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 #   Notes   Linked to 
2501 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Friedrich Behaim - in Nuremberg
◆ Father: Albrecht Behaim
◆ Friedrich was (* about? 1225), † 5.8.1295 in Nuremberg St.Cath.
◆ Citizen in Nuremberg.
◆ ∞ 1) with (daughter) Pilgram v.Eyb (* about? 1225)
◆ ∞ 2) with (daughter) Vorchtel (* about? 1230)
⁃ Her father: Sebald Vorchtel (* about? 1195)

1 Albrecht, * 6.2.1250 - wholesale trader in Nuremberg

◆ The Behaim family was said to come from Bohemia and, before coming to Nuremberg, sat at the Schwarz and was called Schwarzbach
◆ According to: the Behaims left Bohemia after the death of Duke Vratislaus I in 921.
◆ The first name bearer in 1240 is the Passau archdeacon Albrecht Behaim. Even older name carriers are mentioned without documentary evidence. [AL Rusam]
◆ Friedrich Behaim † 1295, buried St.Catharina in Nuremberg, Window to St.Sebald, ∞1) a born Pilgramin v.Eyb ; ∞2) a daughter of Mr. Sebald Vorchtel . Son (not specified from which marriage): Albrecht. [Biedermann panel 1]
◆ In Biedermann this Friedrich has a son Albrecht, who was born in 1250, and a brother Albrecht, who was born in 1248. The latter with two sons, who died only in 1386 and 1391. That's pretty unlikely in time (HDL).
◆ Friedrich Behaim ∞ with ... feign . His father: Albrecht Behaim † 1270. [B.Aign: AL Zinn, Gen.Jahrbuch Bd.45 / 46 2008] 
Behaim, Friedrich (I30346)
2502 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Friedrich Behaim- Losunger in Nuremberg
◆ Parents: Albrecht Behaim , Ursula Eisvogel
◆ * 1285, † 1365
◆ Losunger in Nuremberg.
◆ ∞ 1310 with Margarete Pfinzing who was (* about? 1290)
⁃ her parents: Siboto Pfinzing N603 , (* about? 1255) who in 1278, 1282, 1288 mentioned. 1317, 1319 Named. He ∞2) (about? 1311) with Unknown Unknown who(* about? 1280) unknown second wife of Siboto ) ; ∞ (about? 1282) with ... Esler, (* about? 1260), † 1310; sister of the mayor Conrad Esler ..

1 Friedrich, * 1311 - Senator in Nuremberg
2 Herdegen, * 1312 - councilor in Nuremberg
3 Michael, * 1315 - Councilman in Nuremberg
4 Crafft, * 1326 - in Nuremberg

◆ In the Katharinenkirche the annual memory was celebrated by:
⁃ Friedrich Behaim , Albrecht Behaims son, (* 1285, Losunger, † 1365) donated there a Jahrstag;
⁃ Friedrich Behaim , sat on the Salt Market, * 1311, † 1379, donated a benefice on the Katharinenaltar.
⁃ [J.Kamann: From Nuremberg Household -... books from the 15th to the 16th century, p.68 footnote 3]
◆ By Biedermann Plate 3: Friedrich Behaim, * 1285, † 1365, ∞ 1310 with Margaretha Pfinzing , daughter of Fritz Pfinzing ∞ Elisabeth Geuschmidt.
◆ → Margarete can not be Fritz's daughter in time! (HDL)

Regesten too ... ....:
◆ unknown second wife of Siboto [Wunder S.41]

Regesten zu ... Esler:
◆ [Miracle, MVGN 49 p.38]
◆ Her death 1310 [AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964] 
Behaim, Friedrich (I30332)
2503 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Friedrich Holzschuher - Schöffe in Nuremberg
◆ Parents: Heinrich Holzschuher, (Elisabeth?) von Gründlach
◆ (* about? 1250), † 20.3.1339 buried in the Katharinenkapelle of the monastery Ebrach
◆ Mentioned from 1270. 1303.1314 Schöffe in Nuremberg. His daughter is probably Irmel, who lives from 1335 as a widowed Lemlein in Nuremberg.
◆ ∞1) (about? 1275) with Jutta Stromer
⁃ (* about? 1255/1260)
⁃ her parents: Conrad Stromer N578 , (* about? 1230), † before 20.7.1319
⁃ Conrad 1283-1313 erw. 1291 Schöffe in Nuremberg. In 1313 he buys a meadow near Hersbruck. See Stro-22 / a ( Er ∞2) (about? 1300) with Kunigunde / Anna v.Laufenholz N851 , (* about? 1280) ) ; ∞ (about? 1255) with (Sofie?) Esler , (* about? 1235) Your first name is not Kunigunde. 11 children ..
◆ ∞2) (about? 1290/1300) with Jutta Graf who was (* about? 1260) She was mentioned in 1308 and 1318 as the wife of Friedrich Holzschuher. Sister of Conrad Graf (documented 1287-1308); her father probably the alderman Hermann Comes (documentary 1255, 1258). Her father: Hermann Comes, (* about? 1220) alderman , documented 1255, 1258. See Graf-21 / a

from 1st marriage:
1 Heinrich, (* about? 1275) - in Nuremberg, see wood-23 / a

2. Gerhaus wooden shoe H022 , (* about? 1275/1280)

∞ (about? 1300/1305) with Konrad Weigel N521

(* about? 1275), † before 1341

1305 mentioned as a customer of Seifried Holzschuher. See Weig-23 / f

his father: ... Weigel N804 , (* 1240)
Suspected father of the Holzschuher group of Weigel , born around 1275. See Weig-22 / g2

3. Seifried, (* 1275/1280) - councilor in Nuremberg, see Holz-23 / b

4. Friedrich, (* about? 1280) - in Nuremberg, see Holz-23 / bb

5. (daughter) Holzschuher H024 , (* about? 1280)

∞ with Sifrid Weigel N799

(* about? 1275)

In 1318 he sold, inter alia, the bailiwick of the court in Wolkersdorf to his father-in-law Friedrich Holzschuher . [Scharr 1962] [not requested by Hirschmann] See Weig-23 / g

his father: ... Weigel N804 , (* 1240)
Suspected father of the Holzschuher group of Weigel , born around 1275. See Weig-22 / g2

6. Irmel (Holzschuher) n603 , (* about? 1280/1285), † after 1363
1335-1363 Irmel Lemblinne in Nuremberg. 1360 rich donation to the Andreasaltar of the Nuremberg Lorenzkirche.

∞ around 1305/10 with Hermann Lemmel / Lemlein n674

(* about? 1280), † before 1336

1304 "H.Lemlein" in the Holzschuherbuch, 1319 Hermannus Lemmel in Haßfurt. 1331 "the Lemler" in Nuremberg. See N-23 / a

his father: Chunrad Lembelin n673 , (* about? 1250)
1305 citizens in Nuremberg, and even before 1302. owned by Ansbach? After Nuremberg genealogies old Nuremberg family. See N-22 / a

Summary :

• By Biedermann "Friedrich I" Holzschuher, son of "Seifried I". That is incorrect. According to Scharr he is son of "Heinrich II".

• 1277-1311 in Nuremberg, here from 1391 in the Council.

• from 1311 in Ebrach, died here in 1339.

• Wife: Jutta Stromer , daughter of Conrad Stromer from his first marriage to a daughter Esler (not, as stated by Biedermann from a marriage with a Farnbacherin) . Then a second marriage with Jutta Graf .

• Children: Biedermann and Ebracher documents mention two sons, Heinrich and Seifried. Biedermann gives a daughter Gutta, who marries the Conrad Weigel . The certificates, however, indicate two daughters (no gutta), who are married to Konrad and Sifrid Weigel .

• Another son of "Friedrich I" must be married to an Ortlieb Friedrich, who is given in Biedermann "Frederick II" as a grandson of "Friedrich I", which can barely vote in time (HDL).

• Another daughter is probably the Irmel married Lemmel / Lemlein, as stated and justified by Herbert E. Lemmel.

Biedermann :

• Friedrich I Holzschuher, came to the Council of Nuremberg in 1291. Ward 1309 Chief City Captain and first caretaker of St.Sebald's Church. Let the church at St.Sebald rebuild on the opposite side of the school, and was a great benefactor of the monastery Ebrach, which he gave reciprocally, even for himself and his sons in thought monastery a lay or men's benefice of the wear of the toe to Munchhofen he asserted that he or his would have their own dwelling for themselves and their servants, and would enjoy much liberation from the ordinary obligation of other Conversorum if they wished to turn themselves away from the world. In 1311 he resigned his offices at Nuremberg and was accepted as a spiritual co-brother of the Cistercian Order at Ebrach. Died in 1339 on the 25th of March in Ebrach and is the last one in the monastery church on the St.

• Wife Gutta Stromerin von Reichenbach, Mr. Conrad Stromers of Reichenbach, Senatoris and Baumeisters to Nuremberg, then a born Farnbacherin daughter, Mr. Hanß Petzens left behind widow, † 1365 the 4th October as a widow, and is also a benefactress in the monastery Ebrach to bury.

• His father: Seitz Holzschuher . (Incorrect!)

• His children: Heinrich, Seifried, Gutta ∞ 1318 with Conrad Weigel .
[Biedermann panel 167]

→ The mother of Jutta Stromer mentioned here : ... Farnbacher , ∞1) with Hans Petz , ∞2) with Conrad Stromer , is not confirmed by documents.

Ebrach certificates :

• 27.9./26.12.1309: Friedrich Holzschuher buys tithes from the monastery Ebrach in the parish of Katzwang.

• 29.3.1311: The brothers Friedrich and Heinrich Zollner sell tithes in the villages of Ampferbach and Manndorf, fiefs of the Hochstift Würzburg, to Friedrich Holzschuher and Ulrich Haller .

• 25.4./1.8./18.9.1311: The abbot of Ebrach takes Friedrich Holzschuher into the monastery and grants him a house at the monastery, which he can inhabit together with a servant, and leaves him for life income from certain goods ,

• 18.10.1311: Friedrich Holzschuher buys goods from Gundeloch and Sophia von Windeck ....

• 7.4.1313: Friedrich Holzschuher and Friedrich von Kulmbach receive for life the usufruct of goods ....

• 28.2.1314: Otto, provost of Bamberg, confirms that the Zollner brothers are selling tithing at Debring / Teberingen to Friedrich Holzschuher .

• 26.3.1315: Abbot and convent of the monastery Ebrach let the house next to the infirmary of the monastery, which he currently inhabits, as a residence for Siegfried Holzschuher because of the benefits that he and his two sons have done to the monastery and grant him a benefice. Recipients: Friedrich, Heinrich and Siegfried Holzschuher .

• Also 10.8.1317.

→ Error note: The Regesten transcript 1315 and 1317 obviously has an error: The father's name is Friedrich (and not Siegfried), and the sons are Heinrich and Siegfried.

• 23.4.1316ff: Income from goods acquired by Friedrich Holzschuher for the monastery.

• 25.5.1327: Friedrich Holzschuher confesses that the income to Münchhof granted to him by the monastery Ebrach and the annual barrel of wine from Elgersheim / Ergershaim should fall back to the monastery after his death. Only if his two sons Heinrich and Siegfried want to settle in Ebrach in the house, which was left to him by the monastery, then they should receive this income and the wine for life.

• 20.9.1330: Siegfried Holzschuher receives a confirmation letter that he has bought various items from Else von Reichelsdorf .

• 14.11.1331: Friedrich Holzschuher renounces in favor of the monastery Ebrach on certain income.

• 16.12.1366: Siegfried Holzschuher as a trustee, like his late father ....
[Internet 2012,, Ebrach]

Document regesta by various authors:

• 1270: Burggraf Friedrich the Elder gives the Conrad called Waldstromer a hereditary castle in Gostenhof, the village of the burgrave. Among the witnesses: ... Heinrich and Hilpolt v. Stein , ..., Berthold and Marquard brothers called Pfinzing , Sifrid called Ebner , Friedrich called Holzschuher , our ministerials and knights.

• 1276: Friedrich and Herdegen the Holzschuher are Burgmannen the burgrave Friedrich in his castrum Kraftshof ... Witnesses: Hermann and Sifrid called the Ebener , Heinrich by the surname Groß , Conrad called by Neuenmark , Berthold called Pfinzing Schultheiß in Nuremberg, Conrad called Stromaier , Wernher called Nützel , relatives (cognati) by Friedrich Holzschuher . Sealed by Friedrich Holzschuher alone, as his brother Herdegen does not have his own seal.
[Nuremberg Yearbooks Vol. 1-2, 1834, p.45,54]

• 1276 Lehensrevers of Nuremberg citizens Friedrich and Herdegen Holzschuher as bruggräfliche Burgmannen in Kraftshof. Witness, among others: Cunradus dictus de Novo Foro .

• 1309: Friedrich Holzschuher sells a house. Among the witnesses: Otto Muffel .
[Hirschmann, Muffel, MVGN 41 p.265, 283]

• 1278: Herr Herdegen von Grindelach sells the village Flechsdorf ... Witnesses: the knights and citizens in Nuremberg Hermann called Groß called by Stein , Friedrich Holzschuher , Sifrid called Ebener , Chunrad called Stromair , Marquard called Pfinzinc , Cunrad called Vorchtlin .

• mentioned in Nuremberg in 1282 (without details): Conrad von Neumarkt , Weigelin his brother, Friedrich called Holzschuher , Ulrich called Turbrech , Marquard called Pfinzing , and Heinrich Vorchtlin , brother of Conrad.

• 1291: Friedrich Holzschuher steps down a part of his garden on the Pegnitz, between the Vorchtelins garden and the Wigelins garden and tower. Among the witnesses: Sifrid Ebner , Herdegen Holzschuher , Chunrat Stromer ; consulted were also a "newable customers", namely the Leupolt Holzschuher and Chunrat the Ysenmann .
[Nuremberg Yearbooks Vol. 1-2, 1834, p.57 / 58.67,90]

• Friedrich Holzschuher , 1277-1300 (until 1314 Schöffe, until 1331), (son of Heinrich II), ∞ Jutta Graf .
[Scharr: citizen of Nuremberg in the 13th century, Gen.Jb.Bd.3 1963]

• First documented in 1277, together with his father (without first name) and his brother Herdegen as a witness.

→ A Urk. Of 1269 (Gatterer) belongs to the year 1296; Several documents from 1270 to 1297 mentioning him are fakes.

• 1284 (?): Sifrid Ebner , Heinrich Vorchtel , and the brothers Friedrich, Herdegen and Leupold Holzschuher with the consent of their wives (without names) commit themselves to the Würzburg Johanniter Hospital for the sake of their salvation for payments from the income from their vineyards near Würzburg.

• In 1291 he exchanges a lawn with his garden at the Pegnitz, which was used to build the city wall in 1321.

• 1300, 1309 Carer of St.Sebald.

• called in 1302 among the Zeidlers.

• First mentioned in 1303 together with his son Heinrich.

• 1303, 1314 Schöffe in Nuremberg.

• 1309 patron and spiritual co-brother (converse) of the monastery Ebrach, in which he enters in 1311 as a monastic brother with his own dwelling.

• 23.3.1318 he and his wife Jutta (nee Count) of son-in-law Sifrid Weigel, among others, buy the bailiwick of the court in Wolkersdorf and transfer it to the monastery Ebrach.

• 20.3.1339 died in Ebrach.

• 1303/1313: Ulrich Haller and Friedrich Holzschuher , both citizens of Nuremberg, receive 2 tithes in Ampferbach, which Windeck has renounced.
[Internet database 2013 Hochstift Würzburg, Lehenbuch 1303-1313]
[23.3.1318 see StadtA Nbg online]

→ Wives :

• Gatterer states that he was married to Jutta Stromer , daughter of Conrad Stromer "before the preachers" from his second marriage to (Elle) Varrenbacher . That can not be true in time.

• 1308 in the will of Conrad Graf : Friedrich Holzschuher with his wife Jutta, sister of Conrad Graf .

• March 23, 1918: Friedrich Holzschuher and his wife Jutta, in Nuremberg, have bought the bailiwick of the court in Wolkersdorf from their son-in-law Sifrid Weigel and transferred it to the monastery Ebrach.
[Adalbert Scharr: Friedrich I Holzschuher and his wife Jutta Graf. In: Bl.f.fränk.Fk. Vol. (1965) pp. 144-147.]

→ The marriage shown here with Jutta Graf does not exclude a previous marriage with Jutta Stromer ; The ancestor lists, which indicate Jutta Graf as the mother of the children of Friedrich Holzschuher, are probably wrong. Of course, Jutta Stromer can not be the daughter of Conrad Stromer "before the preachers", but at the most his sister, ie daughter of the older Conrad Stromer, who was married to an esler (HDL).

→ WvStromer [letter 1973] informs that the marriage mentioned in genealogies by Friedrich Holzschuher with Jutta Stromer could not be documented. However, a schipping Stromer-Holzschuher in the first half or mid-14th century. veryprobably, for two reasons: (1) Around this time Holzschuher's trading book enters the Stromer family archive, for which the reason is best seen in a corresponding marriage; (2) In the eastern choir of Nuremberg Sebaldskirche can be found in the window of the Stromeir to the Golden Rose at the couple, which kneels about midway above the arms, each a small coat of arms Stromeir and Holzschuher: the window is according to Kirchenfensterrestaurator Gottlieb Frenzel to about 1375-1380 date, so that a marriage Stromeir-Holzschuher must have existed before this time.

• In 1296 the Bamberg bishop mortgages the Nurembergers Friedrich Holzschuher and Heinrich Vorchtel for the debts incurred by his church and tithes, including the Hofmarken Neunkirchen am Brand and Erlangen.
[W. Schultheiß: Money and Financial Transactions ... p.64]

Regesten zu Gerhaus Holzschuher:
→ In AL Rusam this Gerhaus Holzschuher is regarded as the sister of Heinrich and Seifried Holzschuher (* approx. 1275/80). Then Seifried Holzschuher in El. Weigel married his niece. - In principle, that would work, but it can hardly be old in age. In terms of age, she would have to be a daughter of Heinrich Holzschuher ∞ v.Gründlach. (HDL)

Regesten zu Irmel (Holzschuher):
• To the parents of Irmel Lemblin:
Herbert E. Lemmel ["Origins" p.32f footnote 73 and "Marriage circle" p.85 table 5] gives arguments that Irmel Lemblin is a born Holzschuher , namely a daughter of Friedrich Holzschuher and his wife (Jutta?) Stromer , daughter of Conrad Stromer and (Kunigunde?) Esler .

→ Although some of Helemmel's arguments are incorrect because of his erroneous identification of the Lampert and Lemlein families, there are good arguments in favor of the correctness of this assignment, which can not be considered "secured" (HEL) but likely (HDL). This is supported by a number of documents in which Lemlein and Holzschuher appear as witnesses for each other as well as the typical Holzschuher first names (Fritz, Saiz, Heinrich) of the Irmel sons. Comp. Hans-Dietrich Lemmel: Nuremberg Lemlein in the 14th century, Bl. F. German provincial 1984th 
Holzschuher, Friedrich (I30811)
2504 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Friedrich Zollner- Schöffe in Bamberg
◆ (* about? 1225)
◆ 1275 and 1285 Fridericus thelonearius Schöffe in Bamberg. 1294 his sons Hermann and Friedrich.

◆ Agnes, (* about? 1250) - ∞ Geyer,
◆ Hermann Zolner, (* about? 1253) - alderman in Bamberg
◆ Siegfried, (* about? 1255)
◆ Friedrich, (* about? 1260) - alderman in Bamberg
◆ Heinrich Zolner, (* about? 1265) and 1313 Witness in Bamberg.

◆ 1268: Cunemund von Lichtenfels renounces for the monastery Michelsberg the advocacy over two estates in → Leiterbach, four goods in Pulsendorf etc., which were given "in manus Burgensium sc. Brunwardi , fratris sui Guntheri , Anshelmi , Friderici quondam thelonearii" . (That is, the goods are handed over to Brunward, his brother Gunther, Anshelm, and Friedrich, son of Zolner.) [CASchweitzer: The housemates to Bamberg, S.12f]
◆ compare [Herbert E. Lemmel, "Continuity" panel 7]
◆ Brunwardus 1275 Schöffe in Bamberg; 1285 and 1294 his sons (Anselmus?), Cunradus, Waltherus.
◆ In particular, the Schöffen in Bamberg:
◆ 1275: Brunwardus, Fridericus thelonearius , Waltherus in ponte, Poppo rufi Burkardi filius, Cunradus senior Thockelarius , Berchtoldus Camerarii filius.
◆ 1285: Fridericus thelonearius , Anselmus, Cunradus, Waltherus filii quondam Brunwardi, Guntherus Monetarius , Reimarus, Fridericus, Conradus Tocklarius , Wickerus .
◆ 1294: Waltherus et Cunradus filii quondam Brunwardi, Fridericus, Sifridus, Hermannus and Fridericus filii Friderici Thelonearii , Karolus nepos quondam Anshalmi, Cunradus nominatus Asinus , Heinricus, Ludewicus et Sifridus filii Volnandi . [Arneth p.243]
◆ → thelonearius = Zollner; I suspect that in 1294 only Hermann and Friedrich were the sons of Frid.Thelon. are and probably not the standing in front of Frid. and Sifr. (HDL)
◆ 1288 "Her Friederich von Babenberch, the old Zolner , Herman sin sun" in a testimony of Nuremberg citizens. Then further Zollner in Nuremberg. [HvHaller 96.BHVB 1958 p.108]
◆ 1291 and 1294 Witnesses: Fridericus Theloniarius , Anselmus , Chunradus and Waltherus , filii quondam Brounwardi , Guntherus Monetarius etc. [CASchweitzer: The Housemates of Bamberg, p.15]
◆ Comp. [Herbert E. Lemmel, "Continuity" panel 7]

Regesto to Heinrich Zolner:
◆ 29.3.1311: The brothers Friedrich and Heinrich Zollner sell tithes in the villages of Ampferbach and Manndorf, fiefs of the Hochstift Würzburg, to Friedrich Holzschuher and Ulrich Haller . [Internet 2012,, Ebrach]
◆ 13.1.1313: The citizens of Babenberg Libhart monetarius (mint master) and Reicholf sutor (shoemaker) as caretakers of the parish church St.Mariae (Upper parish) sold two houses on the Abtswerd, which interest this parish, to the altar of the emperor St.Heinrich , Among the witnesses: the Babenberg citizens Ulrich Melmeister , the brothers Friedrich and Heinrich Zollner , and Raimar monetarius (Münzmeister). [Paschke: Abtswert, Studien ... Heft 55 1974 S.7] 
Zollner, Friedrich (I30374)
2505 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Gerwic Thelonearius/Zollner– in Bamberg
◆ Vater: Gotfrid Zolner/Altzolner
◆ (* etwa ?1170)
◆ 1194 Gerwic Thelonearius neben Gotfrid Altzolner in Bamberg.

