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1051 Birth date may be 29 May 1866 Mitzel, Alfred Sr (I1652)
1052 Birth date of 06 Oct 1854 from Memorabilia of Cooper County. Bechtold, Francis C (I19434)
1053 Birth date of 23 Jun 1806 from WFT, Vol 2, Ed1, #3964, and 23 Jun 1801 from WFT, Vol 1, Ed 1, #4097. Morrison, Nancy Wood (I12003)
1054 Birth is given as 19 Dec 1861 in IGI 1553765 Borah, Lillian Cora (I17622)
1055 Birth location also given as Fennimore, Grant County, Wisconsin in IGI 1553765. Was tall with dark hair. Birth records of Doris list George's occupation as "important merchant".

From the Wednesday, December 24, 1890 issue of THE STAR of Schaller, Sac County, Iowa:

Crystal Wedding

The friends of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Gould, to the number of fifty-two gathered at their pleasant commodious home in Eden township Friday evening, Dec. 19, to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of their wedding day. Mr. and Mrs. Gould were evidently not expecting to entertain friends that evening but soon adjusted themselves to circumstances and a very enjoyable time followed. After a bountiful supper Mr. John W. Martin in a neat little speech presented to Mr. and Mrs. Gould in behalf of their many friends, two beautiful easy chairs, a dinner sett composed of 112 pieces, a nice water sett, a pickle castor and $2.20 in money. Mr. Gould responded in a few feeling words and invited all to come again, singly or enmasse. It was noted that none of the Schaller friends were present although many of their names were on the list of contributors which was presented by Mrs. M. E. Wright to the happy pair.

Mrs. Gould's friends from Wisconsin greatly wished to be present but were unable to come although her father, Mr. Borah was respresented on the list by a $2.00 contribution.

We hope that Mr. and Mrs. Gould may live to celebrate their golden wedding and that happiness and prosperity may ever be theirs.


This is the era of the installation and use of modern machinery and the
prolific use of the automobile in lightening the former heavy task which fell
to the lot of the average farmer. No one knows the value of labor saving
machinery better than the modern farmer. In every department of his work,
from plowing the land to harvesting the crops, inventive genius has sought
to save him time, expense and labor, and, at a reduced cost, increase and
improve his products and add to the productive value of his land. As a re-
sult, the farm of toda}-, when completely erjuipped, affords its owner an ease
and facility of operation that his father before him would never have dreamed
was possible. The automobile, too, has done much to add to the ease and
profit of farm life and work. Time is money to the farmer as much as to
the man in any other walk of life. To "hitch up" and drive to the nearest
town takes time; the automobile saves three-fourths of it. It serves, too,
in carrying small produce to market and it affords a quicker means of trans-
portation from one part of the farm to another than the horse affords. Ap-
parently the most highly developed industry in Sac county and western Iowa
akin to the developm.ent of agriculture and indicative of the great prosperity
of the region is the automobile business. No town is too small to afford its
garage and place of distribution, and some of them boast several finelv equip-
ped sales rooms and repair departments. In this connection we find that an
agriculturist, George B. Gould, quick to see to what extent this industry
would be developed on account of the demands of the times, established the
Gould automobile sales rooms and garage in Schaller in 191 1. The fore-
sight and business acumen which made him a successful farmer has alike
enabled him to make a success of this business venture. In the fall of 1912
he began the erection of a large concrete structure, thirty-five bv seventv-five
feet in dimension, for a sales room, with a modernly equipped repair shop
twenty-five by fifty feet in extent, and completed the building in May, 1913.
Three men are employed. This concern sells such well known makes as the Jeffrey line, which includes the Ramljler and the New Jeffrey car. the Moon, the Overland and the Maxwell.

George B. Gould was born June 6, 1855, in Grant county. Wisconsin,
the son of Chauncey and Flavia A. (Brusseau) Gould. His father was a
native of, Vermont and his mother is a native of Canada, of French ancestry.
Her father was a Frenchman, who married a lady of English birth.
Chauncey Gould left Vermont in about the year 1853, journeyed to Wiscon-
sin and settled on a farm in Grant county. In 1885 he migrated to Sac county so as to be in the proximity of his son George. For some years he resided on a farm near Schaller and then retired to the town. He died in December, 1900. Mrs. Gould resides with her daughter in Correctionville, Iowa, and is over eighty years of age. Two children were born to them, George B. with whom this narrative deals, and Mrs. Emma Borah, who resides on a farm about four miles from Correctionville.

He whose name forms the caption of this review came to Sac county in
the month of May, 1876, while not yet of age, and settled on three- hundred
and twenty acres of land in section 33, Eden township, paying therefor five
dollars and forty cents an acre, the year previous to his real settlement in the
county. His first dwelling place was a small house sixteen by twenty-four
feet in dimension, which he has twice remodeled from the original plan. It
is a remarkable fact and a typical illustration of the great rise in land values
that the annual rental which Mr. Gould now receives from this farm is more
than the original cost, the rental being eight dollars an acre. Later he bought
six hundred and forty acres additional at seven dollars and fifty cents an acre,
in Minnesota, which has since become very valuable. He resided on his Eden
township farm for twenty-five years and in 1903 he removed to Schaller.

Mr. Gould is a Progressive Republican politically. While not a member
of any church, he firmly believes in the usefulness of church organizations
as having an excellent moral effect in any community and is a liberal giver
to the cause of religion. The members of his family are attendants at the
Methodist Episcopal church. He is a member of the Ancient Free and
Accepted Masons and the Modern Woodmen.

Mr. Gould has been twice married. His first wife was Margaret Borah,
of Wisconsin, whom he espoused in 1875, and who died in 1891 at the age of
thirty-three years, leaving three children: Samuel C, a dentist in Ashton,
Illinois: Pearl L., wife of Professor Eells, superintendent of the Rolfe, Iowa,
public schools : Margaret, whose birth was the unfortunate time of her
mother's death, and who likewise died in 19 11 at the age of twenty years.
Mr. Gould was again married on December 4, 1895, to Ella Parrott, a lady


of English nativity and who came to America with her parents when thirteen
years of age and settled at Dyersville, Iowa, and later came to Schaller. One
child has blessed this union, Doris A., who is a student in the Schaller high
school. Pronounced attainments and recognized ability in two well defined
and important lines, in each of which he has been successful, characterizes

George B. Gould, who would have been 90 June 26, died his home here Tuesday afternoon following a short illness. The funeral will be this afternoon at 2:30 at the home of his son-in-law and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter McQuigg. Rev. Moore G. Bell of the First Presbyterian Church, his pastor, will conduct the service. Burial arrangements are in charge of the George S. Knowles funeral home.
Schaller second oldest resident, Mr. Gould came here when he was 21 from Grant Co., WI his father, Chauncy Gould, had brought land Eden Twp. before there was a town here and his son came to look after it for him bringing his bride, nee Margaret Borah. The farm was grassland and he found here quail and prairie chickens in abundance.
Mrs. Gould passed away in 1893. Four children were born to this union, all are deceased. They were Dr. Samuel C. Gould of Madison, WI. Maude who died in infancy; Mrs. Harry Pearl Eells of Cedar Falls; and Margaret who died at 19.
Five years later, Mr. Gould married miss Ella Perrott, who died in 1925. Mrs. Walter Doris McQuigg is the only child of this marriage.
Later, Mr. Gould married Miss Minnie Cameron, of Ontario Canada, who survives him.
Farmer and businessman, Mr. Gould made many contributions to the growth of this community, his continuous home, some 70 years. He was a member of the Schaller Presbyterian Church, a 32nd degree Mason, member of the Eastern Star and attended all of them regularly as that long as his health permitted.
Besides the survivor and widow and daughter, there are several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
This information was published by The Schaller Herald, May 11, 1945. KW 
Gould, George Bartholomew (I20891)
1056 Birth place is given as Unteroffrngin, Wertenberg, Germany Bail, Meinrad (I22056)
1057 Birth record translation ( August 31, 1805):
No. 127 of Thirteenth day of the month of Fructidor, year Thirteen at noon hour of the day. Birth certificate of Joseph Meistrell- born the 13th current at 10 o'clock in the evening, son of Jacobus Meistrell, Jr, trade of tailor, resident of St Wendel and Annette Blum who was declared by the citizen Jacobus Meistrell, Junior. The sex of the infant was known to be male, first witness Francoise Munouille, forty two years old, resident of St Wendel. Second witness- Pierre Joseph Ningelgend seventy years old , resident of St Wendel

Godparents: Joseph Simome & ?

