd marriage:
3. Georg, (* about? 1340) - in Bamberg, see Zoln-24 / e

4. Gerhart, (* about? 1345) - in Nuremberg, see Zoln-24 / g

5. Friedrich, (* about? 1350) -, see Zoln-24 / i

6. Eberhard, (* about? 1355) - on Kirchschletten, see Zoln-24 / j

• Are all three marriages related to the same Heinrich?

• 1st marriage: Heinrich Zollner in Bamberg ∞ with Gertraud Haller . Daughter: Elisabeth Zollner ∞ with Ulrich Groland in Nuremberg.
[Biedermann Panel 615 Groland]
[Haller: 96.BHVB 1957/1958] Here HvHaller calls Elisabeth instead of Gertraud Haller , which is probably related to the third marriage. (HDL)

• 2nd marriage: Friedrich Zollner , son of Heinrich Zollner fire, erw.1346, 1363, held in Neuses at Ebrach in Horbach, Wernthal, Hadmannsbach, ∞ with Catharina Dogg activist , TV Günther Doggler , secret secretary Charles de IV.
[ Biedermann: Ritterschaft Franken im Gebürg, 1747, Plate 287]

→ Here is when Heinrich Zollner father stated: Heinrich Zollner , ext. 1260. That's unlikely in time. elsewhere Eberhard is mentioned as his father. (HDL)

• 3rd marriage: Heinrich Zollner , † 1369, ∞ Elisabeth Haller , she † 1407, she ∞2) 1370 Peter Grundherr .
[Biedermann panel 96 Haller]

Further :

• † 1370 Bamberg, ∞ Catharina Doggler [AL Hacker AL10962]

• 1340: Kunegunde Hutwan and her niece Katharina Zollner found the Klarissenkloster in the Zinkenwörth.

• Heinz Zollner founded a Seelhaus: 5.8.1356 "dez Zolners selhaus on the sand at the ekken". 1358 "Heinz Zollner's house".

• Another Seelhaus, which adjoins the Elisabeth Hospital, belongs to Heinz Zollner in 1361 . Later it comes to the Elisabeth Hospital.
[Christina Festerling: sister houses in Bamberg, dissertation Bamberg 2005, pages 44, 59 (Katharina) and page 77 (Heinz)]

• 1357 Heinrich Zollner , son of Eberhard Zollner , at the Zollnerhof in Bamberg, tax-free letter.

• 1396 brothers Georg and Gerhart Zollner on the fire at Bamberg; Gerhart is a citizen of Nuremberg.

• 1402 Gerhart Zollner , citizen of Nuremberg, at the Zollnerhof in Bamberg.
[Paschke, Court Chair ..., Studies ... Issue 38 p.12]

• Kirchschletten: In 1376, after the death of Heinrich Zolner, called von Schletten , Bishop Lamprecht called a Peter Posse "in capitulo eccl. Bamb." introduce.
[Internet: Bishopric of Bamberg]

→ Thereafter, Heinrich already had the property in Kirchschletten, where his son Eberhard sits. (HDL)

Regesta to Gertraud Haller:
• Elisabeth Haller ∞ Heinrich Zollner . [Haller: 96.BHVB 1957/1958]

• Gertraud Haller , Tv Ulrich Haller ∞ Vorchtel , ∞1) Heinrich Zollner , ∞2) Peter Grundherr .
[Biedermann panel 62 D landlord] The first name Gertraud is probably wrong here (HDL).

Regesta to Anna Tockler:
[A. Scharr: Gen.Jb. 3 1963 p.17]

Regesten zu Els Vorchtel:
• Her father: Heinrich Vorchtel in Nuremberg.
[Genealogy from all German regions]

→ According to Scharr, her father is Berthold Vorchtel .

• Elisabeth Vorchtel , parents: Bertold (? Heinrich) Vorchtel , † 1257 Nuremberg, ∞ Gertraud Roter .
[B.Aign: AL Zinn, Gen.Jahrbuch Vol.45 / 46 2008]

→ If Bertold died in 1257, he could not possibly be the father of Els (HDL).

Regesta to Elisabeth Haller:
• Ulrich Haller ∞1) Adelheid Pfinzing , ∞2) Catharina v . Bachbach . One of the daughters from his first marriage:

• Elisabeth Haller , † 1407, ∞1) Heinrich Zollner , † 1369; ∞2) 1370 Peter Grundherr, Senator Nuremberg, † 1386, buried Barfüsserkloster Nuremberg.
[Biedermann panel 96 Haller]

Regesta to Katharina v. Bach Bach:
[Dr. GWSchmidt]

Regesten zu Els / Adelheid Pfinzing:
• Adelaide? or Els? compare [Miracle p.47]

Adelheid loud [Biedermann panel 394]

• Els loud [Scharr MVGN 52 p.10]

• Ulman Stromer: Berthold Pfinzing has a daughter who has married Ulreich Haller .