1 Zollner, (* etwa ?1200) - in Bamberg 
Zollner, Gerwic Thelonearius (I30376)
2506 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Gotfrid Zolner/Altzolner – in Bamberg
◆ Eltern unbekannt
◆ (* etwa ?1140)
◆ 1185, 1194 in Bamberg.

1 Gerwic Thelonearius/Zollner, (* etwa ?1170) - in Bamberg

◆ 1185 Gotfrid Thelonearius in Bamberg.
◆ 1194 Gotefrid Altzolner und Gerwic Thelonearius in Bamberg.
◆ [Arneth S.240] 
Zolner, Gotfrid (I30377)
2507 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Gregor Schlüsselfelder
◆ Father: Heinrich Schlüsselfelder
◆ (* etwa ?1455)
◆ ∞ 1487 mit Ursula Herdegen.

1. Sebastian Schlüsselfelder H994, (* etwa ?1455)
∞1) Maria Richter aus Leipzig; ∞2) Barbara Held.

∞2) mit Barbara Held H993

(* etwa ?1510)

ihr Vater: Stenzel Held H992, (* etwa ?1475)
Siehe HH-28/p 
Schlüsselfelder, Gregor (I30505)
2508 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Hans Loneys- in Keibitz and Amberg
Parents: Ulrich Loneysen N086 , Katharina Grünhofer Nf08

(* about? 1395), † around 1467

1425 to Keibitz. Since 1431 citizens in Amberg. 1437 judge to Waldeck.

∞1) before 1425 with Margarete Erlbeck Nf06

(* about? 1400)

her father: Ulrich Erlbeck Nf07 , (* about? 1365)
See Lon-26 / E

∞2) before 1454 with Dorothea Pfreimbder Nf16

(* about? 1405)

her parents: Georg Pfreimbder Nf17 , (* about? 1370); ∞ with Elisabeth v.Gotsfeld Nf18 , (* about? 1375).

from 1st marriage:
1. Hans, (* about? 1425) - in Sulzbach, see Lon-28 / a

from 2nd marriage:
2. Sigmund, * around 1450 - Mayor of Sulzbach, see Lon-28 / e

• 7.6.1425: Landgrave Johann zum Leuchtenberg entrusts the Ersamen, assign Hans Loneys to Keywitz with the village of Zeissaw, two parts of the large Zents above, the Hammerstatt to Geigenhammer and the goods to Pfaffenreuth with the ponds, which goods Hans L. of his Father in law Ulrich Erlbeck as a dowry of his wife Margarethe, Ulrich's daughter, has received to marriage property.

• 15.5.1426: Peter Fugler , Judge of Waldeck, writes a letter to Hans Loneys zu Keibitz on the successful oath of his innocence. Hans L. was charged by Paul Hirsperger for allegedly detaining his brother-in-law Hans Erlbeck , the plaintiff and the Duke's enemy, and for lending his horse and harness to him.

• In 1427, Hans Loneysen receives 2 farms for prizes, which he bought from Ulrich Erlbeck and seized power from other people, and 2 parts of tehent over 5 goods for Preyssen.

• In 1431 Hanns Leneysen was admitted to citizens in Amberg.

• 19.3.1437: Hans Löneisen is judge to Waldeck, as a representative of the nurse to Waldeck, Jorg Trautenberger .

• In 1439 the Landgrave Johann and Leupold agreed to the Leuchtenberg with the wise, wise, their faithful dear Hanns Loneysen , at that time citizen of Amberg, because of his Leuchtenburg fief, namely Pfaffenreuth in Pressather Pfarr, and Zeissau in Burkhartsreuther Pfarr that these fiefs him expire and be bought own good, if the landgraves do not pay within 3 years the 60 fl, which Hans Loneyss has borrowed on it.

• 12.9.1444: In a letter of fief of the bishop Anton to Bamberg for Lienhartten Kastner his brothers-in-law Hans, Friedrich and Heinrich Loneys are called brothers.

• In 1454 Landgraf Leupold confesses 500 fl. To the seat and village of Zeissau to the wife Dorothea Loneyserin. Dorothea was the daughter of Georg Pfreimbder von Bruck (this Urk. 1408/52) and Elisabeth von Gotsfeld (Euler).

• 24.2.1464: Hans Loneyss is appointed by the Abbot of Waldsassen among others as testament witness .

• 31.12.1466 witnessed a settlement of border disputes.

• In 1471 he is dead.

• Apart from sons Hans and Sigmund, two daughters Dorothea and Magdalena.
[Frhr v.Löhneysen, material in the GFF-Archiv Nuremberg, Mtlg A. Fabian 2003]

→ The here 1437 named as a keeper to Waldeck Jorg Trautenberger seals 1435 Urfehdebrief after the death of Albrecht Lemmel . (See under Albrecht Lemmel.) 
Loneys, Hans (I30637)
2509 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Heinrich Behaim No81 -
Parents: Beh-23 / o Albrecht Behaim Nj00 , Cunegunda Weigel Nj02

(* about? 1358), † 1423

∞ with (daughter) Vorchtel Hc87

(* about? 1380)

she ∞2) after 1423 with Hermann Eisvogel Hc88

(*? 1375)

See ice-26 / h

• Heinrich Behaim , † 1423. His father: Albrecht Behaim * 1288.

• ∞ with a born Vorchtlin , she ∞2) after 1423 with Hermann Eißvogel .

• Heinrich has a daughter Cunegunda Behaim ∞ with Craft from Dettelbach to Giebelstadt. 3 children v.Dettelbach : Margaret ∞ Kilian v.Thüngen ; Anna ∞ Friedrich v.Waldau ; Elisabeth ∞ Wilhelm v . Grumbach .
[Biedermann panel 2 Behaim]

Regesten zu (daughter) Vorchtel:
[Biedermann panel 2 Behaim] 
Behaim, Heinrich (I30491)
2510 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Heinrich Eisvogel - Senator in Nuremberg
◆ Parents unknown
◆ Born about 1235
◆ Senator in Nuremberg.
◆ ∞ with Maria Ebner N537
⁃ Born About 1232
⁃ her parents: Albert the Elder Ebner N538 , (* about? 1218)
1251/1263 mentioned in Nuremberg in a document. See Ebnr-21 / j ; ∞ probably with (daughter) Bigenot N721 , (* about? 1220).

1 Ursula kingfisher N732 , (* about? 1262), † 25.5.1328 in Nuremberg St. Cath.

∞ 1.10.1280 with Albrecht Behaim N731

* 6.2.1250, † 6.10.1342 in Nuremberg, 92 years old

Merchant in Nuremberg, who bought spices from Venice. Since 1288 in the council, mayor of several times. See Beh-22 / a

his father: Friedrich Behaim N733 , (* about? 1225), † 5.8.1295 in Nuremberg St.Cath.
Citizen in Nuremberg. See Beh-21 / a with (daughter) Pilgram v.Eyb No74 features (* about? 1225) with (daughter) Vorchtel No75 (* about? 1230)

2. Heinrich, (* about? 1265) - in Nuremberg, see ice-22 / h

3. Elisabeth Kingfisher N535 , (* about? 1270)

∞ (about? 1300) with Heinrich Holzschuher H021

(* about? 1275), † 1321

In Nuremberg, from 1303 documentary. He belonged to the benefactors of the monastery Ebrach. See wood-23 / a

his parents: Friedrich Holzschuher H012 , (* about? 1250), † 20.3.1339 buried in the Katharinenkapelle of the monastery Ebrach
Mentioned from 1270. 1303.1314 Schöffe in Nuremberg. His daughter is probably Irmel, who lives from 1335 as a widowed Lemlein in Nuremberg. See Holz-22 / b ( Er ∞2) (about? 1290/1300) with Jutta Graf N523 , (*? 1260?
1308 and 1318 mentioned as wife of Friedrich Holzschuher. Sister of Conrad Graf (documented 1287-1308); her father probably the alderman Hermann Comes (documentary 1255, 1258). ) ; ∞ (about? 1275) with Jutta Stromer H023 , (* about? 1255/1260)
See Stro-23 / a .

• Heinrich Holzschuher , † 1321. His wife: Elisabeth Eißvogelin , Mr Heinrich Eißvogel , Senatoris zu Nürnberg, daughter.
[Biedermann Tafel 167 Holzschuher]

• Albrecht Behaim , † 1342. His wife: Ursula Eißvogelin , Mr. Heinrich Eißvogel's daughter, married in 1280, died in 1328 and is now living in St.Catharina Abbey Church.
[Biedermann panel 2 Behaim]

• Heinrich Eißvogel, the father of the two daughters, may have been born about 1235. The Heinrich Eisvogel, who becomes Schöffe in 1303, is likely to be his son (HDL).

• Two other sons: Hermann Eisvogel ; Ulrich Kingfisher . (Without details.)
[Internet, Martinszeller]

Regesta to Ursula Eisvogel:
• Ursula Eißvogelin ∞ Albrecht Behaim . Her daughter Agnes ∞ Michael Pfinzing .
[Biedermann panel 394 Pfinzing]

[Date of death according to AL Frotscher]

Regesta to Elisabeth Eisvogel:
→ Differently with [AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964], where Hermann Eisvogel , 1331/1332 Schöffe in Nuremberg, and his wife ... Esler are given as parents of the Elisabeth kingfisher. - That can hardly be true in time (HDL). 
Eisvogel, Heinrich (I30336)
2511 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Heinrich Geusmid
◆ Parents: Ropold / Rapoto Gewsmyd and (Elisabeth) Pfinzing
◆ (* about? 1265)
◆ 1298-1336 documented, ∞ Margret ... 1306 mayor.
◆ ∞ with Margarete Groß
⁃ (* about? 1274). her parents: Heinz Groß , (* about? 1250), † zw 1314/1317 In Nuremberg, documentary 1276-1306. Death between 1314-1317. He ∞2) (about? 1287) with Gisela Esler, (* about? 1260), † after 1339. Sister of the mayor Conrad Esler . ) ; ∞ (about? 1273) with Sofie v. Vestenberg, (* about? 1250), † about? 1286.

◆ Margarete Geusmid, (* about? 1295), † 24.11.1350
◆ ∞ (about? 1324) with Heinrich Stromer. He was (* about? 1270), † 30.4.1347 in Nuremberg 1313: Mr. Hainrich, Mr. Conrat Stromeir's son. 1323 at the salt market. His parents: Conrad Stromer , (* about? 1230), † before 20.7.1319 1283-1313 erw. 1291 Schöffe in Nuremberg. In 1313 he buys a meadow near Hersbruck. ( Er ∞2) (about? 1300) with Kunigunde / Anna v.Laufenholz, (* about? 1280) ) ; ∞ (about? 1255) with (Sofie?), (* about? 1235) Her first name is not Kunigunde. 11 children .. he ∞1) (about? 1291) with (Kunigunde) Gnatznapf (* about? 1272) 8 children Stromer.

• Heinrich Geuschmid , the "sultheis hi waz" (Ulman Stromer). 1302-1312 documented, 1306 mayor (perhaps as a representative of Konrad Esler) . His daughter Margaret † 1350 was the mother of Ulman Stromer .
Heinrich was one of the 16 children of Ropolt / Rapoto Geusmid , who appears 1270/1288 and was married to a Pfinzing.
[Miracle p.43]

• Around 1310 Otto Muffel and Heinrich Geusmit master builder of the St.Lorenz parish in Nuremberg.
[Hirschmann "Muffle" p.283]
• Heinrich Geuschmid , 1306 mayor in Nuremberg. 1336 witnessed when Conrad Waldstromer bought the forest hut to Reichelsdorf including the mill.
[Cube news p.345]
• 19.10.1325: Fritz Geusmid (nephew of Heinrich? - HDL), who is now "full age", gives his third of the "Eigengut am Weinmarkt an der Brunnen" to Seifried Holzschuher . Mayor Conrad Pfinzing ; Witnesses: Heinrich Geusmid , Seifried Ebner , Weigel - son of Conrad Weigel , Michael Pfinzing .

• 30.4.1341: Heinrich Geuschmidt sells two properties to Philipp Groß at the back Fischbach and receives them back to inheritance law.
[CityA Nbg. on-line]

• 28.2.1326: Heinrich Geusmid and his wife Margarete have sold their free farm to Tautenwinde to the infirmary of the DO zu Nbg. Schultheiß: Conrat Pfintzing . Witnesses: Marquard Ortlieb , Heinrich Pfinzing ; Ulrich Kuedorffer, Hermann vom Stein .
[Internet 2015, StAN Ritterorden Urk.3503]

• 1333: Heinrich Geusmit sells his farm in pechofen (Bechthofen near Windsbach) to the Nuremberg Pechersk monastery (caretaker: Hermann Ebner ). Confirmed by the mayor Conrad Pfinzing and the Nuremberg Schöffen.
[M.Keßler, Rittersitz Dettelsau, Diss.2009. - Internet 2014]

• Bullemer suspects that his wife Margarete was a daughter of Heinz Groß .
[Bullemer, Groß, Tafel on page p.140]

Regesta to Margarete Gross:
• Bullemer suspects that Margret, the wife of Heinrich Geusmid , is the daughter of Heinz Groß .
[Bullemer, Great]

• Age-appropriate, she can only come from the first marriage of Heinz Gross (HDL).

Regesta to Gisela Esler:
[Miracle MVGN 49 p.38] - [Scharr: Waldstromer, MVGN 52 p. 23]

Regesta to Sofie v. Vestenberg:
• For her was stated: † before 1298. Because of the second marriage of her husband Heinz Gross, she would have died shortly after 1285. (HDL)

• 10.8.1340: Jahrestagstiftung of Konrad Groß for his parents Heinrich and Suffey.
[Miracle p.39 footnote 36]

Regesta to Margarete Geusmid:
[Scharr: Forest Streamers p.38]

Regesten zu (Kunigunde) Gnatznapf:
• (Kunigunde), Tv Conrad Glatznapf ∞ Adelheid.
[Scharr: Forest Streamers p.38] 
Geusmid, Heinrich (I30310)
2512 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Heinrich Loneys - Mayor of Sulzbach
◆ Parents: Ulrich Loneysen, Katharina Grünhofer
◆ (* about? 1405)
◆ in Sulzbach: 1437 citizens, 1457-1470 mayor. 1444-1476 to Kaibitz.

1. Georg Loneysen Nf31 , (* about? 1435), † before 1479
1476 Mayor Sulzbach. ∞ Dorothea Orttenberger .

2. Elisabeth Loneys Nf34 , (* ca. 1438), † 5.11.1502 begr
Pressath. ∞ Sebald Kress to Diessfurt.

∞ (about? 1460) with Sebald Kress Nj66

(* about? 1435)

In 1468 he bought Dießfurt in the Upper Palatinate. ∞1) (about? 1458) Anna v . Lemmingen , childless. See Kres-27 / i

his parents: Sebald Kress Nj65 , * 1410, † 22.4.1477
Council of Emperor Sigmund See Kres-26 / i ; ∞ 1432 with Barbara Haller H527 , (* about? 1412).

3. Katharina Loneys Nf32 , (* about? 1440), † after 1503
∞ Albrecht Mantelberger . 1503 widow.

4. Jacob, (* about? 1445) - to Kaibitz, see Lon-28 / j

◆ Heinrich Loneys in Sulzbach: 1437 citizens, 1457-1470 mayor.
◆ 1444 brothers Hans, Friedrich and Heinrich Loneys .
◆ 1444-1476 to Kaibitz.
◆ ∞ Maria v.Sparnberg [Frhr v.Löhneysen, material in the GFF-Archiv Nuremberg, Mtlg A. Fabian 2003]
◆ Heinrich Loneys ∞ with Magdalena Kotterl , daughter of Erhard Kotterl ∞ Elisabeth. [Heinz Frhr v.Löhneysen, Genealogy Issue 9/10 2003 S.675]
→ The details of the wife are contradictory. What is right?

Regesta to Georg Loneysen:
[Frhr v.Löhneysen, material in the GFF-Archiv Nuremberg, Mtlg A. Fabian 2003]

• Georg Loneysen 1497 Consul in Sulzbach.

• In 1472 Jorg Loneysen from Sulzbach buys the Eisenhammer Fischstein.
[see Regest to the nephew Siegmund Loneysen]

Regesta to Elisabeth Loneys:
• Elizabeth Loneys , Tv Heinrich, † 5.11.1502, Begr Pressath; ∞ with Sebald Kress to Dießfurth.
[Material Frhr v.Löhneysen]

• Sebald Kress ∞2) with Elisabeth Löhneisin from Weyersberg, died 1502 Saturday after All Saints Day.
[Biedermann panel 274] 
Loneys, Heinrich (I30639)
2513 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Heinrich Pömer - in Nuremberg
◆ Father: Konrad Pömer
◆ (* about? 1240), † 1289 or 1299
◆ Citizen in Nuremberg. He supposedly came from Pomerania.

1 Elisabeth Pömer, (* about? 1258)
⁃ ∞ 1276 with Konrad Fürer who was (* about? 1255) and since 1274 in Nuremberg.
⁃ Konrad's father: Reinwald Fürer, (* 1225) mentioned in 1273 in Nuremberg.
2 Heinrich, (* about? 1270) - alderman in Nuremberg

◆ Heinrich Pömer , † 1289 or 1299. His wife is unknown.
◆ children: Heinrich; Elisabeth.
◆ [Biedermann panel 571]

Regesta to Elisabeth Pömer:
◆ Elisabeth Pömer ∞ 1276 with Conrad Fürer
◆ [Biedermann Plate 368 Fürer]
◆ → Biedermann states as her parents: Heinrich Pömer ∞ Mechtild Zenner . That can not be true in time. Presumably Elisabeth is the daughter of the older Heinrich Pömer . (HDL) 
Pömer, Elisabeth (I30760)
2514 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Heinrich Pömer - in Nuremberg
◆ Father: Konrad Pömer
◆ (* about? 1240), † 1289 or 1299
◆ Citizen in Nuremberg. He supposedly came from Pomerania.

1 Elisabeth Pömer, (* about? 1258)
⁃ ∞ 1276 with Konrad Fürer who was (* about? 1255) and since 1274 in Nuremberg.
⁃ Konrad's father: Reinwald Fürer, (* 1225) mentioned in 1273 in Nuremberg.
2 Heinrich, (* about? 1270) - alderman in Nuremberg

◆ Heinrich Pömer , † 1289 or 1299. His wife is unknown.
◆ children: Heinrich; Elisabeth.
◆ [Biedermann panel 571]

Regesta to Elisabeth Pömer:
◆ Elisabeth Pömer ∞ 1276 with Conrad Fürer
◆ [Biedermann Plate 368 Fürer]
◆ → Biedermann states as her parents: Heinrich Pömer ∞ Mechtild Zenner . That can not be true in time. Presumably Elisabeth is the daughter of the older Heinrich Pömer . (HDL) 
Pömer, Heinrich (I30330)
2515 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Heinrich Pömer- Councilman in Nuremberg
◆ Father: Heinrich Pömer
◆ (* about? 1270), † on the day of Galli 1331 in Nuremberg
◆ Councilman in Nuremberg. He donated a benefice in St.Sebald, where his shield and window were also visible.
◆ ∞1) ?? with Ursula Pfinzing who was (* about? 1280)
◆ ∞2) with Mechtild Zenner who was (* about? 1285), † 1337 or 1357
⁃ Mechtild's father: N.N. Zenner, (* about? 1250)

from 1st marriage:
1 Heinrich Pömer, (* about? 1300) and ∞ before 1322 with Cristina Weidner .

from 2nd marriage:
2 Friedrich, (* about? 1305) - Senator in Nuremberg
3 Gerhaus / Gertrud Pömer , (* about? 1310), † 1362 in Nuremberg
⁃ ∞1) (about? 1331) with Friedrich Holzschuher
⁃ Friedrich was (* about? 1305), † 22.9.1357 in Nuremberg, buried in the Sebald church and 1332-1357 Consul in Nuremberg. He lives at the Long Bridge. Friedrich's parents: Seifried Holzschuher, (* about? 1275/1280) in Nuremberg, † 25.3.1354 in Nuremberg. In Nuremberg, he lives at the Long Bridge. Documented from 1315. 1342-1353 in the council. ; ∞ (about? 1300/1305) with Elisabeth Weigel, (* about? 1280), † 2.10.1365, buried in Ebrach
⁃ ∞2) after 1357 with Franz Stromer who was (*? 1327)
⁃ His parents: Heinrich Stromer N613 , (* about? 1260), † 30.4.1347 in Nuremberg 1313: Mr. Hainrich, Mr. Conrat Stromeir's son. 1323 at the salt market. ( Er ∞1) (about? 1291) with (Kunigunde) Gnatznapf , (* about? 1282) 8 Kinder Stromer. ) ; ∞ (about? 1324) with Margarete Geusmid N663 , (* about? 1295), † 24.11.1350. he ∞1) (about? 1350) with ... .... Nn09(* about? 1330), † about? 1355 Children: 1st Karl Holzschuher H038 , * 1332, † 2.6.1422 in Nuremberg, buried 3.2. Margarete Holzschuher H519 , * (about? 1335).
4 Conrad, (* about? 1315)
5 Agnes Pömer H959 , (* about? 1320)
⁃ ∞ with Albrecht Ebner who was(* about? 1320) and since 1361 in the Council
⁃ Albrecht's father: Albrecht Ebner, (* about? 1300), † 1364 andsince 1352 in the Council ∞ El. Pilgram v.Eyb

◆ [Biedermann panel 571] [Biedermann panel 170 Holzschuher]
◆ [ancestor lists from all German districts] - [AL GWSchmidt]
◆ [first marriage Pfinzing according to AL Rusam; there Heinrichs death date is given with 16.10.1331, which should be the Galli day.]
◆ → AL Rusam announces a first marriage with Ursula Pfinzing , which does not occur in Biedermann's Pfinzing panels.