Birth registration of John Meistrell 
Meistrell, Joseph (I22749)
1058 Birth record translation:
Today, the 8th of February 1833 at 10 in the morning came to me- the Mayor of St Wendel - Josepf Meistrell, weaver, living in St Wendel, 27 years old, and reported , that on the 7th of this month at 7 o'clock a child of male sex was born by Johanna Peiffer (his wife), living in St Wendel, and that he is the father of it, also living in St Wendel and that the child was to be named Johann.

1860 Census: John Lizzie, Henry and Joe, worth $500.
1860 applied for naturalization.
Birthdate is incorrect in death record at Sacred Heart Church, Plainville, KS 
Meistrell, Johannes (I12049)
1059 Birth time was 6AM Perrott, Edith Alice (I19912)
1060 Birth was supposedly 446 AD in Arllechwedd, Kingdom of Gwynedd. verch Maeldaf, Queen Meddyf (I33626)
1061 Birth, Christening, Death information from the Lutheran church book at Ebersdorf; Godparent was Johann Ernst Reisenweber, master cooper and farmer and Weidach, brother in low of his mother Thomæ, Johann Ernst (I19626)
1062 Birth, Christening, marriage and Death information is from the lutheran church book in Ebersdorf. God parent is margaretha Barbara, wife of Johann Lorenz Vollrath, potter and farmer of Frohnlach. Stegner, Margaretha Barbara (I12090)
1063 Birth, death, christening, and marriage information is all from the Lutheran churchbook of Ebersdorf, Germany. Godparent was Johann Lorenz Stegner, master cooper of Frohnlach Thomæ, Johann Lorenz (I4879)
1064 Birth, death, marriage, christening information from the Lutheran church book of Ebersdorf; Godparent was Johann Conrad Knorr, unmarried journeyman Cooper and third son of Johann Knorr, master cooper of Frohnlach. Thomæ, Johann Conrad (I12419)
1065 Birth: 1572
South Hams District
Devon, England
Death: May 27, 1624
Maldon District
Essex, England

His father was Sir William Cole of The Slade. His mother was Elizabeth Deards. He married Mary Mott at The Slade in 1596. They had three sons, William, Thomas and Robert. and 2 daughters, Mary Jane and Martha. His wife died at age 27 and he remarried a Hester, maiden name unknown. They had one son, John.

The Slade is a Cole family home in Cornwood, Devonshire, England, which is today a private residence.

In the church there is a three panel stained glass window in his honor which reads, "Priest and Pican".

On 17 May 1624, as Vicar of Tillingham, he probated Essex.

Humphrey Cole
From GENi

Humphrey Cole
Also Known As: "Coale"
Birthdate: 1572 (51)
Birthplace: Oxford, Oxfordshire, England
Death: Died April 11, 1623 in Tillingham, Essex, England
Place of Burial: Tillingham, Essex, England, United Kingdom

Immediate Family:
William Cole
Elizabeth Cole
Hester Cole
Mary Cole
William Cole;
Robert Cole;
John Cole;
Martha Wood;
William Cole
1 other
William James Cole, Sr.
Margaret Cheney

Vicar of Tillingham, Clarke,

About Humphrey Cole
Humphrie Cole1
M, #22015, b. circa 1596, d. May 1624
Father William Cole b. c 1570
Mother Elizabeth Deards b. c 1573
He died in May 1624 at Warwick, VA.
Family Hester
William Cole+ b. c 1618, d. b 15 Sep 1664
[S74] Brent Ruesch's Research Notes.