→ This Adelaide Pfinzing is not included in "Pfinzing die Alten" by [G.Wunder S.44]

Regesten to Peter Grundherr:
• Peter Grundherr † 1386, ∞1) Gertraud Haller , † 1385, Tv Ulrich Haller ∞ Elisabeth Vorchtel , widow of Heinrich Zollner ; ∞2) 1386 Elisabeth Haller , † 1407, Tv Ulrich Haller (son of the previous Ulrich) ∞ Adelheid Pfinzing . - A son Peter Grundherr , who probably died in youth.
[biedermann panel 62 D] 
Zollner, Heinrich (I30350)
2592 From Lemmel:
Sebald Paumgärtner Hb15 -
Parents unknown

(* about? 1405), † 1449

∞ 1432 with Veronika Groland Hb16

(* about? 1415), † 1486

her parents: Hans Groland N912 , (* about? 1370), † 1452
in Nuremberg, 1398 senator. See Grol-23 / e ( Er ∞1) (about? 1400) with Agnes Pfinzing Nj10 , (* about? 1380) ) ; ∞ with Ursula Pfinzing Nj16 , (* about? 1383).

[Biedermann panel 619A key fields] 
Paumgartner, Sebald (I26913)
2593 From Lemmel:
Sebald Paumgärtner Hb15 -
Parents unknown

(* about? 1405), † 1449

∞ 1432 with Veronika Groland Hb16

(* about? 1415), † 1486

her parents: Hans Groland N912 , (* about? 1370), † 1452
in Nuremberg, 1398 senator. See Grol-23 / e ( Er ∞1) (about? 1400) with Agnes Pfinzing Nj10 , (* about? 1380) ) ; ∞ with Ursula Pfinzing Nj16 , (* about? 1383).

[Biedermann panel 619A key fields] 
Paumgartner, Dorothea (I26902)
2594 From Lemmel:
Sebald Pfinzing N464 - Councilman in Nuremberg
Parents: Pfin-25 / g Berthold Pfinzing Nm64 , Agnes Stromer Nh41

* around 1372, † 1431

Since 1396 alderman in Nuremberg, council of Emperor Sigmunds. On Lichtenhof.

∞1) in 1393 with Elisabeth Mendel N568

(*? 1370/1375)

her parents: Conrad Mendel N545 ( christening : in Nuremberg), (* about? 1345)
See Mend-24 / k ; ∞ with Elisabeth Stromer N567 , (* about? 1350)
See Stro-24 / me .

∞2) 1406 with Apollonia Haller H182

(* about? 1375), † 1416

her parents: Peter Haller H171 , (* about? 1350), † 13.12.1435 in Nuremberg
Zu brick. Leave a fortune of 60,000 florins. See Hall-23 / y ; ∞ with Petronella Kreutzlin H174 , (* about? 1355), † 1388
from Bavaria.

she ∞1) 1394 with Ulrich Muffel Ne80

(* about? 1365), † 4.2.1402

See Mufl-25 / e

∞3) 1412 with Els Stromer N891

* 12.2.1374, † 1424

Betrothed in 1382, ∞ 10.5.1388

her parents: Ulman / Ulrich Stromer N620 , * 6.1.1329 in Nuremberg, † 3.4.1407 at the plague
builder of the first German paper mill. About 1390-1407 he wrote the "Püchel vom miim sex and abentewr". Councilman; Diplomat with Emperor Charles IV and King Wenzel. See Stro-24 / d ( Er ∞1) 1358 with Anna Hegner n978 , (* about? 1338), † 1365 ) ; ∞ 21.11.1366 with Agnes Grolant N888 , * 25.11.1351, † 1413.

she ∞1) 10.5.1388 with Hans Rieter Ne86

(* about? 1370), † 1410

without a son See Ritr-22 / i

from 1st marriage:
1. Berthold, (* about 1394) - Senator in Nuremberg, see Pfin-27 / f

2. Georg Pfinzing Ne87 , (* 1396), † 1437 In
1424 Bring the Imperial Treasure from Buda to Nuremberg. Without heirs.

∞ 1424 with Dorothea Haller H622

(* about? 1405)

her parents: Andreas Haller H282 , (* about? 1380), † before 1447
four times married rich merchant in Nuremberg. See Hall-24 / q ; ∞2) (about? 1410) with Catharina v.Seckendorf H526 , * 1385.

3. Klara Pfinzing N385 , (* about? 1398)

∞ before 1417 with Franz Pirkheimer N384

* 1387/1388, † 1449

Last clergyman. See Pirk-25 / i

his parents: Hans Pirckhamer N970 , (* about? 1343), † 1400 in Nuremberg
Outstanding merchant. See Pirk-24 / a ( Er ∞1) with Katharina Graser N394 , (* about? 1350) ) ; ∞ with Katharina Teufel N380 , (* about? 1363) ( you ∞2) with Wilhelm Mendel N381 , (* about? 1375), † 24.10.1425 in Nuremberg
councilman in Nuremberg. See Mend-25 / a ) .

