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| of WESSEX, Egbert
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| of WESSEX, Egbert.pdf
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| of WESSEX, Osburh
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| of WESSEX, Osburh.pdf
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| of WESSEX, Osburh.pdf
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| of YORK, Aelfgifu
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| of YORK, Aelfgifu.pdf
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| of YORK, Aelfgifu.pdf
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| of YORK, Thored
811 |
| of YORK, Thored.pdf
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| of YORK, Thored.pdf
813 |
| Old Lamine Baptist Church
- Duvall, Wilfred William
- Lacalle, Melvina
- Hooper, Mary A
- Duvall, Jack Keys
- Duvall, Margaret
- Grauer, Katherine Christina
- Widel, Anthony "Tony" Nicholis
- Densman, Matilda L
- Beall, Bethana Annie
- Miller, Silas
- Vollrath, Betty Ann
- Duvall, Annie Bethina
- Faubert, Isabel Marlene
- Beall, James Elmer
- Blakely, Bennie Annie Huston
- Widel, Philip Henry
- Hurd, Jessee Roy
- Duvall, James Elmer
- Murdock, Jacob G
- Faubert, Arthur
- Pertle, Hulda Marie
['More Links'] |
814 |
| Old Lamine Cemetery, Lamine, MO.pdf
- Duvall, Wilfred William
- Lacalle, Melvina
- Hooper, Mary A
- Duvall, Jack Keys
- Duvall, Margaret
- Grauer, Katherine Christina
- Widel, Anthony "Tony" Nicholis
- Densman, Matilda L
- Beall, Bethana Annie
- Miller, Silas
- Vollrath, Betty Ann
- Duvall, Annie Bethina
- Faubert, Isabel Marlene
- Beall, James Elmer
- Blakely, Bennie Annie Huston
- Widel, Philip Henry
- Hurd, Jessee Roy
- Duvall, James Elmer
- Murdock, Jacob G
- Faubert, Arthur
- Pertle, Hulda Marie
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815 |
| Old Lamine Christian Church
- Duvall, Wilfred William
- Lacalle, Melvina
- Hooper, Mary A
- Duvall, Jack Keys
- Duvall, Margaret
- Grauer, Katherine Christina
- Widel, Anthony "Tony" Nicholis
- Densman, Matilda L
- Beall, Bethana Annie
- Miller, Silas
- Vollrath, Betty Ann
- Duvall, Annie Bethina
- Faubert, Isabel Marlene
- Beall, James Elmer
- Blakely, Bennie Annie Huston
- Widel, Philip Henry
- Hurd, Jessee Roy
- Duvall, James Elmer
- Murdock, Jacob G
- Faubert, Arthur
- Pertle, Hulda Marie
['More Links'] |
816 |
| OLIGER, Robert William, Indiana, Marriage Certificates, 1960-2005.jpeg
817 |
| OLIGER, Robert William, Indiana, Marriage Certificates, 1960-2005.jpeg
818 |
| Otterville IOOF Cemetery, Otterville, MO.pdf
- Willig, Louis B
- Willig, Jacob
- Arni, Edna Ruth
- Family: Homan, Henry David / Sanders, Lee Anna
- Quint, Catherina Bernhardine Elisabeth
- Homan, Henry David
- Deuschle, Jacob Edward
- Willig, Paul H
- Schilb, Minnie Ophelia
- Wittman, Henry Conrad
819 |
| Otterville Presbyterian Church
820 |
| PATTON Spring Place
821 |
| PATTON Spring Place II
822 |
| PAXTON, Myrtle, Missouri, Marriage Records, 1805-2002.jpeg
823 |
| PAXTON, Myrtle, Missouri, Marriage Records, 1805-2002.jpeg
824 |
| Peninsula Baptist Church
- Hanlin, Mauud A
- Crafton, Elmer Thomas
- Kramel, William Louis Jr
- Ausmus, Clarence Edward
- Kramel, William Louis
- Dewitt, Raymond
- Family: Stone, Charles Henry / Cornine, Amy Christine
- Family: Dewitt, Leslie J / Hanlin, Mauud A
- Family: Crafton, Elmer Thomas / Simmons, Margaret Catherine
- Family: Hanlin, Walter James / Jeffress, Elsie Pearl
- Hanlin, Walter James
- Cornine, Amy Christine
- Dewitt, John W
- Root, George William Sr
- Racy, Nancy M
- Meyer, Margaret Susanna "Maggie"
- Stone, Charles Henry
- Hanlin, James S
- Simmons, Margaret Catherine
- Miller, Anna
- Crafton, Thelma Marie
['More Links'] |
825 |
| Peninsula Baptist Church Cemetery, Blackwater Township, Cooper, MO.pdf
- Hanlin, Mauud A
- Crafton, Elmer Thomas
- Kramel, William Louis Jr
- Ausmus, Clarence Edward
- Kramel, William Louis
- Dewitt, Raymond
- Family: Stone, Charles Henry / Cornine, Amy Christine
- Family: Dewitt, Leslie J / Hanlin, Mauud A
- Family: Crafton, Elmer Thomas / Simmons, Margaret Catherine
- Family: Hanlin, Walter James / Jeffress, Elsie Pearl
- Hanlin, Walter James
- Cornine, Amy Christine
- Dewitt, John W
- Root, George William Sr
- Racy, Nancy M
- Meyer, Margaret Susanna "Maggie"
- Stone, Charles Henry
- Hanlin, James S
- Simmons, Margaret Catherine
- Miller, Anna
- Crafton, Thelma Marie
['More Links'] |
826 |
| PERROTT, Cornelius (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.)