The Genealogy of the Family of Cole, of the County of Devon: Of the County of Devon, and of ... by JAMES. EDWIN-COLE
1 WILLIAM COLE, of Hutenesleigh (now called Hittisleigh) in the county of Devon, living in the year 1243, whose son and heir
2 ROGER COLE,* had "his dwelling at Coleton," in Chumleigh, and also held, in 27 Henry III., Hantesford, in that parish.† In 25th of Edward I. he was "returned from the county of Cornwall as holding lands or rents to the amount of £20 yearly value and upwards, either in Capite or otherwise, and as such summoned under the general writ to muster at London, on Sunday next after the Octaves of St. John the Baptist (7 July, 1297), to perform Military Service in person with horses and arms, &c., in parts beyond the Seas ;" ‡ and also again summoned with his son William§ to muster at Berwick-on-Tweed, on the nativity of St. John the Baptist, to perform service against the Scots in 1301. He was father of
3 ROGER (of whom immediately), and of the above-named William, who probably perished in this expedition, as there is no further trace of him ; and perhaps his early death may account for the omission of his name in the family pedigree drawn up, in July 1630, by Sir William Segar, Garter, King-at-Arms.
3 ROGER was heir to his father Roger, and lived in the reign of Edward II. ; his son and heir was
4 JOHN COLE, of the counties of Devon and Cornwall, who, in 1324, was described as "John Cole de Tamer, Man-at-Arms, || and
returned by the Sheriff of the county of Devon, pursuant to Writ tested at Westminster, 9 May, as summoned by proclamation to attend the Great Council at Westminster, on Wednesday after Ascension Day, 30 May, 17 Edward II." In the 9th of Edward III (1335) he had free warren in Tamer, Lydeston, Hokesbere, and Hutenesleigh in the county of Devon, and in Rispernatt ;* and it appears by a Fine of 15 Edward III. (1341) that he was possessed of the manors of Respnel in the county of Cornwall, Launceston, and Stokley, and of the manor of Uptamer, Nytheway, and Hutenesleigh, the third part of the manor of Winston, and divers other lands in the county of Devon. He left a son and heir,
5 SIR JOHN COLE, knight, of Nythway, in the parish of Brixham, who, on 25th July, 4 Richard II. (1380) was "knighted (before the castle of Ardres) in Fraunce, by the Erl of Buckingham Thomas of Woodstock, Lord Deputy there for the King,"† and who married Anne, daughter and heiress to Sir Nicholas Bodrugan,‡ knt., by whom he had issue,
6 WILLIAM COLE (called Sir William Cole of Tamar, knt., by De la Pole, and also in a Herald's Visitation of Devon), who married Margaret, daughter of Sir Henry Beaupell, knt, and by her was the father of
7 SIR JOHN COLE, knt, who was in "the Retynew of the Duke of Gloucester,* at the Battell of Agincourt on Fryday, the XXVth day of October in the yere of our Lord God, 1415, and in the Third yere of the Reigne of the most Excellent Prince, King Harry the Fifte ;" and it is probable that he received his spurs for his conduct on that glorious field. He married Agnes, daughter of Sir —— Fitzwarine, knt., and had issue four sons, viz : —
I. Sir Adam Cole, knt., his heir, who succeeded at Uptamer and Nythway, and marrying Elizabeth,† daughter of Sir Richard Weston, knt, had a son John, the father of John, who left issue only two daughters, his co-heirs, viz. : — Elizabeth, married to Sir John Huddy, of Stowell, co. Somerset, Chief Justice of England ; and Joane, married to John Anne of ——— co, Gloucester. Sir Adam also married Margaret,† daughter of Sir Henry de la
Pomeroy, knt., and their sole daughter,* married John Holbeame of Holbeame, in co. Devon, esq., and had issue William Holbeame†, Sir William de la Pole adds, "from Margaret, wife of Adam Cole, is descended Baynham of Gloucestershire."
8 II. JOHN COLE, of whom hereafter (see p. 12).
8 III. WILLIAM COLE,‡ who married and had two sons, William 9 (of whom hereafter), and Stephen, his heir, who married
Joane,* daughter and heiress to John White, by whom he had Jane, married to Robert Tozer ; Mary, married John Kestall (or Castell) ; Joane, married to John Truebody ; Thomasine married to John Tucker; and John Cole, his heir, who married Margaret,† daughter and heiress to Thomas Clarke, and by her had issue : — 1. John, his heir (who married Margaret, daughter to John Fortescue of Spriddleston, and had a son, John, who died s. p) ; 2, William, eventual heir ; 3, George ; 4, Edward ;‡ 5, Thomas ; 6, John ; 7, Roger ; 8, Stephen ; and Anne, married to Thomas Jeoffery of Tredineck.
IV. Robert Cole § (fourth son of Sir John and Agnes) was father of John Cole of Treworgee in St. Cleer, near Liskeard, who had a son Walter, the father of Stephen, who by his wife Jane, daughter and heiress to Robert Wyatt, had John Cole, of Cornwall, || esquire, his heir.
9 WILLIAM COLE (see p. 7) was father of JOHN COLE of Sudbury,* in 10 Suffolk, "where he lies buried," who married Elizabeth, daughter of John Martyn of —— , by whom he had five sons, viz. : —
I. Martin Cole, M.P. for Sudbury, 14 Queen Elizabeth, who married Ellen, daughter of —— Hancocke, by whom he left, 1, Martin Cole of Sudbury, who married Anna, daughter of —— Andrews, but died s.p. 9 December, 1620, and left by his will, dated 28 September, 18 James 1st, a yearly rent-charge of £14 to be distributed among the poor, and the ministers of Sudbury; 2, Caesar Cole, heir to his brother, 40 years old in 1620, who married Margaret, daughter of —— White, and had Elizabeth, Martin, John, and Thomas; 3, Richard Cole ; and a daughter, married to —— Brown.
II. William Cole of Sudbury married Catalina, or Catherine, daughter of Ferdinando de Gallegos, a Spaniard of noble extraction, and had two sons, of whom the elder, Robert, married Anna, daughter of —— Cooke of Kersey, in Suffolk, and died s. p, ; and the second, Roger, was, in 1623, of the parish of St. Saviour's, in Southwark, in the co. of Surrey, gent. ; he married Anne daughter of Edward Maisters of Rotherhithe, in Surrey, by whom he had issue, 1 Roger, 2 Roger, 3 John, who all died young, Elizabeth, married to William Oland of London, Susanna married to William Locke of Merton, in Surrey, Anne and Catalina. This William Cole married secondly Elizabeth Rushan, by whom he had 1 John, 2 Martin, 3 William, 4 Edward, 5 Jeoffrey, 6 Parnell, and Elinor, married to James Raye.
III. Robert Cole (third son of John Cole and Elizabeth Martyn).
IV. RICHARD COLE (son of same John and Elizabeth) was of Bishop's Waltham, in the county of Southampton, and father of .... etc.
V. Edward Cole, (sometimes called eldest son of John and Eliz.), was principal registrar to the Bishop of Winchester, mayor of that city in 1587, and M.P. for the same in 43 Queen Elizabeth ; he married Christian, daughter of Wm. Holcroft, and by her had issue, four sons, and two daughters, viz : — .... etc.
II. We now return to JOHN,* (second son of Sir John Cole, knt.) who married Jane, daughter of Robert Meryot of Devon, and had two sons, viz. : — Simon, his heir ; and WILLIAM, of whom presently, viz., on p. 22. Sir Simon (as he is frequently designated) † was seated at Slade, in the parish of Cornwood, in the county of Devon, and died 12 Henry VII. (1497). He married Alice,‡ daughter and co-heir to — Leuri, of the county of Devon, had a daughter Joane, married to William Hele,§ of South Hele in Copneywood, Devonshire, esq. (by whom she had issue, represented by James Modyford Hele, who died a minor in August, 1716) § and a son, John Cole, of Slade, one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the county of Devon in 1512-13, etc., who died 21 Nov., 35 Henry VIII., (1543), having had issue by his wife, Thomasine, || daughter and heiress to Thomas Wallcot of Walcot in the county of
9 WILLIAM COLE (before-mentioned on p. 12) younger son of John, and grandson of Sir John Cole, knt., married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Richard Weston of Wiltshire, knt., and by her had a son and heir,
10 JOHN COLE, who married Mary, daughter and heiress to Thomas Archdeacon,* alias Ercedekne of Devon, gent, and had, issue,
11 THOMAS COLE, of London, who died April, 1571. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Hargrave of London, and had issue, four sons, and a daughter, Martha, who was married to John Warsop, of Clapham in Surrey, gentleman, .... etc.
The sons of the said THOMAS COLE of London, who died April 1571, and was buried in Allhallows Church, London, were,
I. WILLIAM COLE of London, who died 16 February, 1600 (43 Elizabeth) : he married Anne, daughter of Michael Colles of Bradwell, Bucks, and by her, who died 1603, had issue,
I.a Michael, son and heir, æt. 20 ann. 9 mens., on 6 February, 1502, who married Margaret, daughter of —— Skynner, of the county of Kent, and had an only daughter .... etc.
II.a WILLIAM, born 158[7?] married Elizabeth, daughter to Nathaniel Deards of London, silkman, and had issue: — 1, Arthur; 2, William; 3, Michael, who died s. p.; 4, Humphrey; 5, NATHANIEL (of whom and whose descendants see a full account on page 32); 6, Thomas, M.A., * who "was educated at Westminster school, and then elected, 8 July, 1651, student of Christ Church, Oxford. .... 7, Robert (son of Wiliam and Elizabeth) was Sir Robert Cole of Ballymackey, in the county of Tipperary, Ireland, knt., which honour was .... etc.

The Peerage of Ireland: Or, A Genealogical History of the Present ..., Volume 6 By John Lodge, Mervyn Archdall
.... etc.
William Cole of Hutenefleigh in county of Devon, who was living in the year 1243 † 1 his fon and heir Roger, living in 1295, (24 K. Edward I.) 2 was the father of Roger, living in the time of K. Edward II. 3 whofe fon John of the counties of Devon and Cornwall, had free warren, in Tanner, Liddefton, Hokefbere, and Hutenefleigh, in Devon 4 and it appears by a fine (15 Edward III.) that he was poffeffed of the manors of Refpnel, in county of Cornwall, Launcefton, and Stokley and of the manor of Uptamun ; Nythway ; and Hutenefleigh ; the third part of the manor of Winfton ; and divers other lands in the county of Devon : he left a fon and heir.
Sir John Cole, Knt. of Nythway, who married Anne, daughter and heir to Sir Nicholas Bodrugan, Knt. ‡ and
† .... etc.
had iffue William, who married Margaret, daughter of Sir Henry Bewpell, and by her was the father of
Sir John Cole, Knt.— who married Agnes daughter of —— Fitz-Waryn, Knt. and had iffue four fons, viz. Sir Adam his heir; who fucceeded at Nythway and marrying Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Richard Wefton, Knt. had a fon John, the father of John, who left iffue, only two daughters, his coheirs, viz. Elizabeth, married to John Huddy of Stowell in county of Somerfet, chief juftice of England ; and Joan, to John Anne of county of Gloucefter.
John, of whom hereafter.
William, who married and had iffue two fons ; Stephen his heir : and William, the father of John, who marrying Elizabeth daughter of John Martyn, had two fons, Edward, and William ; Edward, the eldeft, was principal regifter to the bifhop of Winchefter, and married a daughter of William Holcroft, by her he had iffue four fons, and two daughters, viz. Edward his fucceffor in the regiftry (who married Elizabeth Ebden of Winchefter, and died after 1622, leaving Edward, Jane, Elizabeth, and Sufan) ; William, (who died without iffue) ; Martin, (who married Drufilla, daughter of —— Vaus of Outiam, Efq and had iffue) ; John, (who married a daughter of John Lynch, Efq. and had iffue) ; Anne, (married to Thomas Fryar) ; and Jane, (to Lancelot Thorp, alderman of Winton). William, brother to Edward the regifter, married Catharine, daughter of Ferdinand Galgas a Spaniard, and had two fons, viz. Robert (married to Anne, daughter of —— Cooke of Keofey in Suffolk and died without iffue) ; and Roger (who married Anne, daughter of Edward Mafters of Rotherith in Surrey), Stephen (eldeft fon of William, and grandfon of Sir John) married Joan, daughter and heir to John White, and had John his heir, who
.... etc.
Robert, (fourth fon of Sir John) was father of John of Treworge in Cornwall, who had a fon Walter, the father of Stephen, who, by his wife Jane, daughter and heir to Robert Wyatt, had John Cole of Cornwall, Efq. his heir.
We now return to John, fecond fon of Sir John Cole, Knt. who married Jane, daughter of Robert Meryot of Devon, and had two fons, viz. Simon his heir; and William of whom prefently.
Simon Cole the eldeft fon was feated at Slade in county of Devon, and marrying Alice, daughter and coheir to —— Leure, had a daughter Johan .... etc.
William, younger fon of John, and grandfon of Sir John Cole, Knt. married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Richard Weften of Wiltfhire, Knt. and by her had a fon and heir John who married Mary, daughter and heir to Thomas Archdeacon of Devon, Gent, † and had iffue
Thomas of London, * who married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Hargrave of London, and had iffue four fons
and a daughter Martha, who married John Worfop of Clapham in Surry Gent. and by him had a fon ....
The fons of the faid Thomas of London, were
William Cole of London, who died 6 February 1600 (43 Eliz.) and having married Anne, daughter of Michael Colles of Bradwell in county of Buckingham, had iffue by her who died in 1600, two fons and one daughter Margaret, who married Robert Nave of London, Merchant, fon of —— Nave of Norfolk, Efq. — His fons were, William, (who married Elizabeth, daughter of Nathanael Deards of London, (Silkman) and had iffue Arthur; William; Michael; Humphry; Nathanael; Thomas; and Robert); and Thomas who was of the Inner-Temple London, and in 1630 was aged 42 years, he married Catharine, daughter of John Warnett of Fransfield in Suffex, Gent. and had iffue Richard, aged 4 years in 1630; Thomas who died young; John aged 1 year in 1630; William aged 4 months in fame year; and Sufan, who died young.
.... etc.