4. Ludwig, (* about? 1400) - alderman in Nuremberg, see Pfin-27 / g

from 2nd marriage:
5. Apollonia Pfinzing Ne90 , (* about? 1407)

∞1) 1427 with Peter Stromer N421

* 1401, † 13.4.1431

Died without heirs.

his parents: Jörg Stromeir N817 , * 19.2.1375, † 1437 in Koblenz
1407 he took over the trading company of the father. 1426 in the Carpathian area. 1430 Collapse of the Stromer-Ortlieb company. See Stro-25 / d ( Er ∞2) (about? 1408) with ... Ströber Hd09 , (* about? 1380) ) ; ∞ 1397 with Martha Aislinger N420 , (* about? 1375), † probably around 1407.

∞2) 1433 with M. Haiden H896

(* about? 1400), † 1463

Knight to Dachsbach.

6. Sebald II, (* about? 1410) - on Lichtenhof, see Pfin-27 / h

→ This Sebald Pfinzing is given by Biedermann (Plate 398) as the son of Berthold ∞ Clara Ortlieb . According to Schaper and miracle, he is really a son of Berthold Pfinzing († 1405) ∞ Agnes Stromer .

→ His children can be seen from the following document after his death:

• 5.11.1432: Berchtold, George, Ludwig, Sebolt Pfinzing , Clara the Franz Pirkheymerin , Appollonia of the Peter Stromeirs sel. Wittibe, all siblings and children of the Sebolt Pfinzing certify the letter of misdemeanor of the emperor Sigismund for Sebolt Pfinzing ... (because of offer pfennig of to the Jews)
[StA Nbg Office of the 7-color.Alfabet Urk.839. - Online 2017]

• Sebald I Pfintzing , (Sv Barthold Pfintzing ∞ Klara Ortlieb) , † Tuesday n. St.Georg 1431, Councilor Nuremberg, Council of Emperor Sigismund, took part in 1429 at the Reichstag in Vienna. 3x married.

• ∞1) 1393 Elisabeth Mendel , † 1405, daughter of Konrad Mendel and Elisabeth Stromer v.Reichenbach. ∞2) Haller. ∞3) Stromer.

[Biedermann panel 398]

• Children: Biedermann [Plate 398] names Berthold XI ∞ 1417 Clara Kress from his first marriage ; Georg ∞ 1424 Dorothea Haller ; Clara ∞ 1417 Frantz Pirckamer ; Anna † 1399 ∞ Conrad Pirckamer , he † 1423; Hedwig ∞ Jobst Valzner , he † 1407; Ludwig ∞ 1432 Ursula Waldstromer ; from the second marriage Sebald ∞ 1432 Catharina Groland ; and Apollonia ∞ Stromer / Haiden .

→ Anna ∞ Pirckamer does not fit in time. In terms of age, she could be Sebald's sister. - Even Hedwig ∞ Valzner (he † 1407) does not fit in time. (HDL)

• Sebald Pfinzing (∞ Mendel) , son of Berthold Pfinzing ∞ Agnes Stromer .
[Schaper: Hirschvogel, p.37 footnote 206, Mtlg WvStromer]

• Sebald Pfinzing , son of Berthold ∞ Agnes Stromer .

• 1431: As a royal council, he gave up the Nuremberg citizenship to the indignation of the city, which he soon acquired again. Died shortly thereafter. He was assisted by Emperor Sigmund, Elector Frederick of Brandenburg, Bishop of Agram and the Dukes of Berg and Brunswick.

• A document dated 5.11.1432 mentions his children: Bertold, Jörg, Ludwig and Sebold the Pfinzing , Klara the Franz Pirkheimerin , and Apollonia, Peter Stromeirs Wittib. The descendants of this important branch disappeared in the 17th century in Silesia and Upper Palatinate; the last in Nuremberg, Konrad Pfinzing († 1598), the son of genealogist Sebald, had to leave the city.
[Miracle p.51]

• In 1405 Sebald I Pfinzing receives from King Ruprecht "a hus with the trench and garden" as well as the "Fürreuth" and several goods to Lichtenhof. In 1413 King Sigmund renewed the loan, as well as 1434 for the sons Ludwig and Sebald II
[ 2012]

• Marriage 1406 Haller .
[Biedermann panel 105 Haller]
• ∞1) Mendel .

• 1407 Sebald Pfinzing with Peter Mendel and Markart Kepf .

• 1420 Venice trade: Sigmund Pfinzing , Bartholomew Zugler , Seitz Austrian , Hans Siegwein , H. Hirßvogel , Hermann Reck .