Regest to Mechtild Zenner:
◆ Albrecht Ebner † 1368, ∞ Agnes Pömer , daughter of Heinrich Pömer ∞ Mechtild Zenner .
◆ [Biedermann panel 24 Ebner]
◆ The name is also given with Zeuner , Zeumer , Zenner or Zollner .
◆ [Date of death 1337 according to ancestor lists from all German districts. - 1357 according to Biedermann plaque 571]
◆ In 1349, Hermann Weigel sells a manor near St. Johannis in Nuremberg to Mechtild Pömer. [Hirschmann, "Muffle", p.274]
◆ In 1379 Friedrich Behaim dies and leaves the widow Kunigunde geb. Weigel . Behaim was first married to a Pfinzing . In 1380 Michel Behaim (son of Friedrich?) And Seitz Pfinzing (nephew of Friedrich Behaim's first wife -HDL) sell the left house to the brothers Seitz Weigel ∞ Agnes and Hermann Weigel ∞ Elsbeth. In 1381, Conrad Hirschvogel bought the one half of the house from Hermann Weigel , Hermann's son, and his wife Elsbeth, born. Wooden shoe . In 1402 Ulrich Hirschvogel buys, Son of Conrad, the other half of Agnes's house, the widowed Seitz Weiglin , who is already remarried with Konrad Keusch , and their children Konrad and Gerhaus Weigel .
◆ [Christa Schaper: "Hirschvogel", Nbger F'gen Bd.18 (1973) p.13, 20, 290]

Regesten to Heinrich Pömer:
◆ The old Weidner left behind a house, one third each to Heinrich Pömer and his landlady Cristina, Heinrich Weidner the Younger, and Diemut Weidner ∞ Hermann Arnolt . The latter bought the whole house. [CityA Nbg. on-line]
◆ → With Biedermann there is only the older Heinrich Pömer , and among his children (mother: Mechtild Zenner) there is no Heinrich. - The younger Heinrich could come from the earlier marriage of the elder Heinrich. (HDL)

Regesten zu Gerhaus / Gertrud Pömer:
◆ Gerhauss Poemmer † 1362
⁃ ∞1) Mr. Friz Holzschuher , † 1357
⁃ ∞2) Mr. Franz Stromer , † 1362
◆ [Biedermann panel 571 Pömer] 
Zenner, Mechtild (I30328)
2516 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Heinrich Pömer- Councilman in Nuremberg
◆ Father: Heinrich Pömer
◆ (* about? 1270), † on the day of Galli 1331 in Nuremberg
◆ Councilman in Nuremberg. He donated a benefice in St.Sebald, where his shield and window were also visible.
◆ ∞1) ?? with Ursula Pfinzing who was (* about? 1280)
◆ ∞2) with Mechtild Zenner who was (* about? 1285), † 1337 or 1357
⁃ Mechtild's father: N.N. Zenner, (* about? 1250)

from 1st marriage:
1 Heinrich Pömer, (* about? 1300) and ∞ before 1322 with Cristina Weidner .

from 2nd marriage:
2 Friedrich, (* about? 1305) - Senator in Nuremberg
3 Gerhaus / Gertrud Pömer , (* about? 1310), † 1362 in Nuremberg
⁃ ∞1) (about? 1331) with Friedrich Holzschuher
⁃ Friedrich was (* about? 1305), † 22.9.1357 in Nuremberg, buried in the Sebald church and 1332-1357 Consul in Nuremberg. He lives at the Long Bridge. Friedrich's parents: Seifried Holzschuher, (* about? 1275/1280) in Nuremberg, † 25.3.1354 in Nuremberg. In Nuremberg, he lives at the Long Bridge. Documented from 1315. 1342-1353 in the council. ; ∞ (about? 1300/1305) with Elisabeth Weigel, (* about? 1280), † 2.10.1365, buried in Ebrach
⁃ ∞2) after 1357 with Franz Stromer who was (*? 1327)
⁃ His parents: Heinrich Stromer N613 , (* about? 1260), † 30.4.1347 in Nuremberg 1313: Mr. Hainrich, Mr. Conrat Stromeir's son. 1323 at the salt market. ( Er ∞1) (about? 1291) with (Kunigunde) Gnatznapf , (* about? 1282) 8 Kinder Stromer. ) ; ∞ (about? 1324) with Margarete Geusmid N663 , (* about? 1295), † 24.11.1350. he ∞1) (about? 1350) with ... .... Nn09(* about? 1330), † about? 1355 Children: 1st Karl Holzschuher H038 , * 1332, † 2.6.1422 in Nuremberg, buried 3.2. Margarete Holzschuher H519 , * (about? 1335).
4 Conrad, (* about? 1315)
5 Agnes Pömer H959 , (* about? 1320)
⁃ ∞ with Albrecht Ebner who was(* about? 1320) and since 1361 in the Council
⁃ Albrecht's father: Albrecht Ebner, (* about? 1300), † 1364 andsince 1352 in the Council ∞ El. Pilgram v.Eyb

◆ [Biedermann panel 571] [Biedermann panel 170 Holzschuher]
◆ [ancestor lists from all German districts] - [AL GWSchmidt]
◆ [first marriage Pfinzing according to AL Rusam; there Heinrichs death date is given with 16.10.1331, which should be the Galli day.]
◆ → AL Rusam announces a first marriage with Ursula Pfinzing , which does not occur in Biedermann's Pfinzing panels.

Regest to Mechtild Zenner:
◆ Albrecht Ebner † 1368, ∞ Agnes Pömer , daughter of Heinrich Pömer ∞ Mechtild Zenner .
◆ [Biedermann panel 24 Ebner]
◆ The name is also given with Zeuner , Zeumer , Zenner or Zollner .
◆ [Date of death 1337 according to ancestor lists from all German districts. - 1357 according to Biedermann plaque 571]
◆ In 1349, Hermann Weigel sells a manor near St. Johannis in Nuremberg to Mechtild Pömer. [Hirschmann, "Muffle", p.274]
◆ In 1379 Friedrich Behaim dies and leaves the widow Kunigunde geb. Weigel . Behaim was first married to a Pfinzing . In 1380 Michel Behaim (son of Friedrich?) And Seitz Pfinzing (nephew of Friedrich Behaim's first wife -HDL) sell the left house to the brothers Seitz Weigel ∞ Agnes and Hermann Weigel ∞ Elsbeth. In 1381, Conrad Hirschvogel bought the one half of the house from Hermann Weigel , Hermann's son, and his wife Elsbeth, born. Wooden shoe . In 1402 Ulrich Hirschvogel buys, Son of Conrad, the other half of Agnes's house, the widowed Seitz Weiglin , who is already remarried with Konrad Keusch , and their children Konrad and Gerhaus Weigel .
◆ [Christa Schaper: "Hirschvogel", Nbger F'gen Bd.18 (1973) p.13, 20, 290]

Regesten to Heinrich Pömer:
◆ The old Weidner left behind a house, one third each to Heinrich Pömer and his landlady Cristina, Heinrich Weidner the Younger, and Diemut Weidner ∞ Hermann Arnolt . The latter bought the whole house. [CityA Nbg. on-line]
◆ → With Biedermann there is only the older Heinrich Pömer , and among his children (mother: Mechtild Zenner) there is no Heinrich. - The younger Heinrich could come from the earlier marriage of the elder Heinrich. (HDL)

Regesten zu Gerhaus / Gertrud Pömer:
◆ Gerhauss Poemmer † 1362
⁃ ∞1) Mr. Friz Holzschuher , † 1357
⁃ ∞2) Mr. Franz Stromer , † 1362
◆ [Biedermann panel 571 Pömer] 
Pömer, Heinrich (I30307)
2517 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Heinrich Schlüsselfelder -
◆ Parents: Heinrich Schlüsselfelder, Barbara Stromer
◆ (* about? 1425)
◆ ∞ with Anna, daughter of Marqvard von der Weiden .

1 Catharina Schlüsselfelder
⁃ (* about? 1447)
⁃ † 29.5.1474
⁃ ∞ 9.11.1467 with Siegmund Fürer
⁃ Siegmund was * 1436, † at 1500
⁃ his parents: Siegmund Fürer Nd65 , * 1400, † 1450 in Nuremberg St.Sebald; ∞ with Walburga Negelin who was (* about? 1410) of Weissenburg. Siegmund Fürer ∞2) 25.7.1476 with Anna Tucher Anna was * 23.7.1457, † 31.7.1487
2 Gregory, (* about? 1455)

Regesten zu Catharina Schlüsselfelder:
◆ Heinrich Schlüsselfelder ∞ Anna vd Weiden , daughter: Catharina † 1474, ∞ 1467 with Siegmund Fürer , he * 1436. [Biedermann panel 619E]
◆ Siegemund Fürer von Haimendorff * 1436, † 1501. ∞1) 9.11.1467 Catharina Schlüsselfelderin , † 29.5.1474, daughter of Heinrich Schlüsselfelder and ∞ Anna Ebner , [Biedermann panel 369 Fürer] Here also other children.
◆ → Here are the parents of Catharina apparently wrong. (HDL) 
Schlüsselfelder, Heinrich (I30244)
2518 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Heinrich Seybold
◆ Parents unknown
◆ Born about 1340
◆ ∞ with Catharina Weigel
⁃ born ? 1345

1 Catharina Seybold, (* about? 1375); ∞ with Conrad Schlüsselfelder; he was (* about? 1370); his father: ... Schlüsselfelder, (* about? 1340) and was thefather of Konrad and Ulrich.

◆ [Biedermann Table 618 B Key Fields] 
Seybold, Heinrich (I26912)
2519 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Heinz Groß
◆ Parents unknown
◆ (* about? 1220)

"The Scabby Heinz". 1289 in Nuremberg. ∞ with Anna Straß / Strezz from Jahrsdorf.

1. Heinz, (* about? 1250) - the rich

[see the son]

• 1289 are Heinrich Groß d.Ä. and Heinrich Groß the Younger together in a jury:

• a letter from 1289: Kunigunda Turprechting , wife of Werner Gruntherr , bequeathed her estates to her brother's children (Berthold, Ulrich, Kunigund, Methild) that her husband had no power over it.
Issued by Schultheiß Marquart (certainly Pfinzing!) , Together with Heinrich Groß the parents, Werner Nuzel , Eberhardt Kessbasser , Berthold Forchtl , Cunrad Eßler , Weigel von Newenmarkt , Heinrich Groß the younger, Heinrich Holzschuher , as witnesses,

• Conrad Pfinzing , Berthold Turprecht , Werner Grundherr , Berthold Pfinzing Schultheiß and his father Conrad Pfinzing , Hermann vom Stein , Heinrich Staudigel , Leupold Staudigel .
[Internet 2013, Nuremberg Yearbooks vol. 1-2 p.83]

• Heinrich Groß "the Founder", knight, called 1289 in Nuremberg, ∞ with Anna Stertz / Straz , † 1293. - son Heinrich.
[B.Aign: AL Zinn, Gen.Jahrbuch Bd.45 / 46 2008] The father here is wrong (HDL). 
Groß, Heinz (I30410)
2520 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Jakob Geusmid gen.Pfinzing
◆ Parents unknown
◆ (* about? 1330)
◆ ∞ with Catharina Behaim
⁃ (*? 1335)
⁃ Her parents: Albrecht Behaim, * 1288, † 1359; Councilman in Nuremberg; ∞ (about? 1330/1335) with Margarete Stromer who was (* about? 1310/1315), † 1350.

◆ Jacob Geusmid gen.Pfinzing ∞ with Catharina Behaim. [Biedermann panel 2 Behaim]

Regest to Catharina Behaim:
◆ [Biedermann panel 2] 
Pfinzing, Jacob Geuschmid (I30494)
2521 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Konrad Bigenot - mayor in Nuremberg
◆ Parents unknown
◆ Born about 1175
◆ 1226/1251 in the Nuremberg document book [Wunder S.63]
◆ 1219-1228 mayor in Nuremberg.

1. Österhild Bigenot N331 , (* about? 1200)

∞ about 1215 with Sifrid Pfincinch N601

(* about? 1190)

1233 with his wife Oesterhildis in a deed of the Abbot of Heilsbronn. See Pfin-20 / a

2. Hermann Bigenot N723 , (* about? 1205)
1234 mentioned with his father.

3. (daughter) Bigenot N721 , (* about? 1220)

∞ probably with Albert the Elder. Ebner N538

(* about? 1218)

Documented in Nuremberg in 1251/1263. See Ebnr-21 / j

his father: Seifrid Ebner N207 , (* about? 1185)
1234 in Nuremberg. See Ebnr-20 / a with Anna Vorchtel N208 (* about? 1190)

• Conrad Bigenot 1233-1254, 1219-1228 mayor in Nuremberg.

• His son Hermann erw. 1234.
[Scharr: citizen of Nuremberg in the 13th century, Gen.Jb.Bd.3 1963]

• 1242 in Nuremberg mentioned: Cunrad Pigenot , Berthold Turbrecht , citizen of Nuremberg.
[Internet: Nuremberg Yearbooks Vol. 1-2 p.19]

→ Is it the same Konrad from 1219 to 1254? One could also assume:
Konrad *? 1160, until 1228 mayor; his son Konrad *? 1285/1290, documented to 1254, 1234 with son Hermann, who then *? 1215. (HDL)

• An approximately same old Bigenot: Giselerus dictus Bygenot , 1257 witness at a land purchase in Mühlhausen / Thuringia. After him more namesake in Mühlhausen and from 1322 in Coburg.
[Udo Hagner: The Bigenot - a long-distance dealer network of the 13th and 14th centuries in Thuringia and Franconia. In: Fam.u.Gesch. Issue 2/2000 S.466.] 
Bigenot, Konrad (I30340)
2522 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Konrad Weigel- in Nuremberg
◆ Father: N.N. Weigel
◆ (* about? 1275), † before 1341
◆ 1305 mentioned as a customer of Seifried Holzschuher.
⁃ ∞ (about? 1300/1305) with Gerhaus Holzschuher who was (* about? 1275/1280)
⁃ Her parents: Friedrich Holzschuher, (* about? 1250), † 20.3.1339 buried in the Katharinenkapelle of the monastery Ebrach. Mentioned from 1270. 1303.1314 Schöffe in Nuremberg. His daughter is probably Irmel, who lives from 1335 as a widowed Lemlein in Nuremberg. He was ∞2 (about? 1290/1300) with Jutta Graf, (*? 1260?) 1308 and 1318 mentioned as wife of Friedrich Holzschuher. Sister of Conrad Graf (documented 1287-1308); her father probably the alderman Hermann Comes (documentary 1255, 1258). ) ; ∞ (about? 1275) with Jutta Stromer, (* about? 1255/1260).

Jeut, (* about? 1300) - ∞ Katerpekk, see Weig-24 / f

2. Fritz Weigel N122 , (* about? 1303), † before 1341
∞ with Gerhaus..., she lives as a widow in 1341.

3. Cunrad Weigel N123 , (* about? 1303), † before 1341
∞ with Elspet..., she lives as a widow in 1341.

• Around 1305 Cunradus Weigelein in the Hozschuher book of actions for larger amounts of cloth and furs.

• 1305 Mr. Chunrad Weigel as a witness in a Nuremberg court document on the income of the monastery Ebrach from the courtyard Conrad Muffel s in Katzwang.

• 1307 "Chunrat Weigel , burger of Nuremberg".

• 12.11.1340: Gertraut, Mr. Cunrat Weigel s blessed widow at the dairy market ...

• 11.12.1341: Gerhaus, hern Cunrad Weigels blessed wittwe, citizen of Nuremberg, makes a donation to the women altar to St.Sebald, with consent "Cunrat Katerpekken , my Ayden, vern Jeuten, his landlady, my daughter, Cunrat Gnatznapfes , the also spoke for Katrein, his landlady, my eniclein, Vern Gerhausen, Fritzen Weygel blessed, my suns widows, and Vern Elspeten, Cunrat Weigels, my suns blessed widows. " So children: Jeut ∞ Katerpekk, with granddaughter Katrein ∞ Gnatznapf; Fritz († before 1341) ∞ Gerhaus; Cunrad († before 1341) ∞ Elspet.
[Hirschmann, MVGN 41 p.272] Gerhaus is a wood shoemaker .

→ Hirschmann points out that two different Konrad-Weigel-widows are mentioned here and therefore it remains unclear which Konrad belongs to which documents. Here I arrange, somewhat arbitrarily, the Holzschuher verandah into the same family. (HDL)

• 29.3.1315: Cunradt Wiglein , Nuremberg citizen, gives to the maintenance of a daughter.
[CityA Nbg, online]

• Mr. Conrad Weigel ∞ 1318 with Gutta Holtzschuherin , Tv Friedrich H. ∞ Gutta Stromer .
[Biedermann Tafel 167 Holzschuher]

→ Hirschmann calls her Gerhaus instead of Gutta. - If the year 1318 of the marriage at Biedermann is correct, she may be the second wife of Konrad Weigel and not the mother of his children. (HDL)

Regesten zu Gerhaus Holzschuher:
→ In AL Rusam this Gerhaus Holzschuher is regarded as the sister of Heinrich and Seifried Holzschuher (* approx. 1275/80). Then Seifried Holzschuher in El. Weigel married his niece. - In principle, that would work, but it can hardly be old in age. In terms of age, she would have to be a daughter of Heinrich Holzschuher ∞ v.Gründlach. (HDL)

Regesto to Fritz Weigel:
• 1338.1339 Fritz Weigel as a witness.
[Hirschmann p.273]

Regesta to Cunrad Weigel:
• 1332 "Weiglinus filius Cunradi" called consul in the Council Directory. - That must be Conrad and not his brother Fritz.
[Hirschmann p.273] 
Weigel, Konrad (I30806)
2523 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Leupold Schürstab - from Oberndorf
◆ Probably father: Leupold Schürstab and Agnes Haller
◆ (* about? 1420)
◆ ∞ with Margarete Löffelholz who was (* about? 1438), † 1481

her parents: Hans Löffelholz N498 , (* about? 1395), † 1448
∞1) 1425 Dörrer ; ∞2) Volckamer ; "Krause", on the filling. See Loef-26 / c ( Er ∞1) ∞3) 1436 with Katharina Rummel Ng93 , (* about? 1417), † 1437
She died in the 1st year of marriage, Epitaf St.Sebald ) ; ∞4) after 1437 with Ursula Toppler N499 , (* about? 1410).

she ∞2) with Fabian Haller H530

* 1451, † 4.10.1532

1516 bailiff of the Lorenzer forest.

1. Margaretha Schürstab H480 , (* about? 1455), † 1498

∞ 1473 with Matthew Ebner H408

(* about? 1443), † 1491

from 1474 in the council, 1475 young mayor See Ebnr-28 / j

his parents: Matthew Ebner H410 , (* about? 1395), † 1449 in Nuremberg St.Sebald
1434 councilman Nuremberg. Chamberlain in Kremnitz; Goldkronach; See Ebnr-27 / j ( Er ∞1) with Cunegunda Tentzel H426 , (* about? 1395), † 1429
from Hungary, had been "great fortune" ) ; ∞ after 1429 with Anna Oesterreicher H427 , (* about? 1405)
8 children, of which one daughter was still born 1446 ..

[Biedermann Tafel 300 Löffelholtz] [Biedermann Tafel 26 Ebner]

• Leupold Schürstab ∞ Marg. Löffelholz . Daughter: Margaretha ∞ Matthew Ebner . Their son: Hieronymus Ebner .

• His father is not specified. I suspect that his parents are: Leupold Schürstab ∞ 1419 Agnes Haller . (HDL)

• 1458: To do something against our enemies and to do us all the necessary harm and to imitate him. Mr. Erhart Haller , Rupprecht Haller , Lewpolt Schurstab , Hans Lemlein . And so it was necessary, they preferred to in front Hans Coler , Jobst Tetzel .
[Nuremberg Ratsverlässe 1452-1471, Degener 1995, p.10]

Regesten zu Margarete Löffelholz:
[Biedermann panel 300] [Biedermann panel 26 Ebner]

Regesta to Fabian Haller:
[Biedermann Plate 106]

Regesta to Margaretha Schürstab:
[Biedermann panel 26 Ebner] 
Schürstab, Leupold von Oberndorff (I30594)
2524 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Martin Stromer -
◆ Parents: Franz Stromer and Gerhaus / Gertrud Pömer
◆ Born about 1360
◆ Died 1406
◆ 3 daughters, no son
◆ ∞ 1391 with Catharina Behaim
⁃ Born 1376
⁃ Her parents: Michael Behaim
⁃ Born 1315
⁃ † 1389
⁃ councilman in Nuremberg
⁃ owner of the city of Roth
⁃ ∞ 1362 with Margarete Kumpt
⁃ Born about 1335
⁃ † before 1377
⁃ daughter of Conrad Kumpt

1. Margarete Stromer Hd13 , (* about? 1405)
∞ with ... hostage (without further information).

2. Barbara Stromer Hb03 , (* about? 1408)

∞ with Heinrich Schlüsselfelder Hb04

(* about? 1400)

from first marriage no children. See Slf-27 / e

his father: Conrad Schlüsselfelder No20 , (* about? 1370)
See Slf-26 / e with Catharina Seybold No21 (* about? 1375)

3. Brigitta Stromer H556 , (* about? 1415), † 1455

∞ with Heinrich Kammermeister H500

(* about? 1410), † 1492

1444 in Bamberg, 1456-1461 Schöffe. See Kam-27 / k

his father: Heinz Kammermeister H579 , (* about? 1385), † before 1456
1426, 1441 in Bamberg. See Kam-26 / k

◆ Martin Stromer (son of Franz Stromer ∞ Pömer) † 1406, ∞ 1391 with Catharina, daughter of Michael Behaim ∞ Margaret Kumpf. [Biedermann panel 465A]

Regesta to Brigitta Stromer:
• Brigitta (Tv Martin Stromer ∞ Behaim) ∞ Heinrich Cammermeister gen. Camerari, (he or she † 1455).
[Biedermann panel 465A] 
Stromer, Martin von Reichenbach (I30254)
2525 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Matthäus Ebner - Contractor Kremnitz, Goldkronach
◆ Father: Albrecht Ebner
◆ (* about? 1395), † 1449 in Nuremberg and buried in St. Seebald
◆ 1434 councilman Nuremberg. Chamberlain in Kremnitz; Goldkronach;
◆ ∞1) with Cunegunda Tentzel who was (* about? 1395) and † 1429; from Hungary, had been "great fortune"
◆ ∞2) after 1429 with Anna Oesterreicher who was (* about? 1405) and had 8 children, including one daughter still born 1446. Anna parents: Seitz Österreicher who was (* about? 1375) and † after 1426 ∞ with Alheit Schuler who was (* about? 1390) and † 24.4.1430. Albeit was married secondwith Hans Stromeir who was (* about? 1380) and was in Nuremberg "at the prukken"; meaning at the bridge. Mining contractor Amberg.