COLE, HUMPHREY, of Tillingham, Essex, Clerk, 4 November, 1623.

To be buried in the Chancel.
To poor 4 marks.
To son Robert (Student of Emanuel College Cambridge) books, wearing apparel etc.
To wife Hester corn etc.
My perpetual advowson of the Rectory of Great Oakley Essex to be sold and the money divided between my sons.
My freehold land in Tilling-ham commonly called Hodgwatts to be sold and the money divided as follows: my wife Hester to have the use of £80 for her life and the residue and also the £80 after wife's death to be equally divided between my sons William, Thomas, Robert and John Cole, or such of them as are living.
To William Cole now in Virginia (if he be living) my three acres of freehold land with a new barn built upon it called Sewders Head in Tillingham and next adjoining to a cottage and two acres of copyhold land called Finches which doth belong to his brother Robert Cole, and if my said son William be not living at the time of my decease I bequeath the said land and barn to my second son Thomas.
My wife to have for her life all my plate, household stuff etc. by virtue of a deed of gift made by me to Sir John Sams Knight and Mr. Blunt gent. Sole Ex. wife, if she refuse then son Thomas to [p.255] to be ex.
Overseers my two sonnes in law Micaiah Wood parson of Great Oakley and John George yeoman of Writtle.
Wit: John Draske, John Moody. Proved 17 May, 1624, by relict. (Dean & Chapter of St. Pauls, D. fo. 232.)


From Genforum message by Richard Williams: Humphrey Cole of Tillingham/Robert Coles of Faversham, Feb. 16, 2013:

Humphrey Cole (OR Humphrey Coles) (Vicar of Tillingham, Essex) mentioned in his will made in 1623 his son "William Cole now in Virginia (if he be living)". The son is very likely to be William Coale of Elizabeth City, VA c1597-1669.

Humphrey Cole was a scholar at Corpus Christi College, Oxford and graduated B.A. on 28 Jan 1574. He cannot be the later Humphrey Cole who graduated B.A. from Pembroke College, Cambridge in 1594 since he was appointed to Tillingham in 1588.

Most men were aged about 21 on graduation and so Humphrey Cole was probably born about 1552.

It has often been claimed that Humphrey Cole was a son of William Cole and Elizabeth Deards daughter of Nathaniel Deards of London silkman. This Humphrey can be shown to have been born about 1625 and so this parentage is definitely not correct.

From 1584 to 1588 Humphrey Cole was Rector of London St Mary le Bow. He was preceded here by one Robert Cole (OR Robert Coles) who was Rector from 1559 to his death in 1577.

Robert Cole (Rector of London St Mary le Bow) made his will in 1577 and mentions a youngest son Elcana but annoyingly although mentioning other older children does not give their names.

It is possible that this Robert Cole was the father (or a kinsman) of Humphrey Cole (notice Humphrey's third son is also a Robert).

The notes below hopefully substantiate the information (above) and I would be very grateful for any additions or corrections.


Thomas Cole of London grocer c1530-1571

m Elizabeth Hargrave dau of Thomas Hargrave of London
d Apr 1571; i Allhallows Honey Lane; Will (PCC) 10 Apr 1571

1. William Cole below
2. [?] Martha Cole m John Worsop of Clapham, Surrey gentleman
[9 sons, 2 daus]

William Cole of London mercer c1560-1601

m Ann Colles 1st dau of Michael Colles of Bradwell, Bucks gentleman and Mary Graunt only dau of Edward Graunt
d 16 Feb 1600.1; i in the quire St Margaret Lothbury; Will (PCC) 19 Mar 1601

1. Thomas Cole below
2. Michael Cole
3. William Cole
4. Margaret Cole m Robert le Neve of London/Robert Nave

Thomas Cole of London c1588-....

m Catherine Warnett dau of John Warnett of Hempsted/of Fransfield, Sussex
(of Inner Temple)
(of the Court of Wards) (aged 42) 1630
(living) 1634

1. Richard Cole b c1626; (aged 4) 1630
2. Susan Cole d young a1634
3. Thomas Cole c 17 Feb 1627.8 London St Dunstan-in-the-West; d young a1634
4. John Cole c 2 May 1629 London St Dunstan-in-the-West
5. William Cole c 8 Jun 1630 London St Dunstan-in-the-West
6. Susan Cole c 9 Feb 1631.2 London St Dunstan-in-the-West
7. Thomas Cole c 20 Feb 1633.4 London St Dunstan-in-the-West
8. Ann Cole c 12 Jan 1635.6 London St Dunstan-in-the-West

William Cole of London

m Elizabeth Deards dau of Nathaniel Deards of London silkman

1. [?] Mary Cole c 6 Jun 1619 St Lawrence Jewry
2. Arthur Cole c 5 Nov 1620 St Lawrence Jewry
3. William Cole c 9 Dec 1621 St Lawrence Jewry
4. Michael Cole
5. Humphrey Cole b c1625
6. Nathaniel Cole
7. Thomas Cole
8. Robert Cole

The last will of Nathaniel Deards or Deardes, citizen and merchant-tailor of London, dated 28 March, 1646, and proved 28 Sept., 1650, made certain laequests to his brother Thomas Deards, citizen and apothecary of London. It made him sole executor and residuary legatee. P. 1. Signed by Tibbs. Ibid. 85. [INTERNET]



Burial Tillingham Chancel, Tillingham co.Essex England; Probate 5/17/1624; Will; 11/4/1623 London

Guildhall Library reference to will: MS 25 626/4 folias ff 232-3


All of the Cole/Coale Information comes from:


His father was Sir William Cole of The Slade. His mother was Elizabeth Deards. He married Mary Mott at The Slade in 1596. They had two sons, William and Thomas. His wife died at age 27 and he remarried a Hester, maiden name unknown. They had Mary Jane, Robert, Martha, and John.