• 1423 Sebald Pfinzing to King Sigmund for Venedighandels.
[Schaper: Hirschvogel p.19, 37, 47, 48]

• 6.6.1411: Sebold Phinczig among the witnesses of a notary deed of the Clara Monastery.
[StA Nbg Rst.Nbg. Monastery Klara Urk.31. - Online 2017]

• 2.8.1413: Sebald Pfintzing and Peter Volkmeyr , representatives of Nuremberg.
[StA Nbg Losungsamt 7-farb.Alfabet Urk.489. - Online 2017]

• 18.11.1413: Sebolt Pfinczing mentions as a caretaker of the St.Klara monastery in Nuremberg.
[StA Nbg Rst.Nbg. Klara Monastery Urk.40. - Online 2017]

→ The abbess of the monastery is Kathrein Pfinzing . She may be Sebald's sister. (HDL)

• 1417 lend Ulrich Haller the Elder. and Sebald Pfinzing the Nuremberg burgrave Friedrich VI of Zollern 2200 gulden, as this is invested with the Mark Brandenburg.
[W.Schultheiß: Money and Finance Nuremberg Citizens S.80f]
• 1423: The council sends Sebald Pfinzing to King Sigmund , who on 29.9.1423 pledges to bring the crown insignia (crown, orb, scepter, sword, etc.) from Buda Castle to Nuremberg into the custody of the Nuremberg Council.
[Georg Stolz: St.Lorenz Heft 48, 2002, p.9, with illustration]
• 1425: Sebald Pfinzing , Peter Volckamer and Stephan Coler settle a dispute between the monastery Neunkirchen and the heirs Strobel .
[Horst Miekisch, Dissertation on the Augustiner.Chorherrenstift Neunkirchen, Bamberg 2005 p.53, Intenet]

• 1427: King Sigmund confirms the sale of the Nuremberg Castle and gives it to the city of Nuremberg, represented by Sebalt Pfinzing (Ulman Stromers son-in-law).
[L.Sporhan, WvStromer, Handelshaus Stromer, VSWG 47 (1960), p.90f]

→ "Ulman Stromers son-in-law" must refer to the third marriage (HDL).

• 21.4.1429: Kg Sigmund owes 500 florins to Sebold Pfinzing of Nuremberg and prescribes him a share of the Jewish tax.
[StA Nbg Losungsamt 7-farb.Alfabet Urk.759. - Online 2017]

• 25.2.1431: Sigmund declares that Seibold Pfinzing may use the silverware he has lent for 1000 gulden, if he did not redeem it, elsewhere.
[Internet 2015, Regesta Imperii]

Regesta to Apollonia Haller:
[Biedermann panel 105]

Regesta to Anna Hegner:
• Ulmann Stromer , * 1328, ∞1) 1358 with Anna Hegner , Tv Ulrich Hegner . She † 1365, after she had two children born: Ulrich * 1360, † 1361; and Anna * 1364, she ∞ with Sebald Vorchtel .
[Biedermann panel 465B]

• Anna Hegner , † 1365, buried Heilig-Geist-Hospital Nuremberg, ∞ 1358 with Ulman Stromer .
[JAPast: Descendants Hegner, Mtlg 2014]

Regesta to Agnes Grolant:
• She was a self-employed merchant as a widow. Her scribe was imprisoned in 1412 together with the writer of Ulrich Hirschvogel in Bohemia.
[Christa Schaper: "Hirschvogel", Nbger F'gen Bd.18 (1973) p.41]

Regesta to Georg Pfinzing:
[Biedermann panel 398]

• 1423: The Nuremberg Council sends Sebald Pfinzing to King Sigmund , who on 29.9.1423 agrees to bring the crown insignia (crown, orb, scepter, sword, etc.) from Buda Castle to Nuremberg into the custody of the Nuremberg Council.

• Sigmund Stromer and Georg Pfinzing pick up the jewels in Hungary on 8.3.1424 and bring them to Nuremberg, disguised as fish guides.
[Georg Stolz: St.Lorenz Heft 48, 2002, p.9 with illustration]

→ In Buda these crown insignia must have been temporarily in the custody of Sigmund's treasurer Mathias Lemmel (HDL).

• Lehenbuch County Castell 1412-1458: Jörg Pfintzing receives a tenth to Elfershofen (deserted Lengenfeld), previous owner Wilhelm von Rinhofen , then Endres Haller to Nuremberg.
[Internet 2013, Lehenbuch County Castell]

Regesta to Dorothea Haller:
• Georg Pfinzing ∞ 1424 Dorothea Tv Andreas Haller ∞ v.Seckendorf .
[Biedermann plaque 398 Pfinzing]

Regesta to Apollonia Pfinzing:
[Biedermann panel 398, panel 466 Stromer]

• Error note : In Biedermann panel 466 she is given as the daughter of Sebald Pfinzing and (his 3rd wife) Elisabeth Stromer . This is not possible in time. According to Plate 398, she is from the second marriage and bears the name of her mother.

Regesta to Peter Stromer:
[Biedermann panel 466]

• † 13.4.1431.
[L.Sporhan, WvStromer, Handelshaus Stromer, VSWG 47 (1960), p.97] 
Pfinzing, Sebald (I30283)
2595 From Lemmel:
Siboto Pfinzing N602 - in Nuremberg
Parents: Pfin-20 / a Sifrid Pfincinch N601 , Österhild Bigenot N331

(* about? 1215)

1251-1266 (Nuremberg Urk'buch) among the first citizens and in the citizens' representation ("universitas civium") mentioned.

∞1) before 1251 with Anna Ebner N206

(* about? 1230)

her parents: Seifrid Ebner N207 , (* about? 1185)
1234 in Nuremberg. See Ebnr-20 / a ; ∞ with Anna Vorchtel N208 , (* about? 1190)
See Vorc-21 / e .