from 1st marriage:
1 Hieronimus Ebner was (* about? 1420), † November 29, 444 in Nuremberg, buried St.Sebald
⁃ ∞ 5.2.1444 with Kunegunde Baumgartner
⁃ she was(* about? 1425), † 1463
⁃ and her parents were Konrad Paumgartner and Anna Kress
⁃ Konrad (* about? 1380), † 3.9.1464 Important merchant and financier in Nuremberg.
⁃ He first married on 1402 in Nuremberg with Anna Kress who was (* about? 1380) )
⁃ He married second 22.11.1417 with Clara Zenner who was (* about? 1395), † 1449
⁃ Clara ∞2) in 1446 with Wilhelm Löffelholz who was * 1424, † 1475
⁃ William 1458 and1462 Schöffe in Nuremberg, together with Hans Lemlein. 1464 senior mayor. - Tin trader

from 2nd marriage:
2 Margarete Ebner who was (* about? 1434), † 1476
⁃ ∞ after 1464 with Martin Löffelholz
⁃ Martin was (* about? 1426), † 1478 in Nuremberg St. Sebald
⁃ 1456 councilman in Nuremberg.
⁃ his parents: Hans Löffelholz , (* about? 1393), † 1454, councilman in Nuremberg, called the Short or Karthauser. ,At the Schmiedgasse. Last priests; ∞ 1420 with Ursula Münzmeister, (* about? 1395), † 1433 in Nuremberg Sebald.
⁃ Martin was ∞1) 12.12.1450 with Clara Haller and Clara was * 1427, † 1464 in Bamberg
3 Anton Ebner was (* 1434), † 1493 in Nuremberg, buried St.Sebald, 1464 in the Nuremberg Council, 1477 old mayor, 1481 Septemvir, 1483 obrister captain.
⁃ Anton was ∞ after 1463 with Margarete Löffelholz.
⁃ She was * 1428, † 1498 in Nuremberg St. Seebald
⁃ Margarete's parents: Hans Löffelholz ( christening name: Johann), * 1392, † 1455 from Bamberg, since 1425 in Nuremberg, 1429 in the Greater Council, "At the wine market"; and ∞ 1423 with Barbara Hayd. Barbara was (* about? 1400), † 1467 Barbara ∞1) with Hanß Schürstab. Hans was (* about? 1425), † 1463. Hanß Schürstab of Oberndorf, senator to Nuremberg.
4 Ursula Ebner was (* about? 1436)
⁃ ∞ 1454 with Caspar Schlüsselfelder
⁃ Caspar was(* about? 1430), † 1509
⁃ his parents: Heinrich Schlüsselfelde, (* about? 1400), from the first marriage no children; ∞2) with Barbara Stromer who was (* about? 1408).
5 Barbara Ebner was (* about? 1438), † 6.11.1476
⁃ ∞ 29.1.1455 with Hans Tucher
⁃ Hans was * 1428, † 24.2.1491
⁃ his parents: Endres Tucher, (* about? 1390), † 1440; ∞ 1420 with Margarete Paumgartner who was (* about? 1402). Endreas or Andreas ∞2) 1481 with Ursula Harsdörfer who was (* about? 1440), † 1504, daughter of Jakob Harsdörfer ∞ Marg. Hübner .
6 Wilhelm, (* about? 1440), ∞ with a Unknown Adamin of Prague.
7 Matthew, (* about 1443) - in Nuremberg
8 Katharina Ebner, * 1446, † 9.1509
⁃ ∞ with Anton Haller
⁃ Anton was (* about? 1435), † 1497
⁃ ext. 1467-1497, in Nuremberg
⁃ 1481 trades Goldkronach
⁃ 1485-1496 several times together with Michel Lemlein notarized
⁃ In 1489 he travels to Schneeberg.
⁃ his parents: George / Jörg Haller ( christening : in Nuremberg), (* about? 1405), † 1476, 1444-1460 in documents, in Nuremberg. Also home ownership on Kaulberg in Bamberg; ∞ before 1431 with Magdalena Kingfishe , (* about? 1410), † 1449.
9 Anna Ebner, (* about? 1448), † 1475
⁃ ∞ 1469 with Heinrich Schlüsselfelder
⁃ Heinrich was (* about? 1440), † 1490
⁃ his parents: Heinrich Schlüsselfelder, (* about? 1400), from the first marriage no children; ∞2) with Barbara Stromer, (* about? 1408).

◆ In 1434 he came to the council, 1436 mayor. 1439 hospital carer. † 1449, buried St.Sebald. [Biedermann Plate 25/26] - Here also more.
◆ Matthias Ebner , 1427 Chambergrave in Kremnitz. [Pohl 1982 p. 76]
◆ 4.5.1437: Margrave Friedrich awards mining rights to tin in Tröstau to Erasmus Sawerzapf and Ulrich Hegnein , with the same rights and benefits as Matheis Ebner of Nuremberg and his colleagues Thomas Zingel , Hans Kromer and Wenzlau Ortolff already at their mine in Goldkronach. [Neukam: ... Gold Krona ..., MVGN 44, 1953, p.28f]
◆ Mathes Ebner is the brother-son of Hermann Ebner, already mentioned in the book of books as a Hungarian trader, and great-grandson Ulman Stromeir via his daughter Anna Vorchtel .
◆ The Nurembergers Thomas Zingel and Mathes Ebner operated shafts and mines in Kremnitz and Schemnitz. When these were sequestered on an intrigue of Nuremberg there operating Erhart Amman von Wendelstein (nephew of Niklas Wendelstein) , there was a conflict between Kg Sigmund on the one hand, and Kgin Barbara and the Kremnitzer Kammergrafen Heinrich Münch on the other hand.
◆ In 1437 the same Mathes Ebner ran a mine in Goldkronach, where his craftsmen were Thomas Zingel , Wenzlaw Ortolf and Hans Kramer. [Stromer: Hochfinanz p.136] [Stromer: fränk.Enternehmer p.363]

Regesta to Anna Oesterreicher:
◆ Daughter of Mr. Seifried Oesterreicher ∞ Anna Schuler. [Biedermann panel 26 Ebner]

Regesta to Hieronimus Ebner:
◆ [Biedermann panel 26]

Regesta to Anna Kress:
◆ [Schaper: Hirschvogel p.20]

Regesta to Clara Zenner:
◆ [B.Aign: AL Zinn, Gen.Jahrbuch Vol.45 / 46 2008]

Regesta to Margarete Ebner:
◆ Marg. Ebner † 1476, ∞ Martin Löffelholz † 1478.
◆ Her parents: Matthew E. ∞2) Oersterreicher.
◆ [Biedermann panel 26]

Regesta to Anton Ebner:
◆ [Biedermann panel 26]

Regesten zu Margarete Löffelholz:
◆ [Biedermann panel 304, panel 26 Ebner]

Regesta to Barbara Ebner:
◆ Daughter of Matthäus Ebner ∞ Anna Osterreicher. [Biedermann panel 26 Ebner]
◆ Daughter of Hieronimus Ebner ∞ Anna Oesterreicher.
◆ [Biedermann panel 511 Tucher]
◆ → here error Hieronimus instead of Matthew

Regesta to Ursula Harsdörfer:
◆ [Biedermann panel 511]

Regesta to Wilhelm:
◆ [Biedermann Tafel 26] No further information.

Regesta to Katharina Ebner:
◆ * 1446 [Biedermann Tafel 26] Death data not quite right here.

Regesten zu Heinrich Schlüsselfelder:
◆ Heinrich Schlüsselfelder , † 1490, ∞ 1469 with Anna, she † 1475, daughter of Senator Matthew Ebner who ∞ Anna Oesterreicher . Children: Gregory † 1495 unmarried: Ursula, nun. [Biedermann panel 619A, panel 26 Ebner] 
Ebner, Matthäus (I30257)
2526 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Merklin Pfinzing - mayor in Nuremberg
◆ Parents: Sifrid Pfincinch and Österhild Bigenot

(* about? 1217), † 1278 in Nuremberg

1263-1274 mentioned (Nürnb.Urk'buch). 1274 mayor. In 1274 he arranged for mutual duty exemption between Nuremberg and Mainz.

∞ (about 1240) with Els Isolt N683

(* about? 1220)

her parents: Bertold Isolt N684 , (* about? 1195), † before 1266
1258/65 mayor. His successor in 1276 is (his son-in-law) Merklin Pfinzing . [Miracles p.58] See Pfin-20 / Is ; ∞ with leukardis .... Nm99 , (* about? 1200).

1. (Elisabeth) Pfinzing N666 , (* about? 1240)

∞ with Ropold / Rapoto Gewsmyd N665

(* about? 1230)

1270-1288 in Nuremberg. See Gsm-21 / r

2. Adelheid Pfinzing No92 , (* about? 1242)

∞ with Conrad von Neumarkt N092

(* about? 1235), † 9.7.1296 in Nbg St.Kath

1260 Brothers Conradus and Wigelinus de Novo Foro. 1276 mayor Nuremberg. 1295 founder. See Weig-22 / e1

his father: Ulrich von Neumarkt N091 , (* about? 1205)
1259 Ulricus de Novo Foro. Probably father of the brothers Chunrad and Wigelin. See Weig-21 / i

3. Berthold Pfinczing, (* about? 1245) - mayor in Nuremberg, see Pfin-22 / a

4. Hedwig Pfinzing Nm42 , (* 1247), † 1294
Abbess St. Clara.

5. Marquard, (* about? 1250) - mayor in Nuremberg, see Pfin-22 / m

• The imperial city of Nuremberg had hardly gained security under King Rudolf against the Duke of Bavaria and the burgrave when we found Merklin Pfinzing as the royal mayor and chairman of the court (1276). He died soon thereafter, but his sons Bertold and Markward held the office of the Schultheißenamt after each other in 1281-90, followed by Bertold's son-in-law Konrad Esler in 1290-1316 .
[Miracle p.57]

• 1263: Siboto Pfinzing and Merclin Pfinzing , citizens of Nuremberg.

• 1269: Marquard Pfinzing and Conrad Forchtlin , Provisors of the Maria Magdalena Monastery in Nuremberg.
[Nuremberg Yearbooks Vol. 1-2 p.38,44]

• 1265: Siboto Phinzingus , Merclinus frater eius, first and second in a series of witnesses.
[Nürnberger document 411, Heilsbronner documents Nr.117. - Note from M.Keßler 2014]

• Marquard Pfinzing , Urk. 1265-1273, 1274 mayor, † 1278.

• Brother of Sibot.

• ∞ (?) With daughter of the mayor Berthold Isolt gen. Provost .
[A.Scharr: The ans. Citizen of Nuremberg, in: Gen.Jb. Vol.3 1963 p.14]

• Merklin Phinzing (brother of Siboto) 1264-1274; In 1264 he arranged a mutual duty exemption with Mainz; 1274 mayor.

• G.Wunder suspects that the mayor Bertold Isolt was his father-in-law, which brought both the Schultheißenamt and the first name Bertold into the Pfinzing family.

• His sons: Berthold and Marquard, both part-time mayors.

• A daughter Agnes (sister of the mayor Berthold Pfinzing and alleged wife of Konrad Groß) is dropped.
[Miracles p.36,58]

• 1269 Witnesses: ... milites, then Marquardus Pfinzing , Konrad Strohmayer , Albertus Ebener , Friedrich Ungelter , Hermann Stainer , citizens of Nurenberch.
[History Heilsbronn Bd.2, digital on the Internet 2015]

• 1274 Reichs-Schultheiß in Nuremberg, † around 1278. ∞ with ... Isolt gen.Probst .
[B.Aign: AL Zinn, Gen.Jahrbuch Vol.45 / 46 2008]

• ∞ around 1260 with Els Isolt [AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964]

→ This marriage date can not be correct. (HDL)

→ In some genealogies another daughter born around 1250 is mentioned, who married the jury member Heinrich Eisvogel . After the kingfisher life data, this Pfinzing daughter must have been born later, probably around 1275. I suspect therefore that she is not the daughter of the elder but daughter of the younger Marquard Pfinzing. (HDL)

• Biedermann gives Merklin an incorrect father (Berthold I) and no children.

[Biedermann panel 393]

Regesta to Els Isolt:
• Your first name Els loud [AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964]

Regesten zu (Elisabeth) Pfinzing:
• Elisabeth Pfinzing , husband of Mr. Rappold Geuschmid, anno 1270.
[Biedermann plaque 394] Here mistakenly stated Berthold II as father.

Regesten zu Adelheid Pfinzing:
• Adelheid born. Pfinzing , wife of the mayor Conrad v.Neumarkt .
[Walter Fries, MVGN Vol.25 (1924) p.9]

Regesten to Hedwig Pfinzing:
• Hedwig Pfinzing , a sister of the mayor Berthold Pfinzing , was elected the second Abbess of the Nuremberg St. Clara Monastery in 1280, † 1294.
[Biedermann Tafel 394] Here mistakenly indicated as the daughter of Berthold II. 
Pfinzing, Merklin (I30401)
2527 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Michael Behaim - Councilman in Nuremberg
◆ Parents: Friedrich Behaim and Margarete Pfinzing
◆ Born 1315, † 1389
◆ Councilman in Nuremberg
◆ Owner of the city of Roth
◆ ∞ first 1350 with Kunigunde Stromer
⁃ Born about 1332 † before 1376
⁃ her parents: Peter Stromer N653 , * 1292, † 4.12.1388 Inventor of softwood seed. In 1375, Lewpolt Schurstab and Fritz Lemlein testify for him. See Stro-24 / a ( Er ∞2) (1351) with Margarete Forstmeister N777 , (* about? 1330), † after 1401 ) ; ∞ with Siglint Ebner, (* about? 1310), † 1350.
◆ ∞ second in 1362 with Margarete Kumpt
⁃ (* about? 1335), † before 1377
⁃ Daughter of Conrad Kumpt
◆ ∞ third in 1377 with Margarete Wagner
⁃ (* about? 1355), † 1386
⁃ Her father: Seitz Wagner, (* 1320), Senator to Nuremberg.

from 1st marriage:
1 Peter, * 1356
2 Margaret Behaim, * 1358
⁃ ∞ with Lorentz wooden shoe
⁃ (* about? 1350)

Without further information, and wrongly arranged at Biedermann. See wood-25 / s
from 2nd marriage:
3 Michael, * 1373 - councilman in Nuremberg
4 Catharina Behaim, * 1376
⁃ 3 daughters, no sons
⁃ ∞ 1391 with Martin Stromer
⁃ (* about? 1360), † 1406
⁃ His parents: Franz Stromer , (* about? 1327), † 1362, See Stro-24 / c ( Er ∞1) (about? 1350) with ... .... Nn09 , (* about? 1330), † about? 1355 ) ; ∞ after 1357 with Gerhaus / Gertrud Pömer N546 , (* about? 1310), † 1362 in Nuremberg ( Sie ∞1) with Friedrich Holzschuher H026 , (* about? 1308), † 22.9.1357 in Nuremberg, buried in the Sebaldkirche 1332 -1357 Consul in Nuremberg. He lives at the Long Bridge.
5 Cunegunda Behaim , * 1378
⁃ ∞ with Jakob Ortlieb
⁃ He was (* about? 1370), † 1407 or 1417
⁃ He ∞ married second with Elisabeth Kress, (* about? 1380), † 1437

from 3rd marriage:
6 Cunegunda Behaim, * 1383
⁃ ∞ with Peter Nützel
⁃ He was (* about? 1378)
⁃ He was Senator to Nuremberg
7 Christina Behaim, (* about? 1385)
⁃ ∞ with Lorenz Nützel
⁃ He was (* about? 1380), † 1437

◆ Michael Behaim (Son of Friedrich Behaim ∞ Pfinzing) * 1315, † 1389, Councilor Nuremberg, owned the city of Roth.
◆ ∞1) 1350 Cunegunda Stromer ∞ Ebner ; ∞2) 1362 Margarete daughter of Konrad Kumpt ; ∞3) 1377 Margarete daughter of Senator Seitz Wagner , she † 1386
◆ Biedermann gives his third marriage to two daughters of the same name: Cunegunda * 1377 ∞ Ortlieb ; Cunegunda * 1383 ∞ Nützel. The first Cunegunda should come right from the second marriage (HDL).
◆ Children ∞1): Peter; Margarete; Sebald * 1359, died young; ∞2): Margarete * 1370 ∞ Conrad Schnöd ; Sebald * 1371, 1433 knighted; Michael; Bartholomew * 1374 (without further information); Catharina; Cunegunda; ∞3) Philipp * 1381, † unmarried; Nicolaus * 1384, † unmarried; Cunegunda; Susanna ∞ Johann Wolffarth called Reichswirth ; Christina.
◆ [Biedermann panel 4]
◆ Michael Behaim (son of Friedrich?) [Schaper: Hirschvogel]
◆ Michael Behaim ∞ Kunigunde Stromer , daughter Margarete, * 1358, ∞ Lorentz Holzschuher [Biedermann Tafel 167 Holzschuher]
◆ 1367 brothers Fritz and Michel Behaim :
◆ 1367: Philipp Groß for himself and his brothers Peter and the underage Meingoss, had an arbitration case against the brothers Fritz and Michel Behaim because of a ground border. Judge: Peter Nützel in place of the mayor Heinrich Geuder . Witnesses: Hans Teufel , Jacob Grundherr , Bernolt Gram . Referees were the mayor Heinrich Geuder , Leupold Schürstab the Elder, Hermann Ebner , Conrad Pfinzing . [Verm.Beiträge z.Gesch.d.St.Nbg Volume 4 1789 p.221 ff. - Internet 2013 under]
◆ The Zollern pledge before 1398 castle, city and office Roth am Sand to Michael Behaim , who must give this pledge possession 1414 again. [W. Schultheiß: Money and Financial Transactions ... p.76]

Regesta to Siglint Ebner:
◆ [Scharr: Forest streamers. MVGN 52 p.20]

Regesten zu Seitz Wagner:
◆ [Biedermann panel 4 Behaim]

Regesta to Elisabeth Kress:
◆ Elisabeth Kress died in 1437. ∞1) Jacob Ortlieb , died 1417; ∞2) Siegemund Schnöd , died 1449. [Biedermann Tafel 270] 
Kumpf, Margarete (I30274)
2528 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Michael Behaim - Councilman in Nuremberg
◆ Parents: Friedrich Behaim and Margarete Pfinzing
◆ Born 1315, † 1389
◆ Councilman in Nuremberg
◆ Owner of the city of Roth
◆ ∞ first 1350 with Kunigunde Stromer
⁃ Born about 1332 † before 1376
⁃ her parents: Peter Stromer N653 , * 1292, † 4.12.1388 Inventor of softwood seed. In 1375, Lewpolt Schurstab and Fritz Lemlein testify for him. See Stro-24 / a ( Er ∞2) (1351) with Margarete Forstmeister N777 , (* about? 1330), † after 1401 ) ; ∞ with Siglint Ebner, (* about? 1310), † 1350.
◆ ∞ second in 1362 with Margarete Kumpt
⁃ (* about? 1335), † before 1377
⁃ Daughter of Conrad Kumpt
◆ ∞ third in 1377 with Margarete Wagner
⁃ (* about? 1355), † 1386
⁃ Her father: Seitz Wagner, (* 1320), Senator to Nuremberg.

from 1st marriage:
1 Peter, * 1356
2 Margaret Behaim, * 1358
⁃ ∞ with Lorentz wooden shoe
⁃ (* about? 1350)

Without further information, and wrongly arranged at Biedermann. See wood-25 / s
from 2nd marriage:
3 Michael, * 1373 - councilman in Nuremberg
4 Catharina Behaim, * 1376
⁃ 3 daughters, no sons
⁃ ∞ 1391 with Martin Stromer
⁃ (* about? 1360), † 1406
⁃ His parents: Franz Stromer , (* about? 1327), † 1362, See Stro-24 / c ( Er ∞1) (about? 1350) with ... .... Nn09 , (* about? 1330), † about? 1355 ) ; ∞ after 1357 with Gerhaus / Gertrud Pömer N546 , (* about? 1310), † 1362 in Nuremberg ( Sie ∞1) with Friedrich Holzschuher H026 , (* about? 1308), † 22.9.1357 in Nuremberg, buried in the Sebaldkirche 1332 -1357 Consul in Nuremberg. He lives at the Long Bridge.
5 Cunegunda Behaim , * 1378
⁃ ∞ with Jakob Ortlieb
⁃ He was (* about? 1370), † 1407 or 1417
⁃ He ∞ married second with Elisabeth Kress, (* about? 1380), † 1437

from 3rd marriage:
6 Cunegunda Behaim, * 1383
⁃ ∞ with Peter Nützel
⁃ He was (* about? 1378)
⁃ He was Senator to Nuremberg
7 Christina Behaim, (* about? 1385)
⁃ ∞ with Lorenz Nützel
⁃ He was (* about? 1380), † 1437

◆ Michael Behaim (Son of Friedrich Behaim ∞ Pfinzing) * 1315, † 1389, Councilor Nuremberg, owned the city of Roth.
◆ ∞1) 1350 Cunegunda Stromer ∞ Ebner ; ∞2) 1362 Margarete daughter of Konrad Kumpt ; ∞3) 1377 Margarete daughter of Senator Seitz Wagner , she † 1386
◆ Biedermann gives his third marriage to two daughters of the same name: Cunegunda * 1377 ∞ Ortlieb ; Cunegunda * 1383 ∞ Nützel. The first Cunegunda should come right from the second marriage (HDL).
◆ Children ∞1): Peter; Margarete; Sebald * 1359, died young; ∞2): Margarete * 1370 ∞ Conrad Schnöd ; Sebald * 1371, 1433 knighted; Michael; Bartholomew * 1374 (without further information); Catharina; Cunegunda; ∞3) Philipp * 1381, † unmarried; Nicolaus * 1384, † unmarried; Cunegunda; Susanna ∞ Johann Wolffarth called Reichswirth ; Christina.
◆ [Biedermann panel 4]
◆ Michael Behaim (son of Friedrich?) [Schaper: Hirschvogel]
◆ Michael Behaim ∞ Kunigunde Stromer , daughter Margarete, * 1358, ∞ Lorentz Holzschuher [Biedermann Tafel 167 Holzschuher]
◆ 1367 brothers Fritz and Michel Behaim :
◆ 1367: Philipp Groß for himself and his brothers Peter and the underage Meingoss, had an arbitration case against the brothers Fritz and Michel Behaim because of a ground border. Judge: Peter Nützel in place of the mayor Heinrich Geuder . Witnesses: Hans Teufel , Jacob Grundherr , Bernolt Gram . Referees were the mayor Heinrich Geuder , Leupold Schürstab the Elder, Hermann Ebner , Conrad Pfinzing . [Verm.Beiträge z.Gesch.d.St.Nbg Volume 4 1789 p.221 ff. - Internet 2013 under]
◆ The Zollern pledge before 1398 castle, city and office Roth am Sand to Michael Behaim , who must give this pledge possession 1414 again. [W. Schultheiß: Money and Financial Transactions ... p.76]