The Slade is a Cole family home in Cornwood, Devonshire, England, which is today a private residence. 
Cole, Humphrey (I24972)
1066 Birth: Aug. 26, 1872
Death: Jul. 4, 1934

John G. Lieber was an attorney, a judge, and a businessman who came to Muskogee in the early days of the town's formation. He was a legal advisor with the Dawes Commission and he also maintained an office for private practice. He owned at least five theaters and a drug store. The theaters were known as the Wigwam Theaters #1 through #5. Two of the theaters were airdomes, or open air theaters. Wigwam #1 had its entrance on Court St. which was lined with Penny peep shows. Wigwam #2 had an entrance on Fourth St. The other three were enclosed theaters with #3 on Broadway, #4 on Second St. near the fire station and Wigwam #5 was on Cherokee St. just south of Broadway known as the Merchants Theater. Some proceeds of this theater were donated to charity. These theaters provided motion pictures, refined vaudeville, singing, and dancing shows.

The above information was compiled by W.T. Scott.

* * * * * * * * *

John Godfried Lieber was born in Missouri, educated in Arkansas and helped his father operate a grist mill. He studied law while working at the mill and was admitted to the bar in 1893. He was a member of Muskogee's volunteer fire department and was a member of the school board.

Information shared concerning John G. Lieber...
Muscogee's First Fire Department. There are several versions of the date the Muscogee Fire Department was organized - varying from 1892 to 1895. ... A news article in the Muskogee Phoenix of Aug. 16, 1906, indicates that Chief Frank Swift was host at a banquet celebrating the 14th anniversary of the organization of the fire department, which would place the date at 1892. ... Charles Seeking was chief with Frank Swift and John G. Lieber acting as foremen of the two hose companies. The group consisted of a total of 20 volunteers, including James Locke. 
Lieber, John Godfried (I1384)
1067 Birth: Dec. 14, 1915
Death: Oct. 16, 2011

MAPLETON, Iowa -- Herman William Bockelmann, 95, of Mapleton passed away Oct. 16, 2011, in Denison, Iowa.
Services were 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at St. Peter's United Church of Christ in Mapleton, with the Rev. Don Studley officiating. Burial was at Mt. Hope Cemetery.

Herman Willam Henry Bockelmann was born Dec. 14, 1915, in Monona County, Iowa, to William and Emma (Rosberg) Bockelmann. He grew up in the Schleswig and Charter Oak, Iowa, areas. He attended country school and Lutheran school in Charter Oak. Herman was confirmed at St. John's Lutheran Church in Charter Oak. After eighth grade, he left school to help his parents and others with farming.
On Dec. 18, 1935, Herman was united in marriage to Edna Kuehl at St. Peter's United Church of Christ in Mapleton. They began farming west of Berne, Iowa. In 1938, he started a trucking business along with farming, which continued until 1944, when he sold his trucks.

Herman and Edna had two children, JoAnn and LoWayne "Doc." They continued farming, and in the early 1950s Herman also helped Francis Greggerson with trucking. In 1971, Herman and Edna had a farm sale and moved to Mapleton due to Edna's health. Herman worked at Coast to Coast and continued helping area farmers, as he always loved the farm. In 1975, Edna passed away.

In 1976, Herman was united in marriage to Bonita (Passick) Mohr, and they remained living in Mapleton. Herman worked at the Schleis farm (Al, Dick, and Loretta). After Al passed away, Herman continued to work with Dick and Loretta with farming and livestock. Herman enjoyed being out on the farm, and we are sure that Dick and Loretta could tell many stories about him as Herman told many stories about Dick as well. In January 2009, Herman and Bonita moved to the Eventide Senior Housing in Denison. In May 2010, they moved to Eventide Nursing Home in Denison.

Herman and Bonita enjoyed many years of traveling and stayed several winters in Arizona and Florida. He was very involved with the church and was always willing to help out. Herman enjoyed visiting with his many, many friends in the community. He also really enjoyed visiting with his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren during visits and the holidays. He really enjoyed playing Euchre with family and friends, and he would win most of the time (skill and luck on his side). His coffee outings with friends at the Beef 'n' Brew was one of his highlights.

He is survived by his wife, Bonita; two children, Joann and Ronald Maack of Charter Oak and Doc and Mary of Richmond, Va.; five grandchildren; four stepgrandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; eight great-stepgrandchildren; a sister, Arlene Kiepe of Denison; a sister-in-law, Ethel Bockelmann of Denison; along with many cousins and friends.

Herman was preceded in death by his wife, Edna; his parents, William and Emma Bockelmann; three brothers, Albin, LuVern, and William; two sisters-in-law, Ruth and Opal; a brother-in-law, Fred Kiepe; and a stepdaughter, Theon Hoover Dempseny.

Mount Hope Cemetery
Monona County
Iowa, USA 
Bockelmann, Herman William Henry (I7640)
1068 Birth: Dec. 17, 1912
Cooper County
Missouri, USA
Death: May 14, 2006
Jefferson City
Cole County
Missouri, USA

William Albert Shane, 93

William Albert Shane, 93, of Tipton, Mo. died Sunday, May 14, 2006 at Villa Marie Nursing Facility in Jefferson City, Mo.

Funeral services will be held Tuesday, May 16 at Meisenheimer Funeral Home in Tipton at 11 a.m. with Rev. Gary Palmer officiating. Burial will be in Syracuse Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Chris Schmidt, Shane Mundy, Jim Hudson, Ray Shane, Brian Jacob and Bobby Shane. Friends may call from 6 - 8 p.m. Monday, May15 at the funeral home.

Mr. Shane was born December 17, 1912 in Blackwater, Mo. to John Riley Shane and Rosie Cornine Shane. He was married to Georgia Juanita Stemberger on April 22, 1936. She preceded him in death in 1999.

He was a member of the Mt. Olive Baptist Church. Mr. Shane worked for Missouri Pacific Railroad for 35 years as a section hand. He liked to go camping and liked to remember the good old days.

Survivors include two sons, Jimmie Shane of Syracuse, Mo. and Billy Shane of California; two daughters, Shirley Hughes of Jefferson City, Esther Schmidt of Wellsville, Mo. and Dorothy Lewis of Sedalia, Mo; 20 grandchildren; 36 great-grandchildren; and 11 great-great-grandchildren.

Memorials may be made to Tipton Nutrition Center. 
Shane, William Albert (I7449)
1069 Birth: Jan. 10, 1653, Wales
Death: Oct. 10, 1736
Berks County
Pennsylvania, USA

John was the son of Cadwalader Hugh and Gwen Verch Williams. He was born in Yspytty Evan Parish, Denbigh, Wales, United Kingdom.

John Hugh, a farmer, and Martha Caimot were married in Merionethshire, Wales about 1680. This Quaker family produced 3 children named Jane, Rowland and Ellis Hughes. All born in Wales. John's first wife is believed to have died enroute during her immigration voyage to Pennsylvania.

As with most other Welsh and English Quaker families, religion probably drove John's 1698 decision to migrate to Pennsylvania. He and his many neighbors who migrated around the same time undoubtedly sought to take advantage of the fortuitous availability of good land in Quaker Pennsylvania, which William Penn (a Quaker) had established in 1681, to escape rugged persecution of Quakers by the Church of England.

John and his children arrived in America on 17 Jul 1698 aboard the ship "Robert and Elizabeth". John is listed as one of the original purchasers in 11,450 acre tract known as Gwynedd. He acquired 648 acres for his own use.

About 1701 John married a second time to a Eleanor "Ellen" Ellis. They had 2 children; Margaret "Mary" b.1702 and Gainor Hughes b.1704. Ellen died about 1716.

John Hughes married for a third time to an Ellen Williams on 12 Feb 1717 in Upper Radnor Twp., Montgomery Co., PA. All that is known about his third Quaker wife is that she was born about 1670.

John Hughes was the first to be buried in Exeter MM burying ground. The meeting house and cemetery are about a half-mile north of Squire Boone's (Daniel Boone's father) homestead. Mordecai Lincoln, (Abraham Lincoln's 3rd great grandfather) was also a member of Exeter Monthly Meeting.