∞2) (about 1258) with ... .... H865

(* about? 1235)

from 1st marriage:
1. Konrad, (* about? 1250) - in Nuremberg, mayor, knight, see Pfin-22 / r

2. Siboto, (* about? 1255) - in Nuremberg, see Pfin-22 / s

from 2nd marriage:
3rd Pignot / Bigenot Pfinzing Ne45 , (* about? 1260)
urk. 1282-1307

4. Ulrich Pfinzing Hb40 , (* about? 1262)

5. Berthold Pfinzing H722 , (* about? 1265), † probably 1297
urk. 1287 (1290-1298?)

• Siboto Pfincinch / Phinzing 1251-1266 in Nuremberg among the first citizens. He is the third in 1251, the second in 1253 and the first of the court in 1263 after the mayor. He is thus already part of the corporation, which in 1254 is called "universitas civium" (community of citizens) and from which the Council emerges. His brother Merklin Phinzing is called "honestus vir" (honorable man) or "vir discretus ac fidedignus" (knowledgeable and credible man).
[Wunder p.38ff, 56]

• Sibot Pfinzing , Urk. 1251-1266.
[A.Scharr: The ans. Citizen of Nuremberg, in: Gen.Jb. Vol.3 1963 p.14]
• mentioned in Nuremberg in 1253: Sibot Pfinzing and Berthold Turbreche . (No further details)

• 1254 also in a witness series.

• 1255 in a Nuremberg witness series, including: Heinrich von Mayenthal , Coler his brother, Sibot Pfinzing , Berthold Forchtelin , Conrad his son, Heinrich Togler , Hermann Graf .

• 1258: Berthold, the mayor of Nuremberg, carries a meadow near Neuhof to the fief of Heinrich von Stein , Butigler in Nuremberg, and gives the meadow. Among the witnesses: Heinrich von Stein , Seibot Pfinzing , Albrecht Ebner , Conrad Stromeier , Conrad Forchtlin , Hermann Graf .
[Nuremberg Annuals Vol. 1-2 p.28,31,34]

• 1263: Siboto Pfinzing and Merclin Pfinzing , citizens of Nuremberg.
[Nuremberg Yearbook Vol. 1-2 p.38]

• 1265: Siboto Phinzingus , Merclinus frater eius, first and second in a series of witnesses.
[Nürnberger document 411, Heilsbronner documents Nr.117. - Note from M.Keßler 2014]

• 1265 seals and signatures, among others: City Councilor Kon. Stromaier , Siboto Pfinzing .
[History Heilsbronn Bd.2, digital on the Internet 2015]

• 1251-1265 mentioned in Nuremberg, in the citizens' representation and in the court hot court. ∞ before 1251 in Nuremberg with Anna Ebner , daughter of Seifried Ebner, 1234 in Nuremberg, ∞ with Anna Vorchtlin .
[AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964]

→ After this marriage Ebner Siboto must have had a second wife, since the sons Pignot and Conrad Pfinzing are mentioned as step-brothers, see [Scharr].

• The data for Siboto at Biedermann. The father given by Biedermann (Berthold I) and son (Siboto, lives 1378) are incorrect. Conrad, Pigenot, Ulrich and Berthold II Pfinzing are not Siboto's brothers but his sons.

[Biedermann panel 393]

Regesta to Anna Ebner:
• Not on the board Ebner bei Biedermann.

Regesten to Pignot / Bigenot Pfinzing:
• Pignot Phinzing 1282-1307, a brother of Konrad.
[Miracle p.37]

• Pignot (Bigenot) Pfinzing , Urk. 1282 and 1288, erw. until 1307

• Son of Sibot and stepbrother of Conrad
[A.Scharr: The spelled. Citizen of Nuremberg, in: Gen.Jb. Vol.3 1963 p.14]

• Pigenot Pfinzing , 1288 witness in a document.
[Biedermann panel 393]

• 13.5.1307: Conrad Pfinzing and his brother Bigenot sell ...
[StadtA Nbg online]

Regesta to Ulrich Pfinzing:
• A brother of Pigenot and Berthold: Ulrich Pfinzing in the spiritual state. Without a year.
[Biedermann panel 393]

• Not mentioned in miracles.

Regesten to Berthold Pfinzing:
• Berchtold Phinzinch (not the mayor!) 1287, 1288.
[NUB 745, 768, miracle p.37] No further information.

• Berthold Pfinzing 1287 (1290-1298?), Son of Sibot and stepbrother of Conrad.
[A. Scharr: The ans. Citizen of Nuremberg, in: Gen.Jb. Vol.3 1963 p.14]

→ Biedermann [Plate 394] gives the year of death 1297 for Berthold II.

→ Biedermann [plates 393,394] states as his children: Bertold Reichs-Schultheiß, Hedwig Abbess, Elisabeth ∞ Geuschmid . These are correct children of Merklin Pfinzing , Pfin-21 / a.
Pfinzing, Siboto (I30366)
2596 From Lemmel:
Sifrid Pfincinch N601 - in Nuremberg
Parents unknown

(* about? 1190)

1233 with his wife Oesterhildis in a deed of the Abbot of Heilsbronn.