Regesta to Siglint Ebner:
◆ [Scharr: Forest streamers. MVGN 52 p.20]

Regesten zu Seitz Wagner:
◆ [Biedermann panel 4 Behaim]

Regesta to Elisabeth Kress:
◆ Elisabeth Kress died in 1437. ∞1) Jacob Ortlieb , died 1417; ∞2) Siegemund Schnöd , died 1449. [Biedermann Tafel 270] 
Wagner, Margaretha (I30690)
2529 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Michael Behaim - Councilman in Nuremberg
◆ Parents: Friedrich Behaim and Margarete Pfinzing
◆ Born 1315, † 1389
◆ Councilman in Nuremberg
◆ Owner of the city of Roth
◆ ∞ first 1350 with Kunigunde Stromer
⁃ Born about 1332 † before 1376
⁃ her parents: Peter Stromer N653 , * 1292, † 4.12.1388 Inventor of softwood seed. In 1375, Lewpolt Schurstab and Fritz Lemlein testify for him. See Stro-24 / a ( Er ∞2) (1351) with Margarete Forstmeister N777 , (* about? 1330), † after 1401 ) ; ∞ with Siglint Ebner, (* about? 1310), † 1350.
◆ ∞ second in 1362 with Margarete Kumpt
⁃ (* about? 1335), † before 1377
⁃ Daughter of Conrad Kumpt
◆ ∞ third in 1377 with Margarete Wagner
⁃ (* about? 1355), † 1386
⁃ Her father: Seitz Wagner, (* 1320), Senator to Nuremberg.

from 1st marriage:
1 Peter, * 1356
2 Margaret Behaim, * 1358
⁃ ∞ with Lorentz wooden shoe
⁃ (* about? 1350)

Without further information, and wrongly arranged at Biedermann. See wood-25 / s
from 2nd marriage:
3 Michael, * 1373 - councilman in Nuremberg
4 Catharina Behaim, * 1376
⁃ 3 daughters, no sons
⁃ ∞ 1391 with Martin Stromer
⁃ (* about? 1360), † 1406
⁃ His parents: Franz Stromer , (* about? 1327), † 1362, See Stro-24 / c ( Er ∞1) (about? 1350) with ... .... Nn09 , (* about? 1330), † about? 1355 ) ; ∞ after 1357 with Gerhaus / Gertrud Pömer N546 , (* about? 1310), † 1362 in Nuremberg ( Sie ∞1) with Friedrich Holzschuher H026 , (* about? 1308), † 22.9.1357 in Nuremberg, buried in the Sebaldkirche 1332 -1357 Consul in Nuremberg. He lives at the Long Bridge.
5 Cunegunda Behaim , * 1378
⁃ ∞ with Jakob Ortlieb
⁃ He was (* about? 1370), † 1407 or 1417
⁃ He ∞ married second with Elisabeth Kress, (* about? 1380), † 1437

from 3rd marriage:
6 Cunegunda Behaim, * 1383
⁃ ∞ with Peter Nützel
⁃ He was (* about? 1378)
⁃ He was Senator to Nuremberg
7 Christina Behaim, (* about? 1385)
⁃ ∞ with Lorenz Nützel
⁃ He was (* about? 1380), † 1437

◆ Michael Behaim (Son of Friedrich Behaim ∞ Pfinzing) * 1315, † 1389, Councilor Nuremberg, owned the city of Roth.
◆ ∞1) 1350 Cunegunda Stromer ∞ Ebner ; ∞2) 1362 Margarete daughter of Konrad Kumpt ; ∞3) 1377 Margarete daughter of Senator Seitz Wagner , she † 1386
◆ Biedermann gives his third marriage to two daughters of the same name: Cunegunda * 1377 ∞ Ortlieb ; Cunegunda * 1383 ∞ Nützel. The first Cunegunda should come right from the second marriage (HDL).
◆ Children ∞1): Peter; Margarete; Sebald * 1359, died young; ∞2): Margarete * 1370 ∞ Conrad Schnöd ; Sebald * 1371, 1433 knighted; Michael; Bartholomew * 1374 (without further information); Catharina; Cunegunda; ∞3) Philipp * 1381, † unmarried; Nicolaus * 1384, † unmarried; Cunegunda; Susanna ∞ Johann Wolffarth called Reichswirth ; Christina.
◆ [Biedermann panel 4]
◆ Michael Behaim (son of Friedrich?) [Schaper: Hirschvogel]
◆ Michael Behaim ∞ Kunigunde Stromer , daughter Margarete, * 1358, ∞ Lorentz Holzschuher [Biedermann Tafel 167 Holzschuher]
◆ 1367 brothers Fritz and Michel Behaim :
◆ 1367: Philipp Groß for himself and his brothers Peter and the underage Meingoss, had an arbitration case against the brothers Fritz and Michel Behaim because of a ground border. Judge: Peter Nützel in place of the mayor Heinrich Geuder . Witnesses: Hans Teufel , Jacob Grundherr , Bernolt Gram . Referees were the mayor Heinrich Geuder , Leupold Schürstab the Elder, Hermann Ebner , Conrad Pfinzing . [Verm.Beiträge z.Gesch.d.St.Nbg Volume 4 1789 p.221 ff. - Internet 2013 under]
◆ The Zollern pledge before 1398 castle, city and office Roth am Sand to Michael Behaim , who must give this pledge possession 1414 again. [W. Schultheiß: Money and Financial Transactions ... p.76]

Regesta to Siglint Ebner:
◆ [Scharr: Forest streamers. MVGN 52 p.20]

Regesten zu Seitz Wagner:
◆ [Biedermann panel 4 Behaim]

Regesta to Elisabeth Kress:
◆ Elisabeth Kress died in 1437. ∞1) Jacob Ortlieb , died 1417; ∞2) Siegemund Schnöd , died 1449. [Biedermann Tafel 270] 
Behaim, Michael (I30273)
2530 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Michael Behaim - councilman in Nuremberg
◆ Parents: Michael Behaim, Margaret Kumpt
◆ * 1373
◆ ∞1) in 1392 with Dorothea Vetter who was (* about? 1370), † 1409 and the daughter of Ulrich Vetter from Rothenburg. Dorothea was ∞1) (about? 1385) with Fritz Holzschuher Fritz was (* about? 1340), † 1390.
◆ ∞2) 1411 with Barbara Stromer H872

(* about? 1392), † 1423

her parents: Hermann Stromer N826 , (* about? 1340/1345), † 1406
in Nuremberg. See Stro-25 / a ; ∞ with Els Groland Ne04 , (* about? 1365).

∞3) 1423 with Elisabeth Rieter H873

* 1400, † 1425

her parents: Nicolaus Rieter H875 , (* about? 1370)
See Ritr-22 / n ; ∞ with Maria Enzinger H876 , (* about? 1375).

∞4) 1426 with Christina Ortlieb H874

(* about? 1400), † 1441

12 children born 1426-1441.

her father: Jakob Ortlieb N151 , (* about? 1370), † 1407 or 1417
See Ortl-24 / j with Cunegunda Behaim Ha58 * 1377 with Elisabeth Kress Ha64 (* about? 1380), † 1437

from 1st marriage:
1. Michael, * 1398 -, see Beh-26 / e

from 4th marriage:
2. Ursula Behaim Ha76 , * 1436, † 1483

∞ 1453 with Andreas Harsdörfer Ha75

(* about? 1420)

his father: Sebald Harsdörfer Ni99 , (* about? 1385), † 1452
See Hars-27 / a

3. Christina Behaim Ha72 , * 1438

∞1) with Erkenbrecht Koler Ha71

(* about? 1425), † 1494

1450 Senator Nuremberg, resigned 1470.

his parents: Hans Koler Nd16 , * 1403 in Nuremberg, † 1473 in Nuremberg
See Colr-26 / e ; ∞ with Barbara Oesterreicher H144 , (* about? 1405) in Nuremberg, † 1491 in Nuremberg.

• Michael Behaim

• ∞1) 1392 with Dorothea Vetterin , Tv Ulrich Vetter from Rothenburg, Wwe by Fritz Holzschuher , she † 1409

• ∞2) 1411 with Barbara Stromer , † 1423

• ∞3) 1423 with Elisabeth Rieter , † 1425

• ∞4) 1426 with Christina Ortlieb , † 1441.

• Every marriage has many children. ∞1) Margarete * 1398 † young; Michael * 1398; Barbara * 1399 ∞ Hanß Diekner ; Leonhard * 1400 † young; Suxtus * 1402 † Young; Gabriel * 1403 † young; Martha * 1407 † young; Dorothy * and † 1409; ∞2) Sebald * and † 1413; Sixtus * 1415 † young; Margarete * 1416 † young; Elisabeth * 1419 † young; Margaret * and † 1421; ∞3) Herdegen * and † 1414; Hanß * 1415 † young; ∞4) Gabriel * 1426 † young; Anna * and † 1427; Jacob * and † 1429; Christina * and † 1430; Sebald * 1432 † young; Michael * 1433 † young; Sixtus * and † 1434; Michael * 1435 † young; Ursula * 1436 ∞ Harsdörfer ; Christina * 1438 ∞ Coler ; Michael * and † 1439; Margarete * 1441 † young.
[Biedermann panel 5 Behaim]

• 1413 the distinguished men Mr. Sigmund Stromeyr , Mr. Wernher Lemblein and Mr. Hermann Prawn , as witnesses for Michel Behaim .
[see under N-25 / d Werner Lemlein]

Regesta to Dorothea Vetter:
[Biedermann Tafeln 5 Behaim, 170 Holzschuher]

Regesta to Elisabeth Kress:
• Elisabeth Kress died in 1437. ∞1) Jacob Ortlieb , died 1417; ∞2) Siegemund Schnöd , died 1449.
[Biedermann Tafel 270]

Regesta to Ursula Behaim:
• Andreas Harsdörfer , † 1498, ∞ 1453 with Christina, * 1436, † 1483, Tv Michael Behaim ∞ Christina Ortlieb .

Regesta to Andreas Harsdörfer:
[Biedermann Tafel 196]

Regesta to Christina Behaim:
• One of the children of Michael Behaim ∞4) Ortlieb : Christina * 1438, ∞ 1453 with Erckenbrecht Koler .
[Biedermann panel 5]

• Erckenbrecht Coler , 1450 Senator Nuremberg, † 1494; ∞1) with Christina Tv Wilhelm Behaim ∞ Christina Ortlieb , 13 children, she † 1482. [Biedermann Tafel 601]

→ "Wilhelm" Behaim is not right. According to Plate 5 (Behaim) it has to be called "Michael". (HDL)

Regesten zu Erkenbrecht Koler:
Son of Hanss Coler ∞ Oesterreicher:

• Erckenbrecht Coler , 1450 Senator Nuremberg, resigned 1470, † 1494; ∞1) Christina Tv Wilhelm Behaim ∞ Christina Ortlieb , 13 children, she † 1482; ∞2) 1483 Cunegunda Burckamerin of Bamberg.
[Biedermann Tafel 601]

→ "Wilhelm" Behaim is not right. After panel 5 (Behaim) it must be called Michael. (HDL)

Regesta to Barbara Oesterreicher:
• Two variants for her father, see [B.Aign: AL Zinn, Gen.Jahrbuch Bd.45 / 46 2008] 
Behaim, Michael (I30688)
2531 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Michael Pfinzing - in Nuremberg
◆ Parents: Siboto Pfinzing and N.N. Esler
◆ Born about 1288, † 1345
◆ In Nuremberg, 1319-1337.
◆ ∞ with Agnes Behaim
⁃ * 1290

her parents: Albrecht Behaim N731 , * 6.2.1250, † 6.10.1342 in Nuremberg, 92 years old
Kaufmann in Nuremberg, the spices from Venice moved. Since 1288 in the council, mayor of several times. See Beh-22 / a ; ∞ 1.10.1280 with Ursula Kingfisher N732 , (* about? 1262), † 25.5.1328 in Nuremberg St. Cath ..

1. Seibolt, (* about? 1315) -, see Pfin-24 / u

2. Michael, (* about? 1318) - in Nuremberg, see Pfin-24 / v

3rd Cunz Pfinzing Nm22 , (* about? 1320)

4. (daughter) Pfinzing H552 , (* about? 1325)

∞ with Franz Haller H551

(* about? 1335), † 1391

his parents: Franz Haller H106 , (* about? 1310), † 1371 in Nuremberg St.Sebald
1345 in the Council. See Hall-22 / u ; ∞2) with Anna Stiebar H190 , (* about? 1315)
Tv Conrad Stiebar , Hochfürst. Bamb. Hofmeister ..

• Michel Pfinzing , son of Siboto, 1319, 1324, 1335, 1337 in the Nuremberg charter book. In Nuremberg with the preachers.

• Sons: Sebold, "who has the Vorchtels daughter"; as well as "Cuncz Michel Pfinzing" .

• Ulman Stromer: Cunrat Pfinczig at the stok sulteiss, Hans Pfinczig his brother at the hewmarkt, Michel Pfinczig his brother (at the preaching).

• 1343: The mayor Konrad Groß calls Cunrad, Hans and Michel Pfinzig his unmarried .
[Miracles p.39ff]

• 19.10.1325: Fritz Geusmid (nephew of Heinrich? - HDL), who is now "full age", gives his third of the "Eigengut am Weinmarkt an der Brunnen" to Seifried Holzschuher . Mayor Conrad Pfinzing ; Witnesses: Heinrich Geusmid , Seifried Ebner , Weigel - son of Conrad Weigel , Michael Pfinzing .
[CityA Nbg. on-line]

• ∞ Agnes Behaim .

• Senator Nuremberg, † 1345, buried in the choir of St. Catherine's Monastery. Children: Michael, died unmarried; (Daughter) ∞ Franz Haller , † 1391. (No son Sebold!)
[Biedermann Tafel 394]

→ Error note: In [Biedermann plate 394] this Michael is erroneously stated as the son of Berthold Pf.

Regesta to Agnes Behaim:
[Biedermann T.2]

Regesta to Ursula Eisvogel:
• Ursula Eißvogelin ∞ Albrecht Behaim . Her daughter Agnes ∞ Michael Pfinzing .
[Biedermann panel 394 Pfinzing]

[Date of death according to AL Frotscher]

Regesten zu Cunz Pfinzing:
• Ulman Stromer: "Cunz Michel Pfinczing" .
[Miracle p.42]

Regesta to Franz Haller:
• Frantz Haller , Sv Frantz, Senator, † 1391, without children.

• ∞ with a daughter of Senator Michael Pfinzing ∞ Agnes Behaim .
[Biedermann panel 103 B Haller] 
Pfinzing, Michael (I30384)
2532 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

N.N. Zollner
◆ Father: Gerwic Thelonearius / Zollner
◆ (* about? 1200)
◆ Probably son of Gerwic and father of Friedrich and Burchard Zollner .

1 Friedrich, (* about? 1225) - alderman in Bamberg
2 Burchart Zolner, (* about? 1230) - in Bamberg 
Zollner, N.N. (I30375)
2533 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Ropold / Rapoto Gewsmyd - in Nuremberg
◆ Parents unknown
◆ (* about? 1230)
◆ 1270-1288 in Nuremberg
◆ ∞ with (Elisabeth) Pfinzing

(* about? 1240)

her parents: Merklin Pfinzing N588 , (* about? 1217), † around 1278 in Nuremberg
1263-1274 mentioned (Nürnb.Urk'buch). 1274 mayor. In 1274 he arranged for mutual duty exemption between Nuremberg and Mainz. See Pfin-21 / a ; ∞ (about 1240) with Els Isolt N683 , (* about? 1220).

1. Berthold Geuschmid, (* about? 1260) - in Nuremberg, see Gsm-22 / b

2. Heinrich Geusmid, (* about? 1265) -, see Gsm-22 / h

[AL Rusam]
[son Heinrich loud miracle MVGN 49 S.44]

• 1285 Schöffen in Nuremberg: Hermann von Stein the Elder, Rapot Geusmid , Eberhard von Keswasser , Hermann von Ebner , Ulrich Kranfuz , Wernher Nützel , Weigel von Neumarkt , Eberhard Ebner .
[Nuremberg Yearbooks Vol. 1-2, 1834, p.72]

• Rappold Geuschmid ∞ Elisabeth Pfinzing .
[Biedermann panel 394 Pfinzing]

Regesten zu (Elisabeth) Pfinzing:
• Elisabeth Pfinzing , husband of Mr. Rappold Geuschmid, anno 1270.
[Biedermann plaque 394] Here mistakenly stated Berthold II as father.

Regesta to Els Isolt:
• Your first name Els loud [AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964] 
Gewsmyd, Rapoto (I30399)
2534 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Sebald Vorchtel
◆ Parents unknown
◆ (* about? 1195)

1 (daughter) Vorchtel
⁃ (* about? 1230)
⁃ ∞ with Friedrich Behaim
⁃ (* about? 1225)
⁃ † 5.8.1295 in Nuremberg St.Cath.
⁃ Citizen in Nuremberg
⁃ Friedrich's father: Albrecht 3 Behaim
⁃ (* about? 1200), † 1270 in Nuremberg
⁃ Friedrich ∞1) with (daughter) Pilgram v.Eyb
⁃ (* about? 1225)

◆ Mr. Sebald Vorchtel , his daughter ∞ with Friedrich Behaim , who died in 1295. [Biedermann panel 1 Behaim]
◆ → I have entered here: daughter *? 1230, father *? 1195. But it could also be: daughter *? 1250, father *? 1220. (HDL) 
Vorchtel, Sebald (I30472)
2535 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Sifrid Ebner N724 - Schöffe in Nuremberg
Parents: Ebnr-21 / j Albert d.Ä. Ebner N538 , (daughter) Bigenot N721

(* about? 1250), † 1311

Documented 1270-1305. Schöffe in Nuremberg.

∞1) before 1277 with ... .... Nc32

(* about? 1255)

Unknown first wife of Sifrid Ebner .

∞2) (about? 1283) with Elisabeth Kudorf N781

(* about? 1265)

her parents: Fritz Kudorf N782 , (* about? 1240), † 1333
erw. from 1270 See Kudf-22 / e ; ∞ with Klara Esler N783 , (* about? 1245).

from 1st marriage:
1st Christine Ebner Nc31 , * 26.3.1277 in Nuremberg, † 27.12.1356 in Engeltal
She came in 1289 as a 12 -year -old in the Dominican nunnery Engeltal, where she became famous through religious visions.

from 2nd marriage:
2. Jeut / Gertraud Ebner N681 , (* about? 1285)
1332-1335 Jeut, Haufrau by Bertold Pfinzing .

∞ with Bertold Pfinzing N660

(* about? 1274), † between 1341/1344

ext. 1307/41, councilor and apprentice in Nuremberg. See Pfin-23 / e

his parents: Berthold Pfinczing N586 , (* about? 1245), † after 1322 in Nuremberg
In Nuremberg, mentioned 1281-1322, 1281-1288 Schultheiß. 1304/07 mentioned in the action book of the wood shoe. Last 1322 by Kg Ludwig arbitrator over the Jews. See Pfin-22 / a ; ∞ (about? 1270) with Geuda Holzschuher H011 , (* about? 1250).

3. Heinrich Ebner Ng76 , (* about? 1287)

4. Siegfried Ebner Ng77 , (* about? 1289)

5. Agnes Ebner Hb84 , (* about? 1291)

∞ (about? 1315) with Albrecht Behaim Nj00

* 1288, † 1359

Councilman in Nuremberg. See Beh-23 / o

his parents: Albrecht Behaim N731 , * 6.2.1250, † 6.10.1342 in Nuremberg, 92 years old
merchant in Nuremberg, the spices from Venice moved. Since 1288 in the council, mayor of several times. See Beh-22 / a ; ∞ 1.10.1280 with Ursula Kingfisher N732 , (* about? 1262), † 25.5.1328 in Nuremberg St. Cath ..

he ∞2) (about? 1330/1335) with Margarete Stromer N871

(* about? 1310/1315), † 1350

he ∞3) after 1350 with Cunegunda Weigel Nj02

(* about? 1320)

6. Hermann Ebner Ha53 , (* about? 1293), † 1346
Councilor Nuremberg, 1342 church caretaker . ∞1) Margarete Langmann

7. Konrad Ebner Ne47 , (* about? 1295)
since 1340 in the Council

∞ with Elisabeth Muffel Nk90

(* about? 1300)

her parents: Jacob Muffel Nk86 , (* about? 1268)
In Nuremberg, 1300 he comes to the Council. See Muff-22 / e ; ∞ with Elisabeth von Berg Nk87 , (* about? 1270).

8. Eberhard Ebner Ha54 , (* 1297), † 1349
∞ Cunegunda Mendel .

9. Agnes Ebner Ne68 , (* about? 1300)

∞ 1325 with Cristan Fürer N160

(* about? 1290), † 1355

No children.

his parents: Konrad Fürer N158 , (* about? 1255)
since 1274 in Nuremberg. See Frr-22 / c ; ∞ 1276 with Elisabeth Pömer No56 , (* about? 1258).

• Son of Eberhard Ebner : Seifried Ebner , † 1311. ∞ Elisabeth v.Küedorf , Tv Fritz von and zu Küedorf ∞ Clare Eslerin .

• Children: Conrad, Gertraud, Agnes (Klosterfrau), Hermann, Eberhard.
[Biedermann panel 23]

→ Error: Seifried is according to Scharr not son but brother of Eberhard.

→ Supposedly 3 daughters named Agnes: nun [Bied.T.23 Ebner]; ∞ Fürer [Bied.T.368 Fürer]; ∞ Behaim [Bied.T.2 Behaim]

• 1270: Burggraf Friedrich the Elder gives the Conrad called Waldstromer a hereditary castle in Gostenhof, the village of the burgrave. Among the witnesses: ... Heinrich and Hilpolt v. Stein , ..., Berthold and Marquard brothers called Pfinzing , Sifrid called Ebner , Friedrich called Holzschuher , our ministerials and knights.