Family links:
Martha Caimot Hughes (1653 - 1698)
Eleanor Ellis Hughes (1670 - 1716)

Jane Hughes Ellis (1683 - 1772)*

*Calculated relationship

Note: He was the first burial in this cemetery.

Exeter Friends Cemetery
Berks County
Pennsylvania, USA

Created by: Jack Gilchrist
Record added: Jun 20, 2010
Find A Grave Memorial# 53890272 
Hughes, John (I25395)
1070 Birth: Jan. 20, 1833
Warren County
Missouri, USA
Death: Apr., 1901
Warren County
Missouri, USA

Name of Deceased: Mrs. P.P. Stewart (nee Jane Ann TEAS)
Newspaper: Warrenton Herald
Date: April 24, 1901
Submitters Name: Laura

The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved relatives of Mrs. P.P. Stewart who departed this life at her home here on last Friday, after a long illness at the age of 68 years. Mrs. Stewart nee Jane Ann Teas was born in Warren county Jan. 20, 1833 and was married to P.P. Stewart Oct. 25th, 1849. To this union 11 children were born, seven of whom with the father survive her and four children have preceded her to the great beyond. Those living are: Mrs. Schloshauser, of Oklahoma; Mrs. Overpeck, of St. Louis; Misses Kate and Jennie; Peter, of Texas; Bragg, of St. Louis and Wm. Whose residence s not known.
Mrs. Stewart was truly a good Christian woman-kind to her neighbors, self sacrificing and loving as a wife and mother, she was held in highest esteem by all who knew her. The funeral services were held here Sunday, Rev. Meffert, of the M.E. Church of which the deceased was a consistent member for 30 years, conducting the same. After solemn and appropriate services, the remains were laid to rest in the city cemetery. To the sorrowing husband, children and other relatives we extend out heartfelt sympathy in their sad bereavement and irreparable loss.

Local News-Moore Custer came up from St. Louis Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Stewart.

Ed (Bragg) Stewart and wife of St. Louis, were here Sunday attending the funeral of the former's mother, Mrs. P.P. Stewart

Burt Overpeck of St. Louis and Brie Edwards of St. Charles were among those from a distance who were here last Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs. P.P. Stewart. 
Teass, Jane Ann (I19931)
1071 Birth: Jun. 30, 1905
Dubuque County
Iowa, USA
Death: Sep. 8, 1957
Dubuque County
Iowa, USA

Friends of Mr. Roedell may call after 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Hoffmann Mortuary, from where services will be held at St. Raphael's Cathedral at 9 a.m. Wednesday, with burial in Mt. Olivet Cemetery.

He was born July 30, 1905, in Dubuque, the son of Stella M. and the late Roy C. Roedell. He was educated in Dubuque schools, and received his Doctor of Science degree from National College, Inc., Toronto, Canada, where he specialized in electrical engineering.

Originally associated with the Brunswick, Balke, Collander Co., and later an executive with the Motorola Co. for about 18 years, he was an owner of the Thermasector Co., makers of surgical devices used in eye, ear, nose and throat treatment. 
Roedell, LeRoy (I20106)
1072 Birth: Jun. 30, 1905
Dubuque County
Iowa, USA
Death: Sep. 8, 1957
Dubuque County
Iowa, USA

Friends of Mr. Roedell may call after 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Hoffmann Mortuary, from where services will be held at St. Raphael's Cathedral at 9 a.m. Wednesday, with burial in Mt. Olivet Cemetery.

He was born July 30, 1905, in Dubuque, the son of Stella M. and the late Roy C. Roedell. He was educated in Dubuque schools, and received his Doctor of Science degree from National College, Inc., Toronto, Canada, where he specialized in electrical engineering.

Originally associated with the Brunswick, Balke, Collander Co., and later an executive with the Motorola Co. for about 18 years, he was an owner of the Thermasector Co., makers of surgical devices used in eye, ear, nose and throat treatment. 
McQuigg, Pauline Viola (I27710)
1073 Birth: Sep. 20, 1879
Delaware County
Iowa, USA
Death: Apr. 19, 1970
Dubuque County
Iowa, USA

Mrs. Stella M. Roedell, 92 who for many years operated a flower stand at the city market, died at 2:20 PM Sunday at Lady of Lourdes Home. Widow of Roy C. Roedell who died in 1950. Service at 10 o'clock Tuesday. Burial at the Mount Olivet Cemetery. Born in Colesburg, Iowa only cousins survive. This information was published by the Telegraph Herald, Dubuque, Iowa, April 20, 1970. 
Hughes, Stella May (I12899)
1074 Birth: May 27, 1683, Wales
Death: Jun. 11, 1760
Montgomery County
Pennsylvania, USA

In 1707 at the age of 24 Thomas Ellis., a farmer, was the first Ellis in his family line to immigrate to America. It is said that he can be traced back to the ancient nobility of Wales.

Note he is NOT the son of the Rev. Rowland Ellis (b.1650, d.1731). Find A Grave Memorial# 53892820

Thomas married Jane Hugh on 31 Oct 1712 in the Gwynedd Meeting House in Montgomery Co., PA.

Marriage Date: Until 31 Oct 1751, the Julian calendar was in use. The Quakers did not use the conventional monthly names instead they used numbers. Quaker records show that Thomas Ellis and Jane Hughes married 31 8th month 1712, at Gwynedd Meeting House. This would have been 31 Oct 1712, not August.

Thomas & Jane were Quakers and Thomas was an elder for more than 30 years. He was the most prominent Quaker in PA in his time. He was also a farmer with 175 acres in Berks Co., PA.

They had 9 children that they named John, Morris (infant death), Morris, Eleanor, Rowland, Thomas, Mordecai, Enos and Elizabeth Ellis.

Family links:
Jane Hughes Ellis (1683 - 1772)

Jonathan Ellis (1713 - 1795)*
Morris Ellis (1714 - 1715)*
Morris Ellis (1715 - ____)*
Eleanor Ellis Lee (1717 - 1801)*
Rowland Ellis (1718 - 1771)*
Thomas Ellis (1721 - 1799)*
Mordecai Ellis (1723 - 1785)*
Enos Ellis (1725 - 1783)*
Elizabeth Ellis (1727 - 1728)* 
Ellis, Thomas (I25392)
1075 Birth: May, 1683
Denbigh, Wales
Death: Sep. 20, 1772
Berks County
Pennsylvania, USA

Jane is the daughter of the Quaker farmer John Hughes and Martha Caimot (b.1653, d.1698). Her mother died on board the ship in the Atlantic Ocean when the family was immigrating to America.

She immigrated on board the ship "Robert and Elizabeth" at the age of 15 with her family. Her father was listed as one of original purchasers in 11,450 acre tract known as Gwynedd. He purchased 648 acres for his own use.

Jane married the Quaker farmer Thomas Ellis on 31 Oct 1712 in the Gwynedd Meeting House in Montgomery Co., PA.

Marriage Date: Until 31 Oct 1751, the Julian calendar was in use. The Quakers did not use the conventional monthly names instead they used numbers. Quaker records show that Thomas Ellis and Jane Hughes married 31 8th month 1712, at Gwynedd Meeting House. This would have been 31 Oct 1712, not August.

Thomas & Jane were Quakers and Thomas was an elder for more than 30 years. He was the most prominent Quaker in PA in his time. He was also a farmer with 175 acres in Berks Co., PA.

They had 9 children that they named John, Morris (infant death), Morris, Eleanor, Rowland, Thomas, Mordecai, Enos and Elizabeth Ellis.

Family links:
John Hughes (1652 - 1736)

Thomas Ellis (1683 - 1760)*

Jonathan Ellis (1713 - 1795)*
Morris Ellis (1714 - 1715)*
Morris Ellis (1715 - ____)*
Eleanor Ellis Lee (1717 - 1801)*
Rowland Ellis (1718 - 1771)*
Thomas Ellis (1721 - 1799)*
Mordecai Ellis (1723 - 1785)*
Enos Ellis (1725 - 1783)*
Elizabeth Ellis (1727 - 1728)*

*Calculated relationship

Note: This is a Quaker Cemetery and there are no markers. Beyond the stone wall it is a grassy area with no markers at all.