∞ about? 1215 with Österhild Bigenot N331

(* about? 1200)

her father: Konrad Bigenot N722 , (* about? 1175)
1226/1251 in the Nuremberg document book [Wunder S.63] 1219-1228 mayor in Nuremberg. See Ebnr-20 / Bi

1. Siboto, (* about? 1215) - in Nuremberg, see Pfin-21 / s

2. Merklin Pfinzing, (* about? 1217) - mayor in Nuremberg, see Pfin-21 / a

3. Hedwig Pfinzing, (* about? 1220) - ∞ Schurstab / Grundherr, see Pfin-21 / u

• 1233 Sifrid de Norinberc cognomine Pfincinch et uxor sua Oesterhildis, devoti fideles nostrique familiares ... He gives the monastery a predilection in Blindenhaslach (Kleinhaslach).
[in a deed of the Abbot of Heilsbronn, according to miracles]
[Nuremberg Yearbook Vol. 1-2 S.11]
[History of the monastery Heilsbronn, digitally on the Internet 2015]

• The family should come from Pfünz near Eichstätt.
[Mtlg Dr.W.Kraft, Miracle p.59]

→ Older ancestor lists indicate, according to Biedermann, a chamberlain Endres Pfinzing 1197 as progenitor. This Endres is taken from the fake tournament books by Georg Riexner. According to the Nuremberg Register of Records mentioned in 1233 Sifrid is the ancestor of Pfinzing.
[G.Wunder: Pfintzing the ancients. MVGN 49 (1959)]

• Seifried Pfinzing and his housewife Osterhildis in 1233.

• Hedwig Pfinzing ∞ with Mr. Werner Grundherr .
[Biedermann plaque 392 in a list of Pfinzing persons who can not be brought into a genealogical order]

→ In recent ancestor lists, this Seifried is considered the parent of Pfinzing .

→ In [AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964] and [Hagner: Die Bigenot ..., Fam.u.Gesch. Issue 2/2000] is stated as a wife: Oesterhild Bigenot , daughter of the mayor Konrad Bigenot. 
Pfincinch, Sifrid (I30368)
2597 From Lemmel:
Ulrich Groland N896 -
Parents: Grol-21 / e Ulrich Groland Ni12 , Clara Ortlieb Ni13

(* about? 1330), † 1407

Father-in-law and partner of Ulman Stromeir. Councilor Nuremberg, erw. 1361

∞1) (about? 1350) with Elisabeth Zollner Nh81

(*? 1327)

her parents: Heinrich Zollner n218 , (* about? 1300), † 1369 in Bamberg
1357 on the Zollnerhof in Bamberg. "Heinrich Zolner gen. Von Schletten" † before 1376. See Zoln-23 / e ; ∞ (about? 1325) with Gertraud Haller H108 , (* about? 1306).

∞2) (about? 1365) with Elisabeth Schopper Na18

(*? 1345)

See Sopr-4 / p

her parents: Peter Schopper Nh82 , (* about? 1325), † 1401 in Nuremberg
In Nuremberg, 1360 named the council. See Sopr-3 / p ; ∞ with Catharina landlord Nh83 , (* about? 1325), † 1401 in Nuremberg.

from 1st marriage:
1. Agnes Grolant N888 , * 25.11.1351, † 1413

∞ 21.11.1366 with Ulman / Ulrich Stromer N620

* 6.1.1329 in Nuremberg, † 3.4.1407 at the plague

Builder of the first German paper mill. About 1390-1407 he wrote the "Püchel vom miim sex and abentewr". Councilman; Diplomat with Emperor Charles IV and King Wenzel. See Stro-24 / d

his parents: Heinrich Stromer N613 , (* about? 1260), † 30.4.1347 in Nuremberg
1313: Mr. Hainrich, Mr. Conrat Stromeir's son. 1323 at the salt market. See Stro-23 / e ( Er ∞1) (about? 1291) with (Kunigunde) Gnatznapf N775 , (* about? 1282)
8 Kinder Stromer. ) ; ∞ (about? 1324) with Margarete Geusmid N663 , (* about? 1295), † 24.11.1350.

he ∞1) 1358 with Anna Hegner n978

(* about? 1338), † 1365

2. Hans, (* about? 1370) -, see Grol-23 / e

from 2nd marriage:
3. Els Groland Ne04 , (* about? 1365)

∞ with Hermann Stromer N826

(* about? 1340/1345), † 1406

In Nuremberg. See Stro-25 / a

his parents: Peter Stromer N653 , * 1292, † 4.12.1388
inventor of the softwood seed. In 1375, Lewpolt Schurstab and Fritz Lemlein testify for him. See Stro-24 / a ( Er ∞2) (1351) with Margarete Forstmeister N777 , (* about? 1330) ) ; ∞ with Siglint Ebner N776 , (* about? 1310), † 1350.