• December 24, 1970: Hermann and Siegfried called the Ebner are entrusted by Burggraf Friedrich with a fief in the village Wöhrd.

• 1278: Herr Herdegen von Grindelach sells the village Flechsdorf ... Witnesses: the knights and citizens in Nuremberg Hermann called Groß called by Stein , Friedrich Holzschuher , Sifrid called Ebener , Chunrad called Stromair , Marquard called Pfinzinc , Cunrad called Vorchtlin .
[Nuremberg yearbooks vol. 1-2, 1834, p.45, 57/58]

• 1276: Friedrich and Herdegen the Holzschuher are Burgmannen of the burgrave Friedrich in his castrum Kraftshof ... Witnesses: Hermann and Sifrid called the Ebener , Heinrich by the surname Groß , Conrad called by Neuenmark , Berthold called Pfinzing Schultheiß in Nuremberg, Conrad called Stromaier , Wernher called Nützel , relatives (cognati) by Friedrich Holzschuher . Sealed by Friedrich Holzschuher alone, as his brother Herdegen does not have his own seal.
[Nuremberg Yearbooks Vol. 1-2, 1834, p.54]

• 1278 witnesses: Conrad Schultheiß of Nuremberg, Sifrid Ebner , Cunrad and Sibot Pfinzing , Heinrich Holzschuher .

• 1283: Werner Nützel , citizen of Nuremberg, and his wife Christina donate to the monastery Heilsbrunn ... Witnesses: Berthold Schultheiß and Marquard his brother called Pfinzinge , Conrad and Weigel Gebrüder called by Neuenmarkt , Hermann von Stein , Sifrid, Eberhard, Hermann Gebrüder called Ebner , ..., Conrad Katerbeck and others

• 1291: Friedrich Holzschuher steps down a part of his garden on the Pegnitz, between the Vorchtelins garden and the Wigelins garden and tower. Among the witnesses: Sifrid Ebner , Herdegen Holzschuher , Chunrat Stromer ; consulted were also a "newable customers", namely the Leupolt Holzschuher and Chunrat the Ysenmann .
[Nuremberg Yearbooks Vol. 1-2, 1834, p.55, 68.90]

• 1278 and 1289: Seifried Ebner witnessed the sale / donation of the Nuremberg burgrave Conrad.
[Biedermann Plate 22] Here, however, assigned to a false Seifried (HDL).

• 1295: Conradus dictus de Novo Foro , civis Nurembergensis, et Adelheidis uxor (donate the St. Catherine's Monastery Nuremberg). Testes Conradus dictus Eseler Scultetus at Nurmberg et in Novo Foro, Gramlibus frater suus, Sigfridus Ebener , Weigelinus dictus de Novo Foro ...
[CHLang: Regesta Boicarum Vol.4,2, 1828, p.593. GL 1984]
[Ried p.188]

• Sifrit I. Ebner , † 1311, 1276-1305, Schöffe Nuremberg, ∞ El. Kudorf , T. of Fritz, † 1333 Nuremberg, ∞ Klara Esler ,

• Daughter: Agnes ∞ Albrecht Behaim .
[Scharr: Waldstromer, MVGN 52 p. 40]

• Sifrit Ebner , Urk.1276-1300, mentioned until 1305, † 1311.

• son of Albert.

• ∞ Elisabeth v . Kühedorf / Kudorf .
[A.Scharr: The ans. Citizen of Nuremberg, in: Gen.Jb. Vol.3 1963 p.14]

• As sons of the oldest and most important of the brothers, the longtime alderman and assessor in the district court, Sifrid, Heinrich and Siegfried 1303 are attested. Among them must also belong Konrad, which occurs in 1298/1305 and on 23.8.1305 with Götz Schopper a loan to King Albrecht.
[Miracle: Pfinzing, Excursion Ebner, MVGN 49 p.63]

→ This Conrad (from 1298-1305) is older than he can be Sifrid's son! He is Sifrids cousin. (HDL)

→ In Biedermann panel 23 this Siegfried († 1311, ∞ Küedorf) is given as the son of Eberhard. This is not possible in terms of age. Scharr sees him as the son of Albert, brother of Eberhard.

→ First marriage:

• Sifirid Ebner ∞ El. Kudorf [Scharr]. The children of this marriage may have been born about 1285, including the married with Bertold Pfinzing Jeut. One sister of Jeut is the nun "Christein die Ebnerin" in the monastery Engeltal [Wunder S.47]. According to Wikipedia, this nun, who became famous through religious visions, was born in 1277. So she is much older than her sister Jeut. Since Sifrid Ebner's well-known children were born only from about 1285, the nun Christein must come from a previous marriage, closed before 1277, of which sonat is not aware. (HDL)

Regesta to Elisabeth Kudorf:
[Scharr: Waldstromer, MVGN 52 p.24]

Regesta to Klara Esler:
[Scharr: Waldstromer, MVGN 52 p.24, but there no father specified.] Assignment as a daughter of Konrad Esler only, because it fits in time. (HDL)

Regesten to Christine Ebner:

• 1333 in Engeltal: "Christ the Ebnerin" , she is a sister of the landlady of Bertold Pfinzing .
[Miracle p.47]

Regesten to Jeut / Gertraud Ebner:
[Miracles p.47, 63]

• daughter of Seifried Ebner : Gertraud, ∞ with Mr. Berthold Pfinzing of the inner council of Nuremberg; he died in 1355 after having 8 children with her.
[Biedermann panel 23]

• Jeut Ebner , first documented mention 1332-1335, sister of the famous Engeltaler nun Christine Ebner (1277-1355). Father: Seifrid † 1311.
[B.Aign: AL Zinn, Gen.Jahrbuch Bd.45 / 46 2008]

→ sister? Rather cousin or niece (HDL).

Regesto to Heinrich Ebner:
• 1303 Henry and Siegfried as sons of Sifrid. [Wonder]

Regesta to Siegfried Ebner:
• 1303 Henry and Siegfried as sons of Sifrid. [Wonder]

• 19.10.1325: Fritz Geusmid (nephew of Heinrich? - HDL), who is now "full age", gives his third of the "Eigengut am Weinmarkt an der Brunnen" to Seifried Holzschuher . Mayor Conrad Pfinzing ; Witnesses: Heinrich Geusmid , Seifried Ebner , Weigel - son of Conrad Weigel , Michael Pfinzing .
[CityA Nbg. on-line]

Regesta to Hermann Ebner:
• Hermann Ebner ∞1) Margarete Langmann ; ∞2) Elisabeth Fürer , Tv Conrad Fürer ∞ Elisabeth Pömer .
[Biedermann panel 23]

→ According to miracles, Elisabeth Fürer is not married to Hermann Ebner but to Fritz Ebner .

Regesta to Konrad Ebner:
• Son of Seifried.

• since 1340 in the Council, 1344 Old Mayor, 1346 Septemvir, † 1363.

• ∞ El. Muffle , Td Jakob M ∞ El. v . mountain .

• 5 young children: Berthold, Hanß, Pignot, Peter, Christian.
[Biedermann panel 23]

• 12.3.1341 Herman Eysuogel and Cunrad Ebner confirm a court letter of the mayor Cunrad Grozze to Nuremberg that Hans Cresse has sold his farm and fief to Siglatzhofen to Cunrad Echinger .

• 1348 in Nuremberg riot council Albrecht Ebner , Conrad Ebner , and as town scribe Fritz Ebner .
[Stromer, The Metropolis in the Uprising Against Charles IV, MVGN 65 1978 p.71]

Regesta to Elisabeth Muffel:
• Elisabeth Mufflin , Tv Jacob ∞ v. Berg , ∞ with Mr. Conrad Ebner , Senator of Nuremberg, anno 1341, † 1349.
[Biedermann Tafel 475 muffle]

Regesten to Eberhard Ebner:
• children: Friederich (without further information); Elisabeth ∞ Hanß Pilgram von Eyb, anno 1350 Senator.
[Biedermann panel 23]

Regesten to Agnes Ebner:
• Daughter of Seifried Ebner ∞ Elisabeth Küedorf .
[Biedermann Plate 368 Fürer]

→ In Biedermanns Ebner-Tafel 23 she is the daughter of Hermann Ebner ∞ Ortlieb , not of Seifried Ebner .

Regesten zu Cristan Fürer:
• Christian Fürer owned goods to Poppenreuth, Aichach, Germersberg; † 1355. ∞ 1325 with Agnes, TV Seifried Ebner ∞ Elisabeth Küedorf , † 1325.
[Biedermann panel 368]

Regesta to Elisabeth Pömer:
• Elisabeth Pömer ∞ 1276 with Conrad Fürer .
[Biedermann Plate 368 Fürer]

→ Biedermann states as her parents: Heinrich Pömer ∞ Mechtild Zenner . That can not be true in time. Presumably Elisabeth is the daughter of the older Heinrich Pömer . (HDL) 
Ebner von Eschenbach, Sifrid (I30482)
2536 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Unknown Isolt
◆ Parents unknown
◆ Born about 1170
◆ Father of Bertholt Isolt and his sister, who is married to Heinrich von Stein

1 Bertold Isolt (* about? 1200) - mayor
2 Gertrud Isolt
⁃ (* about? 1210)
⁃ erw.1266
⁃ ∞ before 1266 with Heinrich v. Stein
⁃ (* about? 1205)
⁃ † before 1266
⁃ 1256-1264 Butigler in Nuremberg. (Also: 1254-1279). Hilpoltstein
⁃ His father: Heinrich v.Stein, (* about? 1175)
Reichsbutigler, Hilpoltstein, gen.1217-1241. See Stn-19 / a 
Isolt, N.N. (I30405)
2537 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:

Unknown Schlüsselfelder
◆ Parents unknown
◆ (* about? 1340)
◆ Father of Konrad and Ulrich.

1 Conrad, (* about? 1370
2 Ulrich, (* about? 1380)

◆ At Biedermann [board 618B] Ulrich Schlüsselfelder is the son of Conrad Schlüsselfelder , without dates. According to the year numbers of the children of both, Conrad and Ulrich must belong to the same generation and can not be father and son. (HDL) 
Schlüsselfelder, Hans (I26907)
2538 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:
... Ortlieb N251 - in Nuremberg
Parents unknown

(* about? 1230)

Maybe father of Hermann, Kune, Heinrich, Jakob? 1261 Ortlieb , citizens in Nuremberg.

1. Hermann, (* about? 1255) -, see Ortl-21 / e

2. Jacob, (* about? 1255) -, see Ortl-21 / j

3. Kune Ortlieb N252 , (* about? 1265)
erw. 1297

∞ before 1297 with Heinrich Holzschuher H014

(* 1245), † 1321 Ebrach Monastery

Documented in 1287-1324. Until 1314 Schöffe. See wood-22 / a

his parents: Heinrich Holzschuher H006 , (* about? 1215), † probably 1278
in Nuremberg. 1242-1279, partly together with his four sons. Several times the only civil witness in documents of the von Gründlach family . See wood-21 / a ; ∞ (about? 1240/45) with (Elisabeth?) V.Gründlach N589 , (* about? 1215).

he ∞1) (about? 1275) with Marie Ebner N253

(* about? 1250), † before 1297

4. Heinrich, (* about? 1270) - alderman in Nuremberg, see Ortl-22 / h

• Ortlieb , 1251 filius Fremdelini , 1289 gener Pomeronis .
[A.Scharr: The ans. Citizen of Nuremberg, in: Gen.Jb. Vol.3 1963 p.14]

• 1261 Ortlieb , citizen of Nuremberg, witness.
[Nuremberg Yearbook Vol. 1-2 p.35]

Regesten to Kune Ortlieb:
• Heinrich Holtzschuher ∞2) with Künne, sister of Mr. Heinrich Ortlieb .
[Biedermann Tafel 166 Holzschuher]

Regesta to Marie Ebner:
[Scharr] - Not in the Ebner tables at Biedermann.
Ortlieb, N.N. (I30293)
2539 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:
Bertold Tucher - councilman in Nuremberg
Parents: Tuc-24 / a Conrad Tucher N759 , Gertraud Holzberger N459

* 1310 in Nuremberg, † 17.4.1379 in Nuremberg

1340-1379 member of the Small Council. In 1340 he was the first of the family to join the Inner Council, as a junior mayor.

∞1) 1330 with Elisabeth v.Maiental N758

(* about? 1310), † 1364 in Nuremberg

Daughter of the imperial land judge Burggrafentums Nuremberg. [Schwemmer p.19] 2 daughters.

∞2) 1365 with Anna Pfinzing N646

(* about? 1345), † 12.12.1381 in Nuremberg

her parents: Berthold Pfinzing N669 , (* about? 1302), † after 1376
in Nuremberg, at the wine market, erw. 1329/1376. See Pfin-24 / e ; ∞ (about? 1340) with Katharina Lauffenholtz N030 , (* about? 1320).

from 1st marriage:
1. Anna Tucher N643 , * around 1330, † 11.11.1410 in Nuremberg
1361 widow of Berchtold Pfinzing.

∞ 1352 in Nuremberg with Berchtold Pfinzing N641

(* about? 1315), † 11.11.1361 in Nuremberg

Councilman and mayor in Nuremberg At the Milchmarkt in Nuremberg, first documented mention in 1356-1361. See Pfin-23 / w

his parents: Siboto Pfinzing N603 , (*? 1255)
1278, 1282, 1288 mentioned. 1317, 1319 Named. See Pfin-22 / s ( Er ∞1) (about? 1282) with ... Esler N604 , (* about? 1260), † 1310
Sister of the mayor Conrad Esler . ) ; ∞ (about? 1311) with ... .... N605 , (* about? 1280)
unknown second wife of Siboto.

he ∞1) 1348 in Nuremberg with Anna Irrer N441

(* about? 1325), † 1351 in Nuremberg

2. Elisabeth, (* about? 1335) -, see Tuc-

from 2nd marriage:
3. Anna Tucher H760 , * 1366

∞ with Jacob Groland H759

(* about? 1372), † 1419

See Grol-22 / t

his parents: Martin Groland Nj15 , (* about? 1315)
1348 Senator in Nuremberg See Grol-21 / g ; ∞2)? (about? 1370) with Margarete Stromer Nn10 , (*? 1350).

4. Hans, * 1368 - rich merchant in Nuremberg, see Tuc-26 / a

5. Margarete Tucher H175 , * 1372, † 1425

∞ 20.7.1389 with Peter Haller H171

(* about? 1350), † 13.12.1435 in Nuremberg

To brick. Leave a fortune of 60,000 florins. See Hall-23 / y

his parents: Jakob Haller H107 , (* about? 1315), † 10.4.1355 in Nuremberg
See Hall-22 / y ; ∞ around 1350 in Nuremberg with Anna Forstmeister N794 , (* about? 1332)
1351 is her husband Jacob Haller. ( Sie ∞2) after 1355 with Andreas Stromer N797 , (* about? 1330), † 25.8.1393
councilman in Nuremberg. Stepbrother of Peter Stromer. See Stro-24 / e ) .

he ∞1) with Petronella Kreutzlin H174

(* about? 1355), † 1388

from Bavaria

he ∞3) after 1425 with Margarete Rieter H176

(* about? 1395)

6. Klara Tucher Nk16 , * 1374, † 1400

∞ around 1390/1394 with Hans Tetzel Nk12

(* about? 1370), † 16.6.1445

in Nuremberg, senior captain, Losunger, mayor, See Tetz-24 / h

his parents: Jobst Tetzel N304 , * around 1326, † 30.10.1399 in Heidingsfeld
1371-1399 Councilor Nuremberg. Hammerherr in the Upper Palatinate. See Tetz-23 / f ; ∞ with Clara v.Ammerntal Nk10 , (* about? 1335).

he ∞2) around 1403 with Anna Graser Nb09

(* about? 1382)

[Wilhelm Schwemmer: The patronage of the Nuremberg Patrician family Tucher. Mtlgn d.Vereins f.Gesch.d.St.Nürnberg Bd.51 (1962) p.18 ff]
[cf. Scharr: Waldstrom MVGN 52 p.27]

• Berthold Tucher * 1310, ∞1) Elisabeth v.Mayenthal , children 1. Anna ∞ 1352 Berthold Pfinzing , 2. Elisabeth, unmarried; ∞2) 1365 Anna Pfinzing , children: Berthold, young †; Hanß * 1358; Peter young †; Sebald * 1370; Cath, * 1371 ∞ Vorchtel ; Margarete * 1372 ∞ Haller ; Clara * 1374 ∞ Tezel .
[Biedermann Plate 493, 494] Here also more.

• For Schwemmer: ∞ 1330 with Elisabeth v.Maiental ;

• according to AL4383 GWSchmidt: ∞ 1329 with Anna v.Maiental .

• 19.11.1341: Conrad Ebner sold his own property in Zistelgasse to Berthold Tucher .

• 2.9.1342: Berthold Tucher buys a property in Schwarzenbach from Hilpolt of Maiental .
[CityA Nbg online]

• Around 1370: Gylbertus Schreiber asks Ulrich Stromayr to give Rose, Perchtold Haller , Perchtold Tucher , Mr. Pfintzing , and Mr. Albrecht Ebner the elder at the Salt Market to support him in his studies in Padua through books.
[StA Nbg Losungsamt 35 New store Urk.2029. - Online 2017]

• Bertold Tucher married Anna Pfinzing in his second marriage at a
very young age and thus was able to continue his tribe. [Wunder S.40,49] [Biedermann Tafel 493]

• Berthold Tucher had two daughters from his first marriage, of which Anna married Berthold Pfinzing and Elisabeth remained unmarried.

• A hostage Holzberger , sister of Berthold Tucher's mother, was married to a Heinrich Groß / Reichheintz ; In 1352 she donated a pastoral house, which she prescribed to her nephew Berthold Tucher after her death. In 1353 Berthold Tucher took over this task.
[Bullemer: Great p. 147]

• Berthold Tucher , * 1310, † Sunday after Easter 1379 at the plague. 1340-1379 councilman in Nuremberg, 1354 chief captain, 1361 Losunger.

• ∞1) 1330 Elisabeth v.Mayenthal , † 1364.

• ∞2) 1365 Anna Pfinzing.
[B.Aign: AL Zinn, Gen.Jahrbuch Vol.45 / 46 2008]

Regesta to Elisabeth v.Maiental:
• Daughter of the imperial judge of the Burggrafentums Nbg.
[Schwemmer p.19]

→ right sister instead of daughter? see Biedermann

• Sister of Mr. Hilpolt von Mayenthal , Ritter and kaiserl. Land judge of the Burggrafentum Nuremberg.
[Biedermann panel 493]

Regesta to Anna Pfinzing:
• Anna Pfinzing , 2nd wife of Bertold Tucher .

• Your brothers Franz d.Ä. and Conz Pfinzing .

• 1361 Stepmother of the widow Anna Pfinzing born. Tucher .

• 4 sons and 4 daughters.
[Wunder S.40,49] - [Scharr: Waldstromer p.27]

→ If Franz and Conz are their brothers, then their father is Bertold Pfinzing on the wine market.

• Wrong parents at Biedermann:

• Berthold Tucher , † 1379, ∞2) 1365 with Anna Pfinzing , † 1381, Tv Knights Berthold Pfinzing , Bamberger, Palatine and Nuremberg-burggräflicher Council and senator to Nuremberg, ∞ Agnes.

• After Biedermann Anna got 8 children in the Tucher marriage. She must have been so young at the marriage in 1365, so * about 1340/1347. (HDL)

• Anna Pfinzing became the happy tribe mother of all subsequent Tucher .
[Biedermann panel 396]

Regesta to Katharina Lauffenholtz:
• She died in 1379. Daughter of Ulrich v.Lauffenholz to Reichmannsdorf, Upper and Lower Melsendorf.
[Biedermann panel 396 Pfinzing]

• 18.1.1343; Mayor Conrad Groß confirms to Berthold Pfinzing that his wife Katharina, daughter of Ulrich von Laufamholz , has given her husband full control of all his possessions.
[CityA Nbg online]

Regesto to Anna Tucher:
• Berthold Pfinzing married in a second marriage in 1352 Anna Tucher , whose father Bertold Tucher married in a second marriage Anna Pfinzing .

• Widow of Berthold Pfinzing (he † 1361), she † 11.11.1410 "at 80 years old".

• 1405: Berthold's Wittib communicates with her mother Anna Pfinzingin with her petits Steffan Stromern and his two siblings and with her brothers Franz Pfinzig the Elder, Elbetbeten Prant's grand daughter his wife, Cunzen Pfinzigen , his wife; Teiligung testifies in 1405 by Seitz and Sebald the Pfinzing and Jakob Grolandt .
[Wonders p.40]

• Berthold Tucher ∞1) Elisabeth v.Mayental , daughter Anna * 1330, † 11.11.1410 as 81-year-old widow, ∞ Berthold Pfinzing , he † 1361.
[Biedermann panel 493]

Regesta to Anna Irrer:
• Berthold Irrer , 1294 Nuremberg
[A.Scharr: Die anges. Citizen of Nuremberg, in: Gen.Jb. Vol.3 1963 p.17]

→ Probably grandfather of Anna (HDL)

Regesto to Anna Tucher:
[Biedermann panel 493 Tucher, 614 Groland]

Regesta to Margarete Tucher:
[Biedermann panel 105 Haller, 494 Tucher]
→ She died at Biedermann in 1425. However, she must have died before 1400, because her husband remarries at or before 1400. 
Tucher, Bertold (I30703)
2540 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:
Conrad Tucher - merchant in Nuremberg
Parents unknown

* 1260 in Nuremberg, † 1326 in Nuremberg

Businessman in Nuremberg. Founding father of the Nuremberg Tucher.