- Baker, Elizabeth Jane
- Baker, James
- Baker, James
- Baker, John Wall
- Baker, Phoebe Ann
- Bettin, Grace Margaret
- Bishop, Dortha Lee
- Borah, John Nelson
- Brosseau, Flavia Ann
- Cameron, Minnie
- Carnell, Charles
- Carnell, Erin Ronald
- Carnell, Garrett Russell
- Carnell, Ryan Charles
- Casselman, Hester Ann
- Counsell, Jennie M
- Cousins, Florence Ada
- Dalton, Garry
- Dalton, Holly
- Dalton, Tomas
- Duccini, Alan R
- Duccini, Alexander J
- Duccini, Alexander J
- Duccini, Grace E
- Dunkelberg, Albert Gibbs
- Dunkelberg, Bert Clay
- Dunkelberg, Elmer Cornelius
- Dunkelberg, Helen Alice
- Dunkelberg, Kendall
- Dunkelberg, Marian
- Dunkelberg, Peter
- Estes, Florence Alta
- Estes, Howard C
- Estes, Rozella M
- Estes, Vera Mae
- Estes, William R
- Ferrin, George Wilmer
- Fritsch, Arnold W
- Gessingner, Susan Ann
- Gibbs, Mildred
- Gould, Chauncey
- Gould, Doris Alice
- Gould, Emma Jane
- Gould, George Bartholomew
- Gould, Nellie
- Hahne, Lucille
- Hahne, Lucille Lillian
- Hahne, William Frederick
- Hahne, William Frederick
- Hahne, William Frederick
- Hughes, Stella May
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827 |
| Pfarrerbuch Book 4 Thüringer
828 |
| Pfarrerbuch Book 5 Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt
829 |
| Pfarrerbuch Book 6 Sachsen-Altenburg
- Mörlin, Klara Eugenie
- Roth, Gottfried Carl
- Mörlin, Christian Ernst Carl
- Thomæ, Johann Friedrich
- Braunhardt, Auguste Dorothee Luise
- Mörlin, Mathilde Therese
- Schülein, Johann Caspar
- Findeisen, Johann Carl Gottlob
- Roth, Johann Carl Friedrich
- Voigt, Reinhold
- Mörlin, Christina Amalie Henriette
- Klötzner, Johanna Friederike
- Family: Roth, Johann Carl Friedrich / Braunhardt, Auguste Dorothee Luise
- Family: Hempel, Johann Friedrich / Mörlin, Eleonore Friederike
- Family: Voigt, Johann Friedrich / Mörlin, Christiane Wilhelmine Karoline
- Family: Steiner, Andreas / Schülein, Helena Judith
- Family: Roth, Gottfried Carl / THOMÆ, Eleonore Christine Sophia
- Family: Mörlin, Christoph Heinrich Fürchtegott / Köhler, Helene Christiane
- Family: Thomæ, Johann Friedrich / Mörlin, Friederike Sophie
- Family: Weber, Johann / Köhler, Gertrud
- Family: Nusch, Carl Christian Friedrich / THOMÆ, Johanne Caroline Elisabeth
- Family: Findeisen, Johann Carl Gottlob / Mörlin, Christina Amalie Henriette
- Family: Hempel, Johann Christian Friedrich / Reichardt, Clara Eleonore
- Mörlin, Laura Ottilie
- Steiner, Andreas
['More Links'] |
830 |
| Pfarrerbuch Book 7 Sachsen-Meiningen
- Vogler, Valentin
- Lucas, Marie Rosalie Auguste Margarethe "Grete"
- Sell, Georg Balthasar
- Abe, Louise Emma
- Dauer, Johann Friedrich Philipp
- Rosenfeld, Anna Margaretha
- Göpfert, Agnese Frieda
- Kühner, Arminia Adelheid
- Linck, Samuel
- Schwesinger, Rosina Barbara
- Schenk, Johanna Henrietta Margaretha Christiana
- THOMAE, Magdalena Sophia
- Kühner, MATHILDE Klara
- Reinmann, Martin
- Hopf, Dorothea
- Buchenröder, Maria Margaretha
- Bartenstein, Clepha
['More Links'] |
831 |
| Pfarrerbuch Book 8 Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
- Rosenthaler, Ursula
- Buchenröder, Maria Dorothea Johanna
- Schmid, Caroline Wilhelmine Juliana
- Buchenröder, MICHAEL Sr
- Harreisel, Matthias
- Rau, Peter Elias
- Dietrich, Elisabetha
- Montanus, Susanna
- Langer, Wolfgang
- Caroli, Margaretha
- Glaser, N.N.