4. Hans, (* about? 1372) - Senator in Nuremberg, see Grol-23 / o

5. Gertraud Groland Nh80 , (* about? 1375), † 1407

∞ 1400 in Nuremberg with Franz Waldstromer Nh76

(* about? 1370), † ..11.1441

from 1427 bailiff of the Lorenzer forest. See Wstr-26 / e

his parents: Hans Waldstromer N637 , (* about? 1332), † 1395
Reichsforstmeister. See Wstr-25 / e ; ∞ with Anna v.Gravenreuth Ne89 , (* about? 1350).

he ∞2) 1407 in Nuremberg with Clara Grundherr Nj80

(* about? 1385)

6. Elisabeth Groland Nj07 , (* about? 1380), † 1413

∞ 1404 with Berthold Tucher Nb79

* 28.6.1386, † 6.5.1454 in Nuremberg St. Seebald

3x married but no son See Tuc-27 / a

his parents: Hans Tucher N874 , * 1368, † 11.11.1425
3 sons: Berthold (3x verh but no son), Hans, Endres See Tuc-26 / a ; ∞ 1385 with Anna Behaim N875 , * 1371, † 1436.

he ∞2) 15.6.1416 with Christina Holzschuher H352

(* about? 1402), † 22.7.1434 in Nuremberg

he ∞2) 15.6.1416 with Agnes Riegler H784

(* about? 1410)

[WvStromer: "Assembly" MVGN 52 p.64]

• Ulrich Groland , 1361-1398 Senator in Nuremberg, † 1407, buried St. Sebald. His parents: Ulrich Groland ∞ Clara Ortlieb .

• ∞1) Elisabeth Zollner from Bamberg, Tv Mr. Heinrich Zollner ∞ Gertraud Haller . - Son: Hans, becomes a senator in 1398, ∞ 1412 with Agnes Pfinzing .

• ∞2) Elisabeth Schopper , Tv Mr Peter Schopper ∞ Catharina Grundherr . - Children: Agnes, Elisabeth ∞ Stromer , Elisabeth ∞ Tucher , Gertraud, Hans.
[Biedermann panel 615 Groland]

→ Attention: There are siblings of the same name!

→ Attention: Some things might not be right here. For the daughter Agnes from second marriage is stated that she was born in 1351 . For the son Hans from his first marriage is stated that he became a senator in 1398, 1412 married and 1449 died. He would have to be born long after 1351, possibly only around 1360/70! So I suppose that the daughter Agnes comes from her first marriage. (HDL)

→ For the two half brothers Hans Groland is indicated in each case: died in anno 1449. Is that correct? For the younger Hans from second marriage is stated: "Hans Groland the old man". Is there some confused? (HDL)

Regesta to Gertraud Haller:
• Elisabeth Haller ∞ Heinrich Zollner . [Haller: 96.BHVB 1957/1958]

• Gertraud Haller , Tv Ulrich Haller ∞ Vorchtel , ∞1) Heinrich Zollner , ∞2) Peter Grundherr .
[Biedermann panel 62 D landlord] The first name Gertraud is probably wrong here (HDL).

Regesta to Agnes Grolant:
• She was a self-employed merchant as a widow. Her scribe was imprisoned in 1412 together with the writer of Ulrich Hirschvogel in Bohemia.
[Christa Schaper: "Hirschvogel", Nbger F'gen Bd.18 (1973) p.41]

Regesta to Anna Hegner:
• Ulmann Stromer , * 1328, ∞1) 1358 with Anna Hegner , Tv Ulrich Hegner . She † 1365, after she had two children born: Ulrich * 1360, † 1361; and Anna * 1364, she ∞ with Sebald Vorchtel .
[Biedermann panel 465B]

• Anna Hegner , † 1365, buried Heilig-Geist-Hospital Nuremberg, ∞ 1358 with Ulman Stromer .
[JAPast: Descendants Hegner, Mtlg 2014]

Regesta to Gertraud Groland:
[Biedermann panel 615]

Regesten to Elisabeth Groland:
• Elisabeth Groland † 1413, ∞ 1404 with Berthold Tucher * 1386, † 6.5.1454.
[Biedermann panel 615 Groland] 
Groland, Ulrich (I30279)
2598 From Lemmel:
Ulrich Groland Ni12 - councilman in Nuremberg
Parents: Grol-20 / e Heinrich Groland Ni14 , Anna Sachs Ni15

(* about? 1305), † 1373

1363 councilman in Nuremberg.

∞ with Clara Ortlieb Ni13

(* about? 1310)

1. Ulrich, (* about? 1330) -, see Grol-22 / e

• Ulrich Groland , became senator in Nuremberg in 1363, † 1373.

• ∞ with Clara Ortlieb , Tv Mr. Ulrich Ortlieb ∞ Clara Graser .