∞ 1288 in Nuremberg with Gertraud Holzberger N459

(* about? 1270), † 1352 in Nuremberg

her father: ... Holzberger No59 , (* about? 1250)
father of Gertraud ∞ Tucher and Gisela (hostage) ∞ Great . See Tuc-23 / Ho

1. Bertold, * 1310 - councilman in Nuremberg, see Tuc-25 / a

[Schwemmer: Patronage, MVGN 51]
[Biedermann Tafel 493]

• Conrad Tucher , * 1260, † 1326 Nuremberg, ∞ 1288 Gertraud Holzberger , † 1352.
[B.Aign: AL Zinn, Gen.Jahrbuch Bd.45 / 46 2008]

Regests to Gertraud Holzberger:
[Biedermann panel 493]

• A hostage Holzberger , sister of Berthold Tucher's mother, was married to a Heinrich Groß / Reichheintz ; In 1352 she donated a pastoral house, which she prescribed to her nephew Berthold Tucher after her death. In 1353 Berthold Tucher took over this task.
[Bullemer: Great p. 147] 
Tucher, Conrad (I30379)
2541 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:
Heinrich Ortlieb N250 - Schöffe in Nuremberg
Father: Ortl-20 / a ... Ortlieb N251

(* about? 1270), † after 1339

1312 Schöffe in Nuremberg.

∞ with Agnes Stromer N895

(* about? 1280)

her parents: Conrad Stromer N578 , (* about? 1230), † before 20.7.1319
1283-1313 erw. 1291 Schöffe in Nuremberg. In 1313 he buys a meadow near Hersbruck. See Stro-22 / a ( Er ∞2) (about? 1300) with Kunigunde / Anna v.Laufenholz N851 , (* about? 1280) ) ; ∞ (about? 1255) with (Sofie?) Esler N612 , (* about? 1235)
Your first name is not Kunigunde. 11 children ..

she ∞2) after 1343 with Götz Scheffein No95

(* about? 1285) in Eger

Immigrated from Eger to Nuremberg in 1313.

1. Katharina Ortlieb N786 , (* about? 1305), † after 1366

∞ after 1337 with Philipp Groß N774

(* about? 1290), † after 1355

Council Builder in Nuremberg. Caretaker of paths and footbridges. See Gros-23 / u

his parents: Heinz Groß N630 , (* about? 1250), † zw 1314/1317
In Nuremberg, documented 1276-1306. Death between 1314-1317. See Gros-22 / a ( Er ∞1) (about? 1273) with Sofie v. Vestenberg N631 , (* about? 1250), † about? 1286 ) ; ∞ (about? 1287) with Gisela Esler N629 , (* about? 1265), † after 1339
sister of the mayor Conrad Esler ..

he ∞1) (about? 1320) with Els Pfinzing N785

(* about? 1300), † 8.1.1337

Her parents are unknown.

2. Heinrich, (* about? 1310) -, see Ortl-23 / h

• Heinrich Ortlieb 12.9.1312 Schöffe in Nuremberg.
[A.Scharr: The ans. Citizen of Nuremberg, in: Gen.Jb. Vol.3 1963 p.14]

• 23.7.1339: Emperor Ludwig is sworn by many respected people that there was no court in Leinburg before. The list contains a number of "mannequins", then a long list of "humble mannen," which begins with: Berth. Pfintzing , Wolfel Strömayr , Albr. Ebner , Seytz Pfintzing , Heinr. Charity , Gramliebe Esler , Chunr. Stromayr , Lewpolt of Peunting , Chunr. and Hermann the Hübner von Winkelhard, ... and many others.
[StA Nbg Rst.Nbg., Kaiserl.Privilegien Urk.48. - Online 2017]

• Mrs. Agnes, Mr. Heinrich Ortliebs soul. Widow, had a forestry in Neunhof. This acquires 1344 Ullrich Haller .
[Friday Stadler: Neunhof p.130]

→ Agnes is a daughter of Konrad Stromer ∞ Kunigunde Esler . [different. AL]

• The younger Heinrich is probably his son (= assumption HDL)

Regesta to Agnes Stromer:
• Agnes Stromer , TV Conrad Stromer ∞ Kunigunde Esler , ∞ with Heinrich Ortlieb, he † 1343 ..
[geneage graphics 2015]

• 1350: Her and her husband Götz Scheffein from Eger donated a house to Charles IV, which her son sold to Ulman Stromer in 1368 .
[WvStromer: "Assembly" MVGN 52 p.58]

Regesto to Kunigunde / Anna v.Laufenholz:
• (Kunigunde) v.Laufenholz ∞ with Conrad Stromer , 4 children. She is the sister of Friedrich v.Laufenholz .
[Scharr: Forest Streamers p.35]

• Conrad Stromer ∞2) with Anna v.Laufenholz , 5 children. She is the daughter of Fritz v.Lauffenholz ∞ Anna Eßlerin .
[Biedermann panel 460B Stromer]

Regesten zu (Sofie?) Esler:
• Her first name is given in Biedermann with Kunigunde, which is the first name of Conrad Stromer's second wife.
[Scharr: Forest Streamers p.35]

• At [AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964] their parents are given: Konrad Esler ∞ Anna Pfinzing. - That's wrong for a generation. (HDL)

Regesten zu Götz Scheffein:
• Götz Scheffein immigrated from Eger to Nuremberg in 1313. In 1350 he is one of the main beneficiaries of the extermination of the Jews. Charles IV gives him and his wife Agnes two Jewish houses between Hauptmarkt and Obstmarkt.
[Stromer. The metropolis in the uprising against Charles IV, MVGN 65 1978 p. 67]

Regesta to Katharina Ortlieb:
• † after 1366 [Bullemer: Great]

Regesten zu Els Pfinzing:
• Elisabeth Pfinzing ∞ with Philipp Groß , Sv Heinrich Groß ∞ Ebner .
[Biedermann Plate 392, List of Pfinzing Persons Who Can not Be Arranged]

• Philipp Groß † 1356, ∞1) Els Pfinzing , † 1337 (without further details), many children born about 1320.
[Bullemer: Great] 
Ortlieb, Heinrich (I30288)
2542 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:
Heinrich Ortlieb N902 -
Parents: Ortl-22 / h Heinrich Ortlieb N250 , Agnes Stromer N895

(* about? 1310)

∞ with Klara Schürstab N938

(* about? 1320)

See Schb-24 / k

1. Klara Ortlieb N901 , (* about? 1350)

∞ (about? 1371) with Berthold Pfinzing N764

(* about? 1352), † 1405

Senator in Nuremberg. See Pfin-24 / w

his parents: Berchtold Pfinzing N641 , (* about? 1320), † 11.11.1361 in Nuremberg
councilman and mayor in Nuremberg in Nuremberg on Milchmarkt, first documented in 1356-1361. See Pfin-23 / w ( Er ∞1) 1348 in Nuremberg with Anna Irrer N441 , (* about? 1325), † 1351 in Nuremberg ) ; ∞ 1352 in Nuremberg with Anna Tucher N643 , * around 1330, † 11.11.1410 in Nuremberg
1361 widow of Berchtold Pfinzing ..

• Heinrich Ortlieb ∞ Klara Schürstab , daughter Klara ∞ Berthold Pfintzing .
[AL Pusch]

→ Maybe son of the older Heinrich (= assumption HDL) 
Ortlieb, Heinrich (I30286)
2543 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:
Klara Schürstab - ∞ Ortlieb
◆ Parents unknown
◆ Born about 1320
◆ ∞ with Heinrich Ortlieb
⁃ He was born about 1310
⁃ Heinrich's father was Heinrich Ortlieb, who was born about 1270, and in 1312 Schöffe in Nuremberg.

1 Klara Ortlieb
⁃ Born about 1350

∞ (about? 1371) with Berthold Pfinzing N764

(* about? 1352), † 1405

See Pfin-24 / w

his parents: Berchtold Pfinzing N641 , (* about? 1315), † 11.11.1361 in Nuremberg
councilman and mayor in Nuremberg in Nuremberg at the milk market, first documented in 1356-1361. See Pfin-23 / w ( Er ∞1) 1348 in Nuremberg with Anna Irrer N441 , (* about? 1325), † 1351 in Nuremberg ) ; ∞ 1352 in Nuremberg with Anna Tucher N643 , (* about? 1331), † 11.11.1410 in Nuremberg
1361 widow of Berchtold Pfinzing .. 
Schürstab, Klara (I30285)
2544 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:
Konrad Esler in Bamberg, Schultheiss Neumarkt
Father: Conrad? Asinarius
(* about? 1215)

1253-1275 two brothers of the same name in Bamberg. 1254 mayor in Neumarkt.

1. (Sofie?) Esler N612 , (* about? 1235)
Your first name is not Kunigunde. 11 children.
∞ (about? 1255) with Conrad Stromer
(* about? 1230), † before 20.7.1319
1283-1313 1291 Schöffe in Nuremberg. In 1313 he buys a meadow near Hersbruck. See Stro-22 / a
his parents: Conrad von Reichenbach gen. Stromer N579 , (* about? 1205)
Conrad v.Reichenbach calls himself after his wedding " Stromer" (urk for the first time around 1242). 1267 in Schwabach. Citizen Nuremberg. 33 children from 3 marriages. See Stro-21 / aoo ; ∞ (about? 1230) with (daughter) Stromer N580 , (* about? 1210)

he ∞2) (about? 1300) with Kunigunde / Anna v.Laufenholz N851

(* about? 1280)

2. Rudger, (* about? 1235/1240) - in Nuremberg, see Eslr-22 / a

3. Klara Esler N783 , (* about? 1245)

∞ with Fritz Kudorf N782

(* about? 1240), † 1333

ext. from 1270 See Kudf-22 / e

his father: Konrad von Küdorf Ni10 , (* 1215)
Ritter, 1261 in Nuremberg. See Kudf-21 / e

4. ... Esler N685 , (* about? 1247)
1317: "Konrad Eseler's sister" has 2 sons: Franz and Konrad. Is she a married Gundloch?

∞ with Gundloch Nb59

(* about? 1240)

1296/98 Mr. Withigo / Weyker and Mr. Gundloch his brother. See Gund-21 / e

his father: Gundeloch Nb60 , (* about? 1195)
1231 one of the "domestici" (= "housemates") of the Bamberg cathedral chapter. The same ?: Gundloch 1249-1262 Mayor of Bamberg. See Gund-20 / e

5. Konrad, (* about? 1250) - "the good judge", "the founder", see Eslr-22 / b

6. Gramlieb, (* about? 1257) - in Nuremberg, see Eslr-22 / c

7. ... Esler N604 , (* 1260), † 1310
Sister of the mayor Conrad Esler .

∞ (about? 1282) with Siboto Pfinzing N603

(* about? 1255)

1278, 1282, 1288 mentioned. 1317, 1319 Named. See Pfin-22 / s

his father: Siboto Pfinzing N602 , (* about? 1215)
1251-1266 (Nuremberg Urk'buch) among the first citizens and in the citizens' representation ("universitas civium") mentioned. See Pfin-21 / s ∞1) before 1251 with Anna Ebner N206 (* about? 1230)
∞2) (about 1258) with ... .... H865 (* about? 1235)

he ∞2) (about? 1311) with ... .... N605

(* about? 1280)

unknown second wife of Siboto

8. Gisela Esler N629 , (* about? 1265), † after 1339
sister of the mayor Conrad Esler .

∞ (about? 1287) with Heinz Groß N630

(* about? 1250), † zw 1314/1317

In Nuremberg, first documented 1276-1306. Death between 1314-1317. See Gros-22 / a

his father: Heinz Groß Ni16 , (* about? 1220)
"The grindy Heinz". 1289 in Nuremberg. ∞ with Anna Straß / Strezz from Jahrsdorf. See Gros-21 / a

he ∞1) (about? 1273) with Sofie v. Vestenberg N631

(* about? 1250), † about? 1286

Children: 1st Bartholomew Great N105 , * (about? 1288), † 1358.2. Philipp Groß N774 , * (about? 1290), † after 1355.3. Franz Pfinzing Nh44 , * (about? 1380).
Summary : In 1253/1275 there are two brothers of the same name in Bamberg called Conrad Eseler , in Latin Chunradus Asinarius . (The terms "older / younger" are not to be understood as father and son.) In Bamberg you have a house "Im Bach" Nr.2001, Vorderer Bach Nr.5. The brothers are called "filii Asinarii" . Her father's name was Asinarius / Eseler .

• Presumably it is the descendants of the two Conrad, which are distinguished from 1392 as black donkey and red rot.

• 1253: Chunradus Asinarius in Bamberg. [Urk.Regesten z.Gesch. the cities of the Hochstift Würzburg 1172-1413, Regesta Herbipolensia III S.9]

• 1255: Chunradus et Chunradus filii Asinarii . [19.BHVB, Bamberg 1856]

• 1264: Cunrado et Cunrado fratribus, dictis Asinariis , civibus ibidem. [Regesta ... Boica ... vol.III, 1825]

• 5.12.1275 immunity representatives: Cunradus senior Asinarius ; Cunradus asinarius antiquus; Conrade Eseler the parent. - 19.11.1276 citizens.

• 5.12.1275 Representatives of Immunities: Cunradus iunior frater eius.
[Officials in the city court and in the immunities in Bamberg 1300-1500, in: Claudia Esch, between institution and individual, civil space for action in medieval Bamberg. Ergon-Verlag Würzburg 2016]
[Notes Fr.Zö. 2018]

• 1254 Konrad Eseler mayor in Neumarkt / OPf.
[Gewin: Bloom and decline of high nobility genders in the Middle Ages, 1955, p.176]

→ Gewin sets this Schultheiß equal with Chunrad v.Dietenhofen , who takes the surname Eseler . Why??? The Nuremberg mayor of 1254 is likely to be more identical to the Bamberg Cunradus Asinarius , whose eponymous son ("the good judge") mayor in Nuremberg and from 1295 also mayor in Neumarkt. (HDL)

• 1253, 1264: two brothers of the same name Cunrad filii Asinarii cives Bambergenses.
[Arneth p.242]

• 1264: The dean and provost of St.Jakob Eberhard of Würzburg records that he and the heirs of the noble, honorable and esteemed brothers Cunrad and Cunrad Asinarius (viris discretis et honestis nobis dilectis Cunrado et Cunrado fratribus Asinariis), citizens of Babenberch with the consent of Prince-Bishop Berthold (Count of Leiningen) and the permanent Vicar of St.Maria Albert (von Rindsmaul), a garden at their house, the extent of which he had confined to fences, as permanent possession.

• It is the house of the Eseler , Nr.2001, Vorderer Bach 5. - Later here: At the time of Bishop Wulfing (1304-1318) Cunz donkey with his wife Alheid.
[H.Paschke: The brook. Festschrift, Bamberg 1956, p. 8]

→ About the Father of Konrad Esler :

• His father: Chunrad v.Dietenhofen gen.Esler . [Threaded]

• Documented since 1253 in Bamberg. 1264 together with his eponymous brother Konrad. [Miracle "Pfintzing the Elders" p.62]

• Miracle does not name a father for this Konrad Esler. He considers Gewin's derivation of the Esler from the Dietenhofen to be outlandish.

• Herbert E. Lemmel ["On the tradition of the donkeys / donkeys in Bamberg and Nuremberg", Genealogy Jg.15 Nov.1966 S.433ff] argues against miracles and for Gewin. The v.Dietenhofen lead a donkey's head in the coat of arms.

• Conrad Esler is through his three children Conrad (whose daughter ∞ with Hermann Eisvogel) , Kunigunde (∞ with Conrad Stromeir) and Rudiger (whose daughter ∞ with Wolfram Stromeir) the progenitor of a tribe Stromer-Eisvogel and others, the trade and mining in the Carpathian region operate.
[Stromer, Hochfinanz, 1970]

→ Error note:

• Conrad Ass's father-in-law is the Bamberger Kämmerer Hartmann .
[Herbert E. Lemmel, "Contribution ....", 116. Ber. d. Hist. Association Bamberg 1980, p.117 = correction to previous publications]

• The chamberlain Hartmann is mentioned in documents 1268-1272.
[Herbert E. Lemmel, "... Gundloch ...", Genealogy Bd.8 Feb.1967 p.581]

→ Hartmann as father-in-law of Conrad donkey should therefore hardly fit in time! (HDL)

Regesten zu (Sofie?) Esler:
• Her first name is given in Biedermann with Kunigunde, which is the first name of Conrad Stromer's second wife.
[Scharr: Forest Streamers p.35]

• At [AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964] their parents are given: Konrad Esler ∞ Anna Pfinzing. - That's wrong for a generation. (HDL)

Regesto to Kunigunde / Anna v.Laufenholz:
• (Kunigunde) v.Laufenholz ∞ with Conrad Stromer , 4 children. She is the sister of Friedrich v.Laufenholz .
[Scharr: Forest Streamers p.35]

• Conrad Stromer ∞2) with Anna v.Laufenholz , 5 children. She is the daughter of Fritz v.Lauffenholz ∞ Anna Eßlerin .
[Biedermann panel 460B Stromer]

Regesta to Klara Esler:
[Scharr: Waldstromer, MVGN 52 p.24, but there no father specified.] Assignment as a daughter of Konrad Esler only, because it fits in time. (HDL)

Regesten zu ... Esler:
• 5.12.1317: Provost Konrad v.Giech gives the Konrad Eseler and Franz and Konrad, his sister's sons, behind the coin a pound of pennies from customs to Bamberg.
[Herbert E. Lemmel, "Gundloch," Genealogy Feb.1967]

→ Is Konrad Esler's sister married to "Mr. Gundloch behind the coin"? (So ​​adopted by Herbert E. Lemmel.) Or who else lives "behind the coin"? (HDL)

Regesten zu ... Esler:
[Miracle, MVGN 49 p.38]
Her death 1310 [AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964]

Regesta to Anna Ebner:
• Not on the board Ebner bei Biedermann.

Regesten too ... ....:
• unknown second wife of Siboto [Wunder S.41]

Regesta to Gisela Esler:
[Miracle MVGN 49 p.38] - [Scharr: Waldstromer, MVGN 52 p. 23]

Regesta to Sofie v. Vestenberg:
• For her was stated: † before 1298. Because of the second marriage of her husband Heinz Gross, she would have died shortly after 1285. (HDL)

• 10.8.1340: Jahrestagstiftung of Konrad Groß for his parents Heinrich and Suffey.
[Miracle p.39 footnote 36]

2018 11 11 
Esler, Konrad (I30316)
2545 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:
Konrad Esler N600 - in Bamberg, Schultheiss Neumarkt
Father: Eslr-20 / s Conrad? Asinarius Na75

(* about? 1215)

1253-1275 two brothers of the same name in Bamberg. 1254 mayor in Neumarkt.

1. (Sofie?) Esler N612 , (* about? 1235)
Your first name is not Kunigunde. 11 children.

∞ (about? 1255) with Conrad Stromer N578

(* about? 1230), † before 20.7.1319

1283-1313 1291 Schöffe in Nuremberg. In 1313 he buys a meadow near Hersbruck. See Stro-22 / a

his parents: Conrad von Reichenbach gen. Stromer N579 , (* about? 1205)
Conrad v.Reichenbach calls himself after his wedding " Stromer" (urk for the first time around 1242). 1267 in Schwabach. Citizen Nuremberg. 33 children from 3 marriages. See Stro-21 / aoo ; ∞ (about? 1230) with (daughter) Stromer N580 , (* about? 1210)
See Stro-21 / a .

he ∞2) (about? 1300) with Kunigunde / Anna v.Laufenholz N851

(* about? 1280)

2. Rudger, (* about? 1235/1240) - in Nuremberg, see Eslr-22 / a

3. Klara Esler N783 , (* about? 1245)

∞ with Fritz Kudorf N782

(* about? 1240), † 1333

ext. from 1270 See Kudf-22 / e

his father: Konrad von Küdorf Ni10 , (* 1215)
Ritter, 1261 in Nuremberg. See Kudf-21 / e

4. ... Esler N685 , (* about? 1247)
1317: "Konrad Eseler's sister" has 2 sons: Franz and Konrad. Is she a married Gundloch?

∞ with Gundloch Nb59

(* about? 1240)

1296/98 Mr. Withigo / Weyker and Mr. Gundloch his brother. See Gund-21 / e

his father: Gundeloch Nb60 , (* about? 1195)
1231 one of the "domestici" (= "housemates") of the Bamberg cathedral chapter. The same ?: Gundloch 1249-1262 Mayor of Bamberg. See Gund-20 / e

5. Konrad, (* about? 1250) - "the good judge", "the founder", see Eslr-22 / b

6. Gramlieb, (* about? 1257) - in Nuremberg, see Eslr-22 / c

7. ... Esler N604 , (* 1260), † 1310
Sister of the mayor Conrad Esler .

∞ (about? 1282) with Siboto Pfinzing N603

(* about? 1255)

1278, 1282, 1288 mentioned. 1317, 1319 Named. See Pfin-22 / s

his father: Siboto Pfinzing N602 , (* about? 1215)
1251-1266 (Nuremberg Urk'buch) among the first citizens and in the citizens' representation ("universitas civium") mentioned. See Pfin-21 / s ∞1) before 1251 with Anna Ebner N206 (* about? 1230)
∞2) (about 1258) with ... .... H865 (* about? 1235)

he ∞2) (about? 1311) with ... .... N605

(* about? 1280)

unknown second wife of Siboto

8. Gisela Esler N629 , (* about? 1265), † after 1339
sister of the mayor Conrad Esler .

∞ (about? 1287) with Heinz Groß N630

(* about? 1250), † zw 1314/1317

In Nuremberg, first documented 1276-1306. Death between 1314-1317. See Gros-22 / a

his father: Heinz Groß Ni16 , (* about? 1220)
"The grindy Heinz". 1289 in Nuremberg. ∞ with Anna Straß / Strezz from Jahrsdorf. See Gros-21 / a

he ∞1) (about? 1273) with Sofie v. Vestenberg N631

(* about? 1250), † about? 1286

Children: 1st Bartholomew Great N105 , * (about? 1288), † 1358.2. Philipp Groß N774 , * (about? 1290), † after 1355.3. Franz Pfinzing Nh44 , * (about? 1380).
Summary : In 1253/1275 there are two brothers of the same name in Bamberg called Conrad Eseler , in Latin Chunradus Asinarius . (The terms "older / younger" are not to be understood as father and son.) In Bamberg you have a house "Im Bach" Nr.2001, Vorderer Bach Nr.5. The brothers are called "filii Asinarii" . Her father's name was Asinarius / Eseler .

• Presumably it is the descendants of the two Conrad, which are distinguished from 1392 as black donkey and red rot.

• 1253: Chunradus Asinarius in Bamberg. [Urk.Regesten z.Gesch. the cities of the Hochstift Würzburg 1172-1413, Regesta Herbipolensia III S.9]

• 1255: Chunradus et Chunradus filii Asinarii . [19.BHVB, Bamberg 1856]

• 1264: Cunrado et Cunrado fratribus, dictis Asinariis , civibus ibidem. [Regesta ... Boica ... vol.III, 1825]

• 5.12.1275 immunity representatives: Cunradus senior Asinarius ; Cunradus asinarius antiquus; Conrade Eseler the parent. - 19.11.1276 citizens.