Exeter Friends Cemetery
Berks County
Pennsylvania, USA

Created by: Jack Gilchrist
Record added: Jun 20, 2010
Find A Grave Memorial# 53891595 
Hughes, Jane (I25391)
1076 Birth: about 1030; Normandy, France.
Birth: 1058; Argyll, Scotland, United Kingdom.
Birth: Fife, Scotland.
Death: 1058; Cawdor, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Birth: about 1040; Nairn, Scotland.
Birth: about 1020; Nairn, Scotland.

King Malcolm III granted the land Cawdor/Nairn to a French nobleman called Hugh Cadella likely this Hugh Cadella. 
Cadella, Baron Hugh (I34782)
1077 Birth: For William d'Arques to be born in 1010 the son of Papie. He would have to have been born illegitmate to Richard 11 the 4th Count of Normandy as Richard 11 was married to Judith who did not die until 1017. He then married a second wife and they divorced before 1024 and he married Papie in 1824.
Archbishop Mauger and Count William occupied themselves with increasing their wealth and power in their new respective positions, independent of Duke William.[7] But William of Talou continued to intrigue in plots against his young nephew, being careful his name did not come up in any of the revolts or conspiracies.[8] But in 1049 at the battle of Domfront, Count William of Talou deserted his suzerain Duke William in the midst of the battle,[9] and denouncing his oath of vassalage he returned to his castle at Arques and began organizing his own rebellion.[10] Duke William repeatedly sent messengers summoning his uncle, Count William, to attend him and show his allegiance; but in his arrogance the Count of Talou scorned each of these and secured himself in his castle.[11] The events that followed are as recalled by the Conqueror himself in his deathbed speech in 1087:

My uncles, Mauger, archbishop of Rouen, and his brother William, to whom I had gratuitously given Arques and the county of Talou, treated me with contempt as a bastard, and induced King Henry and Engelran, count of Penthieu, to take up arms against me. I received this intelligence in the Cotentin, and lost no time in beginning my march contrary to the opinions of most of my advisers. Sending forward to Arques some light troops who were eager for the fray, I followed myself with the main body, which was far from considerable, to lay siege to the castle. But before I reached the country between the two rivers, the Sie and Garenne, the advanced guard fell in with Count Engelran pushing forward to occupy the fortress, and killed him, fighting bravely, for he was a valiant knight, and routed his squadrons. Pressing the siege closely, I compelled the perjured count to go into banishment, and did not permit him to return to the domains he lost during all the days of his life. I also, by virtue of a papal decree, deposed the insolent archbishop, who neither observed his fealty to me, nor his duty to God, and raised to the see the venerable monk Maurilius who was providentially sent from Florence, an Italian city.[12]

William of Talou's rebellion lasted from 1052 to 1054 at which time he was expelled from Normandy and fled to the court of Eustace II, Count of Boulogne.[13] Both uncles, William of Talou and Mauger, despite being defeated and exiled were provided with generous incomes to live on by the Conqueror.[5] William was the last Count of Talou.[14] 
de Arques, William I (I33732)
1078 Biundo Pfarrerbuch Page 74
Biundo Pfarrerbuch, Page 467 
THOMAE, Maria Christiana (I28678)
1079 Biundo Pfarrerbuch Page 74 Cronaur, Johann Philipp (I30893)
1080 Biundo Pfarrerbuch, Page 467 Beuerle, Johann Peter (I30894)
1081 Black Forest Region Jegglin, John Michael (I22085)
1082 Blacksmith, carpenter,housemover Married Lottie Tiner Oct. 1908. Eleven children. Worked in the Breckrenridge Tex. oilboom built wooden derricks. Thoma, Otto Wald (I21803)
1083 Blanche de Brienne, Baroness Tingry (c. 1252 – c. 1302) was the wife of William II de Fiennes, Baron of Tingry (c. 1250 – 11 July 1302). She was also known as Dame de La Loupeland, and Blanche of Acre.

Blanche was born in about the year 1252 in France. She was the only child and heiress of Jean de Brienne, Grand Butler of France, and his first wife, Jeanne, Dame de Chateaudun, widow of Jean I de Montfort. Her paternal grandparents were John of Brienne, King of Jerusalem, Emperor of Constantinople, and Berenguela of Leon, and her maternal grandparents were Geoffrey VI, Viscount de Chateaudun and Clémence des Roches. Blanche had a uterine half-sister Beatrice de Montfort, Countess of Montfort-l'Amaury from her mother's first marriage to Jean I de Montfort (died 1249 in Cyprus). In 1260, Beatrice married Robert IV of Dreux, Count of Dreux, by whom she had six children.
Blanche was co-heiress to her mother, by which she inherited Loupeland in Maine.

Marriage and issue
In the year 1269, Blanche married William II de Fiennes, Baron of Tingry and Fiennes, son of Enguerrand II de Fiennes and Isabelle de Conde. His other titles included Lord of Wendover, Buckinghamshire, of Lambourne, Essex, of Chokes and Gayton, Northamptonshire, of Martock, Somerset, of Carshalton and Clapham, Surrey, and custodian of the county of Ponthieu. The settlement for the marriage had been made in February 1266/67.

William and Blanche had at least one son and two daughters:
1. Jean de Fiennes, Seigneur of Fiennes and Tingry (b. before 1281 in France – 1340), in 1307 married Isabelle de Dampierre, daughter of Guy de Dampierre, Count of Flanders and Isabelle of Luxembourg. They had a son Robert, who was Constable of France, and two daughters, Jeanne de Fiennes who married Jean de Châtillon, Count of Saint-Pol, and Mahaut de Fiennes who married Jean de Bournonville.
2. Joan de Fiennes (d. before 26 October 1309), in 1291 married John Wake, 1st Baron Wake of Liddell. Had issue, including Margaret Wake, 3rd Baroness Wake of Liddell, mother of Joan of Kent and grandmother of Richard II of England.
3. Margaret de Fiennes (b. after 1269 – 7 February 1333), in September 1285, married Edmund Mortimer, 2nd Baron Wigmore. They had three children, including Roger Mortimer, 1st Earl of March.

She married William de la Planche (1240 - 1302) and had at least one son:
1. James de la Planche (1265 - 1306)

Blanche is ancestress of Edward IV and all subsequent English monarchs. Her other descendants include Lady Margaret Beaufort (mother of King Henry VII) and queen consorts Elizabeth Woodville, Lady Anne Neville, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Catherine Howard, and Catherine Parr.

Blanche de Brienne died on an unknown date around the year 1302. Her husband William was killed on 11 July 1302 at the Battle of Courtrai.,_Baroness_Tingry 
de Brienne, Blanche (I35643)
Fire believed to have been caused by a defective fire-place caused considerable damage to the residence of R. P. Roedell, 264 Hill Street, about 11 o’clock last night.

Members of the household noticed smoke shortly after 10:45 but were unable to see any other signs of fire. An alarm was turned into the fire department, engine Co. No. 4 responding. A slight delay was caused as the location of the blaze could not ascertain.

One of the firemen, opening the door of the pantry, found the room a blaze. The fire, however, was extinguished with chemicals, every effort being made to avoid damage by the use of water.

Damage was done to the pantry and several pieces of valuable silverware were melted by the heat of the flames. The home was but recently remolded and redecorated.

Members of the Roedell family were loud in the praise of the efforts of the fire-fighters, and stated that the firemen arrived in record time after the alarm was sent in. It is believed that much greater damage was prevented by the use of chemicals.