• Children: Ulrich; Wilhelm † 1377 (without further information).
[Biedermann panel 615 Groland]

Regesta to Clara Ortlieb:
[B.Aign: AL Zinn, Gen.Jahrbuch Bd.45 / 46 2008] Here is given as her father: Ulrich Ortlieb , who died in 1442. That's obviously wrong. (HDL) 
Groland, Ulrich (I30351)
2599 From Lemming:
Berthold Pfinzing N764 - councilman in Nuremberg
Parents: Pfin-23 / w Berchtold Pfinzing N641 , Anna Tucher N643

(* about? 1352), † 1405

Senator in Nuremberg.

∞ (about? 1371) with Klara Ortlieb N901

(* about? 1350)

her parents: Heinrich Ortlieb N902 , (* about? 1310)
See Ortl-23 / h ; ∞ with Klara Schürstab N938 , (* about? 1320)
See Schb-24 / k .

1. Clara Pfinzing Nm74 , (* about? 1372)

∞ 1392 with Erhard Schürstab N419

(* about? 1364), † 1439

1391 See Schb-25 / i

his father: Leupold Schürstab N416 , (* about? 1325), † after 1378
merchant in Nuremberg with Hungary privileges. 1370/1374 "the older one". See Schb-24 / i ∞1) (about? 1355) with Kunigunde Nützel Nk84 (* about? 1330)
∞2) (about? 1360) with Gerhaus v. Streitberg N939 (* about? 1340), † 8.9.1428

2. Margarete Pfinzing Nm76 , (* about? 1375)

∞ with Lorentz Groland Nn08

(* about? 1370), † 1425

See Grol-22 / s

his parents: Martin Groland Nj15 , (* about? 1315)
1348 Senator in Nuremberg See Grol-21 / g ; ∞2)? (about? 1370) with Margarete Stromer Nn10 , (*? 1350).

3. Agnes Pfinzing Nj10 , (* about? 1380)

∞ (about? 1400) with Hans Groland N912

(* about? 1370), † 1452

in Nuremberg, 1398 Senator. See Grol-23 / e

his parents: Ulrich Groland N896 , (* about? 1330), † 1407
father in law and shareholder of Ulman Stromeir. Councilor Nuremberg, erw. 1361 See Grol-22 / e ( Er ∞2) (about? 1365) with Elisabeth Schopper Na18 , (* about? 1345)
See Sopr-4 / p ) ; ∞ (about? 1350) with Elisabeth Zollner Nh81 , (* about? 1327).

he ∞2) with Ursula Pfinzing Nj16

(* about? 1383)

• Berthold X Pfinzing , Senator Nuremberg, earned a living around the city, ∞ Clara Ortlieb, TvHerrn Heinrich Ortlieb , Senator Nuremberg, ∞ Clara Schürstab . No dates indicated.

• Children: Clara ∞ Schürstab; Margarete ∞ Groland ; Agnes ∞ Groland ; Sebald I ∞ Mendel / Haller / Stromer .

• His parents: Berthold VIII ∞ Anna Tucher .
[Biedermann panel 398]

→ Error note: According to Schaper , the son Sebald I Pfinzing mentioned here can not be classified here; He is a son of Berthold Pfinzing ∞ Agnes Stromer . [Schaper: Hirschvogel, p.37 footnote 208, Mtlg WvStromer]

→ For this Berthold X Pfinzing Biedermann does not specify a year. The three daughters were born about their marriage dates around 1370-1380, so that this Berthold X could have been born about 1345. According to Biedermann, his parents got married in 1352, so that Berthold X must have been born in 1352/53 and married quite young. (HDL)

• Barthold X Pfintzing (Sv. Barthold VIII P. ∞ 1352 Anna Tucher) , alderman in Nuremberg, ∞ Klara Ortlieb , daughter of the Nuremberg alderman Heinrich Ortlieb ∞ Klara Schürstab ; both buried at St.Sebald in Nuremberg. Son: Sebald. [AL Pusch]

• In 1386, Berthold Pfinzing has feasts and Amt Schellenberg of the Bamberg Bishop in pawn ownership.

• In 1398 Berthold Pfinzing receives the Nuremberg Jewish tax.
[W. Schultheiß: Money and Financial Transactions ... p.76,86]

→ Is this this or another Berthold? (HDL)

Regesto to Gerhaus v. Streitberg:
• Tv Friedrich v. Strreitberg ∞ Cunigunde Truchsess of Henneberg and sister of Regensburg Bishop Johann v . Strreitberg .
[Biedermann panel 547A]

Regesta to Margarete Pfinzing:
[Biedermann panel 398]

2015 1 13 
Pfinzing, Margaretha (I30287)
2600 From Life Sketch

Albreda (Aubrie) DeLisoures (de Lacy) MP
Birth: 1097
Pontrefact, Yorkshire, England
Death: circa 1195 (94-102)
Sprotborough, Yorkshire, England
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Robert de Lacy, Lord of Pontefract and Matilda wife of Robert de Lacy of Pontefract
Wife of Robert De Lisours
Mother of Albreda Aubrey

Siblings: Radulphus 'The Red' de Mitton, Walter de Lacy, Knight Robert De Lacy, Ilbert de Lacy II, 111 Lord of Pontefract Henry de Lacy, Aubrey Lacy 
de Lacy, Albreda (I26010)

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