- Eyring, Johann Andreas
- Schmid, Ludwig BERNHARD Ehregott
- Mörlin, Anna Concordia
- Keil, Hans Otto
- Brechtold, Christoph
- Caroli, Conrad
- Dietrich, Anna Maria
- Schrickel, Johann
- Brechtold, Margaretha Barbara
- Buchenröder, Johann
['More Links'] |
832 |
| Pfarrerbuch Book 9 Sachsen-Coburg
- Arnold, Anton Ludwig
- Carpzovin, Elisabetha Sophia
- Kilian, Kunigunde
- Klipper, Usra
- Spöhn, Anna Sophie
- Langer, Wolfgang
- Buchenröder, Johann Ernst Friedrich
- Schwartz, Johanna Helene Dorothea
- Eyring, Anna Maria
- Eyring, Johann Andreas
- Friedlein, Eleonore Regine Johanna
- Schultheiß, Johann Adam
- Langer, Daniel
- Nothnagel, Christoph
- Buchenröder, Maria Barbara
['More Links'] |
833 |
| Pfarrerbuch Book 9 Sachsen-Coburg 2019
834 |
| Pfarrerbuch Book Bayern
835 |
836 |
| PFINZING Family.pdf
837 |
| PFINZING Family.pdf
838 |
| Phillips Burial Plot, Blackwater Township, Cooper, MO.pdf
839 |
| Pilot Grove Baptist Church
840 |
| Pilot Grove City Cemetery, Pilot Grove, MO.pdf
- Bader, Orval F
- Phillips, Addie
- Newell, Iva Nora
- Hull, Aubrey Grant
- Spangler, Kathryn Caroline
- Simmons, Alfred Neale
- Espelin, Irene
- Jeffress, Henry
- Westfall, Laura
- Barnes, Stella
- Eckerle, Lena Mae
- Tally, Elma Gaynell
- Brownfield, Curry David
- Phillips, Martin G
- Oliver, Matilda Ethel
- Jeffress, Ruth
- Gentry, Katherine
- Bader, Edward
- Jones, Maria T
- Brueckner, John George
['More Links'] |
841 |
| Pilot Grove Methodist Episcopal Church South
842 |
| Pisgah Baptist Church
843 |
| Pisgah Baptist Church Cemetery, Pisgah, MO.pdf
844 |
| Pisgah Christian Church
- Martin, Warren C
- Harris, John Stone
- Class, Edith
- Class, Jacob
- Stinson, Frances E
- Class, John Albert
- Harris, Cornelia
- Rathgeber, Sarah Jane Maria
- Odil, Susan E
- Class, George
- Schler, Lena
845 |
| Pisgah Christian Church Cemetery, Pisgah, MO.pdf
- Martin, Warren C
- Harris, John Stone
- Class, Edith
- Class, Jacob
- Stinson, Frances E
- Class, John Albert
- Harris, Cornelia
- Rathgeber, Sarah Jane Maria
- Odil, Susan E
- Class, George
- Schler, Lena
846 |
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848 |
849 |
| Pleasant Green Methodist Church
- Hudson, Frances
- Schrader, Marion Anthony
- Clay, J. M
- Family: Schlotzhauer, Virgil Atlantis / Hickam, Eunice Ethel
- Hickam, Eunice Ethel
- Schlotzhauer, Virgil Atlantis
- Schroeder, Infant
- Schroeder, Infant
- Clay, Alexander Hudson
850 |
| Pleasant Green Methodist Church Cemetery New, Pleasant Green, MO.pdf