• 5.12.1275 Representatives of Immunities: Cunradus iunior frater eius.
[Officials in the city court and in the immunities in Bamberg 1300-1500, in: Claudia Esch, between institution and individual, civil space for action in medieval Bamberg. Ergon-Verlag Würzburg 2016]
[Notes Fr.Zö. 2018]

• 1254 Konrad Eseler mayor in Neumarkt / OPf.
[Gewin: Bloom and decline of high nobility genders in the Middle Ages, 1955, p.176]

→ Gewin sets this Schultheiß equal with Chunrad v.Dietenhofen , who takes the surname Eseler . Why??? The Nuremberg mayor of 1254 is likely to be more identical to the Bamberg Cunradus Asinarius , whose eponymous son ("the good judge") mayor in Nuremberg and from 1295 also mayor in Neumarkt. (HDL)

• 1253, 1264: two brothers of the same name Cunrad filii Asinarii cives Bambergenses.
[Arneth p.242]

• 1264: The dean and provost of St.Jakob Eberhard of Würzburg records that he and the heirs of the noble, honorable and esteemed brothers Cunrad and Cunrad Asinarius (viris discretis et honestis nobis dilectis Cunrado et Cunrado fratribus Asinariis), citizens of Babenberch with the consent of Prince-Bishop Berthold (Count of Leiningen) and the permanent Vicar of St.Maria Albert (von Rindsmaul), a garden at their house, the extent of which he had confined to fences, as a permanent possession.

• It is the house of the Eseler , Nr.2001, Vorderer Bach 5. - Later here: At the time of Bishop Wulfing (1304-1318) Cunz donkey with his wife Alheid.
[H.Paschke: The brook. Festschrift, Bamberg 1956, p. 8]

→ About the Father of Konrad Esler :

• His father: Chunrad v.Dietenhofen gen.Esler . [Threaded]

• Documented since 1253 in Bamberg. 1264 together with his eponymous brother Konrad. [Miracle "Pfintzing the Elders" p.62]

• Miracle does not name a father for this Konrad Esler. He considers Gewin's derivation of the Esler from the Dietenhofen to be outlandish.

• Herbert E. Lemmel ["On the tradition of the donkeys / donkeys in Bamberg and Nuremberg", Genealogy Jg.15 Nov.1966 S.433ff] argues against miracles and for Gewin. The v.Dietenhofen lead a donkey's head in the coat of arms.

• Conrad Esler is through his three children Conrad (whose daughter ∞ with Hermann Eisvogel) , Kunigunde (∞ with Conrad Stromeir) and Rudiger (whose daughter ∞ with Wolfram Stromeir) the progenitor of a tribe Stromer-Eisvogel and others, the trade and mining in the Carpathian region operate.
[Stromer, Hochfinanz, 1970]

→ Error note:

• Conrad Ass's father-in-law is the Bamberger Kämmerer Hartmann .
[Herbert E. Lemmel, "Contribution ....", 116. Ber. d. Hist. Association Bamberg 1980, p.117 = correction to previous publications]

• The chamberlain Hartmann is mentioned in documents 1268-1272.
[Herbert E. Lemmel, "... Gundloch ...", Genealogy Bd.8 Feb.1967 p.581]

→ Hartmann as father-in-law of Conrad donkey should therefore hardly fit in time! (HDL)

Regesten zu (Sofie?) Esler:
• Her first name is given in Biedermann with Kunigunde, which is the first name of Conrad Stromer's second wife.
[Scharr: Forest Streamers p.35]

• At [AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964] their parents are given: Konrad Esler ∞ Anna Pfinzing. - That's wrong for a generation. (HDL)

Regesto to Kunigunde / Anna v.Laufenholz:
• (Kunigunde) v.Laufenholz ∞ with Conrad Stromer , 4 children. She is the sister of Friedrich v.Laufenholz .
[Scharr: Forest Streamers p.35]

• Conrad Stromer ∞2) with Anna v.Laufenholz , 5 children. She is the daughter of Fritz v.Lauffenholz ∞ Anna Eßlerin .
[Biedermann panel 460B Stromer]

Regesta to Klara Esler:
[Scharr: Waldstromer, MVGN 52 p.24, but there no father specified.] Assignment as a daughter of Konrad Esler only, because it fits in time. (HDL)

Regesten zu ... Esler:
• 5.12.1317: Provost Konrad v.Giech gives the Konrad Eseler and Franz and Konrad, his sister's sons, behind the coin a pound of pennies from customs to Bamberg.
[Herbert E. Lemmel, "Gundloch," Genealogy Feb.1967]

→ Is Konrad Esler's sister married to "Mr. Gundloch behind the coin"? (So ​​adopted by Herbert E. Lemmel.) Or who else lives "behind the coin"? (HDL)

Regesten zu ... Esler:
[Miracle, MVGN 49 p.38]
Her death 1310 [AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964]

Regesta to Anna Ebner:
• Not on the board Ebner bei Biedermann.

Regesten too ... ....:
• unknown second wife of Siboto [Wunder S.41]

Regesta to Gisela Esler:
[Miracle MVGN 49 p.38] - [Scharr: Waldstromer, MVGN 52 p. 23]

Regesta to Sofie v. Vestenberg:
• For her was stated: † before 1298. Because of the second marriage of her husband Heinz Gross, she would have died shortly after 1285. (HDL)

• 10.8.1340: Jahrestagstiftung of Konrad Groß for his parents Heinrich and Suffey.
[Miracle p.39 footnote 36] 
Esler, Klara (I30364)
2546 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:
N.N. Holzberger
Parents unknown
(* about? 1250)
Father of Gertraud ∞ Tucher and Gisela (Gisel) ∞ Groß.

1. Gertraud Holzberger N459 , (* about? 1270), † 1352 in Nuremberg

∞ 1288 in Nuremberg with Conrad Tucher N759

* 1260 in Nuremberg, † 1326 in Nuremberg

Businessman in Nuremberg. Founding father of the Nuremberg Tucher. See Tuc-24 / a

2. Gisela Holzberger No58 , (* about? 1290), † 1352/1353
∞ with Heinrich Groß / Reichheintz . 1352 testament.

∞ after 1343 with Heinrich Groß N628

(* about? 1276), † after 1344

first 1289. - In Nuremberg at the milk market. See Gros-23 / b

his parents: Heinz Groß N630 , (* about? 1250), † zw 1314/1317
In Nuremberg, documented 1276-1306. Death between 1314-1317. See Gros-22 / a ( Er ∞2) (about? 1287) with Gisela Esler N629 , (* about? 1260), † after 1339
sister of the mayor Conrad Esler . ) ; ∞ (about? 1273) with Sofie v. Vestenberg N631 , (* about? 1250), † about? 1286.

he ∞1) before 1298 with Anna Pfinzing N627

(* about? 1278), † 1343

Regests to Gertraud Holzberger:
◆ [Biedermann panel 493]

... Holzberger No59 -
Parents unknown

(* about? 1250)

Father of Gertraud ∞ Tucher and Gisela (hostage) ∞ Great .

1. Gertraud Holzberger N459 , (* about? 1270), † 1352 in Nuremberg

∞ 1288 in Nuremberg with Conrad Tucher N759

* 1260 in Nuremberg, † 1326 in Nuremberg

Businessman in Nuremberg. Founding father of the Nuremberg Tucher. See Tuc-24 / a

2. Gisela Holzberger No58 , (* about? 1290), † 1352/1353
∞ with Heinrich Groß / Reichheintz . 1352 testament.

∞ after 1343 with Heinrich Groß N628

(* about? 1276), † after 1344

first 1289. - In Nuremberg at the milk market. See Gros-23 / b

his parents: Heinz Groß N630 , (* about? 1250), † zw 1314/1317
In Nuremberg, documented 1276-1306. Death between 1314-1317. See Gros-22 / a ( Er ∞2) (about? 1287) with Gisela Esler N629 , (* about? 1260), † after 1339
sister of the mayor Conrad Esler . ) ; ∞ (about? 1273) with Sofie v. Vestenberg N631 , (* about? 1250), † about? 1286.

he ∞1) before 1298 with Anna Pfinzing N627

(* about? 1278), † 1343

Regests to Gertraud Holzberger:
[Biedermann panel 493]

• A hostage Holzberger , sister of Berthold Tucher's mother, was married to a Heinrich Groß / Reichheintz ; In 1352 she donated a pastoral house, which she prescribed to her nephew Berthold Tucher after her death. In 1353 Berthold Tucher took over this task.
[Bullemer: Great p. 147]

Regesta to Gisela Holzberger:
• Geisel Holzberger , sister of Berthold Tucher's mother, was married to a Heinrich Groß / Reichheintz ; In 1352 she donated a pastoral house, which she prescribed to her nephew Berthold Tucher after her death. In 1353 Berthold Tucher took over this task. Hostage Reichheintz also had a son Christian at the Knights of St. John, which is considered in the document of 1353 and in the will of Berthold Tucher . - To which Heinrich Groß this hostage Holzberger iat is not clear. The only possible husband would be (according to Bullemer) Heinrich GroßSon of Bartholomew, as his first wife.
[Bullemer: Great pp. 147f, 166]

→ This Heinrich (son of Barthol.), Who was probably born at the earliest around 1310, should be a generation younger than the hostage Holzberger! I therefore assume that Geisel Holzberger was married to Heinrich Groß (in his second marriage), whose wife Anna Pfinzing died in 1343. (HDL)

Regesta to Anna Pfinzing:
• Anna, Heinrich's great wife, † 1343.
[Bullemer: Groß p.141]

A hostage Holzberger , sister of Berthold Tucher's mother, was married to a Heinrich Groß / Reichheintz ; In 1352 she donated a pastoral house, which she prescribed to her nephew Berthold Tucher after her death. In 1353 Berthold Tucher took over this task.
[Bullemer: Great p. 147]

Regesta to Gisela Holzberger:
◆ Geisel Holzberger , sister of Berthold Tucher's mother, was married to a Heinrich Groß / Reichheintz ; In 1352 she donated a pastoral house, which she prescribed to her nephew Berthold Tucher after her death. In 1353 Berthold Tucher took over this task. Hostage Reichheintz also had a son Christian at the Knights of St. John, which is considered in the document of 1353 and in the will of Berthold Tucher . - To which Heinrich Groß this hostage Holzberger iat is not clear. The only possible husband would be (according to Bullemer) Heinrich GroßSon of Bartholomew, as his first wife. [Bullemer: Great pp. 147f, 166]

◆ This Heinrich (son of Barthol.), Who was probably born at the earliest around 1310, should be a generation younger than the hostage Holzberger! I therefore assume that Geisel Holzberger was married to Heinrich Groß (in his second marriage), whose wife Anna Pfinzing died in 1343. (HDL)

Regesta to Anna Pfinzing:
• Anna, Heinrich's great wife, † 1343.
[Bullemer: Groß p.141] 
Holzberger, N.N. (I30381)
2547 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:
N.N. Vorchtel in Nuremberg
◆ Parents unknown
◆ Born about 1155
◆ Suspected father of Anna and Berthold.

1 Berthold
⁃ Born about 1185 - in Nuremberg
2 Anna
⁃ Born about 1190
⁃ ∞ Ebner 
Vorchtel, N.N. (I30343)
2548 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:
Seifrid Ebner - in Nuremberg

◆ Father: Fritz Ebner

(* about? 1185)

1234 in Nuremberg.

∞ with Anna Vorchtel N208

(* about? 1190)

See Vorc-21 / e

her father: ... Vorchtel N256 , (* 1155)
Suspected father of Anna and Berthold. See Vorc-20 / a

1. Sifrid Ebner Nn01 , (* about? 1212)
1265 citizens in Nuremberg.

2. Hermann, (* about? 1215) - in Nuremberg, see Ebnr-21 / a

3. Albert the Elder, (* about? 1218) - in Nuremberg, see Ebnr-21 / j

4. Heinrich, (* about? 1225) - in Nuremberg, see Ebnr-21 / o

5. Anna Ebner N206 , (* about? 1230)

∞ before 1251 with Siboto Pfincinch N602

(* about? 1215)

1251-1266 (Nuremberg Urk'buch) among the first citizens and in the citizens' representation ("universitas civium") mentioned. See Pfin-21 / s

his parents: Sifrid Pfincinch N601 , (* c . 1190)
1233 with his wife Oesterhildis in a deed of the abbot of Heilsbronn. See Pfin-20 / a ; ∞ about? 1215 with Österhild Bigenot N331 , (* about? 1200).

he ∞2) (sth. 1258) with ... .... H865

(* about? 1235)

• Seifried Ebner , known in 1234, his wife a born Vorchtlin . His father: Fritz Ebner , ancestor of Ebner, lived in the year 1200. - Seifried's sons: Seifried, 1278 witness; Heinrich, lived in 1265; Hermann, 1251 witness.
[Biedermann panel 22]

→ Seifried 1278 must be one generation younger. After [Scharr] he is a son of Albert!

• 1251-1263 Albert Ebner the Elder in Nuremberg [Scharr, miracles]. That must be another son of Seifried (HDL).

• Additionally a daughter Anna ∞ Pfinzing [AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964]

Regesta to Sifrid Ebner:
• 1265: Walter Schenk called Bratselden donates his goods in cake to Nuremberg citizens Conrad Forchtel and Sifrid Ebner as property.
[Nuremberg Yearbook Vol. 1-2 p.38]

• Seifried Ebner 1278 witness.
[Biedermann panel 22]

Regesta to Anna Ebner:
• Not on the board Ebner bei Biedermann. 
Ebner, Anna (I30367)
2549 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:
Seifrid Ebner - in Nuremberg
◆ Father: Ebnr-19 / a Fritz Ebner
◆ (* about? 1185)
◆ 1234 in Nuremberg.
◆ ∞ with Anna Vorchtel N208
✓ (* about? 1190)
✓ her father: N.N. Vorchtel, (* 1155) Suspected father of Anna and Berthold.

1 Sifrid Ebner, (* about? 1212) 1265 citizens in Nuremberg.
2 Hermann, (* about? 1215) - in Nuremberg, see Ebnr-21 / a
3 Albert the Elder, (* about? 1218) - in Nuremberg, see Ebnr-21 / j
4 Heinrich, (* about? 1225) - in Nuremberg, see Ebnr-21 / o
5 Anna Ebner N206 , (* about? 1230), ∞ before 1251 with Siboto Pfincinch (* about? 1215)

1251-1266 (Nuremberg Urk'buch) among the first citizens and in the citizens' representation ("universitas civium") mentioned. See Pfin-21 / s

his parents: Sifrid Pfincinch N601 , (* c . 1190)
1233 with his wife Oesterhildis in a deed of the abbot of Heilsbronn. See Pfin-20 / a ; ∞ about? 1215 with Österhild Bigenot N331 , (* about? 1200).

he ∞2) (sth. 1258) with ... .... H865

(* about? 1235)

◆ Seifried Ebner , known in 1234, his wife a born Vorchtlin . His father: Fritz Ebner , ancestor of Ebner, lived in the year 1200. - Seifried's sons: Seifried, 1278 witness; Heinrich, lived in 1265; Hermann, 1251 witness.
◆ [Biedermann panel 22]
◆ Seifried 1278 must be one generation younger. After [Scharr] he is a son of Albert!
◆ 1251-1263 Albert Ebner the Elder in Nuremberg [Scharr, miracles]. That must be another son of Seifried (HDL).
◆ Additionally a daughter Anna ∞ Pfinzing [AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964]

Regesta to Sifrid Ebner:
◆ 1265: Walter Schenk called Bratselden donates his goods in cake to Nuremberg citizens Conrad Forchtel and Sifrid Ebner as property.
◆ [Nuremberg Yearbook Vol. 1-2 p.38]
◆ Seifried Ebner 1278 witness.
◆ [Biedermann panel 22]

Regesta to Anna Ebner:
◆ Not on the board Ebner bei Biedermann. 
Ebner, Seifrid (I30341)
2550 From Hans-Dietrich Lemmel:
Siboto Pfinzing - in Nuremberg
Father: Siboto Pfincinch

(* about? 1255)

1278, 1282, 1288 mentioned. 1317, 1319 Named.

∞1) (about? 1282) with ... Esler N604

(* about? 1260), † 1310

Sister of the mayor Conrad Esler .

her father: Konrad Esler N600 , (* 1215)
documented in 1253 in Bamberg. 1276 with his son Konrad citizen to Bamberg. See Eslr-21 / a

∞2) (about? 1311) with ... .... N605

(* about? 1280)

unknown second wife of Siboto

from 1st marriage:
1. Konrad, (* about? 1283) - In Nuremberg, mayor, see Pfin-23 / s

2. Hans, (* about? 1285) - in Nuremberg, at Heumarkt, see Pfin-23 / t

3. Michael, (* about? 1288) - in Nuremberg, see Pfin-23 / u

4. Margarete Pfinzing Nk29 , (* about? 1290)

∞ 1310 with Friedrich Behaim N399

* 1285, † 1365

Losunger in Nuremberg. See Beh-23 / a

his parents: Albrecht Behaim N731 , * 6.2.1250, † 6.10.1342 in Nuremberg, 92 years old
merchant in Nuremberg, the spices from Venice moved. Since 1288 in the council, mayor of several times. See Beh-22 / a ; ∞ 1.10.1280 with Ursula Kingfisher N732 , (* about? 1262), † 25.5.1328 in Nuremberg St. Cath ..

5. Agnes Pfinzing N606 , (* about? 1300/1305), † 26.2.1357

∞ (about? 1325) with Konrad Waldstromeyr N607

(* about? 1305), † 5.11.1360

1343-1360 mentioned. See Wstr-24 / a

his parents: Konrad Waldstromer N609 , (* about? 1275), † 28.12.1357
He is first called Stromer . After being loaned to the Nuremberg Forestry Office, he is alternately called Stromer and Waldstromer . "Konrad III". See Wstr-23 / a ; ∞ with Catharina Groß N771 , (* about? 1282), † after 1343
(sister of the mayor Conrad Groß) .

from 2nd marriage:
6. Kunigunde Pfinzing Nn62 , (* about? 1310)

∞ with Jacob Weigel N644

(* about? 1305), † before 1379

1340-1376. See Weig-24 / v

his parents: Stefan Weigel N807 , (* about? 1275), † before 1321
1308, 1311 mentioned. Imperial administrator of the Hofmark Berngau. Reichsgut Eschenau. See Weig-23 / w ; ∞ with Offnay v.Heimburg N808 , (* about? 1285), † after 1352
1321-1352 as a widow ..

7. Berchtold, (* about? 1315) - at the Milchmarkt in Nuremberg, see Pfin-23 / w

• Sibot Pfinzing , 1278 and 1288 (until 1319)

• Son of Sibot

• ∞1) with the sister of the mayor Conrad Esler

• ∞2) with....
[A.Scharr: The ans. Citizen of Nuremberg, in: Gen.Jb. Vol.3 1963 p.14]

• 1278 witnesses: Conrad Schultheiß of Nuremberg, Sifrid Ebner , Cunrad and Sibot Pfinzing , Heinrich Holzschuher .
[Nuremberg Yearbooks Vol. 1-2, 1834, p.55]

• Siboto Phinzing , brother of Konrad, 1278-1288 in the Nuremberg Charterbook .

• Ulman Stromer : A sister of the "good judge" Konrad Esler was married to "Sebot Pfinzing , who was Hansen's father and Michel Pfinzing's father".

• Probably identical to: Siboto Pfinzing , 1317 and 1319 among the named of the Nuremberg Council.

• To Sibotos sons. A sibling (after 1396): Cunrat Pfinczig at the stok, Sulteiss, Hans Pfinczig his brother at the hewmarkt, Michel Pfinczig his brother at the preachers.,

• 16.2.1343: The mayor Konrad Groß calls Cunrad, Hans and Michel Pfinzing (ie Sibotos sons) his Oheime.

• Sebot Pfinzing and the Eslerin have the four siblings as grandchildren: 1) Cunrat, Hans Hainrich, Jakob Waltstromer and brother of the Apt zu Helsbrunn and her sister Franz Forstmeisterin ; 2) Cunrat Pfintzig and his brother Perholt; 3) Markart and Fritz Pfintzig and their brother (Heinrich) zu Babenberg; 4) Sebolt Pfintzig , who has the Vorchtels daughter. These are the around 1385/1387 living relatives of Ulman Stromer .
[Miracle, MVGN 49, pp. 37-39]

→ This Siboto is missing from Biedermann. There in Plate 393 there is a Siboto, which is recorded from 1253, and as its alleged son a Siboto, who died in 1379. The younger one is not a son but the great-grandson of the older one. (HDL)

Regesten zu ... Esler:
[Miracle, MVGN 49 p.38]
Her death 1310 [AL Pusch, DFA 27 1964]

Regesten too ... ....:
• unknown second wife of Siboto [Wunder S.41]

Regesten to Agnes Pfinzing:
→ The parents of this Agnes Pfinzing are wrongly stated at Biedermann:

• Conrad Waldstromer , 1356 founder of the Pilgrim's Hospital, † 5.11.1360, ∞ Agnes Pfinzing , † 26.2.1357, Tv Berthold Pfinzing , knight and imperial council, ∞ Agnes Irrer .
[Biedermann panel 546 Waldstromer]

→ In the Pfinzing table 496 Biedermann indicates that the Agnes Pfinzing daughter of Berthold died in 1357, which is hardly possible in time (HDL).

• Agnes Waldstromer born. Pfinzing is the dam of a children's series, which, according to Ulman Stromer, must be the grandson of Sebot Pfinzing from his first marriage with the esler .
[Miracle: Pfinzing p.39]

→ The Eslerin dies in 1310. She must have been around 35/40 when she got the daughter Agnes around 1300/1305, who then married Konrad Waldstromer . Their children may then have been born approximately in the period 1325/1340. (HDL)

→ Ulman Stromer reports that the children of Agnesoo Waldstromer are grandsons of the Eslerin . Wunder [S.41] says that Agnes must come from the second marriage of Siboto, so that their children, contrary to Ulman Stromer's opinion, can be stepchildren and not grandchildren of the Eslerin . I would like to follow this, because it is quite possible in time, that Agnes is a late daughter of the donkey (HDL).

Regesten to Kunigunde Pfinzing:
• Jakob Weigel s wife Kunigunde is the daughter of Siboto Pfinzing from his first marriage to the sister of the mayor Conrad Esler . Her daughter Clara Weigel ∞ with Georg Ammann .
[Scharr: Waldstromer 52.MVGN 1962/63 p.30]

→ She may have been born about 1305 (HDL).

→ See also Kunigunde Pfinzing (Tv Pfin-24 / e Bertold) ∞ Seifrid Weigel , Weig-25 / g . 
Pfinzing, Margarete (I30333)

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