Duubuque Telegraph Herald, September 1922 
Roedell, Robert Percy (I13865)
1085 BOAL
Elwood Ritchie
1912 - 1976
His Wife
Elsie Eva Dixon
1910 - 2004 
Dixon, Elsie Eva (I35203)
1086 Body Cremated Lymer, Teddy Ray I (I19714)
1087 Body Cremated Pulley, Roy L (I4156)
1088 Body Donated to Science Gentry, Charles BILL (I15350)
1089 Body Donated to Science Kouba, Emil Rosburg (I11467)
1090 Body Donated to Science Pangerl, Larry William (I18021)
1091 Body donated to St Louis University School of Medicine

Newspapers: Boonville Daily News: Obituary, Of Ruth A. Iffrig - 07 Jul 2000. 
Darby, Ruth Angeline (I9371)
1092 Body donated to the University of Missouri Hospitals Thoma, Margaret Annie (I10099)
1093 Body Lost in River Dumolt, Archibald Louis (I12109)
1094 Body lost or destroyed de Braose, Lord William IV (I31399)
1095 Body to Washington University Elsey, Mary Margaret (I10154)
1096 Body was cremated
Newspapers: Boonville Daily News: Obituary, Of John J. Brustman. 
Barnert, Wilhelmina Josephine (I5832)
1097 Body was cremated; survived by daughters Michelle Hodler of Clarksburg, Missouri and hannah Jones of Tipton, Missouri; and his parents of Syracuse, Missouri Jones, Timothy Lee (I3002)
1098 Body was cremated. Thoma, Elna Nora (I11113)
1099 BONIFAZIO, son of ODDONE Marchese della Liguria Occidentale & his wife Berta di Susa (1060 - 1127/35). "Berta comitissa filia quondam Maginfredi et item Maginfredus et Anselmus, Bonifacius, Oto clericus germani et filii quondam Toto itemque marchionis, mater et filii" donated property to the monastery of San Silo near Genoa by charter dated 31 Aug 1064. "Berta comitissa et Manfredus, Bonifacius et Anselmus marchioness et Henricus et Oto germani, mater et filii" donated property to the church of Santa Maria "de episcopatu Astensi" by charter dated 22 Apr 1065. Marchese del Vasto. "Bonifacius marchio filius quondam Othonis" donated property to the church of Acqui by charter dated 22 Jul 1090 "in castro de Ceva". "Bonifacius marchio filius quondam Teutonis…marchio et Henrico nepos suus" donated property to the canons of the church "in valle Burmia in loco…Ferranica" by charter dated 1097. "Bonifacius marchio filius Teutonis…marchio…cum Alice cometissa filia qd. d. Petri marchio atque Theotone, Petro, Magnifredo, Hugone et Willielmo filiis eorum" donated property to "monasterio sancti Petri…in…villa Saviliani" by charter dated 21 Dec 1099. "Bonifacius marchio cum filiis suis Manfredo atque Ugone" donated property to "ecclesie S. Donati de Monte" by charter dated 1121. "Bonifacius marchio" appointed "filiis suos Maginfredum et Wilielmum adque Ugonem necnon Anselmum…et Anricum et Bonefacium minorem atque Odonem" as his heirs and provided dowries for "filiabus…Sibilie et Adalaxia et alie filie si ex hac uxore nata fuit", but disinherited "Bonifacium…incixie nominatum", by charter dated 1125. "Bonifatius marchio…Agnes comitissa uxor ipsius marchionis…filii eius Mainfredus et Ugo" donated "domum sancti Laurentii" to Lérins by charter dated 1127.

married 1stly ALIX de Savoie, daughter of PIERRE I Comte de Savoie & his wife Agnès de Poitou. "Bonifacius marchio filius Teutonis…marchio…cum Alice cometissa filia qd. d. Petri marchio atque Theotone, Petro, Magnifredo, Hugone et Willielmo filiis eorum" donated property to "monasterio sancti Petri…in…villa Saviliani" by charter dated 21 Dec 1099. Szabolcs de Vajay dismisses this individual as an imaginary person designed to explain the claims of Marchese Bonifazio to Turin, which he in fact inherited through his mother who was the younger sister of Adelaida di Susa, mother of Comte Pierre. It is uncertain whether he was aware of the charter quoted above when he made this suggestion. Even if the charter in question was spurious, it is unclear what purpose would have been served by fabricating the ancestry of Marchese Bonifazio´s wife.
Bonifazio & Alix had 5 children:
1. OTTONE (-[21 Dec 1099/1121]).
2. PIETRO (-[21 Dec 1099/1121]).
3. MANFREDO (-[4 Jun 1175/Mar 1176], bur Staffarda). Marchese di Saluzzo. - ancestor of MARCHESI di SALUZZO.
4. UGO (-after 18 Aug 1162).
5. GUGLIELMO (-after 1160). Signori di Rossano 1155. - ancestor of MARCHESI di BUSCA e LANCIA.

Marchese Bonifazio & his 1st or 2nd wife had 2 children:
6. ANSELMO (-after 1140). - ancestor of MARCHESI di CEVA e CLAVESANA.
7. BONIFAZIO (-after 22 Dec 1142) - ancestor of MARCHESI di INCIZA

married 2ndly - AGNES de Vermandois, daughter of HUGUES de France Comte de Vermandois et de Valois [Capet] & his wife Adelais Ctss de Vermandois [Carolingian] (1085-after 1127). It should be noted that Bonifazio´s 2nd wife Agnes de Vermandois was considerably younger than her husband.The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis refers to (but does not name) the first of the daughters of "Hugonem Magnum [et] Adelaide comitissa Veromandensium" as wife of "Bonefacius marchio", parents of "Bonefacium archidiaconum Noviomensem et filios et filias, quarum una nupsit Guilelmo de Monte-pessulano". "Bonifatius marchio…Agnes comitissa uxor ipsius marchionis…filii eius Mainfredus et Ugo" donated "domum sancti Laurentii" to Lérins by charter dated 1127.
Bonifazio & Agnes had 6 children:
8. daughter (before 1108/15-). Ivo Bishop of Chartres wrote to "Hugoni...Trecensium comiti" referring to a possible marriage between "regis" Louis VI King of France and “consobrinæ tuæ filiæ Bonifacii marchionis” by charter dated to 1108/15.
9. ENRICO I "il Guercio" (Clavesana 1115 - Finale 1184). - ancestor of MARCHESI di SAVONA e CARETTO.
10. BONIFAZIO "minor" (... - 1188/26 May 1190).
11. OTTONE "Boerio" (-before 1188).
12. SIBILLA (-before 11 Dec 1146).
married (contract Aug 1129) GUILLAUME VI Seigneur de Montpellier, son of GUILLAUME V Seigneur de Montpellier & his wife Ermesende --- (-1162).
13. ADELAIDA (-after 1125).,%20SALUZZO,%20SAVONA.htm#EnricoISavonadied1184A

Boniface del Vasto (c. 1055 – c. 1125) was the margrave of Savona and Western Liguria from 1084 to c.1130. He was the son and successor of Otto and of Bertha, daughter of Ulric Manfred II of Turin. Boniface was a member of the Aleramici dynasty.
As his first wife, Boniface intended to marry an unnamed woman who had been betrothed to his brother, Anselm, before his death. In 1079 Pope Gregory VII commissioned the bishops of Turin, Asti and Alba to convince Boniface del Vasto not to marry the woman, because her betrothal to his brother created a relationship of affinity between them.

Boniface married a woman named Agnes, who is thought to have been the daughter of Hugh, Count of Vermandois. Children with Agnes of Vermandois including:
. Manfred I of Saluzzo
. William, lord of Busca, and perhaps also Lancia
. Hugh
. Anselm, progenitor of the margraves of Ceva
. Henry, from whom the Del Carretto dynasty were descended.
. Otto Boverio, margrave of Loreto
. Boniface, 'the younger', bishop of Cortemilla
. Sybil, who married William VI of Montpellier

Boniface was also the guardian of his brother Manfred's children: Henry del Vasto, who married Flandrina, a daughter of Roger I of Sicily, and Adelaide del Vasto, who was Roger's third wife. Following Roger's death, Adelaide married Baldwin I of Jerusalem. Two of Manfred's unnamed daughters married Roger I of Sicily's sons from previous relationships, Jordan, Count of Syracuse, and Geoffrey, Count of Ragusa (who may have died before the marriage actually took place). 
de Saluzzo, Boniface (I35529)
1100 Books: Antiquitates et Memorabilia historiae Franconicae besonders Hildburghausen, Page 316. Möring, Johann FRIEDRICH (I6114)

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